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Years ago an unknown corresponden to a city paper gavo the folio wing anee dote of the oldeu time : " When the towu of Woodstoek, Con necticut, first began to be settleil the was a, time wlieu the few and scattere families were tilled with the dreadful aj prehensión of lieinfr taken and perhaj killed or carried oft' by the Indians. N man retired at night without having h gun well loaded and placed over his heac where he could seizo it instantly. Wit these and other precautiona one of thes brave men and his no less courageou companion on a eertain night retirec to bed. In the dead of night they wer eimultaneously awakened by an unusua noi6e around the house. They listenec intently ; presuntly they heard it again it sounded liko a slight knocking againsthe window shutter at the opposite side of the house. The man seized the gui and bodily enterpd the apartment whence the noise proceeded, and in thunder tonos ïemanded : " Who's there ?" A gentle voice, which he well knew, repliod : " I am youi' neighbor, aud Lave come to get some medicine for oue of my ohildren that's sick." He lowered his gun and turned to go, and rejjlace it over his bed, almost in vain struggling as he went to let his courage down to calin his perturbed feelings ; as he entered his bedroom he discovered his wife deliberatoly changing her inner garment. "Pray, what are vou about?" he exclaimed, "at such a time as this'r'" " Why," she replied, " you see what I am about ? I was not going off among the Indiana without clean clothes on, I would have you know." J MICHIUATÏ CENTRAL RAILROAD. SUMMER TIME TABLÏ. PaMetigeittainxiiowleava the sever;il tutions.i follows: GOIÏJG WF.fiT. STATIONS. W ■ O j, ■ t ! -s ; a 1 g s A. M.l. M. P. M. r. M. P. M. p. M. Detroit, l,)ve, I 7 no 9 40 1 40I 4 O.V 5 4 111 ir Ypailnnti, 8 28 10 45 2 59 5 36' 7 10 11 2L Ano Arbor, 8 52'11 00 S lli 9 55' 7 45 11 4Í gt". ' 3 20 ) 40 (i 24 S lo Chelseu, 9 40. 4 ni) 8 30 GriiRsLake, 10 07 4 88 9 00 a m Jackson, 10 40 12 19 6 ".i, 'J 85 1 00 P. M. P. M. A. M. KnliiraHzoo, ■ 0.1 2 65 8 20 1" U Chicago urrivc, _ _S lg . 8 00 f, 80 8 0C HO1N1J LAS!. 1 1 - ik ] ï a & i ea ? Si! I w p ,■ w p _ . ■ M. A. M. p. M.P. M. (.luengo, leiive, 5 110 9 00 :, 15 'J 00 P. M. A. M. A. M. Knlumazon, 11 1.1 2 03 5 00 2 15 Jackson. ■ 80 4 15, 8 00 12 30 4 4fl GrtiHK Tjiike, 2 :"'(; ft 3- ChclstíH, : 24 S 68 : a M Dexter, 8 40 !) 20 (i ;( Aun Arhor, 4 05 5 líl 9 M 1 55 6 00 6 55 Ypsilanti, 4 2 5 5 3( 1(1 05 "17 (i JO 7 21 Detroit, iirnve, j SI (40 1120 3 SO 7 25 8 4Í The Atlantic and Fncilie Expresa run bo'ween Jackson and N"iln on the Air Llue. Dated, May 2li. 1873 DETROIT, HILLSÜALE & INDIANA RAIl.ROAD OOKO WEST. - 1ST3- OOINO EAST. stations. Mixed. Mail. I stations. Mail. Mix A. M. P. M. Detroit, dep... 4:05 a. m p. m Ypsilanti 7:25 5:40 Bnnkers 0:30 2:40 Salino, 8:30 6:15 Hillsdale 6-44 S-05 Bridprewater . . 0:li5 8:33 Manchester ... 8:42 6:86 Manchester.... 9:48 6:55 Bridgewater . . í)-"5 7-35 __, , , r. M. Halino 9:25 8:1( milsdiile 1:10 R:4R Ypsilanti 11)00 9O.r Bankera 1:30 8:00 Detroit 11:38 Traius run by Chicago time. W. F. PAKKER, Snp't, Ypsilnti. VSiïElif íío Person cnn take til eso Bitters accordingtoilirecüons, and remain longunwell, provldcd their bones are not destroyed hv mineral poison or other means, and vital orgüns "wasted bevond tlie point of repair. Dygpepsia or Indigestión, Headache, Pain In the Shoulders, Couglis. TIglituesa of the Cíiest, Dizzlnesa, Sour Eruetatious of the Stomac'.i Bad Taste in the Month. Hilious Attacks, Palnltatton of the Heurt, Innammatlon of the Lungs, Pain la the región of the KidncvR, and a lmndred other painfnl syinptoms, are the ofT-sprlngu of Dygpepsla. One hottle will prove a better guarantèe of its merita tlian a lengthy advertisement. Por Kt-iiiiilc Complaiiits, In younE Or OU1 married or single, at the riawn of wömanhood or the turn of lire, these ïonio Bitten lisplay so decided an iniluence that improvenient is soon perceptible. For Inflninmatory and Chronic Rheii niutisin and Gout, liilious, Reniitteiit and lntermittent Fevers. Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kldneys and Bladder, these Bitters have no eqaal. Such Uiseases are causeo b.v Vitiated Blood. Thcy are a geiitle Purjirativc as well as a Touic, posséssiug the m'erit of acting aa f. powerful agent in relieving Congestión or Inflammation of the Liver and Visceral Organs, and in Bilious Diseases. For Skin I)iseasesf Eruptions, Tetter, SaltRheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, Ring-worms, Scald-Head, Sore Eyes Ery8ipelas, Itcli, Scnrfs. Discolorations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin of whatever name or nature, are literallv dug up and carried out of the system i,i a short time by the use of these Bitters. Oruteful Thousands proclaim Vixegar Bitters the most wonderful lnvigorant that ever sustained the sinking svstem. R. II. McDOlVAI.D &■ CO. Druggists and en. Agts., San Francisco, Cal., & cor. of Washington aml Charlton Sts. N Y 60LD BY ALL DRUOÜIirS 4 UEAL.ER8. bPMNG BÜIiEEKKK ! IJ (Jlfljp J1T HATTER! 8t'ck"otfUrnCdlÍSbaCk UPn Winter nn(1 PI'1 his SPRING GOUDS! ÏDduding nll the ltttest stylos of Hats and Caps! GENTS' FURNISHENG GOODS, &c. Whfob must be sod. GOODGOODSANDLöWFRiCES Is the word to pus uliuif; tht line. 7 Soulli Mailt st.. Aun Arbor. 1424 '1 Dr. Crook's Wine of Tar Contalns Vegetable In" gredientn of Uiidoubted f Tonie valuo coruoined ■ ■ with the rich medicinal qnalitles of Tar, whicta 55"BWf5 cause lt to biilld ui, jfa&k. mk i"; wipak aiul ■'- da CaËSr ■ltm ïtateil anti rapidly n l?'Sll'5íb'í('rMi"r'' '"1""""-J atlle Liver, ana canses CmSSssjs Ssa'' foi t iik-ii, ; lliflïïillnTSISKllren,10ïinf yspepsli EiJIUttilBI,llLir'Jl.Mi. IikIIk'-sIÍoii II inítejRíSi ÈSHHSw is " s"i"-i..r Tonic Btfi!itx31lüjS[3 ''"'"■'■■" " i u ui. KlTO H iiLiirWllKBBB Ra"11'1 "■■'Sritirns the FttffHMJ'i1 llimMlBi svs '"- I'orl'ainiiiii I Breas, SIde or ffijJüluwWl fflney ilseaxe, dtseases BSfcHUfewaB H Urinary rR ftnHJnlioeorany il' i'IJI'SSTtIiS Ü '■i'r 'iliplalnt il n$T=3tiÍ I Pas no 'iual. It effecSiiíS HíSlÍSla.n.ycuresallConh ■rTuj9fifMrnl "'1 and all disea-ses ■"lll'JgJLy3tT l.lM.s, ,,,. lms i,','" THEMA IN & COLÉ, GROCERS AND PROVISIÓN DEALERS No. 30 East Huron Street. Country Produce 0Ul'ruit"d &"M' Bring '" 0Ur Butter ESffs pO"lè 5 "ni'í'Vr a1 IIlvYS,'l,'!',li?ill"V'iK l'"Ml oflioe at the oreot 1KEMAIN & COLE, where all orders will promptly nttended to. 8 ,'8' $5tO $20 T dtt7',Agfinl wantedl Au ... W" classes of worldni? people, of either sex, young or oíd, malte more moaey at work for us in their spare moments or all the l'lars freè? AüOrees Ct. stluion % Co.. Forti, Main SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT OF TUK lili Li INSURANCE COM'Y OF THE United States of America. BRANCH OFFICE : PHJLADELPHIA, PENN., Where the Business of the Company is tiansacted HAUTERKI) V CONGRES (JttHi Capital - $1,000,000. JIJLY 1, 1873. Frmn ,uii. 1 Ut Jiily 1, 1873. (Sij; montfts.) incluuing i e t;ij'1a on Tcinsured policías, - '- . J7i 0,126 47 Interest, ..... 124.GU7 i) i'rciiiH'.ni ou yuld, .... 2,U16 78 'J'otal VL'ci-ipts tor six m( ntlis, 582li,8H 14 Frvm Joh. 1, to Jvly 1, 1873. (5ic montU.) Deuth Cliiiras and Anmiitii 8, - ■ ;I;fi,S65;G Oasïi nd allüwanci.ö rnr svjrrendured policies, - - - - 71.0. f 66 Premiums on pohcies rciiisuriö, - . 8,307 H Corainuted C'oramjioiis, - . ".'.121 11 Revenue Stampa aiiú tHxcs, - - 8,331 10 Dividends, .... 30,00(1 OU AUotherexpenditures, ... 126,78682 Total dielmrsements foi aix months, $3:9,486 19 ASSETS. Cash in Bank and Trust Compames, $101,672 69 I nited States Bonds, imurket value,) 432, 3M 00 htate Bonds, (rnarket value,) 39 (S0 00 loans secured by first mortgapes, 1,278,587 la -Loaiis on collaterals, (collateruls worth $1,500 OCHJ.J 976,095 .",4 Aocrned interest, 30,037 00 -LouiiK on policies of the Excelsior Life Insurance Corupany, whieh were reïnaured by tbe National, 9! ,876 78 Deferred semi-unnual and qnarterly premiums, ou policies in ïorce, liucluding reinsured policics,) Mj ( ■_; Premiums in course of collcction, iucluding premiiims on ïeiiiBun-d policieei.j and all other assets, 62 185 17 Total assets, July lst, 1873, $3,116,275 41 LIABILITIES. Total present valué of all policies in force, including all policies reinnured - being the amount requisite to reinsure all outstauding rioks, $1,9(10 012 00 Deduct present value of policios reiusured in otber solveut companies, ,t8,0S2 00 Net present value of all outütanding nsks, 1,8I2 5P0 00 Ijosses reported hut. not due, (7,öS6 79 Total liabilities July lat, 187:. 