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-- - - Ju.xsxr.oB. . CORES WSEASESOFTHE-- - - T.HBOAIUÍNGS.UYER& BLQQtt In the woniliTlul medicino to which tho afnicted are ftbove pnintod for relief, the dia-, coverer believes bo lias combined in harnwny inoro of Nalure's most sovereign curativo properties, which God bas instilled into the vegetable kingdom for boaling tbo sick, thaa were pver belbre combined in one medicino. Tho hvidenco of tliis fiict is found in the great variety of most obstinate diweasea which it has been found tu conquer. In the cure of Uron. lillls, ivcr CouhK, and the early staees of ConBiiinpHon, it has astoni-hod the medicnl faculty, and eminent physiciuns pronounce, it thc proateat medical diiusovr'ry of the ago. While it cnivs the sererest Cougbs, it strengthens tho system and puilüis Ihe klood. By it grcat and thorough blood purifying properties, ít cures all Human, trom the worst "crolula to a commoc Blotch. Plmpl' or Kruptlon. Mercurial disease, Mineral Poinons, and their effocts are eradicated. aud viporous health and a sound conutitution established. ErylM las, Sult Ulumm. Vmt r .s..i., x-nly or li.nuli kln. Ís otort. al i thc nunnrons discases cmwd by bai tiooc. oro conqnered by this poweiful, punfy:i.c Gnu lnvigurutlng medicine. ir you feei dull, dmwiiy, dobilitated, hare low color of skín, or ycllowipli brown Fpots tm fi-.eor bo Iv, freqtier.i, Duadache or dizzineep. had tate in raonth, iuternal heat or c hill, altematcd iTlth hot nuties, low spirits, xnd gloomy fnrubodias, irregular appetite, and tongue coaied, you are sulTeriii; from Torpid Xlver or ('BUIoaiios." In many cafes of" 1,1 ver Compl lint" only part of these symptcma are ei:)Briencnl. Aa a re aedy for a!l cuch casta. Dr. Pierce's O 1 lo i Mi'diciil Disrovcry has no eual, as it oT-jtá perfoot cures, leaving tiie liver Btrenjthci 1 an I hoaltby Fir the cure of Uabitunl (Joii.4tl ii.ilion ol the bowel it h a never fU'm; remudv. atirl those whd have u'ed it fur thH piirnoa aro lnud lu itspraife. Tiie proprletor off.-M tl.fOO rcwani foi a medí cine that will equal it for the cure of aii the diaG:e9 for which it ís recommended. 8rld hv dru'.'ïists at $l per bottle. Prepared hy R. V. Ple.ce, M. D.,Sole Prop'ietor, at hisChemi . Laboratorv. 1S3 Séneca street Huíalo, N. Y i ja i yuur adilrusí loc a Vi(EClffliTTt)ï Vlncsnr Ril Iris are not a vile Fancy Drink made ofPoor Rum, Vhiakey, Prnof Spirits and Refuse Liquors, doctored, spiced, and sweetened te please the taste, called "Tonics," " Appelizers," " Ueslorers," &c, that lead the tippleron to drtnilcenness and ruin, but are a true Medicine, made from the native roots and lierbsofValiforniii, free from al' Alcoholic Stiimdault. They are the Ulood Pitrifier and a l.ifegiving Principie, a Perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the System, caiTyinv; olí all pnistMioiis matter and restoring the blood lo ;i healthy conditiou, eitricllilig it, refreshing and inviguraling bi.tíi Illitld and body. They are easy of adininistratinn, prompt in tlteir actinn, certain iti tlleir results, site and reliable in all fiinns of clísense N Porson en il tuko Ilirse BlUei according to direclioitA, and reiuain ifnig imvvell, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poisnti oroiher mean-t, and the vital organs wastcd bevond the point of repairUyspepshi or In.l l-est ion. Headaclie, Pain 111 the Shouldcrs. Conghs, Tightnaas of the Che.t, Diz ziuess, Sour ErncMlioni of the Stinnach, Had Taste in the Mouth, Diüuns Altncks, Pnlpitalion of tlie Heart, Inflanimationof tlie l.ungs, Pain in the resionsof the Kidneys, and a liilnelred othcr paiul'u! symptotm, are the oflspringa of Dynnencia. In these comphiints it bas no equal, and o:ie boitle will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lenqtliy advenisement. For Femiilc Coiiiplnliila, in yoting nr old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood, or the turn of life, these Tonic Bitters display so decided an iufluence that a marked iinprovement is soon perceptible. For Iiiflninninlory and Clirnnic IV.ietilimlisni and Gout, Dyspepsia or Indigestión, Biliou% Reniitlent and Intermitteiit Fevers, i)isenses of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters have been most succeasfill. Sucli Diseases are caused by V itialed Blood, wlixli is generally produced by deraugement of the Digeslive Organs. Tlioy ure 11 Gcnllo PuiRall vc ns well as a Titule, possessin also the peculhr nierit of acling as a powerful agent in relieving Congestión or Inflani. mation of the Liver and Visceral Orgaus, and in Bijious Diseases. Kor Skin DMrnses, Ernplions, Teller, SaltRlieuni, lilntches, Spots, Pimples, Puslule, Boils, Carbtuicles, Kmg-wonnx, Scald-Head, Sore ICyes, Ervsipelas. Iich, Scinfs, DincnloratioiiB of the Skin, Hu mors and Diseases of llie Skin, of whntever name or nature, are hterally dus; up and carried out of the syslem In a short time by the use of these Bitten. One bottle in such cases will convince the must iucredulous of llieir curative effecls. Cleaiise the Vltlateil