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Doings Of The Common Council

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The Common Council held an adjourned session on Monday eveniug last. Present : Mayor, ! r, nul ;ill the Al.lerraen except Aid. Rhodes. On motion "i Dow the Council proceoded to the election of a Treasurer by ballot, and E. B. Pond reoeiving a majority of the yotés caat was declared elected. On motion of Aid. Leiand the araount of the Treasurer's bond was fixed at $80,000, the bond to be approved by the Council. On motion of Aid. Leiand the Recorder was directed to report at the next Council meeting the amount of the bonded debt of the city, principal and interest. The Mayor and City Attomey, on motion of AM. Leiand, were appoiiitrtd a oommittec to present the Board of Health bilis to the Board of Supervisors tor allowanee. Apstitinn foraïidevrallcpn the east BiJc of Thivrr-rtinot, Ixaw.ien South 1 niversity avenue and Monroe struut, was referred to the Street committee ; and one from samo partiea for a lamp post to lamp committee. A petition of Tremain fc (Jo., tor tlie privilege of erceting a temporary woodshed at tlie corner of Hurón and Pourth streets was lnid on the talilc t'ií1 f ' r "I Jt'. " On motion the Marshal wás directed not to permit wood teams to stand more tliau two dV ou lluw.ii, adjoining equare, und oBitfÚMs Wie ürrMgeníki tlTá átrside Sí the square. A proposition was received froin the Clapp & Jones Maimfaoturing Co. to sell the city a steam firo engiiie, whioh after hearino; Chicf Engineer, was roferred together with the whole euhjoct ot' proteetton againsit fire, to a special committee, to report ataii adjonnied meeting to he held on Monday evening, Oct. 11. The committee consista oí the Mayor and Aid. Eogers, Me Intyre, Portar, and Leland. Messrs. Dow, Lutz, and Smith were appointed a committee to let a contract for partially filling with gravel and then bricking the artesian well (so-oalled), th -iwí. tbeJethe lowest bidder giving the necessary security. At the request of the University authorities A. W. Porter waa uqmipated by the Marshal and sonfirmeii mh a spci-iul polioenian tor service on the 1nirrsity fjroni'ÍFls for 1le tenn of six 111' 'II I il.-. Bills were reportad from the Finalice committee, and allo wed, payable iïom .the funda named as follows ; From general fund, - - - - $779 99 " First Ward streot fuml, - 1G1 50 ' Second . " ' "" " - - 13 62 " Third " " " -■' - 7 34' " Fourth " " ' - - - -12 50 The Marshal was directed, on motion of Aid. Kokers, to purohaae wood for Council room. AdjouTned two weeks. Mesara. Everta Si Stewart, who nmde some iime ngo apreliminary canvass of tliis county for a County Atlas, have just opened an office over the store of J. F. Schuh, on Main street where the actual work of compüing the surveys and statistics and inaking thu drawings for the lithographer wil! be actively entered upou and vigorously prosecutiM. They have shown us an Atlas of a, Wjaconstn inamty, which in maps and ilhistrations is a lieautii'ul specimen of work, and iu its ítutisücal and descriptive matter and irivaluaDlé referéncé book. Farmers visiting the and business raen generally, are invited to cali at their office and examine the work a it progresses. Canvasscrs will soon take the field and solicit oruei-s for illnstrations of public buildings, city mansiona, village residences, farm houses, barns, landscape ' view?, etc, as well as for copies oí the Atlas. At the moeting of the Eegents oí the University on Tuesday evening President Angelí read a letter from Gov. Bagley presenting & beautiful case of bronze and silver medals and medallion3 : tlie medals being copies of those struck by order of Congress or other bodies in honor of distinguished military or naval officers; and the modallions, portnits of the Presidenta, ïhere are 94 m all, and they forra a very valuable colleetion considered either historically or as art-works. Two beautiful bronze statues bas been added to ths art colleetion in the Museum - copies of Michel Angelo's Lorenzo and Julienne de Medeci. They were piirchased in Paris by Prof. Frieze, ata rost of $1,000, and belong to the White eontribution. The Sir Knislús, Hembera of the Aun Arbor Commandery Xo. 13, K. T., on their re turn trip from Lansing, Oot. 2d, 1873, wisliing to