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Centaur I.iiiimiiil. There is no pain which the Centaur Liniment will nut relieve, 110 swelliug it will not subdue, and uo lameness which it will not cure. This ia strong languagc, liut it is true. Where the parta are not gono, its effects are marvelous. It lias produced more cures of rheumatism, neuralgia, look-jaw, palay, spmhis, swellings, cakedhreasts, scalds, burns, salt-rheum, ear-ache, &c, apon the human trame, and of strains, spavins, galls, &c, upon animáis in one year than have all other pretended remedies smee the world began. Cripples throw away their crutches, the lame walk, poisonous hites are rendered harmless and the wounded are heftied without a scar. It is no humbug. The recipe is jmblished aronud each bottle. It is sellint; asno article ever hefore sold, and if Bella because it does just what L1 pretenda todo. Those who now suffer from rheumatism, pain or swelling deserve to suffer i f the y will uot use Centaur Liniment. More than 1,000 certificates of remarkable cures, including {rozen limbs, chronic-rheumatism, gout, running tumors, kc, huso been received. We will send a circular coutalnin certificates, the recipe, &c., gratis, to any one requesting it. One bottle of the yellow paper Centaur Liniment is worth one bundred dollars for spavin or sweenied horses and mules, or for screw-worm in sheep. Stock-owners - this liniment is worth your attention. No faimly should be without Centaur Liniment. I'rice 50 ets., large bottles $1. J. B. i (!o., bS Broadway, New York. Castouia is more than a substituto for Castor ÜiL It is the only safe article in existence which is certain to Ewsinulate the food, regúlate the bowelfl, cure wind-colic and produce natural sleep. Il contains neither minrruls, morphine nor alcohol, and isleasant to taks. Chüdren need not cry and mothers may Ií31m6 Tlie llouselioltl lfjni;i;i umi Faiuily JLiiiimcnt Is the iiijt vnicis in the world for the followf ng complaintt., viz. : Cramp in the Limba and Stomaoh, l'iiin in the Btomach, Bowela, or Ride, BhPTimfttiBin m all it toiius I ■ ' holera, Dysen!ji y, ruMs Preh Wound8,Bum8, SoreThroat, Kpmnl t lomplainta, Bprnine nnd Bruises, Chilla mtd Fever. For fnternal and Kxttriial use. [tsoperation La uut onlj to relieve the p:iti-nt, Tmt entirel] ■ cause of the ooraplaint, lt peneand pervadea the whole i ■ -m. restoring bealthy aotlon to all il parta, and qulckening the Uood. Tlic Ifouoliolt Panacea is purely Vegetable and All Sealing. Prepared by CURTÍS & RROWN, Xo, 215 Pulton Street, New York. For sale by all dru ■ 1488; t FALL 1873. BACH k ABEL We invite the aitention of the public to our extensiva STOCK OF IÍOW IN STORE. Oar recant purchasos in the Eastern markets erabl3 us to offer ene of the Largest and Most Complete ASSORTMENTS iisr tuis "vicxisriT"". J5ÜT We buy largrly frcm Manufacturera and Importéis, and " exclusively foi cash,'" and will maka pricos as low as any houso in Michigan. BACH & ABEL. WAGNER The One-Prtaed dol hier! Hüs receBtly enlsrged hls etore and htus jnst receivei ;iud offers to t lit_ public the targesi stocli oi MENS', YOUTIIS', AND BOYS' Ueady-Made Fall and Winter CLOTHING! Ever brought within the County ot' Wnahttnav.- liles.' gooda were bonght Por ca&h, and will be sold a :lie lowest poulblccaBË prtce. AT WAOXELÏ'S. Also constuntlj' on band u fine line of Foreign a ml Domntic Cloths, Cassimeres and Vesting? All in ero;it varicty, wliicli will be made up to onlei mul w:tri.tnlcd to tit. AT WAGNEB'S. A complete and lai ge stock uf Gents' Fiiriiisliiiig (Joods of every desciiplion, lower Uian ever. AT WAGNEE'S. TEUNK8 AND VALISB8 of varióos styles and makea. AT WAOXKIi'S. GOOD PAPEE COLI.A11S only 8 uta. per box. WM. WAQNBE. 21 South Main St., Ann Arbor. Wanted? Agenta $75 to $2í0 per month, eTerywhere, male and female, to introduce the GeDuine Iniproved Comnioa Sense Family Sewing Machine. TLis machine will stitch.hem, feil, tuck, quilt. cord. bind, braid and ombroider in a most superior manner. Price only $15. Fully licensed.and warranted forfive years. We will pay $1,000 for any machine that will bow & Htronger, more beautifu!, or more elatic neam thiin ours. It niakea the " Elatic Lock Stitch." Every second stitch can be cut, nnd still the cloth can not m pulled apart without tearing it. We pay agenta from $7ft to $250 per month and expenses, or acoimnflsBiou from which twice that amonnt can be made. Address SECÜMB & CO., 157 Stato street, Chicago, Ulmoi. "POR SALE ON LONO OBEDIT ! Ann Arbor City Lots, with good title, and well lo OAted for residencia business. Alao aeveial Moityagea lui' aule. la.iuircüï E, V. MOKGAX. 