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FALL 1873. MCE k ABEL We invite the atteution of the public to our extensiva STOCK OF NOW IN STORE. O ar recent parchases in the E as torn markets enable us to offer ene of the Liirgest and Most Complete ASSORTMENTS I3ST THIS ■VICUSTIXTT. HP We buy largely from Manufacturera and Importeis, and " exclusively for cash," and will make prices as low as any house in Michigan. ACH & ABEL. BOOKS. BOOKS. i J. R. WEBSTER & CO. NEW BOOK STORE SEAR THE " EXPRESS OFFICE." LOOK TO TOUR INTEREST AM) CALL. BOOKS. L.C.RISDON'S I AOVERTI3EMENJ. j Now is the time to buy ■ P ARLUR & HB AT1NG STOVES. I will sell them at OOST until further notice. . 31 S. Main 8t, Ann Arbor. Jj TOHN FRED. BROSS, MASUFACTÜHEK OF C ARRIACES, ltUiíilKS, LlinBER WACOSS, sprix; WAGonra, cctteks, SI.KHiUS, Kt. All work warranted of the best material. Repairingdone promptly and reasonably. All work warranted to give perfect aatiifaction. C8 South Main Street. 1422 TLOUR AND FEED STORE. HENRY WASCH, (Successor to Geo. Laubengayer,) At 14 West Liberty Street, will keepconstan ly on hand a f uil stock oí Flour, Men 1, Oats, Corn M ill Feed , &c. AU orders promptly fllled at the lowest oanh prices. Cnsh pid for Corn and üat. [415yl WAGNER j The One-Priced Clothicr ! Haa rccenily enlarged his store nnd htut just reeeived and offers to the public the l&iffest stock oi MENS', YOUTHS', AND BOYS' Bmdy-Made Fall and Winter CLOTHING ! Ever brought within Uie County of Wnshtenaw.- These g-oods were boupht for cash, and will be aold at the lowest possiblu canh price. AT WAGNER'S. Also constantly on hiind a fine line of Foreign and Doiueatic Gloths, Cassimeres and Yestings All in pfreat variety, whieh will be made up to order and warranted to lii. AT WAGNER'S. A complete and large stock of Gents' Furnishing (Joods of ileseription, lowet than ever. AT WAGNER'S. TRUNKS AND VALI8ES of various styles and makeB. AT WAGNKlt'S. GOOD PAPER C0LLAR8 only 8 ets. per box. WM. WAGNER. I 1 South Main St., Aun Arbor. JL B. GIDLEY, Successor to COLGROV E 4 SON. DRUGG18T Al MUIST IN COOK'S NEW HOTEL, No. 12 E. HUEON STEEET DEALER IN lKl (,S, MEDICHES, SURCICAL nsi'UI Í1KXTS, PIRE W1SKS AND LIQlOftS. CFOR MEI'ICAL PÜRPOSES ONLT.) F.ancy Goods, Periumery, PAIKTS, OILS, vtiiMsms (;i,ass AKÍ PUTTI', PBYSICIM PRESCRIPTÏONS Csrefully compounded at al! hoars. PBOPOSE NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD BY ANY FIEM IN THE CITY WHO FÜRNISH AS QOOD AN ARTICLE. E. II. 1.11)1 I 1 . ISOTtf 1YESIRABLE REAL ESTÁTE FOB S -A. L IE I The subsmiier, on account of iit health offers bis 33 ACRES [n the Corporation for sale. Thia ground adjoins the LJmversit} Observatory on the east, opposite side oi ,li: atreet. It has a most excellent SPRING ! On the northeast corner - formerly supplied the Ruili-oad tanks with water. ITS ADVANT ACES Are as followa : For city purposea the Huron River meanders the saine aoiue 30 to 4Ü roda, and ia part of the beat Water Power On the River in thia vioinity, and the elevation on the northeust corner ia suniciently high and ampie to sup ply the city neceasities for water and flre purposes' THE WESTERN PORTION On the road is vory appropriate and suïtable for a Public City Cemetery. The city has no such groundt now but must liave soon, and whatever grounds the city does not care to uae, can bo sold at an advantage, so much so,that the cost of the Water Works frrounda and Cemetery, would be merel y nominal. If the city dnes not waut the snme, the grounds would be invaluuble for FRU1TS, LA.RGE & SMALL, There being aome 100 trees now in bearing Vegetables and Pasturage, And also for MILKsupply.BLOODED STOCK, Horses, 81ieep? nd other animáis always in grpat w&nt by many in ,he city and it vieiuity. As city Iota adjoining the lorthwewt corner of this land ore now sellinff trom ;hree hundred to three hundred and flfty dollars, Lose landa would or could be sold Ín a ahorttime to a jood lidvantage and to much protit to the purchasers LIBERAL TIÜwÊE Will be given or the same will be exchanged for Mer'lüintable jioods or Drugs and Medicines, at cast jriceH. TRACY W. ROOT. Anu Artior, Jan 31 18T3. 1411 The NEW BÜCKEYES ANI TUK SUPERIOR GRAIN DRILLS As tbe season Í8 near at hand for Drilling, I will cali the attention of farmers to these Drills. They are 3oth rigged with attachments for changing hoes from straight line to zig zag alinost instantaneously to obviate the difflculty of clogging in Soddy or Stony ground and with the improved force feed. JACKSON WAGONS, Salt, and Water Liiue always on hand. M. KOGERS. P. S. I want each and every man that owes me since last Spring and last Sunimer to square up at once. H40m2. j O. I When first L. COLBY hung his sign Of C. 0. 