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lic llouseliold Pnnacea and Family UBlnieBt the best remedy in the world for the follo-wing mplamtt, viz. : Cramps in the Limb' and Stomach, din in the Stomaoh, Bowels, or Side, Rheumatism m 1 its forms Bilious Colic, Neuralgia, Cholera, Dysenry Colds FreshWonnds. Burns, SoreThroat, Spinal omplaints, Sprains and Bruises, Chilla and Fever. or Internal and External use. . lts operation is not only to relieve the patiënt, Dut ïtireiv removes the cause of the complaint. It pene■ates 'and pervades the whole system, restoring ealthy action to all its palts, and quickening the Tlie Housebold Panacea is purely Vege'prt'pared by 6" " CURTÍS & BBOWN. So. 215 Fulton Street, New York. For sale by all iiruggiats. H36yl Centaur Linimeiit. There is no pain which the Centaur Liniment rill not relieve, no swelling it will not subdue, nd no lameness which it will not cure. This 3 strong language, tut it is true. Where the arts are not gone, its effects are rnarvelous. It ias produced more cures of rheumatism, neualgia, loek-jaw, palsy, sprains, swellings, cakedreasts, scalds, burns, salt-rheum, ear-ache, &c, ipon the human frame, and of strains, spavins, ;alls, tfcc, upon animáis in one year than have .11 other pretended remedies smee the wDrld be;an. Cripples throw away their crutches, the ame walk, poisouous bites are rendered harmess and the wounded are healed without a scar. :t is no humbug. The recipe is published around ach bottle. It is selling a5 no article ever be'ore sold, and it sells because it does just what t pretends to do. Those who now suffer from heumatism, pain or swelling deserve to suffer f they will not use Centaur Liniment. More ;li;m 1,000 certificates of remarkable cures, in?,luding frozen limbs, chronic-rlieumatism, gout, rimning tumors, Sto., have been received. We trül send a circular containing certificates, the :ecipe, &c, gratis, to any one requesting it. Dne bottle of the yellow paper Centaur Liniment s worth one hundrad dollars for spavin or sweenied horses and mules, or for screw-worm in sheep. Stock-owners - this liniment is worth your attention. No family should be without Centaur Liniment. Price 60 ets., large bottles il. J. B. EO9E & Co., Ö3 Broadway, New York. Castoeia is more than a substituto for Castor Oil. It is the only safe article in existence which is certain to assimilate the food, regúlate the bowels, cure wind-colic and produce natural sleep. It contains neither miuerals, morphine nor alcohol, and is pleasant tn take. Children need not cry and mothers may rest. - 1431m6 Cltildrcn Ofien Look Pale and SicK Froin no other cause than hiiving worms in the stomBROWN'S VERMIFUGE COMFITS Will destroy Womf without lnjury to the ehild.being perfeci lv WHITE, and tree trom all coloring or otlier injurious inredients usually used ín worm preparatlOUH CURTÍS & BROWN, Proprietors, No. 21ï Fultou Street, New York. Sohl by Druggïsts and Chimüli, and deaUi iv Medicines at Twen'tï-Five Cents a Box. 14S6J-1 Beyond ttxe Mississippi.