1 ,980,096 76 BURPLUS. (being Hdlitiounl to itinsurancetund,) 11 186 I7S 6S Ratio of Assots to Liáfcilíties 162 per et. Total Asaets, July lst, 187.'!, nr, 4] Totiil Asaets, Juuuiirv ltt, 1873. aiotíá'Üji 63 Increase in Asset during six montlie, Í552.3Ü3 78 NLxmÓÍÍthSBÍ83m'd1UrÍn8the ■ ""'■ moutlu), 30-3 . ... .. Newl'oliciesissuedtiümorKuii'"WJ ïüHtion, f August lst, 1S08J tu August Ist, 1873, 23ft61 5O,O11,S7U The Naüom,l is miiking excellent progrcss in flimnAll conuected with the Compauy, iwlinv-holders as wen as manager. cn íeel múned út al suTd uoOFITICÍCBS : E A. ROLLINS, Piesident. G. W. SNOVER, Gen. Ag't Moffatt Block, Detroit, Mich. V. W. Whedon, Ag't, Ann Arbor. 1444tf I ! Z WASHTE NAW CPJjNTll HNOTARYPUBUCl h-i' L4i Ij GENERAL 1 i jj -MCONVEYANCER 13 OUR ABSTRACT BOOKSf As partinlly indicated above, nre n'w posted to date. i ney at once, in a condensed r posted form, show tlie oriülial chain and uür.cwchainsoi title. Instauce Bllch as AUDITOR GENEEAL'S DEED8, Known as Tax-Titles, which are very numerous in thia County, Decrees, Contraéis, Deeds ! Also, now as well as all of the old andisohared Mortgnres as fiir back as 18-24- which are legions. Persone taking titlo or mortfiaRes and liens will remember tliat Tax-Titles and other collateral matters are not found in the usaal mode of search by Indexes at the Register1 office. The books or liuers in the Register's office have becomeso numerous and voluminous that long time ia neeessarily required even to make a hasty and nreliable search. With ourfacilities we say to the public that we can show them title and Title History, make Deeds, MortRages, Assignments, Discharges, Sec, as, qmeker and in betteratyle than any other office in the Countr. We have MONEY TO LOAN I On Bond and Mortgage en long time. REAL ESTÁTE Soldorexchangei. HOTT8ES TÓ RENT 33 acres opposite the Obsorviitory íor sale in lots to suit purcnasers. ROOT & LEITER, Eeal Eftate Agenta, No. 1. Gregory Block, Tbacy W. Eo t, and opposite the Pottoffice. Charles A. Leiter. un t fbERMADOR Ti?iiï?d ?.f "".-Inflammation of all kind, Diphthena, Wounds, Bruises, Burns, Sprains, Rheu matism Sore Throat, Swelling of theGlan'df, LL i,?"!."!"?1011,?.' the Ejes, Broken Breast, ProstBites. Chllblains, Piles, Bee Stings, and all Sores. _ "d Cor Freeh Wounds, Galla, Poll tal, Sprains, Brmses, Cracked fleels, Eing Bone, Wind Galls, fepavins, Sweeney, Founder, Lameneas Dtatenf "e? Scratches or Orease, Mange, Hors ThI truly wanderfnl Mninirnt was discovered by IÍOMER ANDBKSON, A.M lato Professor of Chemietry and Mathematics in the Clinton Liberal Institute, of Oneida County, N. Y. In experimentmgfor the purpose of making Prussic Acid, by uniting the independent gaseous bodiesof which it ia composed, a residuum was left, which, on being apphed to braises and inflamed parts, by the stugents or the Institute, was found to possess the remarkable property of cooling down and carrying off the inflammation and soreness at once, and restoring the parts smindness and healtb, in a Í8W houra without pain It Is not a heatin? Llnlment, bnt acts by lts peculiar specifle or chemical qualities in dialTing and scattering the soreness and inflammation of the injured part. By a free application, the red Buriace soon becomes cool.moist and natural, and is restored to natural health without Buppuration or A a I.tiiiniPiit for Horse Flesh. forthe cure of all the ailments named above, we challenge the world to önd its equal. Price 25 & 50 cents per bottle. j D. EANSOM, SON & 00., Propi's, BCTFALO, N. T. See notico Ín local column. STEARNS9 , COCOOLEIIME, A perfect hair dressing- nota dye -nor a I storative, but a dressing, elegant [-__ -1 and STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE is eoolmg to the acalp, imparta a delightful sense of vitality ' anrt soítness tothe hair. STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE, sweetly perfumea and limpid, renders the hair suppie and - dreaBea it in anv t- I desired iorm. STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE, entirely vegetable oil, prevente that dryness of sealp w ti c h - causes dandruff i- __ to aecumnlate. -# .t .STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE contains ia one large bottle more oil and more perfume _ _ thau any other -, hair dressing r in marliet, and I besides ís sold twenty-flve per cent, less than most others. STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE brightens Mondo hair.darkensaub,. .