Our Own Make!
I havo had mado by Custom Tailors during the past season a splendid line of FALL ANJI WINTER OVERCOATS AND BUSINESS SUITS. These goodsare made up in the vory latest style, equal to cnstoni work, at a great reduction from eiistóm priccs. I also havo on liand the largest assortment of GENTS' FURNISHBNC COODS and of the finest quality ever brought to this city, whicli I am bound to sell chesp for cash. I also have on hand a large assortment of French, English and Gorman CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES bought since the great decline in wool, which I make to order in the very latest etjle - warrant a fit or no sale. Cali and examine my stock hefore you purcliase eseivhere. S. SONDHEIM, Ann Arbor, Sept. 25, 1873, 1446m8 9 South Main Street.
Old News
Michigan Argus