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Matt. Carpenter Is Making A

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perate cffort to get into the tavor oí the masses; and prosccuting hia effort he recently made a speech, or delivered an address at one of Josn Billixgs' " agricultural horse trots," that is at the ftnnual fair at Eockford, Winnobago County, 111 In this address, hu declares that Railroads are public highways, that taxition can thereí'ore be laid to build them, or that they may bo built by the exponditure of any moneys in the treasury, from whatever souroes derived or purposes raiscd ; fhat OongresS may regúlate the tarift' rates upon all railroads where freights are shipped or passengers carried from one State to another ; and that Congress may build as many trunk linea from east to west- and by logical deduction from nurth to south - as it inay deern necessary to bring down the prioea ot transportation. If the farmers or Grangers vish to get " out of the frying pan into the flre"they will listen to suoh rant as this of Senator Carpenteu, adopt the views he propounds, and rely upon Congressional legislation to regulato existing railroads and build new ones. If Congress can enter upon the general work of public, interState improvements, build, purchase and oporats railroads, canals, etc, there is no limitation to its powers- for evil. It be well for the people to pause befon consenting to set n such a centralized and arbitrary body and bidding it send out its army of servants, employés, officeholders, to thrive and fatten upon the land. If Congress can do these things it may tax the people to establish banks or other corporations, may take the manufacturing as well as transportation intei'Hsts in its charge, and may assume the role of the all in all, the be all and do all. If Coiigress is possessed uf' such omnipotence then tho trainers of the Constitution Imilded in vain, buildèd in ignorance, buildod limitations and banier which havo been broken down and swept away, creatod a government with original, general, absolute, instead of delogated powers ; and the States and counties and towns, with their varied systems of government, exist only by sufl'orance and aro not the fountains or germs they have so long been considerad. It is well to follow a proposition to its legitímate conclusión before aooepting it to accompliah a specific end. A new roUTiCAi, party has been organized in California and chriitened the " People's Independent" party. The telegraph gives the following synopsis of its platform : " The convention adopted resolutions that the opponents of organized corruption forin themselves into a politicil party known as the People's Independent party ; repudíate party fealty as a tyrannical rule, sinking the citi.en to a servile partisan ; conJemning the system of using money corruptly in elections; condemn all political rings and cliques; pledges the party to civil strvice reform ; resist all Credit Mobilier, and similar companies ; denounce the present system of the distribution of lands and grants of lands to railroad and other companies ; oppose all kinds of subsidies by Federal, State, county or municipal gov ermnents ; oppose present tariffs ; favor taxing solvent dubts ; favor the eight hour law; oppose Chinese immigration ; and oppose the election of President for mee than one term of four years." Not unmixed with clap trap but sound in the mam. The eight hour plank is a lmmbug of the first water, and the oneterm plank is mero froth. A President restrioted to a term of four years would be no more free trom partisanship and corruption than if elegible to a second term; nor so much so in our opinión. The opposition to Chinese immigration is merely a local issue, and su;h immigration should the rather be regulated than prohibited. The convention nominated E. W. McKinstky for Judge of the Supremo Court, and commended Grov. Bootii, who is the new party candidato for United States Senator. Thursuay of last week was Detroit's blue day. Knus were made on the several Savings Banks and the private banking offices of D. Preston & Co and BeITZ ifcCo., oompelling both establislinierits to raspend. Saturday morning Preston & Co. published a card putting their assets- all claimed to be good- at 11,183,296.02, and tboir liabilitiea ut $860, 296.07. They resunied business on Saturday, at the usual hour paying out email sums and offering good securitiea to all the fearful who wish to withdraw large deposite, for hoarding rather than business. We believe no run has been made on them since re-opening The Savings Banks all went through and no run was on the severa National Banks. Democratie journals have oharged that President GRANT was responsible for the increase of liis own salary as well us tlie salaries of meinbers of Congress, the favorite Kepublican answer has been " you lie." But now comes Congressman Wii.i ahii, of Yermont, in whone veins thore runs not a drop of Democratie blood, and avers tha1 the President "persorially expressad to " uiembers a dtsire to havehis own salar} "increased; and the selfish interest "i " mombers in inereasing their own pay " was only one of the devices by which " the President's salary was raised : in "other words it pulled that increasi "through, and the hole meanre hm "favor at the White House on that ac" count." Now let soiue Radical scribbler go for Congressman Wiilard and "sel liiin up on his e;ir. ' In this oonneotion, it should be unrterHtood by the oppressod and struggling tax-payers of the country that Preside! Qeant was nlready getting 126,000 a year, out, of which hti had only to pay his personal and family expenses, the White House being fumished and Wftrmed at public expense. S. D. BlNOHAM has vacated the editorial chair of the Lansing Republican : " on a furlough" he puts it. Stephe has made an admirable paper, politically hot, but nevertheleafl always eourteous to-Deniocratie journalists and political opponents generally. The oraft will part with him with regret. Ho is succeeded by W. S. Georgk, the genioi partner of the Republiean tiriu anü an untiriug worker.


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