- urn hair, renders lustrous brown and black J hair leasena the harshness of coarse hair. STEARNS' COCO-OLSINE IS MADE ONLY BY PEEDEEIOK STEAENS, - OHEMIST, I # 'M3TKOIT, MICH. f Sold everywhere. Be sure ancl get the Genuine Coco-Olelne. Let no one palm off onyou a bottle of lome chtap ani worlhless imitatioa of CocoOleine. There are more than twenty counterteit of it now sold, put up as near like the genuine as the makers daré and evado tlie law. THE BABCOCI I HOOK& LADDER TBUCKS Chama, Bucketa, I.nntern, Pike l'olef, Pike Am &e. , Ac, weiKhuiff lesa than 1,000 lb.; easily handled hsndsomely flita&d, and afford the greatest protec' tion at lora expense than any truck in the niark,.t Just what every Fire Department wnnts. The B ,b cock iire Jiupnesnnd Fííe Bxtlnftüigheñ are avS, il" i,"n,r,i"Perty a" Ver the c""fy. SeuTfö? K. T. BAKlVriW, Gen. AKeut, lis Woodward Av", Detroit. Manufactnrer of Iron, Conper and Rrmu nri.„ Wlre Clol h, Boltlng Clot'h, Burr Mií Stonea, ]Zóm Wire ani 1 Twine, Copper Weather Vaae. W?re WÍS Work g W1" FeDCiDL aUd "W ARGUS BULLETIN ! WANTED 2000 NEW SUBSCRIBERS WANTED. More Merchante and Business men, who knowing their own interests will advertise in the Aeous. GET YOJK . BILL-HEADS, CIRCULARS, LETTER. HEADS, STATEMENTS, At the Argiis Office. (JET YOUR BALL CAKDS, BUSINESS CARD.3, VISITING CAKDS, WEDDING OARDS, j At the Agriis Office. I GET YOUR LAW BLANKS, LAW BRIEFS, LAW RECORDS, PROGRAMMES, AT THE ARGUS OFFICE. hVew Type, Best Presses, Good Worknit-n, i AND REASONABLE PRICES! B A WOED TO THE WISE. I Mortgage ale. to be ,!uh g,',!1";, rl? Cil"med Sir-r-è -;,r:;;;:;', -ES" pro;eedin„8 in i„w or in eqolty bav i ,K u. ,', h ÏQ to recover t,ud ,„ of mouey or ily ,, ,t theroof of a power of sale ia 8„id moráíge tontS5 1 ,) ín ttfteentli diiy ui November nrxt. t 2 o'ctock P M of c?tv & ' a'V1""' ''"" "f ""■ ('""'t ■'TÓu%e,"in the city ot Ana Arhor, county aforegaij ,, ilaf t)e „„ the place ol holding the Circuit Cour s tor d o üntvj all hose „„is „f Lulli kn,vvu iln" " eleven, ;in,l i,„.s No. nineteen, twentv twentv-one Jf witn in range four eist, and lots No -ix wïe„ git, fourteen. gfreen, rixteen, seveMeoS, hteS and njoeteen io block five soutl, in mngfüreSurtiS PKHSrS L. TPTTLE, Mnrtgagee I"HM N . Gott, Attorney tor Mortsruc-t.. l tS9 Chiincery Order. ., TATK OF MICHIGAN, Fo.irth Judicial Circuit Ín Umne.-ry guit pending in th? dreuí Court for the County of Washtenaw, in (Jhancery at Anti Albor on thc sixtl. day of September, a. d. 1878. Louish Dillon compluinant, vs. Henry inllon defenJant, Uivorce It anpearing by afüdavit on file in said canse that the said defendant, Henry Dillon, is a resident of tu state ; tlmt procesa for his appcarance ha been duly issued and that the same could not be crved by reasuii of his contmued abence fiom his place ot, 011 motion of O. A. Critchett solicitar for Baid cornplainant, it is ordered that said defendant cause his appear,nce to be entered ín HBid caue, ithin three montha trom the date of thi ordei ; and in detault thereof that the bilí 01 complaint oled tberem be taken as confessed acainst him. And it is turther ordered that in case of said defendant s appearance. he cauae his answer to the complainant's bilí of complaint to De flled and a oopy thereof to be served on the domplainanfs sohcitor withln twenty days arte Bervice upon him of a copy of the said bilí and a noticeof this order, and m default thereof that said bilí be taken as confessed by him the said defendant. And it is further orderedthat within twenty days from this date, the complmnant cause this order to be published iA the Michigan Argus, a newspaperpubhshed in said countv and that thc publicntion thereof be continued onc "11vaTvWeek for six snecessive weeks thereafteror that he cause a copy theof to be personally served on said defendant, at least twenty da-vs before the time above proscribed for his apiíearaneé September 6, 1873. „. . „ I.AWRENCE, (..ireult Oourt ( ommissioner, Washtenaw „ . „ County Michigan. O. A. C111TCHETT, Solicitor for Complainant 144w(i Estáte of John Millson. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, . 7 w v o8in of the Probate Court for tlie County oí Waahenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the Citv of Anu Arbor, on FricUy, the twenty-sixth dav o' September, in the year oue thousand eight liundred and seventy-three. Present, N'oah V". Checver, Jiidgeof Probate In the matter of the estáte of John JllUson de ceased. Juniua Shoit, ailmiiiislralor of aaid estate, come mto couri and reprcsents thnt lie i now prepured to rcn.Ier his flnal acooiml as such administra tor. ThoreuiMn it is or.Iered. tlial Tuesday, the twentyeiifhth day of Oclober next, at ten o'clo'ok in the loréuoon, be agsignd foicxamining mil iilluw i„p SUch acloiint, iind tliat the heira at law of said deeeused, and all other persons interesu-d in said estáte, are cequhed to appear t a session ol aaid Court, theu to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor. in MidcoilnlT.and show cauae, if any there be, wl.y tbñsiift m cn,int h'ould not beallowed: And it i further ordi-red tlmt Ulidadminitn,toiKivenoticetotln.,,i,ms taterested in said estáte, ot the pendeney oïaald account, and the heiirinc thereot, by cauamjr a eopy of tliis order to )e published in tl Midiiiau Argan a newspaper printed and circulaünRm said ( ounly, three successive weeks preyious to said day of henrinfr. (A true eopy.) NOAH W. CHEEVER, 1UI' Jiulije of Probate. Estáte of Mary Ciirpenter. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, as. O At asessiouof the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probute Office, in the eityot Ami Arbor, on Kriilay. the tweiity-aixth daj ot September, in the year one thousaud eiirlit hundred unil seventy-three. Present, Xoah W. Cheever, Jutlreof Probate In the matter of the estáte of Mary Carpenter, On readintt iind liiiiiK tl.e netitioii, duly voritied of Francés M. Cm-pentcr. i ra. hik t!,Ht a eertara in strument now on tilt in tWuwrl purportüiK to be the last willand testHiiunt of smd dii-cascil miiy be admitted to probate. Thereupon it is orderert, thut Monday, the twentyseventh day of next, ut ten o'elock in the forenoon, be .lssilmicI fór the hearing of said petition, and tuut the rievise.s. leRiitees, and ln-ir t law ■f said deoeased, and all otlier persons inteiestea in said esfiit,', ure rêóirired to .ipnear ut a aession of said Oourt, then to be holden, at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, 'and how cause if ny there be, why tlie prayer of the petitioner should not be nmted : And it is further ordered, that smd petitionei Live uotice to the persons nterested in said estiite, of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, bv causinff a copy of this order to be publisl.ed in the MMu„„„ ArJus, a newspaper printed md cfrcnlatitig in said County turee sucoeasive weeks prtvions tosaid dav of hearins ' (Atrueeopy.) N'OAH W. CuFFVFH 14 '" Ináge of Prohiiie. Estáte of Teit Zeeb. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, oounty of Washtenaw, sa , Atasessionof the Probate Uourt for thecounty of Washtenaw, holden t the l'ivbate office, in th city of Ann Arbor, cm Mitnday, the twenty-ninth day iSïSStór ycar ■ tl"mi;""i hundied Present, Noah W. Cheever. Judre of Pi abate. In the matter oí the aatete uf Veit üeeb, deOflieadinKancltllinKthepetitit;!!, duly veiitied, oí WiiiiHin April, Adminislrator, praying that lie may lu".ed o.ell Uie real tato wheieof Mld decessied died seized. Thereupon it b mrtered, thnt Tuesdav, the fnurth day of Í. ovember noxt, at ten oVlock in the forenoon, beassigned for the hearing of aaid petition, and tüat the neirs at law of said decenaed, and all other persons ínterentcd in said estnte, are required to appear at a session of Mild court, then to ba holden, at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if nny there be. w'hv the prayei of the petitioner should not lip granted": And it ie further ordered that said petitioner give notice to the persons mterested in said estáte, of tlie pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by causini a oopy of this order to be published in the Michigan Argu, a newspaper printed and circuluting in said I oonnty, foursuccessiva weeks previonsto snid day ol I heAring. j (Atniecopy.i NO.H W. CHEEVRK 1 '4(i Judge of Probate, j QHAMBERS' ENCYCLOPDIA. A DICTIONAHT OF [Universal Knowledge for the, People. RKTISÜD KDmON. WITH Maps, Plates, and Engravings. Complete in 10 Vols. of 832 payes eacli. llluttraUd with about Four Thousand Engravings am fort! Maps, toyether with a Series ' fiont Eujhty to One llnudrtd Eltganlly Engrand PUittt - illwtrative t,f the Subjects of Natural History -ntno for the FIR8T TIME appcaring in the work. PEICE PER VOLUME. Extra Clotn, beveled boards, - . t w Library-fiheep. marbled edes, - . "ti fio Half Turkey Murocco, - . . L JJ, Tnrs EyiTioN is Sold only by Aoents. deTp"hí"e. by J' LIPPIÍfco'''T & CO., fhila8YLVANUS WAKREN, 1811 Woodwurd Avenue, Detroit, Ueneral Agvut tur the Btetc of Michigun. I Byeomparing Ohambers' Encyclopadia with the New American Cyclopaxlia.-the work with whioh it is most freciuently brought i,,to compiirison, it will be foiind that wh.le the lm volumes of Chumbera' contain 83:0 pages, the original tirtêm volumes of the New American contain less than 12,0(10 pages It will al, be found that a page of Chambers' contains full one-fifth more matter tlinn ,i page of the New American, mnkmg the ten volumes of the former equivalent in amount of printed matter to at least tlurteen volumes of the latter, not to mention the numero,. Plates (about 80,, Woodcte (someTooo' and Maps (bout 4(l. that „re included in thia edition of Chambers', and to which the New American po ZT" """P0''? fenture. It is c"nMentTy theíf ' heWOrk '" "''ont n enualin tae Euglish Itmguaige. 14Ky] I BUSINESS COLLEGE! Bank Blook, Ann Arbor, - Michigan. Studeiits can enter any time after Au?. 31st Uall and examine facilito for study at oúr verv I pleasant and nwly furnished rooms 144UÍ Wranñiiíi. ,Mortgage Sale. eight h.mdied and ven, x cu,'" 0De thüund Uteroi D,ed9 naaid c,,u,,,y, c, íc ,?Alhf W August, A. 1). 1S70, at2. o'ckxk P vr i d"y f m líber 43 of owtgigv,, on p„..o mf ' üf,31lia o be due and uopuid onsaid mortpaK". tl ,aimeii this notice, the sum uf two tlioúv l , "".'"teof and foity-eight dollars for p."ncii .1 V hllnda iso an attcrney1 fee o? fOTt?dXi me'm, no surt or pi-oceedingí hay ng ' en t u, T' " mlawor equity to recover ,he" i, ,U'3 Hitl"r the Hittonth dayoí Nuvemberiu A V V"' atteraoon, t the front door o" the ' C.i , "ï'" tlle he city of Ann Arbor, con, „ r, . , " ' ' in the buildiriK in which the Circuit (wJ ' lt be'n8 ty fa held), and by virtue „ tht ,we, „7" ""'"■ Manchester, county of W,„ht„aV '"',Kan known.boundedanrt W il,,','''. 7e f to wit : Bemg.the northeast nuai ter of , v iWs' quarterof aection number four f4) aj" t" '" westquarterof the aoutheast Ú, rter o, . , h nOrtl1west corner of theeast half of he ,mí , T T"1" northwet quarter of section number „,-f ih' northerly twentv-ftve chains tlïó ' tll;"ce chains, thence sontherlv tw "ntv fi ï Y fout thence westerly tour cLinl and f i ",'ns' Mö place of beginning, the lt dèlpt Jn "o " t0 tle ten acres, the whole of the ï? coiit;nnii , amountingtoone hundred anïS ,ey „e" 1 S noutheast ter of the southe„.t „ " " e TLr:: num Sawa-sa; Bated, August 15. 1873. Mortgage Sale. WHEUEAS John Clair und Eliza Clair „f ., city of Aun Arbor, County 0 Í, ' Of tbe State of Michigan, on the temí y o tïXVX year of our Lord one thousund el 1,„ ' " "■" seventy-one, executed a moi tglge u ?ï Í a",li Uowell, of the city of New York, to „-cure t'lí" J' ment of certam principal ,„,d intc-Lt St. tf' in mentioned, which mortirae was n7. i e' office of the Refter of KUT Sd &?nl'hJ Washtenaw, on the twenty-seventh dav ot , i ' ï' D. 1171, at 5:2i o'clock in the alternoor ot J,f A' mhbei-44 0 inortgage. on pape 742; and Íw"Jl detault hw been mrnlo tor i„,ie tl,,,,,' tlmtï d ,' !'' the pny ment of n hutaUment of ,,i interaiS ' whiol, beo:,me due on the Hrst ,!ay „, to'T 18, J; byveason wherrat and parauant to ;;V"u, 01 sald mortgage, said mortgagee hen by el ets i , " Dioob ot sai.1 principal ,is remata unpiud irt , '" rearagwof interest thereoi,, .haB