-Thousandshave already goue,aud thousunds more are turniug their eyes towardB new homes in the fertile WeBt. To those going to Missouri, lCimsas, Sebraaka, Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Nevada, Orepjn or California, we recommeud a cheap, safe, quick and direct route, via St. Louis, over the Missouri Pacific Eailroad, which runs its fine I)ay Conches and Pullman Sleepers from St. Louíh to principal points in the West without change. We believe that the Missouri Pacific Railload haB the best track and the flnest and safest equipment of any line west of the Mississippi, and its conncctions with roads further West are prompt and reliable. Tlie Texus counection of this road is now completed, and passenfrers are offered a first-class. allrail route fiom St. Louis to Texas, either over the Missouri, Kansas Texus K. K., ma Seaaaa, or ovcr the Atlantic & Pacific 11. R., n'n Vinüa. For mnps, lime tables, mformation auto rutes, routes, &c, we refer our readers to I. G. Wheeler, Northern Passengex Agsnt, 72 Lloyd street, Buifalo, N. Y., or E. A. Pord, General l'usseiiKer Agant, 8t. Louis, Mo. Questiont aOl hr chetrfullv andprompUy antvendl Einieralïon Turningr ! Clicap Farms in Soutli-ivexl lifcsouri I- The Atlantic & Paciflo K:dlioad OompaDy otferd 1.200,000 acres of land ín Central and Southwett Missouri, at from J3 x-n years' time, with free transon írom 8t. Louis to di purchasers. Climate, ■oil, timbar, mineral wealtli. schools, churchesand raw-abidimr sooiety invite emigranta Crom all points land of fruit and ttower. For partícula, address A. Tuck, Land Commiarioneif) Bt. Louis, Missouri. '1! 'I hirty Vear' F.xperience ( an Oíd N urfcc. n. Winslow's Soittliliisr, Syrnp is the prebciiption oi one of the bet Fetnale Phy&iciaiu and Nuraes in the United States, and lias been used tor thiriy yeara ffith never lailing sufetyand sucee&e by millions ui motliuib und ohildrun, from the feeble infant of one week old to the ndiüt. It eorrects ncidity of the stomaeh, relieve wind colic, regúlate the , and ivs r Bt, health and comfort to mother andchüd. We belii-ve it to be the Bet and Surent Remedy in the World in nll cases of DYSKXTERY and DiARKIICEA IN CHIL.DREN, whetherit rises irom Tèetning or from any other oauM. Kuil directions for Ubing will accorupany each bottle. None Oenuine unlem tlie fac-siuiile of ('L'KTIS & PERKINSÍ8011 tlir Qutside wrapper. Sold by all Medicine Dealers. 1436yl EJNOCH MORÍÍAN'S SONS' S A.POLIO Ib a substituto for Soap for all Household purposes, except wushing clothes. s a. p o i, i o for cleaning your House will save the labor of one cleaner. Give it a trial, saöT7To" for Windows is better thanWhitingor Water. No removing curtains and cárpete. S A. P O L TO cleans Paint and Wood, in fact the entire house, better than Soap. No slopping. Saves labor. You can't aöord to be without it. saTp o l tö" for Srouring Knives is better and cleaner than Bath Brick. Will not scratch. is better than Soap and Sand for pulishing Tinware. Brightens without scratching. sapölTcT Polishes Brass and Copper utensils better than Acid or Üil and Kotten Stone. SAPOLIO for Washing Dishes and Glassware is invaluable. i'heaper than Soap. SAPOLIÖT removes Stains fron Marble Mantels, Tables and Statuary, trom Hard-flnished Walls, and from China and Porcelain BAPOLIO ■ removes 8taius and Orease from Carpeta and other woven fabiics. There is nu one artlcle known tbat w il do so muiiy kinds of work and io it as wcll as Sapolio. Xry it. IAND S A. DP O I_. I O a new and wonderfully effective Toilet Soap, having no equal iu this country or abroad. JAND S A. F O L I O as an article for the Bath, "reaches the foundation " of all dirt, opens the pores and givee a healthy action and brilliant tint to the skin. Ïand s -a. Ia o lio ('leanses