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"Sound as a nut" is this plmik in the platform of the New Yuik Deinooraoy: " t'uit the granting ot' subsidies ly the general and State govenimonts Rnd tlio bonding of cities, towns and villages in aid of railroads and other corporations is wrong in irinciple, corruptingin tendency, and ought to ceasè." That is it to a dot ; if the State must build raihoads, let it own and opérate thein for the benefit of the tax-payers ; if it is not expedient or profitablo or just for the State to embark in railroading on its own hook no portion of itü citizens should be taxod to build railroads for corporations toowu and opérate. - In the Constitutional Coramisaion on Friday last a communication was recoived from the ííecretary of State, announcing that Hon. Wm. M. Ferry had subbcribed to the oath of office as a membor of the Commission. Mr. Ferry takes the place of Mr. L. G. Mason, of the Fifth district, or rathar the place Mr. Mason seems never to have occupied or claimed. Mr. Ferry is a good man for the position, but comes to bis work rather late. - It is now said that on the day the First National Rank of Washington suspended President Grant received a nice little eaka box frorn the bank, - which contained $20,000. Theie is no report of any "cake box" being sent that day to ex-President Andrew Johnson, who had $60,000 in the same bank. Grant not Johnson was in position to comraand special favors. - The Springfield (Mass.) Re-pvUimn. tkinks it small ' business to incorpórate the words " free pass " in a State Constitution. "Salary grab," "salary steal," " back pay," " Credit Mobeilier," etc, wore thought by our forefathers " potty" or unnecessary words to flnd place in the mitional constitution ; but what a heap of corrnption and national disgrace their insertion might have saved. - Henry Clews predicted flnancial ruin, dire and droad, if Greeley was elected President, and begged business men all tbrongh the country not to commit haiï kari by voting for him. And now Henry Clews is meditating on the condition of things from a horizontal position : that is he is flat on his financial back. Grant was au unsafe pilot. - The Supreiue Court of Illinois has rendered a decisión sustaining the constitutionality of the liquor law of that State. It is similar to the Ohio law ; holds saloon keepers and liquor sellers responsiblo for damages, both to the families of their customers and others ; and permits the abatement of saloons as nuisances. - Connecticut voted on Monday last on a proposition to so amend the Constitution as to provide for making tora the capital. lt was carnea by about 0,000 majority, and no longer will the school boy answer the question, "What is the capital of Connecticut?" with " Hartford and New Haven." - The Boston Advertiser (Rep.) is making anxious Lnquiry concerning the legal attainments and qualifications of the would-be chief-justice Conkling. It oan't ñnd anything in his career - which has been mostly as a politician - that loads to a suspicion that lie is a tried and able la-wyer or juxist. - In the Supreme Court at Lansing, on Tuesday, application was made in behalf of the Detroit Park Coinniissioners, for a writ of mandaiuus against the Common Couucil, compelling the issue of $300,000 of park bonds. The order to show cause is returnable on Tuesday next. - A Northwestern Farmers' Convention is to be held at Chicago, commencing Wednesday, the 2M inst., at 10 o'clock a. m. Farmers' Clubs, Granges, Farmers' Associations, Agricultural Socioties, Boards of Agriculture, etc. are each invited to sond one delégate. - The Detroit Tribune sidea against Don Ilenderson in his little fight with the Grand Eapids wing of the Fifth District Congressional Committee. We don't see the rost ; but to be consistent m neve agreeing with the Tribune it must tak the other side. - The San Francisco Chronide charge that " Boss Tweed" was so coolly re ceived in that city that " he folded hi tonts like the Arabs and quietly stol away."' If that was all he " stole" th good citizens of San Francisco cuglit t rejoico. - Ames and Aleorrt are just nowgivin the Badical leaders at Washington a dea oí' ti'ouble, and tho Administration agen! are endeavoring to negotiato a peaco Where is Butler? Can't he muzzle Ame as a reward for Grant favors and support - The Free Pt'êss opposes the incorpora