14S2mÜ pUEE ] WHITE LEAD. LEAD. i W1BBA.VTED I PÜREWHITE" 1 VIEïLLE MONTAGNE FKENCH WHITE ZINC Parlor Snow White ZincCRYSTAL PALACE WHITE LEAI). Permanent Green or Rlinds, ftc. WHITE LEAD I In Colon tor Outslde and buide Painting, Varnishes, Oils, Colors, Brushes 1BÜS-GLAD lllÜRAL PAIST 1 M.;uiiif whircil trom ]ure Tron Ore, far superior to tliuM' made oí ( 'lay, Botten Btone, Dirt, &c. Our Pure Brand of WHITE LEAD we offer to the mblic with the poaitive assurance of absolvte purity. Aa muoh of the White Load nold a pure ia adulterated trom 20 to 90 per cent., Consumera will consult iimii interest by givinf? us aoail. IC. V . 101,1. IS A '., Drus-srUtK, AyM AnHoit, Mint. Corner opposite Savings Bank. wiamt) I? B. GIDLEY, Successor to C0LGl0 E t SON. DKililST AICIIIIIST IN COOK'S NEW HOTEL, No. 12 E. HÜR0N STREET DEALER ÍN IHtU.s, IBEDICIRE8, si t;u ai, nsrui tii:ts, PIRE VIKS AM) LIlOttS ri'OR MEDIO u PUKPOSIÏS ONLY.) Fancy (íoods, Pertumery, PAIMTS, OII.S, v i:msiii:s, olasb AB I'líTTV WYSÍ6ÍASS' PBESCRIPT10iS Carefully oompounded ;l all tiDiirs. PBOPOÍE NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD BY ANY FIRM IN ÏHE CITY WHO FURNISH AS GOOD AN ARTICLE. k. h. i.iniii . iui;Ttr TVESIRABLE EEAL ESTAT FOB SALEI The subscriber, on account of iil heulth offers hifl 33 ACRES In the oorporation for sale. This gronnd adjoinsthe Universit} Observatory on the east, opposite sido of the streel. It has a most excellent SPRING ! On Ukj northeut ooraer- formerly supplied the Rail ruad tanks with water. ITS ADYANTACES Are as follows : For city purposes the Huron River mennrters the same sume 30 tü 40 roda, and is part oí' the best "Water Power On the River in this vicinity, and the elevation on thfl northeaBt corner is sutíicientl y IiíkIi and ampie to buj) ply the city necessities for water and iire purposes' THE WESTERN PORTION On the roml is very approprinte and suïtable for a Public City Cemetery. The eity has no such groundfi now but must have soon, and whatever grounda thi eity does not to UW, oan be sold at m advantupe, no much ao.that the oost of the Water Works gronnd-s and Cemetery, would be merely nominal. It the i:it does not want the sume, the grounds WOUld be invaluable for FRU1TS, LARGE & SMALL, There being some loo trees now in hearing Vegetables and Pasturage, And also for MILKsupply,BLOODEDSTOCKj Horses5 Sheep, And other animáis nlways in great want by man y in the city and lts viciuity. As city lots adjoinmgthe northwest corner oí this land are now selling from threehundred to three hundred and flfty dollars, these lands would or could be sold in a short time to a good advantage and to much protitto tlie pui X.IBERA.3L, TIME Willbegiven orthe aamewill be exchanro(l Tor Morchautable goods or Drugs and Medicines, at cash prices. TRACY W. ROOT. AnnArbor.Jan 31 1873. 1411 The NEW BUCKEYES ATnID THE SUPERIOR GRAIN DRILLS As tbc season is near at hand for Drilling, I wil] cali the attention of Farmers to these Drills. They are both rigged wifch attachmcnts for clianging hoes from straight line to zig zag alinost instantancously to obviate the difficulty of clogging in Soddy or Stony ground and with the improved force feed. JACKSON WAGONS, Salt, and Water Linie always on mini. M. HOGERS. P. S. I wint eacli nncl every man that owes me Doe bist SyriiiR aud last Sumtuer to sijuare up at Doe. I44l)m2. 23! 29! f! ; o. o. i Vhn ñrst L. COLBY hung hÏBflign Of C. O. D.