and Beautiflei the Skin, instttntly removing any etain 01 blemish from both hands and face. 3AND S A :F O Xj I O is without a rival in the world for curing or preventinf? roughness and chapping of either hande or face. HAND & A. FOLIO removes Tar, Pitch, Iron or Ink Staint and Greasa; for workers in Mnobim Shops, Mine, &c, is lnvaluable. Foi miikin? the Skin White and Boft. ind giving to it a " bloom of beauty," it h unsurpassed by auy Cosraetic known HAi1) S-ATTp OLIC coKts from 10 to 15 cents per cake, and every body should have it. ïou wil) like it. DUN'T FAHi TO Tllï THESE GOUDS Buy It of your ïiirr iimit if he has it or ïvill procure It for you. If nol, tlien write for our Pamphlct, " All iibout Sapolio," uud it will be inailed free. E1NCJCH MOKGAIN'S 8O8, 28 Park Tlaoe, N". Y. Or 106 Water Street, Cleveland, Ohio. A Chance for ttargains ! For sale at a itreat bargain, 160 ACRES OF CHOICB LAND, lying 2 a miles irom the city of [onia. 100 acres under improvement, with good orchard, barn and shed, and a corntorttible houae. Termo ot' páyment- t'rom $2,000 to $2,5tH) down; balacee un long time. Also 9'! ACRES, about IV, miles from Aufriista, Kalumuoo County, all imjiroved, witti goüd building. Terms- extiemely low. Also 40 ACEF.S about eight miles from Hasting. Also 80 ACRF.S on section S iu the town of Hazelton, Shiawasse Couuty, about 12 miles Hora Corunua. Well timbered. For terms address the underbigned. r. h. i'om. Ann Arbor, April i, 1873. jL B. GIDLEY, Snccessor to COLGKO K 4 SON. s Sil DUUGG1ST AND CBII1ST IN COOK'S NEW HOTEL, No. 12 E. HURON STREET DEALER IN DRIOS, MEDICINES, SI I!C1 I!, nSTItlilEIVTS, Pl'KE WIiE8 ti LIQIORS, CFOR MEDICAL PURPOSES ONLT.) Fancy Cíoods, Pertumery? PAI1VTS, OIIS, VAIIVISÜIX (JLASS AND PtTTÏ, PUYSÏCIAXS' PRESCRIPTïONS Carefally componnded at all honrs. . PROPONE NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD BY ANY FIRM IN THE CITY WHOFURNISH AS GOOD AN ARTICLE E. R. GIJ) LE Y. lSfiTtf extm jrm SECOND .ANNUAL DISTRIBTJ TIOIST. TBE " CITE " ELEfiANTLf FRA1IED AND A SIIAUE l l!l :■; OISTRIUlI'IOS OF S730 PKE.nil.HS ABOBSTISII TO ,11,000. GIVEN AWAY! To everj' subacribcr of (lint Popular Weckly QUR FIRESIDE FRIEND Ohromo Hi'e (li'livfivd :it 0nC8. The ilistrilmtion will POBIÏÏVELY take place on the TWEN L'IKTH DA Y OF AUOUtíT, ËIÖHTEEÏJ HUNDRfcDANI) SEVENTY-THHEE. OVK UÜKO-UU "CUTE" 16x20 inches in ize, aekuowledged to bc the íimst and4iandaome&t picture evereivt'ii with airj paper. OUB i'i i:il Dl "i pane ühisïiijN il liimilv aiui síoi wtckfy in i t thild volume, baunowovei 8KVENTY-F1VBI THOÜ8AND BI BHGHIBKKe, and rapidly iucroaaing, wtiich insures the succes of i de prebent distribubiou. l?he Publiahers oí' Our Fireside Friend bave sent to lts sabsoriben thisyearover BEVENÏY ri'H USAND oopiea of tbc chromo " Cute" und are shippiut liuudredM every day. SUUS' IMl'l lo PE1CB, THREB DOLLARS PEH Y i: A B, whleb givea the ubacriber FIFXY-TWO numbere of the 'best Family Weekly, the chromo " CTJTE" ünuly framed, and a numbered CERTIFÍCATE entitling 'hfi holder to one share in thedistributionof promiumn tor 1S73. BUB8CKIBE now with the Kent or send direct to the Publisher. SPECIMEN C' 'PIES, partioulars, etc, sent free. i fi 1T1VPÖ I" every town, at home or travis vJTjIi X i fling. Larfte cash pay and libW 4 VriMi crftl premiums tor setting up Tl All 1 Cil clubs. The best outfit. Send at once for ferms and particular. Address