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The Michigan Argus

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Publi ild overj t'rida; morniiiff, n the I hul story ,1 Hiebrick blrick, corner of Mum and Hmon stteet, ,Mich. Entranw on Hnromtieet, opposite the Greyorj !'■ KlJHi: 15. rOM), Editor and Pnbllslier. ■IPi-ms, sa.M) :i Voar in Advancc. RATKS OF1 ADVKRTISING: lü Unes or less consiilered u Bqxinrc] m. 6"ra7T yëar. , ■;, . m ! 0 I : .".O1 S50 5 00 8 00 12 00 : V ,„.s i !SI 8 60 5 00 7 5O1OOO 15 00 1 00 60 6 00 10 00 15 00 25 00 1 of) 5 01. B OH 8O0 12OO20OO 30 00 i r oo a un in ooit 00,2400 38 00 00 10 "0 U 00 IS 0":20 00 30 00 55 00 00 18 00 22 00185 00 GOOfl 100 110 _ ; ■ : Curds in Uuec.toiy, ot to exeeed four hnes, 4.00 a Advoitiser tothc extent of 8 quarter column m a trad, willbntltled lo have their curds in rjlreetory without extra charge. , editorial notices 2' cents a line. Business a li cents a Itue tor tlie llrst insertiou, and li :it fr each subsequent Dserliun. I irriaiteand dwtth notices iïee; ohituary notices l'r ir cents a line. ,'i'iirly lulvertiseraliive the prlvileae of chnnttins ■; ,-ir :nlvtrtiseineu! tinto timo. Addiitoüal cluuig11 bo ctmviied foj. V'hi'i MsoniiMit ánaceoTnpftniPfl by wriften or tor'tal direotions will )e publiahed thiee rannths and -iui-'-Hi Bocordinrly. Legal advertisement, flrst insertinn 70 cent pac i er folio for e:iel lubaequeot iusertion. Whcn ;i p.ti jKinriiitnt is added to in advjertiaMneut tlie wliole will be chnrged the snme as the tirst i'nsiTTo be paid for wbên affidnvit is made. .TOK PRINTING. Pamphlots, Poster, Hnnd-Bills, Circuláis, Carda, l,il Tiokets, Labela, Blank, Bill-Heads, and othei es of Plain and Juli I'rinting executed „:;!, promptneM, aud in the bert poasible style.


Old News
Michigan Argus