TySSOLUTION. lotice is hereby pi ven ihat the partnership of Felch 6c Oiant, Attorney's at Lnw, is hereby dis solved. All claims for and against said partnership must be settled Mt onee. Aun Albor, Oet 0, 1878. ALPHEUS FELCH. C. B GEANT. -SSC-. LECTURE TO y sroTTiN" :M::EKr. Just publiwhed, in a Sealed Envblope. Price 6 ets. A I ■ on tlie Nature, Treatineiit and liadical cure of Spormatorrrnjfa or .Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Kmissious, hexual Debility, aud Impedimenta to Bfarriage : Nervousner, (;onsumption, Epflepay and Fit ; Mental and Physioaï [ncupacity, rt-sulting1 from Kelf-Abuse, eto. -By BOBERT J. OULVERWELL, M. D., Author oí' the "Oreen Book," &c. The world-renown author, in this admirable Lee ture, clearly provea íroni ros own experience that the awlul consequenees of Self-Abuse may be effeotuaily removed without medecine, and without dan(ferOU8 BOXViOftl oierationw, bougies, instrumente, rings or cordial, pointing out a mode of cure at once eertaiti and eflfectual by which every eufferer, no matter what bis eondition may be, may cure himselí cheaply, privately and radically. THIS LECTTJRB WILL PROVB A HOON TO THOUSANBS AND THOtTSAFDS. Sent under seal, to any addrees. in a plain sealed envelope, on the receipt of six cents, or two postage utampH, AIso Dr. (Üui.verwelis "Marnage Guide," price, "i0 cents. AddruRsthe Publidjeti, CHAS. J. C. KLINE & CO., 127 Bowery, New York, Postoüice Box, 4 580. H3iyl ASI PPLYING A WANT I; ONU NBEDED BY BANKfcRS, - I.AWYER8, _. _ .„. PMYSIC'IANS, iy C %ílf (i,i:it(.i'ii:. nM C ÜW ('ORRKSPOXD'TS. _„____. HIIOKKKKPFJIS. MEIlt'HAIVTS, N PBrlO.A I V F I BUSINESS !!!■:, _ m mm 9m : One of the most practical, - - . uneful, and valuable iua TV T" ventions of the age. Pat," ienttíd December, 1872. Over 5,000 now in daily I A f B I nH" iving unqualitied I l b i síitisfíictiou. No buaine?t U O ti ■ U La othce is complete without I N V E NT ION. Send tra Priee List and 1 llust ruted Circular. AGENTS WANTED SmSMÜ Alsu, C'ounty Kigkta for Sale. Addrews C. A. (OOK. CHICAGO, ILL. OIIAMBERS' ENCYCL0PJ3DIA. A niCTIONARY OF Universal Knowledge for the People. REYISED EDITION. WITH Maps, I'lates, and Engravings. Complete in 10 Vols. of 832 pages each. Vtustroieü with aboul Fr,ur Enyruvings and Furty Maps, totether with a Series of ft om Ktijhty to One lnudred Eteganüy Enijrai'i'd Plates - Hhi.ttrativ?. of the Sutyecti nf JYatitu! JfiMory -1IOIV for the FIRST Tasxappeéring (n the Voorkt PRICE TER VOLTTMK. Extra Cloth, beveled bonrtls, - - $5 50 Library Sheep, marbled edges, - - ti (H Huif Turkey Morocco, - - - ti 5V This Editiox is Sold oxly iïv Agents. Pnblished by J. B. LirriNCOTT & CO., Fbiladelphia, Pa. SYLVANUS WAKREN, 1SÍ) Woodward Avenue, Detroit, (ieuerul Agent for the Stat.' oí' Michigan. By compuring Charabcra' Eneyclopfedia with the N"ew American Cyclopiedin, - the work with which it is most frequently brought into compariaon, it will be lourul that while the ten volumes of Chambers' contain 8320 pages, the original timUem volumes of the New Americiin contnin less thau 12,000 pages. It will also be found that a pae of Chambera' contains full one-jifth more matter thwii a page of the New American, making the ten volumes of the loriuer equivalent in amount of printed matter to at least thirteen volumes 'of the latter, not to mention the numerous Platea fabout 80), Woodcuta (some 4 000), and Maps (aliout 4'H, that are included in this edition of Chambers', and to whifih the New American poaaesses no eorrespondinf? feature. It is eonfidently believed that as a popubir " Dictionary of Universal Knowi.edgk," the work in without an equalin the English languüge. 