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'business directory, kKATIER RA'iJER, Attorneys ttt ( í.aw, Ann Albor, Mich. WEU, HARRIMAN & HAMH.TOIV Y Attorneys at Law. Ottiee Nos. 7 und 9 South or, Mich. T B.'f'OMi. Dealer In Coal. ) f)iïNT. ovor Slawson & Sons' Store. Cor., p.n'rtti and Huron St. ElíTsi'l'.S THATCHER, Attm-ney and ïnmuelor :i1 Law. No. 5 Euat Hurun Street, wnAr!.or, Mich. 1386 ."V BrtR IWIÍíERAI SPRIKÍJS. V orria lila M O., Hüpjrintnudeut. Oftice MlMIn corner Maiin and Westllurou Street. nrrHES êc WORDEN, 20 -'outh Main sírei-t, :iu Ar or, Mich-, vrholesftle and reuil deuli.Drv Ooods, Carpet8 and Groeerles. " ■ 135Uf u4('5v StüIMID, Dealers In Dry Qoods, .,-,.. -rii--.. i.'roi-kury. Ac. No. 64 South Main Ot II. JACKSOIV, Dentlst.sncceBSortoC. B. H Porter. Office corner Main and dnronstreeU, ,rfr the store of R. W. Ellip & Co , Ann Arbor, oesthet les adnftïnistered if required. ,, ,1, J()IIS(tX, Dealer In Hnte and Caps, Ij Pars, Straw (loods. GeuU' Furnishing Ooods, Smit!. Main -trett. Ann Arbor. Midi. iFTHERIiAND & AVHÏ3DOX, Life and Sfirplnsuranrp jpnte.ud dealertnn Real Estáte. Baron Streel HVCIIA' IBEI, Dealere ui l'ry (ooris Groö les, te &c.,No 26 South Main Street, Ann Irbor. '!, IWSO í: SO!V, Orocen, Provisión and S Commission Mercbants, aiul dealers in Water Land ÏMaeter, and Piaster Puris. No. lti East i iros rtreet iirW.WACiWEK, Dealer in Rady MaderiothiV in'T ■ :jot)is CasBiraerefl Votiu:js. HetH.Oaps, Imilw.ilirpet Bags, &c '21 Ponth Main treet. v-O II W OHKKVEK, Al'TORNEY AT LAW ! OHae with S.W, Morgan, East side ofCourtHonBe 1331 ir O. CaBRi Dentlsl, - Succesaor to 0. C. ■ -i' nkins. ■ : ' N-x NitroBB Oxid i ■ i - tilmimstered .;_ I -s5_ wlien neces;try. k Office over fHiic-h & A tol's ,ie. No. 26 South JJ .M.di, St. MUS. H. J. HTLTON, M. 1)., PKYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Yo. 88 Ann Street, corner uf ín grilla. Aun Arhor, Mich. trOffiee hours-8 lo 10 a ir., anií 2 to 4 p. N -y-cca- Prof. Saof.e, Piïcif. Palii.u. 1431 1 kKLEM VI. VVOUOkl'KK, Attoroey at Law and SCLIJITGR IN CHAKCERY. Office, Arcade Bbd, Tpsüanti, Mich. le and promptly rpmitted. All lctia' buúneás faithfully attended to. J4i'ii pEOCKBBY 8U88WARE & GK0CER1ES, J. & P Donnelly Baveln tore a '.arge stock "f "rocker , Glassware , Platal Ware, Cntlevy Grocenes. &c, 4c. . all tobe loldatauusaaily low pricos No East Horou Street, Ann Arbor. M8tf J. A: I. BO5li:i,I,Y. rÖHN Q. Q ALL, DEALEB I3ST FRESE AND SALT MEATS, Ulil), BAUSAGE8, Etc., Wcruolicited and promptly Uled wlth tliebeat nthemarket. 31 Easl Washington street ino Arbor, Sept. lth, 1869. U' [)rTcI a. leitek"" CONTINÚES TO PÜT ÜP AND FILL %siciaiis Prescriptions, No. 1 Uregory Block. U. A.LEITEH & CO. bor.Dee.28d 1871. 1354 ij&.O. ÍTPOKTER, DENTIST. Mta la the Baringa Bank Block, Ann Albor. 'H Operations on the Natural Teeth Perfovtned with Care. "SSURPASSBD FACILITIE& AND EXPERIENCB WTIN AXfiridl TEETR, JO OIVK EACH fXlMVIPüAL, """Cíoíftf proper sítc, skapetculortJÍTm'nf.ssa'Hv natural expreteion 1244 HURRY UP ! " PABTIES wishlng Wall Paper, Shodei Hollands, Window Fixtnre, Co'dí, &c . all New Stvlca, at Satisfactory b J. Si. Webster Se Cu., "Wk Store, near the. BxpteesOflce. C- - __ Wr A. LO VE JO Y, Ï0BACCONIST ! Deals in both pINE CÜÏ A3Í1) SMOKING TOBACCO, Snuff, Pipes, &c, AT NO. 7 EAST HUR0 STREET, Xet to the Express Office, 194SU A"V ABBORi MICH. ?5to S20 per dfty' Agpnts wantedl All her tov classes of worklng pt-ople, of Ho (x ' yuliJ! or oíd, make more money at ti'ne thr UB in t"eir "Pare moments or all ths Aildré, ,l,at "nything else. Partlculars free, uwe88 G, Stiasoü & Cu., Fonl"J, Maiue


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Michigan Argus