Local Brevities
. Circulare. _ nfll-Hesd. __ Lattor-Heads. . shipping Tags. _ Piinlad at the Ar.ors In tlie best stylc and CHE .. Don't order elsewhere before oalliug. _ Satisfaction guarnnteed in every respect. __ The philosopher'a Btone: Advertís - in the A.WVS. Capital: the weather. _Oood order is reported at CTniversitj i pjercisee. __ Qm Ypsilanti ítems" man lias "kinder jiD cout." _The Vnirenitii ChronUU is agou) slieduiug jglightwmi-monthiy. __The Akolts office lilock is takinj; on a coaf of naint. A decided ImproVément _Quiftlias prevailod arouud the TJniversity. ,;Uupiis for a wcek or moro; but II: pumpe ,i;i; . )„. only resting. - Ün Sunday evening last the liev. ('. TI. jjjghara delivered the opening disoourse oí lecdi in a courae on "Batíonal Behgion." _ Victima ware nraneroua at Cook's Hoto! Mterdayi proving their claims against Milter & Webster, and payiug each 11.50 for the privilege, -Frank M.Fasr, a gradúa te of the Cniversitr, oí8 ot' '"'' (lip'l nt tl10 r'ls;ill'1:'1'1 "f "" fither, in Chicago, outhe evening of the 23d ult. _Bv tl't" failure of Miller & Webster tlie Studeiits' Lcctuve Afsooiation lost f 1,006.00, the Kcumulated proflta ofseveral years' courses of tectmee. - Three copies of the daily New Vork World _forthree consecutive days - were received at the AROt'3 office on Tuesday last. Don't the BjüiBeedregulatingF - CoL C. B. GeaHI 18 soon to lme ourr.ity, ngat Houghton, X. P. Regretting to lose him we conimend hini to the kind attentions and business farora of the Houghtonites. - The lossby tlie burning of the barns of the Ifeasrs. Finley, with contenta, has been arij usted ,277.95. The insuranoe was not properly ipread to make the assm-ed good. - If that corner stone hadn't been laid last Thursday we should liave " done " the fair at Ypsilanti, which we are glad to loavn was a mece, financially and every olher way. - We expected to give our readers the County Fair Premium List in this Aeous, and believe that we promised to do so ; but the copy has not yet been furnished us and our oompositors eumot well put it in type before we get it. - At the meeting oL tlie Regents on Tuesday momg a special committee was appointed to retain counsel to argue tlie homeopatby manJamus-case, which is to be heard at the November terra of the Circuit Court before Judge Cfane. - The funeral of the late Maj. Robert J. Bariv was largely at tended on Sunday afternoon, evinencing the general esteem in which he was lickl by this community. No obituary of Maj. Barry has been furnished us, and we are ignorant of lus place of birth, age, etc. - Monilay monün last the first ice of the the season was seen, and that only wliere water ras spread out exceedingly thiu - say on a plank sidewalk ; but Tuesday moruing the ground was frozen, siuce which vegetation and foiiage look as though they hail been scorched. - The anuual session of the Board of Supervisors will conimence on Monday next, at the Court House in this city. If all partios haring eliims against the countj' will present their bilis the firat weel; of the session the labors of the Board may be iacilitated and their sessiou shortened. - On Monday evening last as James Welch anilwit'eof Northfield, were returning home from this city, their buggy was upset on a nidlingpiece of rood, breaking the large bone of the left limb al Mrs. Welch and dislooating the tibia. Mr Welch was somewhat brutead, but a ba be eseaped imiujured. -In the United State Court at Detroit, on Monday of last week, the rnotion to dissolve the ïnjunction in the case of the Rock Island (111.) W'atch Company against the Mozart Watch Comiany of Aini Arbor, was argued and subüiitted, and decisión has since boen rendered gmnting the motion. - Wending our way homeward at the usual hour ofFriday afternoon or evening last, we heard one of a knot of studente remark, " Well, e'll all put on our old clothes," which seemed to presage " an evening with the campus pumpere." But the rain stole the march on the raideisand all was quiet around the square. - At the regular monthly meeting of the directora of the Ladies' Library Association held on Monday afternoon, Mrs L. B. Gilmore tenered her resignation as a memberof the Board, nd also as Treasurer, wbich position she had long iilled to the satisfaction of directors and members. Mrs. Dr. Angelí was elected to fill the vacancy in the directory, and Mrs. H. W. Eogers elected Treasurer. - Yesterday, at Cook's Hotel, was the first '■')' :md place tor the creditors of Miller & Web'ter to present and prove their claims. Another opportunity will be giveu them at the same place, on Thursday next, October Kith, and Satnlay, the 18th inst., at the office of Hovey K. Ciarke, Esq., Register, in Detroit, ia tlie day nnd place uamed tor the creditors to meet and eled Mi assignee. - We were indebted to tlie Kinghts Templar i thie city, for a Beat in tlie cax cliartered by tiiem for their recent corner stone excursión to Laasiug. Without such courtesy we should have found " Jordán a hard road to travel," and Diight have had to stand on the platform, take deck passage, or hang on the "hind end board" ■uwe have seen boys do in going to Sundaychool celelirations or mass meetings; raany years ago we mean, they may not do so now. We kept our eye on the Knigïits and discovered 'kat they behaved vcry much like other men -Messrs. Star & Co., of Philadelphia, are now Wgaged in putting in a new and improved con'lser and washer at the gas works in this city, at a cost qï L2,500, which promises to do a fine 'hing for consumers, that is give them purer gas Mid of stronger illuminating power : saving f uil '-5 per cent. in cost, so Superintendent Douglast 'nforms us. This cominunity will, we are sure, aPpreciate this effort to give better and cheaper Sas, lor increase in illuminating power is exactly 'luivalent to reducing the price. The animal meeting of the Washtenaw Mutual Fire Insurance Company, lield at the Court House on Saturday last, was largely ottended. Beoretary Siielbon made a full and plain rePortof the financial condition of the Company, 'ts loases and assessments for the year, which report was accejited and approved. Thereafter the following officcrs were elected for tlie enSUÍ11 year . Prendmt- Benj. W. Waite, of Scio. Vice President- Lyman S. Woood, of Lodi. Secretary - Newton Sheldon, of Ann Arbor. Auditor - John J. Eobison, of Sharon. All old officers except Auditor Eobison. So far the Washtenaw Mutual has provod a success, and with the same careful management " will continue to give cheap and safe insurance 'o farmers.
Old News
Michigan Argus