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Briggs House, Randolph St. and Fifth Ave. CHICAGO. This well-known Hotel, rebuilt upon the oíd site, has all the modern conveniences - Passenger Elevator, Bath Rooms, Hot and Cold Water in ach Room, Elegantly Furnished, andlocated in the business centre of the city. TERMS: $3.00 Per Day. RICKCORDS & HUNTOON, - Proprletors. Commis8ioners' ííotice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, county oí Washtenaw, sa. Ö The uiidersigned, having been appointed by the Probate Court for said county, Commiasioners to receive extiuiiiie and adjust uil claims und deinands oí' all persons apainst the estáte oí' Gottfrey Miller, late oí' aaid county, deoeased, hereby ffive notice that six montlis f rom date are allowixl, by order of aaid Probate ('ourt, for creditors to present their claims aainat the estáte oí' siid deeeased, and that they will meet t the store of Eberbach & Co., in the cityot Ann Arbor, in Baúl county, on Monday, the twelfth day oí January, and on Monday, the thirteenth day of April next, at ten o'clock A. m. af each of said days, to receive, examine, and adjust said claims. Dated, October 13th, A. D. 1873. CHRISTIAN EBKRBACH, CONHAD KEAPÏ, 1448w4 Commissioner. rjISSÖLÜTION. Notice is hereby given that the partnership of Felch & Grant, Attorney's at Law, is iiereby dwsolved. All claims for and against said partnership must be settled at once. AnnAlbor,Oct.9,ira. „, „yj,. C. B. GKANT. T IVE ÖKESE FEATHjSRB FIRST dTJ ALITY , Conciut y on hand and for sale by BA CM Sr ABEL. TOR SALE ON LONG CREDIT ! Ann Arbor City Lota, with good title, and well located tor reBideneee or businessAlso several Mortuales íor sale. Incmire uf E. W. MORGAN. itítaS "H. 9A per dayl Agenta wantedl AH 9t EU ffv classes of working people, of either sex, youug or old, make more money t work for us in their spare moraents or all the time, than at anythlng elae. Particular IVee, Addrwa G. StiJiKüu 1t Co., f uitlso', Maiue OU k Stliii Continue to ofler this week NBW&PRB8HARRIVAU 01' TUK LATEST DESIGNS In Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS Suitable for Fall Wear. luyera should net fail to examine onr Stock before making their purehases. MACK & SCHMID'S You oan fiud CAMELS HAIR AND WATERPROOF CLOTHS In all the New and FASHIONABLE SHAÜES Now in such great demand. L. C. RISDON SELL8 PERRY & CO.'S No. 9 Nu Aitriiu COPPER LINED IRON-CLAD RESERVOIR, FULL TRIMMED, POR$60! Otlier Stoves in proportion 31 SOUTH MATN ST., ANN ARBOE. 144-nf Wanted, Agente, $75 to $250 pr month, eTerywbere, male and female, to introduce the Genuino luíproTed OoinmoM Sense Family SewiíJí Sfhine: Thi. mchine will tjtch h.m feil tuck. QUilt. cord. bind, braid andenibrolder in moít luperior manner. Frice only$15. Fullylicened.andwrranted forflveyeM. Wíwillpay $1,000 for nT machine that will sew tronger, more beautiful, or more elastic eam rti' ours It make( the ■ Elastic Lock Stitch." Every econd titch can be cut, and still the cloth can not b pulled apart without tearlngit. We par agents trom $7 to $290 perroonthandejpenei.oracüinni.8Ku ftom which twice that amount can be made Addrass 8BC0MB A CO., 157 State itreet, Chicago. Illinois. "DUT YOUR MONEY WIIERE IT WILL DO THE MOST A. A. TEKBY HAS A FÜLL STOCK OF HATS AND CAPS! IN THE LATEST STYLES. QUALITY AND PRICES TO DE F Y COMPETITIOJN. AL80, A FÜLL LINE OF QENTS' FURNISHING GOODS Caü before purchasivg. 15 South Main Street. .JO


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