Dlonfl wbenever you find its impurities biirsting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptlons, or Sores; cleause it when you flnd t obstructed and sluggiali in tlie veins ; cleanse It wlien it is foul ; your feelings will teil you when. Keep the blood pure, and the healih of the syslem ivill follow. Grarefill hnnxii ixIm proclaim Vinegar Bitters the most wondcrful I nvigoiant that ever bustained the Rlnklns system. Pin, Titj-.c, unrt ollicr XVoruis, lurking in the systein of so inir.y thousauds, are eircclually destroyed and removed. Says a dislmguislied phyaiologist: ThereuxcarcelyBii individual iipnn the faceofthe earlh wliose body Uexempt frnm llie presence of wnrti. It is nol upon the he.iiihy elemeuts of the woriM exist, lit iimn the diseamil bninon and slimy rleposils breed these livinj; monsters of disease. No syslem of Medicini-, nu v,m 'mifugei, no anllielminmes, will fret the Byawiu fioni worina like these Bitters. Meeititillnal niscnscs. Persons eiiüaged in Punís and Mineral, Slicll as Plumbers, Type-setters, (Icild be.Ttei!, and Minere, as they advance in 1:1e, will he snbiect lo pn.ilvsis,,f ihe liovelii. T uaril MEainst ihis talie a d.pse of VVai.kek 'a Vinkuak UlTTKSü unce or Iwice a wcelí as a l'rcveiilive. Uil Ion, 1{, and Inli nuil lent Pi:vrs, wliicli are so preva'ent '" l'ic valleys of our f-reat rivera lliroiihont Ilie Uniled Slaies, ejuwcially tllose of Ihe Mississipni, Ollin, Missouri, ll.iliois, Tennessee, Cunilieriaiid, Ark.aue.-M. Red, Colorado, ttnaot. Ulo Grande, Pearl, A'abami, Hobi'e. Sivannali, Konnoke, J.iine-i, and maiiy niliers, wilh llieir vast Iribula''!■ ilnoiiluiiit niirtnlire coiinlry during ihe .Siiminer nnd Aiiliinm, nn.l remarkalily 50 dnrin{ manna of uiuistnl and dryncsfl, are invariably acconipanied ljy exlensive derailKeriienta ol' ihe Mninack mul liver, and ollier alxlotumal viscera, 'i'liere are always moreof less ■)b!niclinns of 1I10 liver, a weaknem and irritable stale nf llie siotiiicIi, an.l lorpor of ihe liovvels, benig clngseil lip ivilll viiialeci ttCHlliulatiim. In llieir lieatnient, a nurgative, exeriinj; a poweifil inlliience upan these v.niiiiiis tirgniiA, is esseniinlty neressary. Tliere is 110 callianic fnr lito piirpniw equal 10 Dk. ) Wai.kru's ViNIICJAK ItlTTKRS " lliey II spceilily remove the fluí; oii. Ved viscid maller wilh which Ihe Ijowels are Inaded, at the siitite tittie Blittlulaling Ihe secrelionsof t!ie liver, and generally rentoring llie healthy fimctions of the ili-esiiveorans. Serofnln, or Klnir'a Rrll, Whiie Sweliiiijpi, U'Cen, lirysiiela% Swelle.l Necli, Goiter, Scroful.'.us Inll.iinmalioos, Indolent Iiiil.iiumaiiMis, Alctcurial Affection, ():,1 S,,res, lirni.lMins o' llie Skin, Sore Eves, etc., ele In these, as in all tither cullfllillltional Diseises, Wai.kku's Vini;k Hiithics have shrnvn their -reat curalive puwen 111 tha most obstinaM and lulrac:aole cases. l)i. WiilkerNCnlirnnitn VlnognrlIlKera act on all lltesü cases in a similar marnier, lïy luirifying the Ulüod th:y remove lile canse, anl byrasfilving away the e reets of the niiamnialion (tlie tubercular deposit) the aTectei! paris receive health, and a permanent cure is elTiided. The iirnperdcs of Dr. Wai.krr's Vinrcar Bitthrs ara Aperieni. Di.iphorenc and Carmiiialive, Ntitmiou, I.ixalive, Diurelic, Sedalive, Coimler-lrritanl. Sndnriüc, Alleralive, and Anti-liihous. Tlie Aiiui'leut and mild I.axative prnperlies of Dit. Wai.kbu's Vinegak IllTTURS are tlie best safegu:ird ut all cases of eruplions .nul malinanl fevers, their balsamie, healin?, and snolliinR properlies prnlect the liunmra of Ihe funces. 'ilieir Sedaiive propcrlies allay pain n llie neivous System, sloniacli, and bnwels, either frnin nll.iinni itinn," wind, c ie, crainns, etc. liieir Coiuiler Irritant innnence extendí ihioiiliout the systeni. Their Diuretic prciperlies act on the Kiilneys, correclins aml resulatina the llnvv of urine, 'llieir Anu-Iïiiiniis pnitiarties stiniul.ue llie liver, m the secretion of bile, and its tlisc!iar-es ihicinh ihe biliary duels and are superior lo all nsents, for the cure of Udious Fever, Fuvt and Aue, etc. Furllfy lic liruly ii;iiinsl dlNense bv purifyinrï all its flurds wilh VlNltCAK IÏ1TI1IKS. No epi. rlemic can take lio!d of a System Ihus forenrmed. The liver, llie slcnUic!i, l!i:!s, llie kidneys, and llie nerves ire rendered disease-proof by this great iuvijiomnt. Dlreellon.- Taka of ilic Diners on sroing to bed at night froin a hilf tn ouo and one-half wine fílasfull gond nniirislling food, siich as beet steak, mutton chop, venison, roast beef, and vegetables, and take out-door exercise. They are coniposed of purely vegetable ingrediënt, and conuin no spirit. J WALKER, Prop'r. H.H. JIcUOS VI.D4CO,, DrugKisti ana Gen. Agls., San rrancisco, Cal. and cor. of Washington and Charlton Sis , New York. SOLD BY ALL DRUGG1S1S AND DEALERS. X - x HURRY UP ! pAUTIES wlshine Wall Puper Cloth iinrl P.iper Sh:lles Hollands Wlnrti.w Piictnros, Coids. Tasn1 &c. nll New Ktvl". Kt S'itNfnctorj I'iiceB hy j, K, Areb.tor Co., B ok lore, orartho Exprc e Office. x - - x _WftSHTE NAW eWWMSJII mCONVEYANCER ffcájjfa ËËZ!ZZZ!T5i::j!iiiiiaa üüii iBsTRACf JiUOKá! Vs jisrtiiillv indicated abnve, are nnw posled t ante Ihey ut 01. ; iu h conrt.