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The County Fair

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Preliminar; fco a brief notioa oi the County Pair or rather the 26th Animal Fair of the Washtenaw County Agricultura! aml Horticultiiral Society- held last week, (! give tho íollovving statement of entries in the Beveral i ments or classes : Class i. Durhama, - - - - -18 " 2. Devona, " 3. Grades and Nativos, - - -'16 " 4. Working oxen, - - " :. Fatcattle, :í " (i. Herds - Durhama, - 1 " 7. Horses- Thoroughbreds, - - 1 ii g. .. - Half-tlumniyhliniis - 5 ■ 9. " for nll work, - - - 126 " 10. Carriflge horsee, - 138 " H. Trotting horses, - - - 13 " 12. Draught borses, - - - - 1!) " 13. Saddle horsos, ----- 3 11 14. Jacks and Mules, - 1 " Ui. Speed, :i " 17. Sheep- American Merinos, - - '20 ' 18. " - Long.Wooto, - - -10 .. 19, ii _Gh - i " 20. " -Fat, ----- 2 ' 21. Swine, 14 " 22. Poultry, 37 " 23. Agricultura] Implemente, - - 21 " 21. Gi'aiu and Seed, - - - - 12 " 25. Vegetables, 1--' " 26. Butter, Chete and lirrad, - - 1 1 " 27. Honey, ----- 1 " 28. Dairy and Household Irapléraents, :; " 29. Domestic Manufaetures, - - 27 " 'tí, Fruit, l" 31. Flowers - Professional bet, - - 0 " 32. " - Amateur list, - - - .",í " 33. Mechanic Arts, Boots, Shei-s, Harness, Leather, - - - - 1 1 " 34. Articles of Dress, 17 " 36. Cabinet Ware and Joiner Work, 14 " 36. Wagons and Carriages, - - 11 " 37. Othor Mechanica! Works, - - 3 " 38. Fine Arts and Works, - 2ü " 39. Faney Work, 37 " 40. Little Girls' Work, - - - 8 " 41. Female Equestrianism, - - - 0 " 42. Miseellnneous - Gents' Department, 81 i:'. " - L&dies' Department, 18 Total uumber of entries, - - 939 The show of cattle was excellent and large. The herds were enterad by Messrs. D. M. Uhl, I. W. and H. T. I'helps, and John Starkweatha; Mr. Uhl having 10 head ; the Mesera. Phelpe i; and Mr. Starkweather, 4. J. S. AVood, of L,odi, showed the fat cattle, and Iliev were fine mimáis. The show of horses was also large. The Engish coach horse ovvned by Mr. Watkiue, of tfanchester, and which also has a military reemi, attracted a great deal of attentiou. There vere some fine trotters, but the trial of speed vas so tedious on Friday that it was poetponed mtil Saturday, and oar reporter " was n't thar." In sheep A. A. Wood, J. S. Wood, and E. Preston & Son, exhibited Merinos - 40 head - ind L. Wallington and Emanuel Mann, Long SVools - '20 head. They were iiue lots. The hogs and pigs numberedSO, and the show )f poultry was large and tíne. In agricultural iniplements M.OB69 Rogers nadealmost all the entries and a fine show, and s entitled to credit i'or his enterprise. The show of Grain, Seeds and Vegetables w.-i arge, and better samples of potatoes, beots, injiashes, onions, meions, etc., need not be lookid for. There was also good lots of butter and ;heese, and beautif ui " bread and honey." All our carriage makers - Arksey, Bross, ilandy, Wurster Si Me Lean, and Schmid were epresented, and by work creditable to tbemlelves and the city, and our manufacturera and nerehants made fine displays of iurnimie, sili-er-ware, fnrs, musical instrumenta, fcc. Floral Hall was not what it should have been, 3ut Mrs. Ten Brook, and Mrs. Winegar made ine displays in the amateur line, and were aided }j( Mr. X. 15. Covert and J. G. Price. The lalies also contributed many and fine specimens of :ieedle-work. We must not ornit to notice four inely and truthfully executed oil portraits, the ft'ork of Miss Katie Rogers, of this city, who jives promise of niaking a, reputation not unrtrorthj' the nieeeof Kandolpli Kogei's, so f&meufi is a sculptor. In fruits C. H. Woodruff was the largest exliibiter of Grapes, though Mi-. Ten Brook had a fine