How To Feed Pigs
I used to keep them in my younger days, to furnisfi meat for iny family and to sell to get a little spare cash. The kind with small bones, sinall ears and short noae, that with good keeping would make about 325 pounds of pork, wag my favorite. (The first one I ever fattened weighed 260 poundg at eight months old.) Milk and potatoes are the best i'ood for pigs after they are weaned, to make them thrive ; they also relish a few grains of corn at thU time as well as a squirrel does a few nuts, as they grow along In the season for it, they should be supplied daily with fresh green weeds or clover ; a few green corn stalks are also good to feed them in their season, and the slops and refuse of the kitchen with a little meal are also good. With this food they should be fed liberally, but not to surfeiting, and kept growing right along in a thrifty condition till about two iuonths before killing time, during which time they should be fed liberally with more concentrated and fattening food. Boiled pumpkins, thickened while hot with cominea!, are excellent food for them, so also boiled sweet apples thickened with meal, and so is scalded meal alone aud some think for some days previpus to' slaughtering time thoy should Tie fed with dry corn and pure cold water, that it makes their meat haider and sweeter. - ll.Smüli, in Oermantown Telegraph.
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