The Old Surprise
Now what hath entered my loved woods, And touched tlieir greeu with sudden change 't What is thifi last of Nature'a mcods ï'hat makes the roadside iook so strango ? Wlio blanched my thistle's blushing face, And gave the winds her silrer hair? Set golden-rod within her place, And scattered asters everywhere ? Who splashed with red tlie sumaeh hedge,- ' The sassafras with purple stain ; Gave ivy-ieaves a ruby edge, And paiuted all their atenu again ? Lo ! the changereaches high and wide, Hath toned the sky to softer blue ; Hatli crept alüiig the river-side, And trod the valleys through and through ; Diaoolored every hazcl copse, And stricken alt the pasture lands ; Flung veils across the mountain topa, And bound their feet with yellow bnnds. Is, theii, September cume so soon ? Full timo doth summer ne'er abide ? While yot it seems but summer's noon, We'ra flonting down the autumn tide. - Atlantic Montlüy for Oclo'tir.
Old News
Michigan Argus