-iweil .ir postral forra, 1mw ne uriKnul clw u iind !1 ut ehainsof titlc. litütance -ach us AUDITOR GENEEAL'S DEED8, Kdowb ns Taz-Title, whinh are numeróos in thia Cuunty, Dscrees, Contract?, Deeds ! WILLS, ScC. AIn, now ns woll as all of the old undfscharoed ortgiiïOB as fnr l)ak as 18.'4- which are legión, i ersons taz=2 title or mortarifrea and Hens wül re■nember that Tax-Titlea miel other coUifrl muiters ire uot foaml in the uniul mole of snarch by Inriexee it the Kefriater's oltic.-. The books or liiers in the leirist' T'sottice liavebecomf30iium(.T0usiind volum inous tlmt Ion lime is necessarily lequiied e-en to n:ikc n hasty nd iinrcliablo suurch. With our fucililes we any tri the public tlmt we can show them titlc md Title History, muke Deeds, Afortff.iin, Asi(rnnents. üischnrres, A-o... as oorreotly, qnioker aud in rti( r stylc th.ui ay other otfloe iu theCounty. We mve 1&QNE7 TO LOAN I On Bonrt tmd MortgiigA en long timo. REAL, ESTÁTE Jol(torexc.hntifred. H0U8E TO RENT. 33 acre ■pposito ti Olworvatory for sule in lo s t auit tmr:httser ROOT & LEITFR, ltcal Estáte Aeuts, No. 1. Greffory Block. Tract W. Eoot, and oposite tli l'oi-toflloe. .'HABLES A. LüITEB. UUltf 2BÖBÖST 233T TraEOT r. Cox's lJivn irr. np) Syrnp bas been Knuwn and uscd hy ihe ïpidicai piíifislim OTer 100 yiirs, and as a remedy for ( okla ai:d Congis ha au older and lettcr nputation tlwn any other Oough medicina ever offend tn tic pnliüc. lt ie known as the Uomponnd tiyrnp of Pqnilli. and a formula mav De fonndin cvory nu dien! rifspctiMittiry. ,;, Ka ■' Hlve Sj nip and Toln, in addition tn thi? Insredi. nts for Cox's Hive yyrnp contalns Balsam of Toln. di-coction oi Skunkfabbsge Koot and Lobelia, a comhinmion that must commend ÍÍ.l2 CTI'rV)nc a a superior rrmvdy for Troup( W lionping foiiïii 4 Nihnia, Bronchitis, Touehs and Colds, indeid for all affections of tnu Throat and Linirs whcre a Cough Medicine is nccossary. Xhls Syrnu is Carcrully Prepared nnder tne pereonul direction of a regalar I'hysician orover twenty years' practice, hoge signature is attached to the direetioim onthehotlle. lts taste is very pleanant and children llko Evcry iainily shonld keep itas a ready remodr tor Croup, Colds, etc., among the children. D. Iíansom, Son & Co., Tropr's. Buffalo, N. Y. DR. J. R. MILLER'S ÜNITEB8AL L AGNETIC B ALM. 'Iliin medicine niay willi i roprletj bo called in I iiiicvsil !(," as it is fast sum'rscdini; uil othent a n general fnniily medicine. 'It cures, as il' !)■ MAGNËT1C IFLUENCE, Neuralgift nnd all pain. and is therefore very propcrly tenned " Magnytic Balm." Ie is puiely a vegetable preparation. It has no ((nol usa nmedy for Cholt'rat Cholrvn Jtïorhus. JJiarrl ern, Djêentirn, olio od iaurl mtiplaltiln. Ita timi-ly use will cure Colfls, troup, Diphthc ia. Quiusy. nnd all Thn-at aflèctinn. Win ii properly ued. Fcvcr and Ague. and other complaints inciden! to ourwcstern and southern climates, are easllv broken up. Nervoiis Pain, i-ick-Heaclaclie. and Rhcumatism are cured by thic medicine wlien all others havo failed. Toothache. Ear che, Biirns. Chilblains aud Bniises are relieved at once by its use. Ttae cenulne bas O. lianwm te o.' private Bevenue Sfamp on Ihe outpide, and Dr. J. B. Mille 's Mnjmetic Balm Mown in the bottle. Examine clopely, and buy nono bnt the gennfne Sold by all Drnggiets. Trice 25 cents per botfl. D. Bansom, Son & Co., Propr's, BofiEalo, N. Y. m H TUK CfiElT AI.TF.RATIVE ANI ■)A BLOOO PL'Kll lij:. f Bkwf . ItÏ3 nota quark nos'rntn. TV I BÊm ï ingreciieoisaie publ.shed n e.ic!i L y Jl bouleofmpdiiino. Itisuscland lteaKa reeommen dodbv I'hysicians Bfll whcrevcrit h:ia b'pn iiitrod .eed. l hB w'" positirely care HsCROFÖLn W AOan'i f Indrcl diswtet, VTTEUMAJ B V ?Vo.!, Wini'E ü WKl.LINO fiwiWILiiilCOt'-''. G ITRE, BIIOXCIII_7tl i7?, KHV0U8 J'EBILITY, ■ B ij-vc.'yJLi.vj'cwaij'7voiv Hand t'.J disrases aiia;ní frora an 9 PJj impuro ondition of the BI. od, %Om' en t f r our I:osdalis Almanac, Hm which jou will fiad certifica es hAIb'""3 roliable and trust-wonhy VB H Physicians, Ministers of ihö GosHpcl, au I oi'.kts. IM I I :■. It Vllson Tnrr, of Baltl. PJ mot-c, Fays bc hart used it in cases of H Sera i ula and other diseases with much ■ lu isluct.on. BrH Vr. T. C. Poch, of Baltimore, reRFBJcommciids it to all perseas sufferinf UHl wiLh discascd Dood, sayinit is supeH ñor to any proparation he ha ever usod I I cv. Oalou y IíhU, ol the BaltiHJ mcro AI. E. Conference South, says I HH 1:0 ha been so much benelitted by ■ i :su se, that ho cheerlully recommends BHH H Att-j uil Ixia iriends and acqualntauces. ajm PJ ■ raven & Co., Diuggiststat GórI QR ■ flonsviilc, V.I., say it liever hu faiied BH] of :vo Futislaction. ■k B Lam'l O. : - Knddrn, Mnrfreen■ M horo', Tcnnesscc, sa; s itcured li.ui oi hMbÊB -vlicuoiatism wliuii al 1 else lüileti. TIISEJ ADALISIN COXNECTION WITH OUR wilt cure Chilli and Fever, I.iver Cnmplaint. Vvipcpsia,e[C. We í uarant-ü Ropadalis Ruperior to alt o'hrr Blnnd Puriüurá. SuuU lor Descriptivo Circular or Aimimac. Adilrcss, CLEtfEXT & CO., 5 S. Coanjcrco St., ra t.'mort. Mi, Bemembcr to nsk your Drug jist for Rosadii. 