1).- AtNo.29, And offered Groceries cheap for cash, (( 8ome people said, " he'a bound to go to smash. And old-time Grocera would faintly amile, Prophesying C. O. D. will laat but little while. In sixty days we'll run him off the track. And cali our wanderiug cuatomera back." The croakers said and thought it true, He'll aurely lail before the year is New I You can't aell Groceñea in thia town And get yourpay in greenbacka down; Where dry gooda merchante on every atreet With riilki and satins, hang out chickena to eat ; Where trade in mixed in every place, At the same counter you buy outter or lace ; Where credit and loaa go hand in hand. Mr. 0. O. D. but a alim chance will stand." Let prophete and croakers have their sny, L. COLB Yaells GROCERIKS only for 1ÍE AD Y T AY, Andaellaso cheap for dailycaah He fears no danger of a smash. And to his patrona all, and buainesa fríend8 The greeting of the season he extenda, To young and oíd, a glad New Year, With hoaU of friendo and lut& of cheer ! Give him a cali, and from his atore Your tablea spread with good things more. At that place you willalways flnd Fresh new Groceriea ot best quality and kind- Kverythinp neeöful for good cheer at home You eau buy at his counter whenever you come. The days are ao short thia bitter cold winter, To mention detaila would weary the printer. But aak if you choose for anything entable, You get it at once, in quality unbeatable I For hungry men who re weary and cold, He has Oysters hot, Üystera that must be aold - OyBtera pickled, Oyster stew, and oyater fiy, Or Oysters any other way you chooae to try. He will serve up Oyaters at any hour of day, And the best of cigars to smoke on your way. A dista of hot Oysters will do you much good. And cheer vou whüe selling your gxuin or wood. And with cash in hand lay in a store Of Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Flour and many more. Of all things substantial for daily use, Nor treat lifo'a good things with abuae ; Crockery and Glassware and Fruits to put in them, Nuta, Itaisins, and Candy, for children who win ttaem And ye who are bleased with their beautiful faces, Will flnd [29] the best of all placea, To buy a trifle, to bring a smile or ringing laugh, Your pleasure, than theirs, will be greater by huif Then do not forget to cali on Mr. C. O. D., And buy of him your Fruits, Öugar, and Tea. Thouffh the big fi)A may fall from its place, The C. O. D. y atore is still on the race, And does not intend to fly from the course Till croakers of evil talk themselvea hoarse. Groceries can be sold for ready pay. And CÍ3lt3T has learned the way : Sold five times more than he expected- By O. O. D. from losa protected. And the secret he is not afraid to teilKeep the best of all things- with priees low - be good natured, give good meaaure, And you are bound to sell ! 29! 29! 29! A Chance for Bargains ! For sale at a great bnrgnin, 160 ACRES OF CHOICE LAND, lying 2 )í miles trom the city of lonía. 100 acres under iiuproveinent, with good orchard, bain and shed, and a comfortable house. Terms of payment- from $2,01)0 to $2,500 down ; balance on long time. Also90 ACUES, about 2Ü miles from Augusta, Kaluninzoo County, all iinproved, with good buildings. Terms - extremely low. Also 40 ACRF.S about eight miles from Hastings. Also 80 ACRES on section Í in the town of Hazelton, Shiawaase County, about 12 miles from Curunna. Well timbered. For termB address the undersigned. F.. ■! POND. Aun Arbor, April 2, 1873. 1S73. 1873. PLEASE TAKE NOT1CE 1 rpHE A.NN ARBOE TRADING ASSQC1ATIOI Are iiow haring Daily Opening OF [FRESH FillDriGiiis Direct írom New York and manufacturera in Ctreater variety than ever before ! SW NO HOUSE IN THIS.CITY Can ho o as Complete a stock of DBESS GOODS As we aro now opening. SHAWLS IN ALL STYLES, FANCY GOODS, CLOTHS, FLANNELS, LINENS, DOMESTICS, NOTIONS, HOSIEEY, L ADÍES' UNDERWEAR, &c, &c. A complete aasortinept ot CARPETINGS OIL CLOTHS 4-4, 5-4, 6-4, 8-4. L The public understand that we have for the past five years sold our goods at Lower "Prices thau any of our competitors, and we now announce that we intond to hold and increase our already immense trade by a system of SMALL PROFIT8 For ourselves, and TELLING BARGAINS for our customers, which we believe the public will appreoiate and encourage. tí. W. HAYS, Supt. Ann Atbor, Stpt. 18, 1673. 1444tf


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Michigan Argus