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Ak Ahbob, TniiBiiiiï,Sii)it.]8, ls;;i. AifLES- Gwen, 26L3 V. BoTTnn- 22@35c. Conu- Brings 505Sc pet bu. Chickens- Dreseod 12íc. Kfios - Command 14c. Hat- tlS per ton.nocortiiDg (o 'junllt y. Hoseï- In oap, 18@J0o. Labd- The market stanáant 8@9o. Oat-83@36c. PoiatoLí- New 50c. WaiAX- We quote WWt at l.iö(S1.54. Detroit Produce Markt. Latest quotations for Ieadmg articlesof country produce- Sept. 18, are as foll'ows : Wheat- white, $1.40@l..JS: amtw. .tl.Miai.4l. Huu.f.t- ♦l.S0@2.ííiper oentsl.; Rll - C')@75c per bu. Cokk- 40Kc. 1 1 m -%41c. ) 'OTATOIta- 5@H''P. J)IIRHÍF.D HOGS- lí.ftOfT$li."5. Hat- tl7(o22. ltlJTTEB- Í8C429C. 15(16e. T.ARD - ftfrwflc. HnsRY- 18(#54rWgol- 35(.4-'c. peí' Ib. Detroit Live Stock Hárket. Fioin the Detroit Free FreBB. Michigan Central Cattlk Yakds } Monday, Sojit. ÍS. $ The receiptfl at tlip yarda wfira more prorwiíícuous tíian t'or inmy weeks, oinhracing every variety oi stock. The ohoioest grados, however, wt;re in rü-shippeil uuder pressuro oí telerrn of better markets iu the East. Tbs í'ollowinu statement showfl thi; vuriation of reCOÍJ)Ts ÍOT tWO Wfrks: BTATK. Cattle. Hoga. Sheep. Veek ending September 8, 343 2,0tí.' 4,624 Weck ending Septembi 1 16, 436 1,708 3,570 Tütnl 779 3,77 8.0ÍM VIA CHICAGO. Stock receivod for transhrpment : Cattíe. Hors. Weck ending September S, 2,1 18 4,280 iVeuk ending September 16, 1,181 4,.r4!) Totul 3,832 8,8-2! catti.k. A better tone prevailed in cattle transaotiom during the principal mark ;t days of the week 1'his was in part stimulated by an active home demand, all fine heads suituble tor city bee benig taken at an advanced figure. The lot held by State operators were uniformly light but forined quite a chance for ruiling for buteh er's stock. But few lots passed the acales, being moatly sold ly the head to operators seeking t forni complements for ahipment or or city butcli ers. Oulled Iota were dispoaed of to packera aud so not a head remained on sellers' liand a the close of the market. Ohoice lot brough ${ ")0 readily : extra choice $0 and upwardi and medium (3 and 93 50. Culis broujjht abou L2 '0 and $H. Then were but few extra hends noos. Eeoeipta show a slight falling off. The sam poer quality that characterized tbe offerings o the previous market prevailed througliout th nnloading. Packers were obliged to take what came in or get none at all, (!or although none wanted to buy, j-et competition acted a3 a compulsory measure. The fairest lots suitable for packing brought Y4 "0, aud the rest 1 30 nnd downwürds. SHEEP. The quantity was sensibly diminisbed this yeek with no change in the quality. Drovers sorted their lots before finding good sales, best lots bringing in this shape ?4 2"), averaging from 80 to 00 lls; medium lots, same average, fci 26a3 T-'t, and poorest class $2 and 2 ")0 per head. Kino's Cattle Yards, ) Detroit, Monday evening, Sept, ló.' S UATU-ilt. The ruarket was not well supplied, and the quality averaged low, but buyers seemed hungry, and sales were rather brisk at l-4a3-8c advauce. We quote : Choice beeveR, young, large, welt f attened, weighing f rom I ,200 to 1,400 lbs. #1 00 n 4 50 Good beeves, well fattened, steers and heifers, aveaging 1,050 to 1,100 lbs, 3 75 a 1 00 Medium gradea, fair steera, averaging 950 to 1,050 lbs., 3 00 a 3 50 Working cattle, well fattened, averagiug 1,000 to 1,500 11., .'! 75 a 4 00 Cows, common to cboice, tí 00 a 3 50 Gominon stock, medium atocrs, and fair to extra oows, in deeent flesh, 800 to 1,000 lbs., ■ :0 a 3 25 Thin cattle, 2 25 a 3 00 All the cattle offered it these yards to-day were dipposed of. milch cows. Tliere were very few olïered and buyers were also few, leaving rather a dull market to report. Une good cow, a springj milker, that coet $50 ! then, was offered for $30. Mew milch cows were offered at 40a48 for best grades. SHKEP. The market was heavily stocked to-day, and there wer3 a moderata number of buyers on hand, gü'ing alxut the same piïcea as laat reported, but the lots sold were of much bettcr quality, so that tlie market cannot 1 called as good. One lot of K3 head, good common short wooled slieep, averaging 81 1-2 lbs, sold at 3 3-4c ; one lot o M8 head Canadian long wools, aver94 2-3 )kï,-koight to ship, brought 5c per lb, and a selected lot of the same, 1 12 iu nuiubcr, sold at f 5 per head.


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