1. STEARNS' COCO-QLEBNE, A perfect hair dressing- not a dye ■ nor a reBtorative, but a dronsing, elegant p'-y-l and economical. ï" STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE ís cooling to the scalp, imparts a delightful sense oí vitality J" and softness toHthe Lair. STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE, sweetly perfumed and limpid, renders tho liair supplcand ■drfabsesit inany mmm donirei STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE, entirely vi g,t:ible oil, prevent that dryness of scalp w h í c h causes dandrutí p"__. t accumulate. ' I T STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE containa iu onelarge bottlo moro oil and moro perfumo mm „_ than any othtr - b a i r dresHincr -in marie et, aud h"í betiidea ia eold twenty-fiise per cent. lesa thau mest otbera. STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE brigMons blonde bair,darkensaub m-m urn bairt renderslustrous broiyn uiid black bair, lessens the harshness of coarao huir. STEARNS' COCD-OL:iNE 18 MADE ONLY DY PEEDEEIOK STEAE1ÍS, - CEEMIST, DETROIT, .nií'II. Bold everywhere. Bo sure and get the (ïenuine Coco-Olcine. Let no one palm nfFonyou abottle of ome cheap and worthless imitation of CocoOleiue. There are more than twenty counterleitt oí' i t now sold, put up as near hke the g enuine as tho nutkera daré and evade the law. I IVE QÍ3E8E FEATHjüRS PIS8TQTJALITT, BACRfr ABEL. ARGUS BULLETIN ! 2000 NEW SUB8CBIBEBS WANTEEK lore Merchante aad Bug:ness men, who knowing their own interest will dvertiee in the Arous. GET YOÜE BILL-HEADS, CIECÜLAES, LHTTEE-HEADS, STATEMENTS, At the Argus Offi e. SET TOUR BALL CARDS. BUSINE88 CAEDS, VISITING CAEDS, WEDDING CAEDS, At the Argus Office. GET YOÜE LAW BLANKS, LAW BRIEFS, LAW RECORDS, PROGRAMMES, AT THE ARGUS OFFICE. Xew Type, Best Presss, Good Workimn, AND REASONABL1 P.liTES ! SW A WOED TO T IE WISE SI-1860-X ■ CT-c-i i. ;j ' : ■■■ ■ - ! i'ii&rAKAïiun, eomi. P" :: !;i.owiiroOT8, HERB3 and FRUn.S, t onibintd with other propmtlcs. whlnh in : '-.- nEÜita ' CathnHio, Aperieat, Sn. irlUons i-rat v an4 Antl-Billiou. Tb wholf. l In Bufflcient qnantity or iplrlt ircm ti I ï ■ J '.ui to kuep tbcm ia ur pt.mitation Bitters Mof ' , ■■'r.KjTonH nnd Cathsr '" ''h j'sraiatendedatrietlHk Tomperance Bitters ooi ■ be iiBCt a mflijiciue, ft:id ulw tccording ia directions, I achrr r.f bc fwble oud deblll(■tpd. ' '.i r; .i diHt-aöfcd Uver, aiwi HtiiuuiAto ut 't liHltby art'on Is at ooc ■ ■ ;' leojeily to which Womtn "i ■■■ '. it la auparsÉiling every other ■ia ont SumurrTonio tü. .! ■ . fiiey r a mild nd gcntle .-... .(. 'lont;:. Xlisy I'uriiy tlie Blood. Api etiser. ïhev mate the weak ■'; : ' "-'-■ ■ " pttti;y U inriforale. Ihey cure untiptttwnteá iiredache. Ihtyacta iries of ?;. ■■.■]■ whii"ï tindeimln :i-!ji.üij lreakdownih-jauUnatsilri. .:■■■. 5? PcrkPlat, 1 bw lorL KüTHAIRÜN Only 50 Cents por Bottle. It promotei tKe GïtOTTTH, MtESEnVE UuCULIIR, and lúcrense! the Vigor and lïi:AC1' i of tio U AIB. Ovk Thibtt YKAnn aoo Ltoh's Kathaiuok o the Hair wiw flrst i)incp.i in tho mnrket bjr Prafawor E. Thomas Lyon, a fnuli:uto of l'rinoeton Colletre. The name is derived f rom the Oreek, " Kathbo," iiynifyiiig lo cleanf!, jrnrtfy, rrjtmnatt, rtr mtort. Tno favor it)nisr.!vi.... ;-.n lthoiopuiarityithasobtained, ia unprwiA miei im.l iuorêdible. It increnees th Obowtu ui i &mi . v of u c Uaiu. It is n deligbtful aramuir. I : i ,!..: U-iiff. It prevenU tho Hairfromiivi.M;, .-... ■-„ kwpa the iieadcool, und : .-..,,...■.■ ynppearance. Itisth MMawQUANT.Tf . : ,y nüWimovernQCABnsof aCïNTCiHv Aao,a;i 1 HsoldbyaUCnignaWsaA Country Sioit-su; üy Vltty Cent pi Xtottlr. Kirt fflorj ii Her Hair. LYOfti'S _ AIH4IR0N (ioldsmith's Bryant i Stratton BUSINl S - 1NIVER&I 'T. nusiness prncticiilly taught after the remming house 8yt.em. liooks nd buginens papers ure written uj from transiictions oripinating from doing businest with tl' vurioua Bn-iness Hoiiwa, Offices, Board ol Trade, Bitnka, &o.. connected with the institution - Please send foi Ollpe Paper givinf full pirticulnrs Addre J. H. Goldsmith, I'resident, DelroH, Mioli. W. E. HEAMES & CO., Plour Mprchants 63 WOODBRIOGE STRCET, Corner ü-helby. DiTROlT, MICB Choice Rye and Minnesota Flours for Bakers' uw n pecinlty. File Bliek, all simpe and sizes, from Jersey and Otaio clays. i'ouudry Faianjis and Supplies. jA.. 3ST. SABIN, Flo;.r & Grain Oom. Merchant ATWATER STBEET, (Between Griswold and Shelby,) DETROIT 3T" Liberal avdances made upon consignments. "5ëC JOH H. WENDELL & CO. CO3CM1SMON MEKCHANTS IN Flour, (i rain, Pork & Swd OFFICE AND WiUFHOÜSE Kos. 50, 52, 54 and 5H Woodbridije Strest West, DETROIT, MI H. KI" Libernl advunees made upon (OCBignmenta. "TEtt HOILER WORK8 AU kinds of ISilcr and Sheet Iron Work dono ti order. All Boilers tested pievious to leavmg tin rthop.s. CJompetent men kept to do rtjy:urs. Tïibt tjikoii out, iiierced and icm. Old boiley and lubetbonght or taken m exclwirfce. J. & T. Mo&BEGOB, K! AtiiHlerMri't'i, DETRUIT. 