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BUSINESS DIRECTORY. rBAMEK éc CIBAHGEB, Attoineys at Vj Law, Ann Arbor, Mieh. DSAZSB, IIAKlllilAJi Sc MA.IIII. TOB F Attorneysnt Ottice Nos. J and U out), Maiu ítieot, Aun Ar 1)01'! Mish. B. COLE, Dealer iu Co:il. CWHce , &OF.ANT, ovpr Slawsun & ti.ii' Btore, Oor., Poarth net Huraii St. EBASTI'S THATCHEK, A.ttorny and Counselor -it Law, No. " Emt Hunm Street, Ann Arbor, Mioh. HU tllBOB MIWBRAt, SPIHiiS. V Morris Hale. M.D., Suparlntfindent. Ortiee [g balldlnir, corner Maui and 'est Horon Street. 1DS WORDES, a ?outh Main rtrest, Anu Anmr, Mich-, mul retall dealenln Dry, Cárpete and Groceries. 1851tf 1 UK A sl H TUI, Dealers In Dry (loods, l lirocerles, Crockerr. c. No. 54 touth Maiu Btruet. Wil. JTACK8O1V, DenUt,auooertoO. B. Porter Office corner M aln and HnronstreetB, „ver the store of R. V. Ellis & Co , Ann Arbor, l:rh. vnetheticadmlnlstered il' reqnired. , .1. JOHW9ON, Dealer in Hats and Caps, l1j Pur,8traw God. (ienls1 Knrnishing Uoods, te. No I Sniitli Main -treet, Ann Arbor, -Ukh. nCTBEBLAND t Ulfi:DC., Life and Flrelnsorauee Acenl,and dealewin Kial Eíiate. Oilice on Huron Street B4C1I & ABL!L, Dealer in Dry GMode Oroceries, ftc ic.No '-!6 South Mam Street, Ann irbor. DILAWSON & SMN, Grooor, Provlalon and Commtasion Merchants. and dealers in Wsitor Urne. Land Plarter.aad Plastet Paris. No. ia Kast iluror. Street Wl. WA1Ï3H, Baalur in Beady M Hcl- 'lol hin" i'lotiis. Casaimere. Vesting, Hat. Caps, Trant, Carpet liags, &c '21 íoiiih Main street. jSTOAÜ W.CHEEVEK, 'aïtorney at law ! o Hoe witli B. W. Morcan, Kast siilc orConrt House S'iuire. 1;31 iy C. CABB, líeutis), - Rucoeesor to C. C. ' . Jcïikins. yf Nitro n (Ixiü ABiiBadmini t r ? Orti o e over SI Biioh & Atiei'.s f ? y' feP'S;' -5'" 'x No. 26 Bout b MUS. H. J. HILTÜN, M. ü., PHYS!CIAN AND SURGEON, Office and Residente No. MH Ann Street, eorii; r o?' Ingallt, Ann Arbor, Mieh. %T OtHne houw- 8 to 10 a m., mul 2 to 4 i'. M.SC Befenmxi -Prof. Sageii, Pruf. 1'ai.íif.u. U3lyl C I A K L ES M. WOODR U F F, Attorney at Law and S0LIGITOR IN CHANCEEY. Ojtfiee, Arcade Blode, YpiUanti, Mich. Collections made und promptly renutted. Al lega] business fiiithfully utteiiilH,! t. M!i pRÜ CKERY GLASSWARE & (ÍHOCUIUES, J. & 3? Donnelly HaTelnstorealargestockofCrockerj.Glaisware, Plated Ware, Cotlery Grocenes, c., ie. all tobe siildal unusualiy luw prices. Nu 12 Rast Huron Street, Ann Athor. 1128tf J. & DONNELLT. rOHX G. GALL, DEALEK I1NT FftESH AND SALT MEATS, LAR, SU'SAGES, Kt-., ürdorasolidtedandpromptlj UMI wltb thebest meatB in the marke.1. 31 Kast Washington street Ann Arbor. Sept. 16th, 186. 123 tí .B. G. A. LEITEIÍ CONTINUE TO PUT UP AND FILL Physicians Prescriptioiis, At all honra, at No. 1 Uregory Block. CA. LEITEB & CO. Ann Arbor, Dec. 22d 18T1. 18S4 Wr.C. B. POKTEIi, DENTIST. Oltioü in the Suving Bank Iíloek, Aun Aiboi1. Ml Operations on the Natural Teeth Ferformed with Care. UtfSURPASSED FACILITIES AND EXPERIBNCE mm! ahïTficIal teëtd, PO (ilVK RACH INDIVIDUAL, -lutres of ike proper sixe , hape. olor .firmneê and natural expreision. 1244 HURRYUP! PAKTIi:s wishing Wall Paper, iharli-s Hollando, Winrtow Pixtures, Co"(l, Tassels.&c , al] Xew StyliM. at Satiafactory Prlcea, b) .!. R. Webster & i'o., Book Store tmuir the Expiess Office.;, C X W. A. L0YEJ0Y, TOBACCONIST ! Deals in both FINE CUT AND SMOKING TOBACCO, Smiff, Pipes, &c, AT NO. 7 E.VST HURON STREET, Next to tlie Express Office AW ARHOIC, TIM11. S5tft2ftl"'r dny' -AR111118 wantod I All ik V" classes of working pt-uple, of' either sex, youns or olil, make more money at ■work iör us in their spare mümrnts or all tlie time, thau at anything t-lst. Particulars frée, Address U, Stiueou & Co.. Fortlu"'', Muiuu


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