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BUSINESS DIRECTORY. -IBAMGB & GUA1V(EH, Attorneys at j L:iw, Aun Arbor, íltoh. F"rA1KER, HARRIJIAK & HAMIÏ.TOiV Attorneys at Office Xns. 7 and 9 South Mnin strcet, Ánn Artior. Mioh. NB. COI. Tl. Dealer In Col. Office w'tliFEi.rn . & Geant, ovc-r i-laws n & Sons' Store, Ouï , Puorüi nd BnroD 8t. EKASTUS THTCHKR, Attofncy and Counselor at Luw, No. 5 Kiist Huvon Street, Ann Arl.or, Mioh. 1386 4 ARBOR HIFTERAL SPRINGS. V Morris II i!o. Ml).. Siin-rintnndcnt. Oftice g buildlntr, corner Mann and WestBoron Street. Wli:s & VTORDEX, O -outh Main etreet, Ann Ar 'or, Mich., Wholesale and retsil dealer in Dry Ooodrt, Carpeta and GrocerLet; 185ttf MACK SCHM1D, Dealen n Dry Goods. irocerk-s, Urookery, &c. No. 64 ïonth .Main Street. Wil. J.4CKSOW, Dentlst aucce.-isnr to C. R. Portor. Ofllce corner Main and Hurón atreets. over the store of R. vv. Kllls & Co , Ann Arbor, Mich. ne8ttaeticsadrainistered if reqnired. KJ. lOWNHOti, Dealer in Hats and Caps, fTurs, Slvaw tïo.iu Gents PnrnlshlnL Gnods, lic. No 7 South Main treet. Ann Arhor lich. OVTHEREiAlVB AVIIEnON, Life ana fire Insurance i_-cnts. and dcilerain Rea! Kstate Office on Huron Btrept BAC1I ABEli, Dealere in "ry Goods Gro cerics.iic &c.,No '-(i South Main -treet. Ann Vrbor. SLAVSO. 4: SO', Grocern, Provisión anf! Commission Merchante .-inri dalerr in Water Lime. Land Piaster. and Plasler Paris. No in Eaat ïnror. street Wn. WAIJPíKft, Dpaler In R ady MadrHoth ing. 'lothn Cisiiméri!" Vestlnps. Hnt.Cpí Tranks, karpet lias, &c '21 -outh Main street. TOAH W OHKEVEK, 'attomey at law ! Otke with E W. Morgnn, Kaft side of Conrt Honse Sqaire. 1331 iy C. V A K R , Bentist, rrx Sur'oeíí.sor to C C. KBgStXS. .Nitro iis (lxi.1 Gas dmii'istered f ". - ■ ' wiu-n neeesary. o tü c e over fi Biwli & A tel 's l'tSnh "!'Oi 1 ■,' . '-■ No. 26 South MUS. 1Í. 3. HILTÓN, ÍL D.,PKYSICiAN AND iUHGEGN, Office and Residence Xo. 88 Ann Street, corner of Ingalls, Ann Arbor, Mich. 5-y Oiïlee honra - 6 lo 10 i m., und 2 to 4 p. m."53! Beferencet - Pro. Saoeb, Pböf. Palmeb. . 14.1' y i CU A i L iú M. VOOÍ)K í) F i , Attoroey at Law and S0LI3ITOR IN CHA1VCSBY. Office, Arcade Bloei, Tpsilanti, Mich. Collections mnde and prnmptly rpmrtted. AU Ihíjíi business faithtully attended to. 1420 pEOCKEtt Y t; GLASSWARE k tíllOCERIES, J. & t Donnelly Have inxtore a large stock "frockerj. Glassware, riatedWare.Crnlery GroceneB. c, 4c. all tobe noldat nuufiaaHy low prires No. 12 East Huron Street, Ann Arbor. 1128tf JT. & V. WO'JINE'LLY. FÖHN G. QALL, DEALER IIT FEESH AND SALT MEATS, IjRn. SAUS A GES, RU., Orilnresolicitedandpromptly Wed with thebest meale In the raarkct. BI Uast Washington street Ann Arbor, Sept. lth, 1SO!. lSSütf QR. C. A LEtT E R CONTINÚES TO PUT UP AND FILL Physieians Prescriptioiis, At all honrs, at No. 1 Uregnry Block. C. A. LEITER & CO. Aun Arbor, Dec. 22d 1ST1. 1354 jV ARKNEÏ, Maniifacturer of Oarriages, Buggies, Wagón?, AND SLEIOHri, of very sty'p, made of' the best material, and warrunted. iírp;untiL done prompt lv and prices renannuble. Detruit Street, rer R. R. Depot, Ann Arbor, Mieh. , 14ifiy JOHN FRED. BHO8S, MAKUFACTUIlEIi OF MaEIAE8, BKiVIES, MTIBER WAfiOIIB, Si'lilV; WAGONS CUTTKItSi U,EIfiMS, kt. AlWork wnrrajitcd of thebest material. Repairint? done promjítly and reasonat)ly All work warranted tö give perfect sntHtaction, tin South Mam strect. '422 pLOUE AND FEED STORE. HSNRY WASOH (Successor to Geo. Luubengayer,) At 14 Wcfct Liberty Street, will keepconsüm ly uu hitud i full stock of Fïour, Mea 1, Oats, Ctru, iill P'eed. &c. All orders promptly tilled at the low estcanh prices. Cash piid tor Corn and Üats. i415yl JJR. tjTjírPÜKTER, DENTIST. Oülcc in the Savings Bank Block. Ann Aibor. Ml Operation8 on the Natural Teeth Ferformed with Care. UÍÍ3URPASSED FACILITIES AND EXPEaiENCE SiTTISb ARTÏFÏCÏAL TEETH, TO GíVK SACH INDIVIDUAL Tiinitirt of the proper sixe, ka-pt,r,olorjirntner$an nntura.1 txprttsion 1244 HURRYUP! "DARTIliS wlshlng Wall Paper, Phades nollnads, Window Plxtures, Co'ds, Tasstls. &C , al) New Stvles. ut Hatlafactorj P'lce, b J. R. Webster d: Co., BookStnri-,near the Hspiess Office. x


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