13 t-'j. O1T Throat and Lung Instituto For the cui-e of Cateurb, Thnwt Disease, AsthuiH. bronchitis aiid Consuuaption. NO. 4 ASl'IXWALL TERRACE, MACOMIÏ AVE. If pu8.-:ib)c call peiaonully tor itn exan.inuiioo( othurwiw! aeiid tor ciiculwr. Addret W. Hilton Williams, M. D. Prop'r. Tl IJ" i ("Business College, lililí"" JLIAUJ "U " L Business Practice. "TJffc BBS K..r Journal giving CbJJ in. foimatiün of t 1 et e. liookw jmd ïtuHin-n l'rHCtioe. Addrem IHA MAYHEW, Detroit. Micli. Marble, Marbleize! Sla. e AJÍD lli(l ÍI ANTI, ES, All leadinff Htyleii hik] piitteriis. With every variety oi uiuumentül and plain ennmeled GKATE-I. Apen' for " StrinyS pittöut urtj-plHcfB." Seud fo descrjptivti ciieulnr. P. A. UJLL1.NUS, 29 Woo liriK-p St., Detroit. % i ANHOOD: 110 W LOST, 3CT HOW RESTORED. Just published a new ediion of Ilr. C-iilverwellS i iclii'iiuil l.Nsny ota the radieai cwt (witliout ineaioiïie) oí tú-Kit vjatokrhoïa or SerainaJ WvakneM, mvoluntaiy Hemmal Los&eg, Ihpotxkot entai and Vhysicitl Lnonpacity, Impedimenta 10 MmriiiL'-e. etc , aUo, Conïvmi'Tion, tiflUtPSY and Fus, iuduced by selt-mduitfeutre or sezutU extrav;iganee. MT Prioe in a uctilfd envelupi1 only six cerne. The cek-brated uuthor, in thio admirable essiíy. clearly demoTiötrHtes tm ia a thirty yeam' suuct ssful pruonoe, that the id&imiug oonttfquencee of seli'-abust muy be radic.illy cured without tne dungrjun uso oí inlernul medicine or the uppiioation of the kftifej pointiug out h rao]e of cure at once imple, cortnin, and eife-tual, by menns of which erery eufferer, no matter what hii oondition muy bt-, my cure himiiell ofaeifpty. privattly ind larlically. UéS fliii lücture nhould be in the hands of everj youih :nd every man in ihe landtíent under in pl.iin euvclopo, to any address. posi-pin'd on reoeipt ui' six CKiits, or two poet stampa. Address the Publitjherw, CHAS. J C. KLINE & CO. 1Ï7 Bowcrj', New York, I'OBtoMce Box, t ."iS(. 143(!yl CTKAYED! From the subscriber about the flrst of May a three yoar old DUEHAM HEIFEB- red 'ana white. Had a rope on her home, and was accuetomed to suck herself. A liberal reward will be given for mformation which will secure her return. Ann Arbor, Aug. ii, 1873. lMItf . W. LAWSON. Mortgage Sale. TJEFAULT having been mude in the conclition of w ,ï certum niortgnge made iind execnted by Eliiah Git}, Michigan, to Persia L. Tutti, óf Oeneva N olï' "3 the temh da' of UecembCT in the ar f our Lord one thousand eiht hundred and ixtMinV UoSniy, MicUiRfm, on the tenth dy of beoember A D. 166, t 8 o doei P. M. „f „„ld dv, in liter U of morlguyes, ol pHgt446, nd fhr.t theíe b now claimt töje duinpón Ta mortgagi ixnd tï. bond awornpanying the sume the suni of sefenfeen hundred and seveuty dolíais n„d thirty-fonr cont,, ,1 AtaioUoltorUorattorney'i tee lAould . ny p7Í"ed iug bewaken to foreclose said aS no proceedinBs.nlnworine.juity WvbrSm had tÖ reouver taid sum of mocey ot nf pan taereofiow, tlieroiore, iiotice i heroby niven tlmt by viitue of a powtr of Hale in said mortffnge tontained, I slmll HCll at public aucrion to Ihe hilieat bidder, od the ilfleenth daj oi November nrxl. al 2o'dockP M of mld dy, at the front do„r of the CWt thé etyof Ann Arbor, eounty aforeaiüd [Hun beLi the plnceof holding the Circuit Courts for aid countyi all hose p.iro,iU of land known and deacrilid a i ot. .No seven. eieht, „„e, ten and If', ,ta Ni twenty.twenty-ow, twüoty-two, twenty-lhrec and twenty-four in bloeit ve south m ranm four eaat, and Iota No. six even mght, fourt-n. ttfiesn, Bwreen, aeventeén eightet-n' and Bineteen in Wook Ove mutfa in range ttve SaJt in AuIgu?lMhnis3 ""■' "' ""■ '" "J "' Mhin' PEESI8 L. TTTTLB, ICortgana ■'""K N. Oorr, Attornej for 3Jortga;ive. H39 In Chancery. UT ATE OF MICHIGAN. Fonrih .Tudioial Circuit p lu Ghancery Buil pii.dnuj in the Circuit Court tor tlie eoünty of Washtininv, iu Chaneery, at Ann Arbor, this twenty-xixtli ilny nf AuRust, a. d. 1S73 wiiercm arnli J ana M ilea ia complainitnt. and Ueorire Milw is defendant. H satisfactorily npprarinK by alhdBvitthttheKid deftndant, üeorge [iie. i, Z remaeniof thi. State; t)mt p89 "ofhia S1í anee lm liwi, duly issued, a„d thal the same Muid not be Berrcd by rewwn of his absent trom, or concealment withm, the State : On motim of ramer c (.ranger isohciiors fnr oompUtnant. it i urdered that the uid detendant, Oaoin Miles, ppi!ar and aiwwor thebillof corDplamtfllcdinsaid cause, within tluee nionthn trom tlic date of Hii order; und in dcfanlt thereof that the said bill bc taken aa conté smd by the said dutendant. And it is furtlier ordered that this order be published within twenty doys afier date in the Michigan Arfttt, a newspapor jinuted in aid couuty, i.nd that aid publicalion I co"tinued in said paper onra in e.