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Royalty From A New Point Of View

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editor, associated much with royalty, because niouarcbs of tbe present day are not proper companions for a virtuoue young man, and partly ■because none of thein have come to this country animated by a craving anxiety í'or our society. But we have seen a great deal of kings in thw theatre, and we have never been more thankful that wo are a republican who can never by any possibility be placed upon a throue than whun we have observed that every movement of a king is always heralded by a flourish of trumpets and a roll of drums. This would constitute an insuperable objection to our assuniption of a crown. It would be very disagreeable if there were a man hired by government to execute the chromatic scale npon a brass horn every time we went froin the bathroom to the front parlor, or to plunge about wildly through variations on the trombone wtienever we crosstd our lega or took a drink of witter, lt would be equally horrible if, when we went to the head of the stairs to cali to the hired girl to put breakfast on, an uproarious fiend in the yard should rattle out the long roll on a drum. So, upon the whole it is perhaps better that things are as , they are.


Old News
Michigan Argus