WATERS & CO., Ptibs, Chicago. tAËSIRABLE EÉAL ESTÁTE FOB SALE! The subscribcv, on account of il hcalth offers hia 33 ACRES In the oorporation for snlc. This ground adjoinstbe üniversitj Obaerratory on tho east, oiposite sidu of the street. It has a most excellent SiPRINa ! On tho nort beaat corner- formerly supplied the Etlroad tanks witb water. ITS ADYANTAGES Are as foüowa : Forcity purpoaes the Hurón Biver meanders the ame some 30 to 40 rods, and is part oí the best "Water Power )n the River in this vielnity, and the elevation on the íortheast córner is suíficiently high and ampie to Hup )ly the city necessities for water and üre purposes1 THE WESTERN PORTION 3n tlie road is rery appropríate and suitable for n Public City Cemetery . The city has no such groundü iow but must have soon, and whatever grounds the :ity doet not care to use, can be sold at an advantage o much so,that the cost oï the Water v orka grounds iad emetery, would be merely nominal. If the citj ioes not want the same, ihe grounds would be iuvalaable for FRU1TS, LARGE&SMALL, There being some 100 trees now in beaving Vegetables and Pasturage, And alao for MILK supply,BLOODFD STOCK3 Horses, Sheep, And othor animáis always in great. want by man y in the city and its vicinity. As city lots adjoiningthe nortlrwest corner ot' this land aro now selling trom three hundred to three hundred and ñfty dollars, ihese landa would or could be aold in n sliort time to u good advnntage and to much protit to the pui'Chasers LIBEBAL TIIIVEIB Will be given or the same will be cxc-hangert for Mer chantable goods or Drug and Medicines, at oaet prices. TRACY W. ROOT. AnnArbor,Jau 31 1873. 111 The NEW BÜCKËYÊS" A1STD THE SUPERIOR GRAIN DRILLS As the season is near at hand for Drilling, I will cali the attention of Farmers to these Drills. They are aoth rigged wich attcchments for jhanging hoes from straight line to jig zag almost instantaneously to obviate the difficulty of clogging in Soddy or Stony gronnd and with the improved force feed. JACKSON WAGONS, Salt, and Water Lime always on hand. M. R0GE11S. P. S. I want each and every man that owea me slnce last Spriu and lust Suiumer to square up at ouce. 1440m2. BOOKS. BOOKS J. R. WEBSTER & CO. NEW BOOK STORE NEAR THE " EXPRESS OFFICE." LOOK TO ÏOUB INTEREST AND CALL. j BOOKS. L.C.RISDON'S AÖVERTI3EMENT. Now is the time to buy PARLOR & UBAT1KG STOVES. I will Bell them at COST until further notice. ITo. 31 S. Main St, Ann Arbor. If you are Suffering from any CHRONIC DISEASE, Broken Down Constitution, Or require a Bemedy to Pnrify and Enrich the Bïood, you wlll flnd Dr.Crook's Componnd Sy rap of Poke Boot to postes greater m-Ht, cure you more speedily, aud do you more good than anv and all other remedies commned. riiat Pale,Yellow, S rkly-ioofctnsr Skin la changed to oue of frenhness nnd nealtn Those Iispnes of the SkSn.Pimples.Pustules, Blotches and Ernpilons are removed. Svrofula. Ncrofuion Uiseascs of the Eyes, White Swelliue, Clcers, Uld Sores or any kind of Humor rapidly dwind e and disappear under lts lnfluence. Wbatisit? It Is nuture's own restorer I A soluble oxyd of iron comblned with the medicinal propertles of Poke Root dlvested ot all dlsagreeable qualltles, It wlll cure any lieae whose real or direct cause is Bnrt Blond. Rbeuinatism, l'ain in Limbs 01 Bones, Constitutlons broken down bv Mercurial or other poisons. are all cured by It. For Sypllll,or Sypbilltic laint, there is nottalng egual to iu A trial wlll prove it. Sold by TOHN FEED. BKOSS, MAKUFACTÏ'REB OF CAKRIACiES, Bl'CUES, MílBEft WA00I8, KPRI(i AfiOUS, CUTTEBS, SI.EHÜiS. &c. All wórk warranted of the best material. Repairing done promptly and reasonably. AU work warfUtod to give perfect latlifaotion. U8 South Main strect. 