-ich week tor six weeks in ueceiwion; or that the said complaina t cauBe n oopy of Ihie order to be personally nerved on the lid defendant, Oeorge Milee. at lenst twenty days belttre the time above prencribed for his appearauoe. Ann ArW, August 2, 1873. J. F. LAWKENCE, One of the Circuit Court Commiaslonera W'üHhtenaw County, Michigan. C'BAHMt t Geasoer. 8olicitora for Complainant U42w6 THËBABCOCK HOOK & LADDER TRUCKS Equipped with Babcock Firo Extinguishern, Extensión and SculiDg Ludders, fírnimliug Hooks and Chaina Buckets Lantein, Hke Polen, Pike Axes. &c, fcc., weighiní? leas thnii 1,(KW lbs.; ejiaily handled, flni'ihert. and att'ord the greateat ptotection ut lebs expense thtm nuy truok in the maxker. Just. what every lire I)i partment wants. 1 be Bubcock Fh-e Entines and Pfrè ExtmuisherB tive sjiving valimble property U over the uouutiy. 8end for thcir reooni. E. T. HArni'l, en-Agenl. 118 WoDdward Ave Detroit Manafacturer of Iron, Ooppcr and Brass Wlre "IreCIolh, Boltin Cloth, B irr Mili Stnnea, Bnium Wire and Twine, Oopjier Weather Vane. Win Couotrr Raiüng. Wire Fonciiif? and Ornament WireWorfc. :41tijil QHAMBEKS' ENCYCLOPiEDIA. i. DXTIONAET OF öniversil Knowledge for tbc People. EEVISBD EDITION. Maps, Pintes, and Engravings. Complete in 10 Vols. of 832 pasjes each. lllustrattti with aimd Four Thousand Engrarimts and forti Maps, tnytthtr with a Stries (f J'rnm Eiphly to Om llnudrt.d Ehgantly Engraved Plaies - ülustralive of ' the Subjucts of Natural Histoi y - now for tht fihnt TIME appearing in tw work. I'RICE PER VOLUME. Extra Cloth, beveled bonrds, - ■ 5 50 Library 8heep, mnrbled edges, - - 6 00 dalf Turkey Morooto, - 6 0 tuw Editiox is Sold ojtly by Agents. Publiehed by J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., flijlaJelphia, Pa. SYLVANUS WARREN, 189 Woodward Avenue. Detroit, OkwihI Agent tor the Stat of Michigan. By eomp.iring Chambers' Fncydopiliii wlth the N'ew Americiin Cyclopwüw,- the wnrlt with which it ri luont tnqueutly br.ugtrt into romparioon, it. will te íound t(í:it while the Un volumes of ChHmbert' eoutain 83 0 pngee. the orieinal ixfrxn vulnmes ot the v'ew American coutuin loss ihan 12 (KX pitget. It ill als be found thilt n page of Ch.imbers' coutnins uil iHu-fiflh more mntter thMii n pnsre of the New Vinerican, making the ten volumes of the tormer ■quivnleiit m iimount of prlnted matter to t lensi - liirteen volume ot the lattei. not to mention the numeixius Pl.ites laliout 80). Woodcui (some 1000), ind Mapn ( bout 40i. that are iiicludeil in thi edition if Chambet8', nd to which the New American po. issee no ftorrespondinff rentaren. It. i conftdenHy wüeved that aa a popnlui' " DirTioNiiiï or Unive '- ■al Knowlkdoe," the work in without an rqu:ilin h Entrlish lanpuitee 142fvi SPE1NG BULLETIN ! __ p T TfjUlTf ñ}] HATTER! 'f turnf?d Mbaek upon Winter nnd op-.-nfid hitstock oi SPRING GOODS! incliHiní all the laten styKn of Hats and Caps ! GENT' FURNISHING UOODS, &c. Wbich must be sold. 3000 GOODS AND LOWPRICES ! the werd to pas alocg the line. r Soulh Mfuin f ., Aun Arbor. uut Mortgage Bale. exght hondred and vent exuted a lhoui"l Charle, J. Howell, „f tifo" v Óf%"w ïïl" ' detault ha. been made í'oi mochan ,'h tTv J"eiea' the pymt ot an installment otS té L "" 'a WKfch beome due ull the tlfteenth dat of Jul, !7 1572 by reason whereuf and puiuaiit to iL -Ijoí Sa,d mortpage said raortítae her "by eleí .tí"1,11'9 ranch .,f „ud prmciiial as remairs uiipa ,1 1 " t0 10 be due anti unoaid ünsaid moitiini." , t l d,aI.ra"ï this notioe, the um „f tw , lE ,, 1 , b(l"lt1f and iorty.eiKht dullnr tol prtnSj " d imSSS" aio an attorney'a fee of fort y dSll ,rs h„ fú"' pioHHl.„gs be taken to foredoi ,dl ""ï no smt or proceeling8 havuig t,ceii in.titu.S8!;,! the att.enth dayof November nexl al Óiíh í" f:enwD, at tki front do„r ot thV c'.ñir í?n, e 'heo'yof Ann Arbor coun.v Mou4, U ,? T '" the trui dlnK in wlrfch the Circuit formkl e tyiheM),a„d byiirfiw ot the pó"e, nf f m" sai! monpaue, 1 hall Bell at p„b i,8' ' ''n■o ibehighnt bidder the premius deSibed !" jtpw to ntilfy Uu alma of p,i, 'i, , 1 ar""1 tereBtaboveclHimedai.-'ue, with the cl m 5 'T fndattorney'.feeof fortydoÜHts Al tweoA, e IorPrcelof landitnated ,„ tl L ÓTnsi w kanchmter, county of Wahtenilw „, n m-?Í Michigan i,known. boundedanddesctibPd fallí-? to wit : Being the northeast qugrtei of U,litte fmtqoutaot the southwt quat w of M ín „„" edtothe M.ehwiu Houtlern and Nctthern" IrE '" Kroadfompnyj. Uothe soutl.e 81qu,"fro". foHhrtin quartr of 9„id eet ion nnmi., t",i 4 ■ alsotlw following dewribed land toit: beph.rinj eattorlr ten ohmns BOd fourteen link froni tl e wt corner of the c..t half „f the „orth r t of tw nortbweHt qnarter of section noniber thec, thVnra north.-rlytwenty-ttve chains. thenoe eant.'riv fS chama, thenci, sontherly twenty-flve chniu „ amountin to one hundi-ed nd flft, aoui . L ï" outheagt ter of the uthe7, qïart" i óf , h sectlon number f4). xccDt toiirn , v."1 tofore deeded to Luman HnsX i tov'lTip fa'' wÏÏfcftSST nUmbOr tbreCe"St' ln couLy'ó, Dated, August 13 1873. Mortgage Sale. WHEBEA8 John (Jlair and Wm ciair of th. city of Ana Albor, Coumy oí Wasluëu.S , i etmta of Michigan, ou the itn.L dal „i „" ' f yoar of our Und one thousano. eiht hu nu j eventv-one, extcutcd a moitgi. 