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Abstract Of The Postmaster General's Report

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The following .facts are taken from the Report of ihe Postmoster General, just present ed lo Conjjress. Tho number of Postmnsters appointed the year, ending June 30, 1845, wns 3033; dealhs end rObitfiiationB 1897; remováis 75:1; commissions expired 14; now Post Offices 352. During the yenr 516 contractos were fined to the nmount of $10,521 50 The retentie during.tlic ycar was $4,289,841 SO KxpcnditurcB 4,320.731, 09 Nel revcnuo nftcr dedticing the commiasions oí Post Maaier, continent expenses kc. is 2,942,217 27. The Postmnstcr Genera) believes thero wil bea inlliníí ofl' forty-five per cent in the receiptsofthecurrent year, nnd tint therewil be a diminution of the means of the Deparl ment of $1,323,997. The suvinff frnm former rates in New Enff and and New York n transportauon, tb curren: ycar is $232,832The Rnilroad service is onlr tenlh o the whole, whilo thry charg ono f)fth of tl. whnlr.Should tbore be a similar snving n lettmg the contracta to other distnets to that efiêcted intho wil! nmonnt in 1847, '43 and '49, to L1,005,732. Compensaron to Postmasters and for Post Offices during: tho yeor ending j30th June, 1845, was L149,875 18. Over 2000 Poslmasters reslgned mi acount'of the new )aw. The Postmaster General mentions a case of frnud on the Post Office in one envelope, on which $1 50 had been paid, there werc countcd 100 letters encloied, which woulil have omounted to #10 00. The P. M. G. thinks :ho single sheet syslem should be reatorcd or reduceÜ to a quartcrof an ounce for a single letter. Tho great weight of the mail is by cairyng printed matter, lt composes nine-tenth ofthe mail, vet pays only one-tenth of Uie expcníC8. He proposet the rollowinff reform: 5 cents each binjrle letter umier 50 milea. 10 " ' over 50 and nnder 300. 15 " over 300. This lo continue til 1848, who the present ratcs shull be rnstoreil. He recommends the formar rntes on newspaj.ers, perjudicáis fcc. witl) rght lo senu them out of the mail. He uros a pre-payment of letters in all cobop. He ai vises a limit to ihe number of rxchane papers betvveon Editora. He rccinmend lli rcsiriclion tf franking privileges to the ol.I gronnd The number of letters not cnlled for the first quarter, undcr the new kw, was S00,000. .Morse's Telegroph to Baltimor, with Professor Moroe'a salnrv, costs #3211, nnd Ihr


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