1 426y1 [f yon are Suffering from any CHRONiC DESEASE, Broken Down ConstHution, Or require a Remcdy to Pnrify aud Enrieh the Blood, ïouwlll flnd Dr.Crook's Compound Syrup of Poke Boot to jtti-ss tjmttr mrrit, curE you more poedily, and do yon inore good than any and all otber remedies eomfoined. rbat Pale.Tello. S cUl.y-looliinfí SUln la changed to one of frehnesR nnd nealth Those Dixense! of tlie Skin. lilon,lntules, Blotclie and Friipiiuis are removed. Scrofula, Scroí'uloii DiseaMe of tile Eyes, Wliilp Nil!in, fierra, Oíd ores or any kind of Humor rapidly dwind e and disappear nndrr its influenee. What Ís it? lt is nature's own restorerl A soluble oxyd of iron comblnetl TVith the medicinal properties of Poke Root divested ot all tiuallties. It willcureany Dlseaso whose real or direct cause is Bad Blood. KlieiinialíMin, 1'uIiih iu Llmbs oí Bwnes "m.síii íiiions brohen lown by Mercurial or otJior poisons, area.ll cured by lfcCjFor mytlfiH,oi' Nyptailitic lalnt, there ís nothlng uyual tu lí A triul will orove it. oíd by X HURRY ÜP ! IlAItTíKS wishiní WhII Paper, Cloth and Píiper Bhades. ílollando, Wimlow Pixtnrcs, Coids, Tweele, te, all New Styles, at Satisfactorj Prices. by J, K. Webster & C'o., B ok Locƒ near the Express Office. X M N. ÍBK""' Msnnnctorer of Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, AND SLEIGHS, of every stylo, made of the best material and worxanted. lïepuiriug doiie prompty and prioea reasonable. Detroit Street, near H. t. Depot, Ann Arbor, Mieh. 144(iyl TWËLLING HOUSES vvR SALE A large ;ind very woll built brick house, with two r more lot. Two lure frined tiouues. Also a ftood ized briek house ana í'riuned bonae ; nnd a mtill rftme house on u ifood lot, intended for adding a frunt , or sule on fair terms and a leasouable credit. Also other buildius, Iota, and property. HIONEÏ 80 many wishing to orrow money apply to me that I can readily obtain oriendersgoodsatisfactory inveatments at ten per ent. interest. E. W. MORUAN. Ann Arbor, ADril 23, 1S73. 1423lf latí & Stlil Conlinue to ofl'er this week NEW&FRESH AIUilVALS OÏ THE LATEST DESIGNS In Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS Suitable for Fall Wear. Bujers should not fail to examine our Stock before making the ir purchases. AT MACK & SCHMID'S You can ftml CAMELS HAIR AND WATERPROOF CLOTHS In all the New and FASHIONABLE SÏÏADE8 Now in such great demand. L. C. RISDON SELL8 PERRY & ( O.'S No. í) New American COPPER LINID IRON-CLAD RESERVOIR, FULL TMMMKI), FOJEl $6O! Otlior Stoves in proportion 31 SOUTH MAIN ST., ANN ARBOK. 1446tf Wanted, Agcnts, $79 to $230 per moQth, Terywhere, mals and fetnale, to introduce the Genuine lmprored CommoH Sense Family Sewintf Machine. Thii machine will stitch.heni, feil, tuck.QUilt.cord, bind, braid and enibroider in a most superior manner. Pnce only $15. Fully licensed. and warranted for flve years. We willpay $1,000 for any machine that will w a etronger, more beautiful, or more elaotic seam than ours. It m&lcea the " Klastic Lock Stitch." Ever ■econd atitch can be cut, and still the cloth can not M pulled apart without tearing it We pay agenta from 11 to $250 per month and expenses, ora coinmission from which twice that amount can be made. Addreas SEC0MB i 00., 107 State street, Chicago, Illinois. T)UT YOUE MONEY WÏÏERE IT WILL DO THE MOST A. A. TERRY HAS A FULL STOCK OF HATS AND CAPS! IN Til E LATEST STYLES. ■ QUALITY AND PRICES TO DE F Y COMPETIT1OJV, ALSO, A FÜLL LINE OF GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS {W Cali heore purchanug. 15 South Main Street. _jL3
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