become taf Z pnyable Immediately ■ aml, whertns, (her. iv , L '! to be due and unpi,l on .,uid mortnige at ih,. i this nptimtwo Öioaimndtwo hundivd ■ rd tÏÏ,' three dolhirs and tlnrly tour cents, tor wim, „ :' interest money, aUo im nttomeys fee of titty SollSf should any proceedii.B be taien to tawLSelS mortgage, and noauit or piooeedinga havini : stituted either m law oí equity tu m„ .,. , L '" '': any part thereof; Notioe i8 therelo.t ],', i],i '" thaton thetitteenth day of Nu„mi, o'clock m the iifternoon ol tlmtday ut theh ' of the (Jota-t House, n th, eity of ÍL?Art"S eounty (that beinK the building in which the SmS Courttor widCouni) ot „shteuaw , by virtue o the pow.-r of sale cODtained in said mort Sage I shall sell ut public .i.ietioi, to the,í. ' ' dei , the premiaes described in baid mol ' fy the Hiuoimt of principal and interest atwe . asdue withtl.eehai-e.s of such ale nd m ney stee oi fatty dolíais: AUtliOM certaio ,,,,'m, parcela ot land tuate imd being in the I uu.iv rt ushtenaw and Stat of MfchigaS, ana , , followsto wit: beiuf! a part of lot nnmtwr two h blocknunibertwoKjnorth of Huron si,4, V" numbertoui ejbt, in the city , f Ann Arti,, „ State atoresaiu, desenbed ns iollowa to wit o, on the south liue of said lot thirtyon and seven mches east of the Kmth-west cora aaid lot, running thence east on the sout], li,le aaid lot twelve feet and five taches, i henee notS parallel with the east line of aid Mt stvm S thence west pnrallel with south line of said ui twelve feot and tive inches, thence runnm muï parallel with the west line of said lot seyeunK the place of beginning; Also lóts No. om fl (21, three (3), four C4j and live in blocli ' e ■ 'J by and Page'n addition to the city of Alm Arboi cording to the recorded plat thereof. August lst, 1873. CHARLES J. H0WEI.L, John N. Gott, Attorney for Mortsaeee ' ' Mortgage Sale. WHEREAS Wjight E. Mills and dnUl t T Mills, of the townslnp of Mancbeiux ot Wushtenaw, and .-state of MichigaD, onthel teeuth dayot December, A. . ïsTl, rawuted . mortgiige to Charles J. HoweU, of the ratyof S York, to secure the puyment oi eeitum prinapal ud interest money tl.eraii, mentioned, which moi wa recorded in the office oi Register ut VmU i„ the county ot Washtenuw „nu (state oi Miei on the eighth iaf ot Jnnuni y, A. D, 1872, at i o'oLd Lh m iSÏ48' Pa5?e'-: A'"1 whereu deludí has been made more thiin twenty d.ivs in 1 tnent of an instalmenl of said interest 'money wS beoame due on the flnt dy of Januaiy A b by reuson whereof and pursunnt to the liuus of said "■yn.sse,Hiu monguee ein.Ujat oDinch principal a reruum anpaid with all urmimga d ínteiest thereon aliall becume doe and payabl, ■Uatuly: And whereus thereis claimen i,, I . unpmd at the dnte of tliis tolice the mi thousaud atx hundred nud forty-nme dolían ml niuety-two cents for prindpul .mil iutwent, aisn ífti dolíais as ; reusonable aolicilor ornttorney feí lor in udditiou to all olher legal custs ai often i. any proceedinga ís takín lo toieclose said mottesw either by virtue oí the abo ve pover of sale in dwii. cery or 111 any othpr marnier piovided by tatf, ana no sun or proceediníis haviriK been iostituled eiihei m laworequity to remover the same or anj pal thereof; Notice thereiore is hereby given, ti-,, i w Saturday, the síxtb day of DeoeabV l,,,vt, „t ttt o clock in the afteino'in of uVI l,.v , th a„,,n. door of the Court House, in the cuy ot Ano Arta cthat bemg the building in whicli the Circuit ( oort lor the county of Washtenaw, and BMte atoresaicl is held,) and by virtue of the power of mie oontainedhi aaid mortgage, I shall sell at public auclion to tbe highest bidder the premises described in saul mm (rage, tosutisfy tbeamount of principal and iuteresl claimed to be Uue, with the attoiney's lei; of tiilv Jollara and charges of snle to-wii : All those eertsin pieces or parcela of land situated in the townahip of Miichester, county of Washtenaw, and Stale of Michigan afoiesaid, known, bounded and describrt as follows, tO' wit : lieing the enst Iwlf of the northeast quarter, and the northeast qoarter ui' theaoutheast quarter, of sectiou number ne (exceptmg oneandahalf acias of the last a'bove descnW piece of land!; also the northeast quarter of tb southwest