10 ri „L Howoli, ot the city of New Vork, to secure t er ï inent oi ceitain pmicipiil and imeieet nionev tLí! m men looed wnich mortgage was recoidwli ,u ottice ot the Register oí Deed in suid CooMï 1 Washtenaw, on the twnly-!venlh m,y „ ,,„, .' in hber 44 Oj t m.-rtease. oil j.age 712; aild. he, . deiault has büun made lor moie 1l,au thirlv dv , ttu, pnyment otan inilallmmtut aid ii.terebt moM, which became duo on the nistday ol Jaimarv A ii' 1873; bj reason wherrol and pur-uant to ihe' it'. ot aaid ttiongage.siild mortgagee l.y -Uci, tllH,! luucii of aaiil {.nucipul ii reuiam un „id will, ,,l, „ learageauf iDtowi Iher.oii, nhal] Ucome in ïd paynWe immediau-ly ; ai.rt, wLn, os, cii,i.,'2 u be due and on luid moitguge at tl.e dmToi chis uotice two thousnnd tw.i liui.iind m.d t,r,t thi dollars and thirt y four M,i, tur priwii .! ■ ,i mtereBt money aloo an altoiney e ter ol hty úuül . should any bc tukeu to toitc'osiTS mortgaae, und uo suit i pioouint;s Lnvirju l'wn „ tituted eitherin luw or juny lo rtcoi 1,, ,, m ," any part thereo! ; Notice i tl.eieloie li'mU , v n that on the üttit-nth dy of November i m ar,i, o clock in thaatiaiHH.1, „i thai ch, ., th, hot. Jr ot the Uourt Uoune, ir. the cii y ol Ai n Arbul in ,,J connty, (that beingthe buildinu in wti ch il,e . um.Ii l'ourtfi.r nidlountj ot asi.un.-iv i htiú) Va oy viitue of the puwtrot sale couti.i. td in f„iu m, i't lag 1 shall sell at piiolic HUClion to tl e hiel ,H út, det, the premiases deambed in mi.! njorif, J ,c.„ ■"' ly .he araoimt of principal and mere t nbere plninmi aüdut, withthrclianreH of uch Kale and „n ,„,,? oey'slseof fltty All thoe ce.tuiu liieJ, paréete iif land uttairte and b(ir.( m il.c . ('ui.i, of xanhtenaw und Btiteol Uiohlgnn, una c;enb i] ■,, followsio wit: briñón pan ol lot i.iml.i tvo in block nuniber two (2) north ot lluioi. btitei .,,, numbtrtuui f4j e,.M intiiecily 1 Aan Aiboi ,S Stat? utoreaiu, .lisciilxdan lcllowa ie it: n meucingon the aouth :iueof s;,id lol ihiiv-ü.it iirt and even incI.cB oast of the Bouife-tt ooroi of aaid lot, riinning theiici" ea.-t on tiie sontl, lim nf said lot twelvc teet and nv. inches. Iheice mitb pnrullel with tlie line ol said lot s, ven rods thence wast parallel wilhthi sou.l) line oí uid lot twe've feet i.nd live inchcn, thence ïunnit... sonlb parallel with he west line of said lol tev,n rodp to the place of bitinning; Also lo;s No. one fl tVc !i), three f3j, f4j and live in bl. ck C - (,,„., by and Paat.-'s addition lo the eity of Ann Arbor, accordniK to the recordad platthettot. Aiujuüt lat, 1873. CHAÜI-ES J.HOWEI.L, Joh ïi. Goit, Attorney firMortgagee" Sg' Mortgage Sale. rjEFAULT having been made in Die conditionspf S-r a certain niortgiig-e execmea on ti.e „ccoi.u d vol November, A. 1)., lbu, t.y Mijaii . Aloran úiul Lucy W. 8. Alorgau, his wite, 01 Anu Aruor. Jlicliigan, to tdwnrul. lloyden, :is adiuinuuiatul 01 Normn(J. Uoodnle lateot VVuslitennwcouii f , uecemol, anii Jjhn Hemey, nl a.iid county. itud récoidea tlie same dy in the office ot tlie iU gister of 1 eecis. or ;he euuuty üi Wakbtenuw, Micbiysu, in I.ibei 41 of ra rtgages, ou page 378, and the umlivmed hult' o[ aaiamoiigiige wa.sduly wsifrned by oaid íidwiir.i L Hoyden, ndnunistralor .t the estáte ot Koimun C. uoodale, dtct-astd, to Aniandu . K. üondaie, wuirb said iissiyiinu nt bcaidate the fitili day ot .Non ml , 1, 187 ,auu wrecordeuinsaid iti-("i8ier'ulñi.-e, iu Ubi uumber two ot Assiffumenia ut 3d.rtvHf eb, ou vHtí (ï( ; upon wliich raortgnge theie is chtimed tü beUne at the date oí this nonet, two thousand tu o nundrvd Had sixty-four dollars and siventy c-juts, foi principal and interest, and alto a reasoniibie atKancj'a lee proviüeü in said shuuid ])ioeetdn'g? be laken to ioreclose the same, and do procetiings haring been taken at law or in equi.y to reeovtr the amount due ot any part there. f ; Theretoie notice is ÉiertBJ ven that by viitueof the power of cont .ímkI in aid mor gugo and pursuant 10 thestaiuie in such Siisemud" and provided, on Satnrday the Hiteei.tli dayof November, A D., 1873, at ten o'doek in tLe tuienoon of that day, at Ihesouth, or i'rant dciov ot he(Jouit House, in tmcily of AnnArüir, tl h bcïnS the TllllP.P Tlierf ihf iinilïl t ,,,■, tr, ,1,1 nnitnlr of Wuslitenaw is held. there will besoli' to the hihtst bidder th premie-es de scnbed in suid inor'fiage, or w mucli is m:.y be necessiuy to satixty ihe umoiint te due afl aforesaid, and interest and cost and expensa allowed by law. tor the adiertiseiaent anu snle ot said premists, exctpting the touth hall oí 1H niimtei f vt in block number 'hree south n rn;e thiee the ciiy of nn Arlm-. Michigun, wluon h..s been ieleastd from said murtgiige by a re ease exietited ly John Henley and Am-nda M. F Uoodale to Elljah w. Moigan ond dated tlie lth dny of Aiuuist, 1873. rhat part ot thepremises dppciib d iti said mongnpi which will be sold at the tim and place afm;H:iid ave deocribed ns follows, to wit : All tliose pareéis ot and known and de&cribed as Iota numbei one nd :wo, and the south nine feet in width of lot mimlift hree in bloek number tronorth. in runsr niiniir hree east, and alao lots DUBlbcr m.