12' I NEW mm urn. The Largest, Most Elegant, and much the cheapest Stook of first-elass super) DRESS GOH Black and Colors Ever Exhibited in this market is at MACK&SCHMID'S! 29! 29! 29! I O. O. i Whcn flrst L. OOLEY hung his sign Oí C. O. IX- At No. -j9, And oüered Grocenes cheap for cash, ( Some people said, " he's bound to go to emaen. And old-time Grocers would faintly smilt', l'rophesying ' C. O. ü. will lust but little while. In sixty days "we'll run him oíf the track. And cali wandeling cuatomers back." The croakers said and thought it trae, ■'He'll surely Iil belore the year is New! You can't sell (iroceries in this town And get youv pay m ííreenbacka down ; Whcre dry goods merchants on every street v ïth silk and satins, hang out chickena to eat ; Where trilde is mixed in every place, At the eame counter you buy butter orlace ; Where credit and loss go hand in hand. Mr. C. O. X. but a slim chance will stand." Let prophets and croakera have their say. ,1 .COLBYsellsGROCERIKSonlyforliEADYPAY Andsells eo cheap for daily cash He fears ■ o danger of a smaeh. And to his patrons all, and business friends, The greeting of the season he extends, To young and oíd, a glad New Yoar, With hosts of frieuds and lot& of cheer ! ive him a cali, and from his store 'our tables spread with good things more. ,t that place you will al way a find 'resh ntw Uroceriea ot best quality and kind- ■verythiuff needful for good cheer at home 'ou can buy at hia counter whenever you come. 'he days are ao short this bitter cold winter, 'o ment ion details would weary the printer. tut ask if you chooee for anything1 e.itable, fou get it at once, in qutilïty uubeatable ! i'orhungry men who ure weary and cold, Ie has üy aterís hot, Oysters that must besold - )ysters pickled, Oyster stew, and oyster fry, )r Uysters any other way you ehoose to try. Ie will serve up Oysters at any hour of day, Ind the best ot cigars to smoke on your way. i. dish oí' hot Uysters will do you much good. .nd cheer you while aelling your grain or woocl. Vnd with cash in hand lay in a store )ï Coö'ee, Tea, iáugar, Flour and many more, )f all things Rubstantial for daily use, i)T trcat life's good things with abuse ; ïroekery and Glassware and Fruits to put in them, "íuts, liuisins, and Candy, for children who win them Vnd ye who are blessed with their beautiíul faces, Vill Ünd [391 the best of all places, Fo buy a triáe, to bring a smüe or ringing laugh, iTour pleasure. than theirs, will be greater by half rhen do not forget Lo cali on Mr C. O. D., nd buy of him your Fruit, Öugar, and Tea Phough the big ]) a may fall from its place, rhe C. O. D. if store is atill on the race, -nd does not intend to fly from the courae Pili croftkers of ëvil talk themselveshoarse. 3rooerie8 can be sold tor ready pny. And Ui. CoILToy has learned the way : Sold flve times more than he expected- By C. O. D. from loss protected. And the secret he is not afraid to teil - Keep the best of all things- with prices low- be good mitured. give ffood raeasure, And you are bound to sell ! 29! 29! 