quarter of section mimber thirty-two, Ut east half of the southcast quarter of section nuniber thirty, (311) [excepting sixty acres from the north ead oi the last above deseribed piece of lam! : aleo all tuin part oí tne west half of the Dorthwest nuartu ofseotionnumberthirty-two which lies soutli Tof tte center of the highway above mentiuned, ml il riomthe westside of the nortlieast quarti-r of tta southwest quarter ofsaid section, the two last purcels of liiurl on sectiou thirty-two containin lortysix and a half acres of land, and bein? the eame laad (leeded by Ohver Nickols and hiswife tod.. Jlatthews in the spring of ISlia, all in Lownship nmnber four south of rnnfie number three east, and 0011tiiimng m all two hundred and twenty-five acres u( land. .September lOth, 1873. John N. Gott, CHARLES .1. HOW1-1 L. Attorney for Mortgagee. Mortpinre. Mortgage Sale. rjEFAULT haviiig been mude in the conditionsof - a certain mortgiige executed on tLe seeond il ivol November A. D., 1809, by Elijah W. Hurgan rad Luey W. S. Morgan, his wife, of Aun Arbor. Michigan, to EdwurdL. Boydpn, as admiriistrutor of NoruianC. öoodnle, late of Wiiahtenaw eounty, decensol, and John Henley, of said eounty, and record' same day in the office of the Register of Deed, M the eounty of Washtenaw, Michigan, in Libei 41 al mortffage, on page 878, and the undivided hall oi sa!d mortgage was duly assigned by said Bdward I.. Boyden, administrator of the estáte of Norman C. (jooíialft. (1PPPM.KM1I +1-1 Atii'ih1,1 u ui ca. j_i_ __.i . saidassignmentbearsdatetheafthdayot November, 18.0, and is reeorded in sid Register' office, in Liber number of Assinnient8 of Mortgage ou pnpe ()46 ; upon which mortgage tliere ia claimed to be doe at the date of this notice, two thousnnd two In and sixty-four dullars and seventy cents, for principal and interest, and also a reasonable attorney's fte provided in said mortgage sbould proceedmgi ba tanen to toreeiose the same, and nopruci'diii" liain' been taken at law or in eijuity to recover the aiuount due or any part thereof ; Theretore notice is herebr given tbat by virtue of the power of sale contiiiii. ,] in said mortgage. and pursiiant to the statute in such easemado and provided, on Saturday the fiiteeiitli dayof ovember, A. D., 1873, at ten o'clotk in tl torenoon of that day, at the south, or front door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, tbat - ing the place where the ( ircuit Court tbr tlie countv of V ashtenaw is held, there will be sold to the higheel bidder the premises descnbed in aaid mortnure, a K luucn as may De necessaiy to satisfy the mnount se due as aforesHid, and interest and cost and ej allowed by law, tor the advertisement and sale ofsaid premises, excepting tlie sonth huif oi' lot number iivc m Wock number three south in rünjre three enst, in the city of Ann Arbor, Michigan, which has been released from said murtpie by a release executed bj John Henley and Amanda M. F Gomlale to Eliiat W. Morgan and dated the Hth day of August, 187S. I nat part of the premises described in siiid morlgajií which will be sold at the timp and place aforesaid au described as foUow, to wit : All those pareéis oí land known and described as lots number one and two, and the south nine feet in width of lot number three in Wock number two north, in range nnniher _ - .„ , ...... ,.,..,, ,utq iiuuiwi umi huci rne norm half of lot number flve, in block numler three sontli, in range three enst, io the city of Ana Arbor Michigan. Dated August 20, 187.3. JOHN HENLEY, Mortffasee. AMANDA M. F. GOODALE, Assignee of an undivided half ot aaid Mortgg. u' ,BAZER -A-tt'y for Mortgagree and Ajngsee. JAMES McMAHON, Justice of the Peáce, Office in new blook, North of Court House Money collected and promptly piiid over. INSrRANCE AOE1STT. Triumph, aspéis, $T2T 03 11 Nortti Missouri, 45 417 ui Hibernia, " 35H,'oO0.OO EKAL KST-ATJEC. I have 80 acres of land 'i of a mile from the clt.v lmlts, Hnly located for fruit or garden purposes. Also 40 acres. Mbo 10 acres, with house and tmrn, and a livei etream of water running through the baru yard. 60 acres, a ml le out. 1 will sell an j or all the above cheap, or exchange for city property. liU JAMES SIcMAHON.


Old News
Michigan Argus