- At No. fJ9, And otfered Groceries cheap for cash, Sorae people said, " he's bound to go to smash." And old-time Grocers would faintly sinili', Prophesying ll0. O. ï). will last but little while. In eixty daya we'll run him oif the track. And cali our wandering eustomers back." The croakers said and thought it true, "He'll surely lail before the year ia Xew ! You can't sell tirocerics in this town And get youi-pay in greenbacks down; VV'here dry goods inerchants on every street vVith silks and satins, hang out chickens to eat ; Wheretradeis mixed in every place, At the same coTmter you buy butter orlace ; Where credit and loss go hand in hand. Mr. (J. O. 1). but a slim chance will atand." Let prophets and croakers hnve their sny. L.COLBYsellsGHOCiíRIKtíonlylorliEADYPAY,, Andsells so cheap for daily oash lie feans no dang'or oí a siimsli. And to his pations all, and business friends, The greetmg of the season he extends, To youug and oíd, a glad New Year, W'ith hosis of frionds and lotfe of cheer ! Give him a cali, and from his store Yoni tables spread with good things more. At that place you will alwaya rlnd Fresh new Groceries of best quality and kind - K.verythintf needful for good cheer at home You eau buy at his couuter whenever you come. The dfiys are so short thris bitter cold winter, Tomentiun details would weary the printer. But ask if you choose for anytliing e il i You get it at onee, in guality unbuatabk' ! ?ohungry men who are weary nndcold, lio has Uysiers hot, Oysters th'ut must besotd - )ysters pickled, Oyster jtew, and oystei fry, )r Oystti auy other way you choose to try. Xe will serve up Oysters at any hour of diiy, And the best ot' eigarH to smoke on your way. dish of hot Oysters will do you mut-h g And cheer vou while sejling your gruin or wood. nd with Dftsh in liand lay in a store 1 CoilW', Ten, Sugar, Flour and muny more, )f all thinus substantial lor duily use, Nor treat life's good tliints with abuse ; Crockry and Qlassware and Fruits to put in them, Nut s, Huisina, and Candy, for children whc win And ye who are blessed witli their beautii'ul faceB, Will find [20] the beat of all places, Po buy a trine, to bring a smile or ringing langh, Your pleasure, than theirs, will be mater by half rhencfo not forget tooall on Mr. C. O. D., And buy of hixu your Fruitfl, Öugar, and Tea. Though the big (i) a may faïl from iti place, The C. O. D. V store is stilï on thenu-, And does not intend to fiy from the eourse Till croukera of evil talk themsel vee hoarae. (iroceries can be sold for ready pay. And Ij. Oolby haa learned the way : Sold flve tunes inoro than li; expected- By O. O. D. from loss protected. And the secret he is not afraid to teil - Keep the best of all things- with prices low- be good natured, give good nieasurt', And you boond to seD 1 29! 291 29! -gg lyi anhöód7Yowlosï, 9cP HOW RESTORED. Just piiblisltPíl. a uow edil ion of Dr, Culvcrwcll's Celebrated ENay on the radical cun (without medicine) ol BpLbuaxoabhba or Seminal WeakoeBB, tnvoluntary Seminal Loases, I itjc Mental andPhysical Enoapacity,Ii , to Matriaïe, eto., also, Consumption, Kpilei'Sï and Fits, ■! by b( Lf-indulfcence or sexual es B9" Price i a sealed envelopeonly six oents. The oelebrated author, in thia admirable demonstrntes ftom a thirty yeftiV buo pruotioe, that the ahtrmioK eonaeouanoea irf aéLf-abuw iiiay be radically cured without the dangeroua use oí interna) medioine or the applioation of the knife; pointing out a mode of cure ai 01 ,■ irtáin, and eJleotnal, by means of whioh ever) Buflerör, a matter what nis eondition may be} may cure himseli cheftply, pri ateiy and radïcaüy. Dj?" Tliis leeture ehould be in the bands of ever youth and every man in Uie land. Sent ander sea!, in a plain 6nTelope,toaoyaddreq8 jtott-vaid,on reoeipi of six cents, or fcwu poststampj Aadreas the Publishers, CHAS. J. C. KLINE & CO. 1ÍÍ7 Bowery, iNow Vork, Poctoifice Box. 4580. l6yl 1873. 1873. PLEASE TAKE N0T1CE ! rpsE TRADING ASSeCIATION Are dvw buving Daily Opening OF FEESH Fall Dn Guit liiiixt fromftcw York and mannfacturers in iKreater variety tlian ever beforc ! m NO HOUSE IN THIS CITY Can show , DEESS GOODS As we aro now opening. SHAWLS IN ALL STYLES, FANCY GOODS, CLOTHS, FLANNELS, LINENS, DOMESTICS. NOTIONS, IIOSIEKY, LADIES' UNDEIHVEAIt, &c, &c. s . A complete asaortment of CARPETINGS OIL CLOTHS 4-4, 5-4, 6-4, 8-4. The public understand that we havo for the pust five yoars sold our goods at Lower Prices than any of our cornpetitors, and we now announoe that wo intend to hold nd inour alroady immense trade by a system of SDMAILL PROFIT8 For ourselves, and TELLING BARGAINS for our customers, which we bolievo the public will appreciate and encourage. (. W. HAYS, Supt.. Ann Arbor, Eept. 18, 11 unit


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