Ank Akbob, Thubsday, Oct. 'J , 1873. Apples- Green, 33@8tc. Bdtter- 20@22c. Cobn - BringH 50@55c per bu. Chickens - Dressed 12Hc. Eggs- Command 18c. Hay- $15@17 per ton, accordmg to quatity. Honey- In cap, 18g)2Oc. Lard - The niarket stands at 8@tc. Onions- $1.00. Oats- 33@3(ic. PoTATOEe - New 55(fi0c. Turnips- 30@40c. Wheat- We quote White at $1.30 1.35. Detroit Produce Marliet. I.iitest quotations for leadtng articles of eountr produce- Oct. 9, are as follows : Wheat- white, $1.30@l. 52: amber, $1.20(3)1.41. Barley- 2.OO@2.75per cental. Rye- G0@70c per bu. Corn- 50@52c. Oatb- 39@44c. 1'otatoes- 50@60c. $5.75a$6.25. Hay- 18@Ï25. B UTTER - 1825c. Koos- 18@22c. Lard- 8@9c. Honey- 18@22i Wool- 30@45c. per lb. Detroit Live Stock Market. From the Detroit Free Press. Michigan Central Cattle Yaeds ) Mouday, Oct. 6. $ The effect of the late money panic seems t have worn off somewhat, as the shipments t tliis market of a local character are quite bris and restores business to its wonted aniniatioi Those Eastward were also numerous this inorn ing, and indicate that a sound basis wiü soon b established in live stock matters. Below w give a comparative statement of the receipts fo two weeks : STATE. Cattle. Hors. Shee] Week ending September 29, 434 1,696 2,65 Week ending October (i, 554 2,911 2,03 Total 988 4,007 4,08 VIA CHICAGO. Stock received for transhipment : Cattle. Hogs Week ending September 29, 1,660 2,77 Week ending October 6, 906 2,04 Total 2,466 4,78 CATTLE. Though the yards were not so well filled as o the previous market, 'such was due to the ab sence of through cattle, which usually occupiec a space to the exclusión of local stock. The lot brought in by drovers were not comparable t those from the extreme sections of the State some being suitable to rank as extra choice These were not secured by home buyers, bu were shipped to Eastern markets. The ligh weights of choice beef cattle were secured, how ever, but not till the prices held were yielded Fme, well-formed cattle, averaging 1,000 to 1, 100 lbs brought readily $4 and Í4 25, the sam quality being at last market about $3 50. Thin indifferent lots were broken in bulk and sok altogether by the head, bringing from $2 S0 to $:ï. A large lot of Texau steers, averaging about 1,000 lbs, brought $2 50. Local buyers seemed inexhaustible in their supply of lega tender, inany of whom came prepared to buj chcap beef cattle with the above results. Th market was a bright one to small operators. HOOS Came in slowly as the market opened, the lot in being all sold, and an anxious inquiry fo choice lots was noted. But few lots were per mitted to remnin long in pens, being hurried to the scales under prices according to grade Choice block hogs brought from Ï4 50 to f4 70 light weights $4 25 and upwards. Some very choice lots arrived during the week and were mostly secured by agents of Eastern firms. The advance in prices and brightening of the finan cial outlook brought about quite a satisfactory fceling. SHEEP. Some very choice lots passed the scales at the opening of thü market. In this, as in all the rest of the departments, there was a decided activity, large and small operators oarnestly engaged in Beouring lots. Some inferior qualities were not cousidered m the operations, as the demand is becomiug more contiued every year to choice qualities. Lots averaging 1)0 lbs, well formed, brought Í4a4 50 ; medium L3 50a3 75 . Some sold by the head at a fair ñgure. Kino's Cattle Yards, ) Uetuoit, Monday evening, Oct, 0. r 1TTI.V The business at tnese yards this moniing opened steady, sellers being well np in thuir views, but as tlie moniing mlvauced with little show of business, and the oiïerings were somewliat timitedi particularly in choice cattle, buyers took hold more freely and better uïces thun last week were realized. The loilowing quotatious will cover to-days sales : Choice beeves, young, large, well fattened, weighing from 1, '21)11 ;o 1,400 lbs. 13 78 4 i Good beeves, well fattened, steers and heifers, aveaging 1,000 to 1,100 lbs, 3 00 a 3 Ú0 Medium grades, fair steers, averaging ÜÖO to 1,060 lbs., 3 00 a 3 25 Workiug cattle, well fattened, averagiug 1,000 to 1,500 lbs., 3 75 a 4 00 }ows, common to choice, 3 00 3 0 Common stock, medium steers, and fair to extra cows, in decent flesh, 800 to 1,000 Iba., 2 50 o 3 25 'Uin cattle, 2 2ó a 2 óü KILCH COWS. The offerinptR were ligtit this morning and luyera fovv. A few oommoo to good quality iold at !35a40, and one chotee cow Ii.-!1 at 160 was nut sold up to a late hour. 8HEBP. 'J'lie mark cl was well supplied and prieel were ilittleoff. OneflockofH2, averaging 84 7-17 Ilis, bronghl Í3 7 per hundred. irofis. The dexnand tras more active, and the principal lots found purcliasen. At the Central ?ardi yesterday prinea were ;il I the same, ■" choice lililí tal boga, treighing 234 Us ach, at $4 40 per huudred ; 6 choice little pigs, iTeraging96 lbs, at 4c.
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Michigan Argus