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Change Of Gauge--rapid Work

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The Grand Trunk Kailway Company having determined on a change of gawo on their road from six feet to four fe'et eight inches, so as to conform with the princigal roads connecting with it east and west, notice was given that no trains would pass over the road after Thursday Consequently early on Friday morning large forces of men wore put to work at various points of the road, and in just 24 hours from the time of commencing operations the whole work was completed. In that tituo 516 miles of track bet ween Stratford aud Montreal- was laid, and on Saturday a train left Montreal for the West. Tho whole line of the Grand Trunk Kailway is now of the ordinary gauge of American railroadg, the diatance between Sarnia and Port Erie, oppoaite Bufïalo, having been changed a year ago. This will greatly facilítate transportation to the seaboard over their whole line. - Detroit Tribune, Oct. ö.


Old News
Michigan Argus