tion into the Constitution of a provisio prohibiting the exeuiption of churc property f roía taxation. It holds tha the Legislature should not be tied up but at the same time favors taxation. - And novv report has made a " confes sion " for Mrs. Luoette Meyers : that sh witnessed the killing of Goodrich b Kate Stoddard, or rather that being hi in an adjoining room. she heard the alter catión and the shots. Fishy. - The celebrated English painter, Si Edwin Landseer, died at his residente in London, on the l3t inst., aged 70 years His animal pictures have made his nam ii housohold word in jnany lands. - Wantod - Honost Senators :" such i the heading of a recent New York Keen ing PokI leader. Judging by the past th Republican party oí New York will no bo able to furnish them. - This is how an Albany man solilo quizes on the rinancial criBis : " I votec for Grant last fall to secure stability in money matters, and now I am ruined b; instability." Just so. - The regular fall term of the Su prenie Court opened at Lansing on Tues day, with 65 cases on the calendar. - State elections take place in Pennsyl vania, Ohio, and Indiana on Tuesda; next, the 14th inst. -7 - " Cfesarism" is now the argument (? beüig used against the re-election o Speaker Blaine. - ■ Capt. Buddington and the othe Polaris survivors have arrived at Wash ington. - Ex-Gov. Hoffman has gone into winter quarters in Paris. " It wires in and wire out" might be wrütten of the Constitutional Commission, and that a section or an article hns been. agreed upon to-day is no evidence of the shape or setting to be given it tomorrow. A weekly paper is of no possible account in keeping up with the changes of base. At the stand (iov. baoley uehvered a brief but appropriate address, Bishop HcCoSKRY offered prayer , Ilon. W. A. HOWARD gave the address of the day - lengthy and dry, and the corner stone was laid with due Masonic coremonies by Grand Master McCURDY, at just about 0:15 o'clock, p. ir., the guns firing and flags waving. Aíter that cauie dispersión and as great a crowding of trains to get out of town as there had been in the morning to get in. It will Le many a long year before Lansing will süg such another crowd. In another column we copy a description of the New Capítol, wliich will be found more interesting to the mader thai a spread-sagle account of the day's doiugs. The contractors are the saine men who built Detroit's City Hall, which is guarantee enough that tho Statu will ge a good building. Monsieuk Tüxsüx Ceeswell ha come to the front agnin : this time with a rene wal of his proposition or recom mendation for the establishment o "Postoffioe S.ivings Biakg." In other words hi8 postinasters all through the lan are to be authorized to receive moncys on deposit, the same as banks, such deposite to draw four per cent. interest. Al moneys so deposited are to be sent to a central bank or bureau at Washington to be invested in govcrnment securities His proposition is not original, but i copied after the Etglish system, whicl he claims works very successfully, the the British Postoffice Department, at it last report, holding 180,000,000 of de posits at two per cent. interest. Afte Mr. Ckeswell shall have swallowec the tolegraphic system of the country and the Savinga Banks he will probabl; prepare to monopolizo the poultry busi ness. The country would be more pluasec with Postmastcr-Goneral Ckeswell if he would regúlate his mails before embark ing in other enterprises. Michigan sub scribers to New York daily papers don' exactJy relish getting the numbers b; pairs or tripleta - and the last one a da; or two behind at that. One thing at a time. Mr. Creswell. The New YoRKDemocracy mean busi ness in dealing with tho salary-grabbers in evidence of which the recent Utica conveution nearly unaniinously adoptec the following resolution : Resolved. That this Convention will not place on the State Comniittee any man who has votet for or received back-pay onder the recent act o Congrega. Tho resolution was opposod by the friends of' ex-congressuian Kixsei.j.a, who designed to place hiui on the comuiittee, and in his defense they alleged tliat he voted against the law but took the back pay as a "loil" and law abiding eitizen. But it was 110 go, Kixseüa is now without any official position, and the Democracy of the State have no responsibility for his out-goings er