acknowledge their tlianks for coui-tesies shown, áctffc$fieSftftgif reapWtion :j Resolved, ïLat the thanks of this Commandery be and are hereby tDudered to C. H. Hurd Assist. (Jen. Supt. M. C. E. R., and to H. S. lioberts, his clerk, for their kindness and courtesy in funiishing this Commandery with a special car on the occasion of their recent excursión to Lausing to particípate in the ceremonies of laying the corner stowe of the State Capitol on the 2d inst. Resolved, That to Laiising Commandery are uue the thanka oL this Commandery for tlie , entertainment furnishert and courtesies sliown by them to Aun Arbor Commandery vhile at tansing, Oct. M, 1873. Resolved, That these resolutious lio pubhshed in the Aira Albor papers and copies íorivarded lo the part ie ïuuned iu Hic íoregoicg resoluW. A LOVEJOY, Eecorder. ... JiíA ►fl-fc-í I)r. 1). lï. Kellogg of this city, who has been pending a fuw months for rthe recuperation of h6 íealth, on the Atl.-mtio eoaat, has returned ín ajjparit perfect htalth, and is preparad to receive patients , s heretofori'. Thig, however, parties interested eem to understand as his office ia daily fllled with hose seeking medical ad ice.'-!' ■ . ■■ Dmiu lú tu, the Uoctor has teeated a Urge umber of curé.s of canco-, nrtfl with invariable uceas. To this branch of his profession he will here fter give especial attention. "Ieatli ou Fits!" A diseonraged physician, wliose medicines ailed to relieve his stubborn patiënt, finally wrote a long pi-escription and gave it to the íurse, saying, "There! give hini that. I have aith to believe that it will tlirow hím into fits - ml t'm death on ñtsl" So tlie bewildered docoi-s, practicing upon Fever and Agüe, give one ile poison to drive out another - feeding their atienta mercury, arsenie, and quinine - comnitting nnirder instead of curing diseases. ieshler's Fever and Agüe Pilis contain no poion, but a certain and well tried cure. We trongly advisi! sulieri-rs froin C'lulls aul Fever 0 use this unfailing remedy. Wjd-flo. Fraser ie jee, Xeu' York City, for a pamphlet. Prof. " Axdeeson'9 Dekmador" is a certain ■ui-o dvti-y time for Cftiiblums. The proprietors Wil! warrant a cure in 'all cases when the Dermador is apphed freely according to direction . See advertisement in another col urne. h ld ren Of Ion l.ook Fal nnd Sick I'rom no other cause than liuviog worms in the stomBKOWN'S VERMIFUGE COMFITS Will destroy Worms without in jury to the child.being perfectlv WHITE, and freë from all coloring or other xijurious ingrediënt usually used iu worm preparaCURTIS & BROWN, Proprietors, No. 215 Fulton Street, New York. 1 Sotd by Dmitjffists and Chvmists, and dealers in Medicines at Tvn.N Ti-KlvE Cents a Box. HSliyl Tlkirty Vean' Expcriencc of au Old ÑOTNi lUrs. Winslow's Sootüinsr Syrup is the prescription oí one of the beat Female Phyoiciuns ïnd Nursea in the United States, and has been used for thirty years with never failins; safety and success by million tt mothers and childien, from the feeble infant of one week old to the adult. It eorrects acidity of the stomach, relieves wind colic, regulates the bowel' , and K'ives rest. health and comfort to raother and child. We believe it to be the Best and Sureat Remedy in the World in nll cases of DYSENTERY and DIARRHCEA IN ('UILDHKN, whetherit arises from TeethiiiK or from any other cause. Full airectiona for usin will accompany each bottle. None Genuine TtuIeBU tlie fac-simile of Cl' RT IS & PKRKlNSisonthe outside wrapper. Bold by nll Medicine Dealen. 1430yl The Ilousuliold Panacc iiitl Family L.ininient Is the best remedy in the world for the following complaintfc, viz. : CramiM in the Limbsand Stomach, Phíii in the Stomach, llowels, or Side, Rheumatism in all its forms. liilioua Colic, Neuralgia, Cholera, Dyeentery, Colds, Freah Wounds,Burns, SoreThroat, Spinal í (njipl:nnts, Spriuns and Bruises, Chills and Fever. For Inteniul and External use. lt operation is not ouly to relieve the patiënt, but entirely removes the cause of the complaint, It penetrates and pervades the whole syBtem, restoring healthy action to all its parta, and quickening the b!ood. Tiie Household Panacea is purely Vegetablt and All-Healing. Prepured by CURTÍS & BROWN. No. 215 Fulton Street, New York. Pui sitleby all lUuiggists. 143Cyl


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