lot. There were fine Pears and Apples, Mr. J. A. Scott being, perhaps, the largest exhibiter of both fruits. But we cannot go through the several departments in detail. The premium list, to be published next week, will give tlie oamea of exhiIjiters more in detail. The Fair was, perhaps, a suceess nnder the Ljircumstances, thougli not what it roight and ■hould liave been. A Max Shot in Salem. - Just before noon ot Tuesday last, Hiram B. Warren, of Bolem, aged ibout 30 years, was shot and killed by Henry Warren, aged 18 years. The latter was a son af Hiram G. Warren and cousin to the tonner. As we get the report the young men with a hired boy were in the cornfield at work when Henry came up behind Hiram within six feet, and, as he alleges, when inteudmg to shoot over Hirain's head to scare Mm, the gun (being loaded only with a large charge of powder and wad - slipped - the muzzel falling part way down) and going off blowed Hiram's brains out. This was the second attempt of the same kind to " scare" Hiram that lie had made the same forenoon. Au inquest was held and a verdict rendered that the said Hiram B. Warren came to his dcath at time and place stated, by the discharge of a gun in the hands of Henry Warren, without intent to kill. Hiram was au unwitted, foolish sort of a man. - The practice of pointiug guns in sport or for " scare" cannot be too severely censured, and the Iaws of the State - see eoinpiled laws, page 2077 - provide for sevorely punishiug such a careless use of fire anus. The Circuit Court is still in sesión. Since om layt issue the lollowing 0M68 h&ve been tHsposed of : William Burnliain vs. Jortin Forbes. Beplevin. Jury trial. Verdict for Plaiiitiff $741.88. William McAndres admitted to citizeiinhip. William A. Noble vs. Stewart Fitegerald. Default. Judgment for plaintifl'. Damagée 1316.93. J. Clark vs. Eruily E. Clark. Divorce grontad. In the matter of the appeal of Elizabeth Austiu from the decisión ot' the Commissioners disallowing her claim vs. The estáte of James Mooie, tíen. Jury trial. Verdict tor plaintirï $328.9."). Josiah U. ïuttle vs. Eedney Minzeg. trial. Verdict for plaintiff H6. Ora H. Corbett vs. Geo. E. Bouthwick, et al. lmparlance. Damages assessed by tlie Court for plaintiff $3(17.70. ürrin F. Gilbert vs. Tlie Americ:iii Insurance Co. Jury trial - in urogress. The Jury were dÏBcharged vt-sterday until Nov. lOth, aiul the couvt will adjoum to-day mitil that day. The President of the Savings Bank of this city tells a joke at his own expense which is too good to keep. Going to the depot one morniag last week to ship his horses to Bay City, where they had been previously suld, he remarked to the agent, " Well Mr. Schuyler, in these days of panic and fmanciul tightness and broken b;inks_ it is hardly proper tor a bank president to keep gay horses aiul so 1 have eoneluded to send mine off to be sold." Schuyler's response eame qufck : "That will do to teil Judge, luit I know what'fl the matter, you are shippmg them out of the county to get them away from youx creditors.'' Tlie jmlge proposes to badger e green hand nt-xi time. TheCatholtc World for Octobei luis for its leoding papers: MAre Our Public Bchoolg Freef " Grapea and'Thorne," "Italian l catión Lawrt," " How George Howard was Cured," "Crime - its Origiii and Cure, " "Madame Agiies," "ïlie Napoleonic Idea and its Gousequences," " My Friend and His Story," " A French Poet," " More atout lirittany," " A Vinit to the Cii'and Chartreuse," " Paris Iluapitals," ajid "A Week at the Lake of Cumo." Tliere uit;, bebidos, lesser papers, poetry, and reviews. Five dpUkra a year. Catholio Pubhcatio-s Houbh, '.i Warren itret, New ïork City,


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