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Horses "rearing."

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lioíning is a coltish triok whioh is genprally lost as the horse grows older. In slight cases it consista in the horse siuiply íising a little before and then dropping again, as if from pay only ; but in the worst forra it is a systematic attempt to throw the rider, and sometimes the horse goes so far as to throw himselt back as well. When in an aggravated form it is a frightful vice, and with an inexperienced rider uiay be attended with fatal misehief. The remedy for this vice is the martineale, whioh may be used with rings running on the snaffle rein, or attached directly by the ordinary billet and buckle, or, again, by nieans of a running rein which comraences trom the breaststrap of the martingale, and then running through the ring of the snaffle with a pully-like action, it is brought back to the hand, and it niay thus be tightened or relaxed, according to circuiustauces, so as to bring the horse's head absolutedown to his breast, or on the othor hand to give it entire liberty, without dismounting. With a determined brute, nothing short of this last kind will provent reariug ; and even it will fail in some cases, for there are gome horses which rear with their heads between their forelegs. Nevertheless they are rare exceptions, and with the majojity the martingale in some form is efficacious. It should uever be put on the curb-rein with rearing, and indeed a curb is Beldom to be used at all wiih horses addicted to that vice ; they are always made worse by the slightest touch of tho bit, und unless they are very much inclined to run away, it is far better to trust to a straight bit or plain snaffle, which by not irritating the mouth will often induce thein to go pleasantly, where as a more severe bit would tempt them to ehow their temper by rearing Breakmg a bottle of water between the ears, or a severe blow in the same part, may in some cases be tried, but the continued nse of the mariingale will generally suffice. - Prairie Farmer.


Old News
Michigan Argus