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Centaur unimrut. Thiiie is no paia which the Centaur Liniineiit will not relieve, no swelling it will not subdue, and no lammen which it will not cure. This is strong languftge, lut it is true. Where the parts are not gom, il effeota are marvelous. It has produced more cures of rheumatism, neuralgia, lock-jaw, palsy, sprains, Bwellings, cakedbreasts, scalds, banu, salt-rheum, ear-acho, A-., upon the liuman trame, and ui strains, sivavins, gálU, itc, upon animáis in One year than have all other pretended remedies since the world tegan. Cripplea throw away tlieir crutclies, the lame walk, poiaonous bites are rendered hannless and the wounded are liealed without a scar. It is no humbug. The recipe is published around each botUe. It h selling as no artiole ever before aold, and it sells because it does jut what it pretend to do. Those who now uffer trom rheumatUm, pain ot iwelling duserve to suffer if they will not use Centaur Liniment. More than 1,000 certificaten of remarkable cures, including frozon limbs, chronic-rheunuitisin, gout, running tumors, &c, have been received. We will send a circular containing certifícalos, the recipe, &c, gratis, to any one requesting it. One bottle of the yellow paper Centaur Liniment is woi th one hundred dollars for spavin or sweeuied horsea and mulos, or for screw-worm in shoop. Stock-owners- this linimeut is worth your attention. No fannly should be without Centaur Liniment. Price .ri0 cta., large bottles $1. J. B. Rose fo Co., 63 Broadway, New "rork. Castokia is more thiui a substituto for Castor Oil. lt is the only safe article in existence wh'uli ii eortain to assimilate the (ood, regálate the boweU, cure wiiul-colic aml produce natural sleep, lt rontains neither mineruls, inorpliine nor aloohol, and is ileasant ti take. Chlldren ïitH-il nit ory and mothers may rest. - 1481m6 Tin HouM-iiolti Panacea und Fatnlly Llnlment Ih Uic best rifcnedyin the worid for the fnllowrng oomplftinti , viz. : Crampt in the Lhnbsand Stomaoh Pain i t !!■ Btomaoh, Boveli, or Bidé, RhAumatism ii till its tuvnis. lïilinuM t'idic, Neuritlgl, ('IioHtu, Dyei tery,Ooldn, Pireih WoundifBunw, SoreThront, Spina Complmtits, Bprama and Bruiwt, Ohilli und Fever For liiternal and Externa] um, lts operatíon is not only to relieve the patiënt, bu eittirety rsiQOTM th6 cauM ut' tlic eompliiint, Jt pcm trates aud perradei tha whtüe aystem, restorin hcnlthy tietion to uil itu ptnU, aud quiukeaiag tl. blood. Tbc ilousi'liolcl l'anncoa is purcly ' !■.; tftbla and All-Heuliiig. Preparad by CÜETI8 & HROWN. N"o. '215 Fultou Street, New Vork. For tale by rH ch-uggist. 14t6yl i ) ir re 1 WHITE LEAD. LEAD. A ■ o ÍPÜRE WHITE" I VIEILLE MONTAGNE FRENCH WHITE ZINC Parlor Snow White ZincCRISTAL FA LACE WHITE! LE AU. Permanent Green or Blind, &c. WHITE LEAD ! In Colon for Outuïde and Iuside Puiutiiig, Varnishes, Oils, Golors, Brushes IBOX - CLAD lïliÈRAL PAIIVT ! Manufacturad f rom pure Iron Ore, for superior to 1 hou made of Chty, Hotten Btone, Dirt, &c. Our Pure Braad of WHITE LEA1) we offer to the public with the ponitive asuranee of abgeluti pun'ti. As much of the White Lflftd old as pure ia udulterH.tcd f rom 20 to 90 per cent., Consumen will consult tlu'ir interest by giving ub a cali. It. W . II KIS A EOM Ui imtflMs. Aan Aituuit, ü. Corner opposite Suvinga Bank. Hlümö JL B. GIDLET, Snccesaor to ('OLOKO E 4 SON. - #P : -' 4, í á .A: M ÜRlKKilSI1 ANÜ OIIIIIS'I1 IN COOK'S NEW HOTEL, No. 12 E. ÏÏURON STREET DEALKR TN imn.s, ui; im:s, si im.m i. nvntnii: rs. PURE IM:s UI) I K(l OttS. cpon MuniCAL purposks only.) Fnncy Goods, Pertumery, PAINTN, OII.S, VAHNISHIW, aisAHM ani Pirrxv, nmm pbescriptions Carefully compounded at all hours. PROPOSE NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD BY ANY FIRM IN THE CITY WHOFURNISH AS GOOD AN ARTICLE. r. h. cidi.i:v. 13671Í I SEMI-ANNÜAL STATEMENT -OF ÏHF. liii Ui f i WESB INSURANCE COM'Y OÏ TlfK United States ol' America. BRANCH OFFICE: PHILáDELPHIA, PENN., Where the Business of the Companj is transacted. CH1BTEBED BV CONGRESS. Cash Capital - $l,000,()(M). JIJLY li 1873. RECEIPTS : Fnnn Jan. to July 1, 1873. {Six montht.) Premiums-incluaing receipts on ieinaured policiea, - - - JS'i2S 47, Interest, - - " J Total reeeipts for aix Biüntbs, tü,811 14 From Jan. 1, to July 1, 1873. (Sil mohths.) Death Claima ana Annuities, - $128,865 20 Canil and alluwaucea for aurrendeied liol ii'irrt - - " " 7 1 ."4 6O Premiunia on policiea reinsurud, - - ,307 24 Commuted Commipsion, - - '' , i Revenue ötampa uiid taxea, - - H,331 10 Dividenda, ... - 80,000 ü() All other expenditurca, - - - 12b,786 82 Total dUburaementa for bíx montlia, $876,136 lí( ASSETS. Cash in Iiank and Trust Companie, $101,572 69 LTnited States Honda, imaiküt valiu-,) -'Üf ?. State Bonds, (markat value,) ,:?' V l.oans secured by iiret mortKuges, 1,28,58, 16 Loans on collaterala, (ollalerals woith „.„.,. Accrued interest, ■i0w' Loans on policies of the BloeUior Lite Insurance Uompuny, which weie re_ insured by the National, Y7,7O . Del'erred serui-annual and quarteriy premiums, on policies in force, (iuelu_ ding reinsured policics,) i,8W II Premiums in course of collection, ïnclndin(f premiums on reinauifd p0"' cies.J and all other aasets, (2,15 Ir Total assets, Jnly lst, 1873, ;;, 11(1,275 41 LIABILITIES. Total present valué of h11 policies in forcé, ineluding all policies reinured - beinir the ainount requisito to reiusure all outstanding risks, íl,!(00,G12 00 Peduct present valué of policies remsun-d in other eolvent compaciw, 38,,i2 uo Net present valué of all .outstnnding Lossen 'reported but not due, ti7,5a()J9 Total littbilitie July lat, is;;:, $1,U3O,OU6 79 BTTKPLU8, (being adJitionul to reinBarenoe funi,] $1,186,178 62 Eatio of Assets to Liabilities 1(52 per et. Total Axxet, July lst, 187Í!, .3,1 lfi,27f 41 Totul Aeta, January ltt, 1873, 2,.6.'i,911 03 Iuerease in Asaets during six moutha, 6i,869 7S New Policiea iaaued during the Vfl. Aiuuunt. six montha, ö'J4 Í New Polieiea, iasuod from .lan. ti, 010,981 lsttoAug. lat, 1873, (seveu montliB), :1O73 7,117,K'7 New Policies issued from or(?ani.uicin, fAll((ut Ist, 18(i8j to August Ut, 1873, BW 5,m,879 The NtttioDHl is mukiuK excellent progrom in finaneiul atreugth- in increase of aasets -in new buaiuosa -and in net amount at riak. All connected with the Uorapiiny, policy-holdei-s as well ua maniigera, eau feel gratined ut ita Hulid uoQMS. nirwTPWP.Q K A. aOLLlNS, Pienident. H 1-) COüKK, (WiiHbiuiftüu) Vicel'reiclfiit. JOHN M. Bl'TLKR, Secretaiy. JAY COOKE.Ohm. Fiu. and Ex. Com. EMEU8ON V. PEET, tPhiladelphia) Vii'e Pres. and Actuary. F. O. HMlTIi, M. 1)., Medical Director. VVM. E, CHANDLEK, (Washington) Attoiuev. Director. - E. A. liollni, Jay Cooke, Clarence H. Olik, George F. Tyler, Wm. (i. Moorliead, John W. Kllis, Hemy U. (Jooke, J. Hinckley Olalk, Wm. K. C'handler, John 1). Duban, Kiiward 1). !