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The Michigan Argus

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publishdevery Friday moming, in the third stor; Ahp bliek blooK, corner of Main and Hurón atreets A-t" Abeob, Mich. Entrance on Huion street, op pos'ite the Gregory House. gLIHC B. POND, Editor and Publislier. Tcrms, Sií.OO a Year in Aövance. RA1-K3 OF ADTKRTISING: 12 lines or lcs coni rcii a square.] =vTo'k. ' w.l S w. w. im.i m.ll year. , „mre ;r, 1 i.i'jl S0.2 75 $4 Oü'ifiOo! $ !) 00 -';■'.., 1 50 3 00 S .VI I 50 5 00 8 00 itOO ', i 00 2 50 8 50 5 00 7 50 10 00 15 OU : ■' , inn 5 50 4 00 4 M 00 10 00 15 00 25 00 '-;;:;,;, lm .-, too swisoosooo jooo 1c, S W) 7 00 ,-t 00 10 00 15 00 24 00 3 00 nníumn 7 00 10 O" 12 00 15 00'20 00 80 00 55 0O )' i , „i ' 10 W) 15 00 18 00 22 no 8Í 00 60 00 100_00 la in Directory, not to exceed four lmcs, $4.00 n rear. ' ijyertisera to the etent of a quarter column rm n „„'i.-iv contract, will be r-iititled to have Iheir cards in y il ctory without extra charge. T vil editorial notices gn cents a line. Business fo'icaalSoentea line for the insertiou, and 6 - .i ;r e;icli aubsequent insertion. J rirriaseana death notices tïee; obitunry notices flv. oenta h line. Yenrly adTertteers have the privilesre of ohimging l„iv üdTertinemente tluee times. Adoitional clmngi,]a rill be obsiRed for. gy Adverüeementa anaocompanied liy written or Mrbal direotiona will be pnblishod tluee months and chnredaccordinirly. Legal advertlsements, first insertion 70 cents per folio.' 85 cents per folio for saoh subeequent insertion. When a postponement is added to an advertisemeut the wliole will be char{?ed the same as the first insertion. To be paid for when aöidavit is made. JOK I'HIVI I ;. Pimphlets, Posters. Hand-Eiüs, C'irculars, Oards. Rail Tickets, Labels, Blank, Bill-Bead. and other inrieties of I'hün and Fancy Job PrintinR executed ïith promptuess, and in the bist possible style.


Old News
Michigan Argus