á ttie ni'rth ïalf ot lot number five, in block number tln-ee sfiiith, n range three east, iu the oitv of Anu Arbor, ilicbiSB. Dated August 20. 1873. JOHrf HKNLEY, Morree. AMANDA M. F. GOODALE. Assipnee of nn nndivided half ot said ïloripate. R. E. Frazer, Att'y for Alortgagee and Asquee. 1440 td. Mortgage Sale. EFAULT havmg been maue in the condition ol ucertainmortgHgeexecuted'l} ttliiirM. Ougoiy and Dorli ka .tireg ry ol thecil of un Aitoi .t iimty of Washtentiw, and htnie. oí ' icIiigHO, to 1 jili: D. Jumes, ot Williani.-burs, Mawacktwett, oñ ik fitteenth day ot Jm.e, A. D. IBM. imd iiciuiid in lle office ot the KegiRter of Deed. U'T Ilie l'ouniy oí Washtinaw aioieaaid, on tlie Beven t een ih rn of June, A. D. ISMal 8J o'cl. ck a. m., in Libel SS of llortgauee, pae 42Ï, nnd tlial tl n. ík i., w . laitwd to becrae imd uii)híu on suid moj p: e t,i.a it nccximp.nyiiiL' tlip Mime. tl.t Mn olurittil ilnud öve bundred dulliirs arid eiphy-fnr cii'is; also the hiira of thiee 1 m.ied md vei.i-il lie dollars i.d sfvem-one ciiifB pniiil y taxi mcitpi pe insuiHiice upon built iii( t bk j n-T.d u U i io Mid mortpage; alfo a reasonahl. artoiaey's olicitor's fee torseniMc. tl.i i;ld m ; mocr-ui ' itiiierito foivolfe Bnia moitprpe. ni (i m ihcc;iug at luw or in equity having been biid toiecoTer ud suni or any pirt thereol: Kow. tlnit-1'ie motice i( bereby jfiven thnt by viïtue fil a pcwd' of siileia Milr taoftfuigt contnined, 1 lmll tiliHtp.t licmicinn fo tiie his-hest bidder on the tliirteenth liay ot Septerabt r.nexi, at two ocicckin Ihi iihi noon r.fsaiü dy at the front door t tl e ( omt House in the city of Ai n Arbor in said ( 'oui.ty itbnt being tbeplnee i:f liolflil ) Ihe il ( c i-uil, tiil .hosecertain tiactft or paioels oí lam! known, boundi d iind deBciitied s follown. to wit: 1 he touit' iinivided one-l.nlf of tli Kranklli Jlmisr kjciij ir De ci'y ot Ann Arbor in the t'onnty et V ni-1 li ni v and state of Micbiifiin. viz: (Vnpmtirii p at tl-evoutht'Hst eoi-ner of said block. ai;d luiiiiiip Wfl eh ht rods, theneenirth on the ent line it lel nnil'l1 'wo (2) ninety-Hve fret to N. P. Pnrsnn's li' e. tlirie east on Tarson's souih hne wvt nty i if ht et, tl ei ee mui Mirhteen fiet. thmcent ix fret. tl (ree üouih to place of bcpinnii (i. And nlro U Is lh"e md fonr (i jii.d 4] all in bleek onenoi-ih. ín ri pc i nir 3er thieeeast. in tliecity ot Ann Arl or. ext-eptirf tl e iast eiirht feet wide of the norlh thirty-w vi n leet ide ot said lot mrniber tLree, mil.ject to the nght if way over the t-i me.J Dnted, June 20. 1S73. I.YMAN r. .UMFP. Mcrtigee, Jobn S. Gott, Att'y fcr Mcrtgapee. Real Estáte for Sale. TATEOF MICHIUAN. C'ounty of WuMeasv, m In the mH!lr o the itme ot I Un West, incompetent. Notiee is heuby gncn tl ut m pureuanco ol un ordei - guinlfd lo ti.t útil eniiixd, untirdiun ol the esttite of mid I bcnt] Vi.-i ly the Hen. Judtfe ol' Piobiite ilie coiiutv oi Y„-1 - leiuiw, on the flíth dnj ol Aiifiiisl. í. d' ];nhi[ mil h. sold st j.ullic vpi.dtic. t tl,e hip) Bt hiíder, D the eouth door of the (or. Uhik. jn Ihe citi 1' Ann Albor, m the county ol Wiiühtei uw in wid Miite, en Wednesdn). the tent-fouii)i di v of f-. -■ tambar, a. d. 1873. nt ten oVIoik' in ihr f.-réi oca 't thiit dny ÍBUlijiit to nll Lv moi'iiipe m-otli rwise eiiBting at tl.e time of Hle . the i. Diwíng deneriled renl estáte, ti -wit : 'J ) nt j i, ci ( i i j - il ot land rtesc ibed 11 folio: remmencing al tl southeast comer of tin w.-st huif ot tl f nonleiift quni-tei ni seotion Iwentj -rne. tcwi tl i ivr (S sen1 of raii(e six fa. past. tlience norih ono deprev Mid twelve di) m nntes wet bíx cliains inri twenty-foiir iiudimMi.'Ui liike to the tcntlti M Fife i.f tle j ixboro íonrt.thei reon tle soutleit Hde ol tle Vabororoari south ñíty í-ix d pree e west to the nortlirast cormr of a lot ol le.nd liitely oti:pí by K. i, FullEr. and tlOW OH'TIPíÍ bv .Inhtl ipnnnn tl, a ïljfhi iintrlpe with said roi till it. inteis. ofs the onartersection line thence nlonj.' suid line to the place nf bejfinninfr, containinp one itere nrd pjpven io1f of land. be the saine more or 1öri. Also that pirce or parcfl of limd brp inning on tho line hetween Die enit und west halven ot tho rioriheast quarter of srclicn twenty-one oí township two soiiib oí rnnre pix cnst : in the center of the hishwny lenrlinjr ín m 'he city o' Ann Arbor to the villape of Pixhoio, imd nrnirg thence soiith nne defri'ee and flfteen mirulep eoft, along said line six chuins and fcevenfy-three linke 1o the southwest oorner of tlie eapt hnlf of Bj'id roribeast quarrer of eection twentv-one. tlr ree fuut riool! theeait and west quarter lire lm f2; chaina nr"1 twenty-even linkB thence north iwenty flv flefnc-es wet even chninu and twenty linkB to' tl'e iilnoe of Beginninjr, conlaininfr oue wre oí lnnd more or les, ÍD naid Stnte Duted, August 6th. A. T). 1RÍS. UiU JA MB J . F ABSH AXU Gnai dian.


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Michigan Argus