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Slave Selling In Rhode Island

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Nearly a ccntnry ago, Rhoüe Llan] was argely coiiccrned in the S'.iive Tiade. The bundation for the prospcrity of eome of the nost opulent families in the State wns laid y this nefariou8 butine. It scrms that th? IVYVolfs areengnged in the biivmcss stilt: for he Providcnce Journal of the 13lh uhimo ;ontains the foüowinj ndvertiaement: - 'Valuablk Provkrty.' Wil] be 8"ld nt public nuctin, ia front of the countinor ro"ii of Mark A. D'VV(lt", niBiiía tol, on' Fmlay the I4tb dny of November, at 12 o'clock, noon, for the benefit of credi'ors. All the rijjh, title and interest which Wm. II. D Wolf hnd, nt tlie time of the making of his nsignment, to the foilowing dccribed rrai and prrsonal proper ty, viz: One undivined fourth part of n certain Coffe Plantation f'ii the islnnd of Cuba knowo as the Mount Hpe Estnl,' eitim'.e about L0 miles eouü westerly f rom tho city ofMatanzns, nd near the villaje of Mndnign WJth one nndivided founlj part of nll buildings impruvement?--, cofft-e trees, NEGROKS, () stock, tooU and titensils, belonging to 6ai enlate. The fouith part. of a lot of human btüttgf put up at auclion in the land of Rogcr Wülinm, to be bid for by New England men- the descendants of those who pledged thei livep, tbeir fortunes, and their sacred honor ii defencc of the principie that all men have a right to Lilerty! Wliat a mockery of Re publicanism!


Signal of Liberty
Old News