(;,■, H. U. Ptihnflstoek. (;. W. SNOVEll, (ïen. A-t Moffatt Block, Detroit, Mich. VV. W. Wheüon, Ag't, Ana Arbor. lMttt V-JESIRABLE EEAL ESTÁTE - - FOR S .A. L IE I 'he nbcoriber, on account of itl health offers hip 33 ACRES a the rorporation for sale. Th is ground adjuina the 'uiversitj Ubst-rvalury on the eaat, upposite aids oí he atreet. It has a most excelltint SPRING ! n thfl northeaêt corner- formerly supplied the Rail.roiid tanks with wnter. ITS ADVANTACES Are M follüws : Foroity purpoeei the Huron Riyer niewnderötlie soma S0 to 40 rods, and is part ut ht best Water Power )n the Itiver in this vicinity, and the elevation on the lortheust ooruer ia sutüciently high and umpleto euply the city neow tÜn for watur and flru purpodt'ü' THE WESTERN PORTION n the roftd is vory SpproprlAte mfl snitalc for a l'utilir ;ity Cemetery. The city ha.s no suoh grounde ïow bul mUBt hftVfl woon, and wliutever (fioundn the city do(!w not care to use, cuu be sold at an advantage, so much tto,that tlie eot of the Water Worka (frounda and Cemetery, wonld be meiely uuminal. If the city I06I DOt want Uu; waine, tlie glüund wuuld be inval uk ble for FRU1TS, LARGE&SMALL, Then being ome 100 trees now in beuiinfj Vegetables anrt Pasturaje, Aad ulno tor MILKsupply,BLOODED STOCK, Horses, Sheep, And other animáis always in grent want by niany in th oity and ita viciuity. Aa city Iota mljoiuinffthe northwest corner of thiH land are uow Htíllinj? frora three hundred to thrce hundrud aud fifty dollars, these lauda would or tiould be wold in a sliorttiniH tu a good advantuae and 10 much profit to the puriJhfterB 3L.I33EÏA.ILi TI3VEE Will be tiven or thft sanie will be exi:hans:ed for Mer ehantable uods or Drugi aud Mediciuitü, at cast' prices. TRACY W. ROOT. Ann Arbov, Jan 31 17:. 1411 The NEW BUCKEYES AND TH E SUPERIOR GRAIN DRILLS As the season is near at hand for Drilling, I will cali the attention of Farmers to these Drills. They are both rigged with attachments for changing hoes from straight line to zig zag alinosi instantaneously to obviate the difficulty of clogging in ui Gtouy ground and with the improved force feed. JACKSON WAGONS, Salt, and Water Lime always on hand. M. HOGERS. P. 3. I want euch and eveiy man thut owes me siilce last Snriug and lust üunimer to square up ut once. 1440m2. 23! 29! 29! i o. i When flrst L. COL.BY hung Uia sign Üf (.!. O. I).-AtNo.S9, And offered Groceriea cheap for cash, Some people suid, " he'a bound to go to nmasn. And old-time Uroeers would faintly smile, l'rophesying "C. O. D. will laat but iittle wliilf . ín mxty day we'll run luui off the track, And culi waadoring custoinera back. ' The roaker8 aaid and thought it true, "He'll surely lail before the year is New ! You can't scll (iroceriea in this town And get your pay in preenbacks down ; Where dry goods merchants on every street With BÜki and aatins, hang out chickena to at ; Where trade ia mixed in every place, At the sanie counter you buy butter or lace ; Where credit and loss go hund in hand. Mr. C. O. D. but a alim chance will Btand." Let prophete and croalcera havo their say, L.UOLBYsells GROUERIKöonly forllEADY PAT, Andsells so cheap tor daily cash He fears no danger of a smash. And to his patrons all, and business friends, The greeting of the aeason he extends, To young and oíd, a glad New Year, With hoats of friendu and lotb of cheer ! Give him a cali, and frora hi store Your tables spread with good things more. Atfhat place you will always lind Frush new Groceries oí best quality and kind - Kverything needful für good cheer at home You eau buy at his counter whenever you eoin. The days are so nhort thi bitter cold winter, Tomentiou detaila would weary the printer. But ask if you choose for anything