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Our Recipe For Making Sour-kraut

Our Recipe For Making Sour-kraut image
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Ido best we everate we mak ourselves and have done so for man y yearg, md for a considerable time with our own hands, and always froni Savoy eabbiige. It was manufactured in this wise : In the flrst place let your "stand," holding f rom half a barrel to a barrel, bc thoioughly scalded out; the cutter, thu tub, and the stamper also well scalded. TaÈe on all the outer leaves of the cabbages, halve them, remove the heart and proceed with the cutting. Lay some clean leaves at the bottom of the stand, sprinkle with a handful of salt, fill n half a bushei ofcut cabbage, stamp gently uutil the juice just makns its appearance, then add anothei handful of salt, and so on until the stand is full. Cover over with cabbage leaves place on top a clean board fitting the space pretty well. and on top of that a stone weighing twelve or fifteen pounds. Stand away in a cool place, and when hard freezing comes on remove to the cellar. It will be readv for ose in froin four to six weeks. The cabbage ehonld be cut tolerably coarse. The Savoy variety makes the best article. but it is only half as productive as the Drumhead and Flat Dutch. We will just add that there is no dish more wholesome than the well-made sourkraut, but it should always be boiled with a piece of pickled pork or corn beef - Qermantovrn Telegraph.


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