29! Mf The world is full of HÊf f Children crying for A CaiTef Castor Oil. HB H. ït Is delicious.effective and " 1 1 r'v1 ,j2l B harniless. Tue renulslve t v?ííf I ML taste and smell of the CasUUUUlflSHHp tor Oil Is entlrely overeóme VfY 1HB ff lts cathartli; powers are lpPr nut impalred. rrlce 25 ets. ' _MBP Md A IN 'S cm., VERMÍFÚ&É BONBONS are olopnnt and rffectivo. They reaemble Cream Bonbons kept in oonfectloners1 sliopH. Childreo love thüiuiimt oij lor Uicui. rice '5 cents per box. A riTTT? HOFMANN'S AVjUlJ.HopPiUs These Pilis do not contain Quinlne or Minerals. They are suar-coated. 2ricEfS0 ets. per Hox. JJr. 3IvMa7in, Gardner, III., says : " I have taken thein myself and glveu them to my wlfe and cliildren. Tlicy have curecl them and niany others wlioliaveuseilthem." They aro made to cure Fevcr and Agne at onoe. Dnml) Ague and Ague Fevers aro eured speedlïy. Tley are simple, liarinless, and always rellable. Dlrections in four laniruages accompacy theiu. K. W. JiLUS & CO., are the Agenta. 1420yl TpOll SALE ON LONG CREDIT ! Ann Arhor City Lots, with good title, and well loCiitod lor residenees or business. Also several Mortgajres for sale. [nquireof E. W. MORGAN. 14.12m3 Ajsrisr aeboe TRADING ASSOCIATIOI Are now receiving tlieiv SPRING STOCK OF NEW DRESS COODS We 1 ave the largest stock of PIRST-CLASS CARPET'NG I1ST THE CIT5Z". ENGLISH BODY BRUSSEL AT $2.00 PEE, YARD ! Tapestry Brussel, Super Extra Lowell anti Hartford, also Medium Super, WHICH WE WILL SELL VEET CHEÁP FOR CASH! Novel anï elegant addiüons to our Dress Goods Stock ARE NOW BEINO OPENED. The backwardness of the season has eaused a very large decline during the last fifteen days in the price "f Dress Fabrica, which will enable us to give to our custoniers a proflt of 20 to 26 per cent. Every Lady should inspect tbem ! A handsomer Hne of Dress Goofls was never brcught to Ann Arbor thau are dow opening, at ext.emely low pnces for cash, which wül place these choice goods within the reach o: all who inay favor us with a cali. D3" "We are verr thankful for the past favors and hope to continue the same, as we shall make it to the ailvantage of those who favor us with a cali. G. W. HAYS, Supt. pUKE WHITE LEAD. LEAD. f ARBA.VTED fJ STBICTLV [PURE WHITE' 1 VIEILLE MON TAGNE FKENCH WHITE ZINC Parlor Snow White ZincCRYSTAL PALACE WHITE LEAD. Permanent Green For Blinds, &c. WHITE LEAD ! In Colors for Outside and Inside Painting, Varnishes, Oils, Colors, Brushes IB0T-rUD lílíÍBAL PA1RT ! Manufacturad from pure Iron Ore. far supeiior to tliose made of Clay, Rotten Stone, Diit, &c. Our Pure Brand of WHITE LEAD we offer to the public with the positive aasurance of al solute purity. Aa mueh of the White Lead told as pure is Hdulterated from 20 to 90 per cent., Consumere will consult their interest by giving us a ca 1. R. V. III.KIS & CO., Drng:its, Aw Arboh, Mich. Corner oppoeite Savings Bonk. H19m6 TDUT YOTJE MONEY WHEEEITWILL DO THE 3VLO.ST A. A. TEREY HAS A FULL STOCK OF HATS AND CAPS! IN THE LATEST STYLES. QIJALITY AND PRICE8 TO DE F Y COMPETITIOW, ALSO, A FÜLL LINE OF GENTS' FURNISHING GCODS $er -Cali beore purehaiivg. 15 South Main Street. _jg; TLOUE AND FEED STORE HENRY "TASCH, (Successorto Geo. Laubengnyor,) At 14 TTcst Liberty Street, willkeepoonstnn ly on hand a full stock of Fiour, Moa 1, Oats, Ccrn, MillFeed,&c. AU orders promptly fllled at the loweat cash pricea. Cash üftid for Cora and Oats. j415yl


Old News
Michigan Argus