eatable, You get it at ouce, in quality unbeatable ï Forhungry men who re weary andcoM, He has Uy stern hot, Oysters that must b aold - Oystera pickled, Oyster stew, and oyater fry, Or Oysters any other way you choose to try. He will serve up Oystern at any hour of day, And the best of oigan to nnúkti on your way. A dish of hot Oysters will do you imich god, And cheer you while uelliug your graiu or wood. And with cash in hand lay in ft store Of Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Flour andmany mort', Of all tirinas Nubstantial for daily use, Nor treat life'a prood things with abuse ; Crockery and Glassware and Fruits to put in them, Nuis, Kaisina, and Caudy, for childreu who win them And ye who are blessed with their buautiful faeea, Will tind [391 the best of all places, To buy a trifle, to bring a anule or ringing laugh, Your plüftsure, than theirs, will be greater by half Then do not forget to cali on Mr. C. O. D., Aud buy of him your Fruits, öugar, and Tea. Though the big q a may fall from its placo, The 6. O. L. Zu store is still on tharaoe, And doe uut inten,d to tiy from the course 'l'ill oroakern of evil talk themsulvcs hoiirae. GTOO0TÍM can be sold for roady pay, Aml T ■_ Ooltoy has leurned the way : Sold five times more than he expecLed- By 0. O. 1). from loas protected. And the secret he ia not ufraid to teil - Keep the best of all tirinas -with priceslow- be good naiured, glve food measure, And you are bound to sell ! 29! 29! 29! -rgg i I ANHOOD : II OW LOSBf, SK HOW RESTORED. Jxut imbUflhedi a oev edition of Dr, Culverui'H's Celebruletl lssuy on the radical cwt (without medicine] Ol Si-t hm iobhhcka or Seminal WtwknesB, [nvoluntary Seminal Loase, Impotency, Mental uud Thysieal Iriíííip;tt:ity,Iiapedimt;iita tO Mairtaff6i6to.; also, Cunsumption, Kiilkpky and b'ris, induced by BU-iadttigenoe or sexuul xtravaKunce. fldr i'rice in :i waled envelope only ix oents. The cek'bruted author, in thia admirable easfty: rleuily domouatratos trom a thirty yeara' öiiccrsstul praotUM)t tlutt thfl ularminií connequonííea of self-abusc muy be rttditiiilly cured without the duagerOQB uae oí inti-nml nicdinine or the applkiatiou, of the kniie; pointinjj out a mode of enre nt once pimple, certain, and ett'ectuiil, by means of whieh every ufferer, no matter what hÏH(!undition may bt1, ínay cure hiintwli eheaply, privattly aiut radicaüy, BjT Thisleetureehould be in the hnnds of every youth and every man in lbo land. Sent under aoal, in a plain envelope, tonnyaddretw. poMtyaaidi on reoeipt of tsix. cente, or two poat stampa. AddrcHs the l'ublifihers, CHAS. J. C. KLINE & CO. 1 87 Boweiy, New York, Fustutüce Bul, 4S8U. l6Tl 1873. 1873. TAKE N0T1CE ! rpHE TRADING ASÜOCIATION Are now having Daily Opening OP FRESH Fíll Dl'! Giili Direct f rom New York and manufacturera in G rea ter variety than ever before ! ST NO HOUSE IN THIS CITY Cm show as Complete a stock of DRESS GOODS As we are now opening. SHAWLS IN ALL STYLES, FANCY GOODS, CLOTHS, FLANNELS, LINENS, DOMESTICS, NOTIONS, HOSIERY, LAMES' l NDKRWKAR, &o.,&c. A complete assortment of' CARPETINGS OIL CLOTHS 4-4, 5-4, 6-4, 8-4. The public understand that we have for the past five years sold our goods at Lower Prices than any of our competitorg, and we now announce ihat we intend to hold and increase our alroady immense trade by a system of 9MALL PROFIT8 For ouraelves, and TELLING BARGAINS for onr customers, which we believe the public will apprecitite and encourage. G. W. HAYS, Supt. Ann Albor, Sept. 18, 1C7S. 1444ti


Old News
Michigan Argus