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The Portraits On Stamps

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Tho trait of Franklin on the one-cent stamp, in imperial ultramarino blue, is after a profile bust of Eubricht. The head of Andrew Jackson, on the two-cent stamp, in velvet brown, is from a bust by Hiram Powers. The Washington head on the green three-cent stamp, is after a bust by Houdou. The Lincoln protile in red on the six-cent stamp, is by Volk. The sev en-cent stamp, in vermillion, gires the head of Stanton after a photograph The head of Jefferson on the ten-oen t stamp, in chocolate, is drawn from a lite size statue by Hiram Powers. The portruit of Henry Clay in neutral purple, ou the tweive-oent stamp, is after a bust by Hart. The head of Webster on th fifteen-cent stamp, in oran ge, is af ter the Clevinger bust. The portrait of' Genoral Soutt on the twenty-lour-stanip, in purple, is after a bus by Cofifee. The head of Haniiltui] on tho thirty cent stamp, in black, is after the Ceirachi bust, and the portrait ot Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry, in carmine, is after Wolcott'a statuo


Old News
Michigan Argus