incomings. The Convention also deiiounced the increase of salaries, whether of President or Congressmen, and deuianded tho repeal of the bi 11. TllEttE are soine quoer thiugs in the postal la ws. For iustanoe : the Ann Arbor subscribers to the N. Y. Independent er any other mammoth weckly p:ior are charged postage in the suui of' iivo cents quarterly ; wliilo the subsoiibers to the Uniwrrity Chronide, printed but twice a month, are taxed six cents a quarter, or more than doublé the tarift' levied on the Independent. Had not Postmaster-General Creswell bettor give his attention to the regulation of such glaring unoqualiities and abuses bofore he suils in too largely tor postal telegraphs, postal savings banks, etc. Let us have one thing well done by the postottioe department before spreading over all creation. TllE Democeatic ticket for the State of New York, nominated with great unanimity on the 2d inst., by a convention presided over by Hon. Horatio SEYMOUR, is as follows : For Secretar y of State - Diedrech Willers, Jr. For Comptrouer - Asher V. JViehols. For Attorney General - Daniel Pratt. For Treamirer - Thomas Raines, (present Treasurer and a Liberal Republican). For Kmjineer and (Suroeyor - Sylvanus H. Sweet. For Canal Commüííoner - Jamos Jaokson, Jr. For I'rison Tntpeetoi - Hiram M. Beebe. The ticket, is pronounced both excellent and ationg, and the candidates were placed upon a platform without a weak plank. Despite the letter written by Hon. S. J. Tilden, from Vienna, declining a reelection as Chairman ot the New York Democratie State Commlttee, he was unanimously re-elected, an expression of üonfidenee of which he may well feel pioud. The State is the trustee or custodian of the University fonds, whether derived trom eodowment or appropriatiou, and the oflioers of the State regretfully dole thein out on quarterly requigitions. The Ameriosn National Bank, Detroit, i the fortúnate custodian - at 4 por cent. - of a largo portion of the State's surplus fonds, having in its vuults an average balance - f report is notatfault - of over $300,000. Yct tlie American National Bank refuaed to pay and allowed to be protestad on the 'JGth uk., a warrant of the State Treasurer for $11,624, drawn in favor of the Treasurer of the University and bearing his indorseiuent, the currency being need ed to pay the salaries of professors rnd other employés, due the lst iust. The transaction waa none the less disgraceful because " by advice of the üovernor." Were other State institutions served the same way r The balance in the State Treasury Sep;einber 30, but four days after the warant was protested, and on the vry day ;he bank unwillingly squeezed out onehird of its amount, was $854,471.44. Baboock at Saitgatuck. - Our new Babcock re-engine arrived Sunday morning on the jhaftee, and on Tuesday aiternoon was taken o the foot of Butler street for trial. A qíianity of dry goods boxes waa heaped up and satuatod with kerosene oil, then ignited, and when ompletely envcloped in flamen a atream was urned on, and in eight aeconda there was scarcey a spark left. The flame waa again kindled, uid tlie experiment again repeated with the ame results, till the large crowd of spectators were thoroughly convinced of its efficiency. On Wednesday, at another test, the hose waa carried o the top of the Saugatuck House, and the treain was torced through 200 feet of hose with ine jffect. We helieve onr citizens generally are convinced of its superiority over evcry other enginc. Our village board are entitled to much raise for their action in procuring this dflsuaile machine. Now let us have a company organi,etl iinnn'diately. - SauffQtuck Commercial, Sept. ). Ax Inch axd a half of Land -The highust price ever paid tor real estáte was not either in London or New York, but ín Boulder, Colorado, where lots are worth about ten cents a front foot. Two adjoining proprietors have gone to law about oue and a half inches of the dividing line. ïhe case has been in progresa only two years, and when last tried occupiec the time of one judge, four lawyers, onp high sheriff, one crier, forty-six witnesses threo constables, and twelve jurymen fo six days. This was the first trial, anc the costs therefor amounted to $1,542.65 and how mauy more trials there niay bt can't be foretold, for the jury didn' agree.


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