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flew jpüetto ments. IIOt'XD! Xear Conk'i Hotel on Thurwlay erening. Octobt-r ltith, i enlf-kin wallet conlaining mnall sum of mnney, which the owrier cnn have by Balling at the Argi:s Ojticx provvsgpxoperty, and , p.tytng tor this nilvfrlisi mf-nt . T OST. On Saturday oveniag, Oer. is, by ilv roting man whc was tbrown trom his Imy, nn Huron street, near CookN Hotel, h raall huiitiníí-case, Bllvet watch. The wiitcli íh worth but Hitle to aiiy oue elsf than llie owner, to whoin it is of prioeleM vslue, nd she earnMtly begslbeone who found it to return it to thf ottiee of the ProbAte I iuie wherQ he w ill c liberally rewitrded. 2w. I II'IIIM lll I III (OMITIO o mr First National Bank of Ann Arbor Ai Ann Arbor, in the State of Michigan, at the o!oe of businau ou the l-'i u il;i ol September, 187.1. RESOURCES. Lom and Diacounu, - - - $314,109.7; Overdriitts, - .... 900.8S U. H. Bond to secure circulation. 150,000. W) Other stocks, bondw, and nnrtgaffe - 21,900.00 Due from approved Uedteming and lieserve Agenta, - 19,666.90 Due trom other National Itnnks, - - 4,819.18 Due trom Htate Bank and Hunker, - 4,912.24 Banking Houue, - - 16,190,76 Furniturc and 1'ixturcB, B,O9Ö.1S 19,291.90 ('urrent expenaea, - 1,047. 4fi Check and other caahitemü, - - 1,718.81 Bill of other National Banks, - - 7,998.00 Fractlonal (;urrency, (including Niekels}, 963.04 Lwal Tmder Noto, - - - 18,969.00 408,786.98 LIAB1LITIB8. Capital paid in, - - $1(0,000.00 Surplu Fund, - 30,000.00 Interest and Exchango, - ;,1).9S Proflt and l,oss, - - - 9,(II3.2'J 1(1,180.15 Circulating Notes received lrom Oomptroller, - - 136,000.00 Less amount n hand and with Oomptroller ior burning, 1,371.00 133,(129. oo Dividendo uupaid, .... 108.00 Individual IeiiOïitR subject to . check, - - - 91,478.08 Demand Ceartifleate of Deporit, ;t'J,3i5.l4 130,808.83 Nott'M and HilU re-dieconnted, - - (j,0OO.00 (408,786.98 1, .T. W. Kniht, Casluor of the ■' Ftnrt l'ational Bank of Ann Arbor," do olemnly wwear thnt the above statement íh true to the beat of my knowl edge and belii-f. J. W. KNIOHT, (laahjcr. STATK OF MICHIOAN, COUNTY OF WASHTKÏÏAW t Swonitoand sub.scribed before me, this LOth da of October, 1B7:. W. A. TOLCHAR1), Notmy Poblio orrent- Attest : E. WELLS, JAS. CLEMBNTS, O. H. KILLEN, Di ree torn. Estáte of Hosiua Miiler - incompetent. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, s At a session of the Probate Court for tho Countv oí Washtonaw, holden at the Probate Office, Ín the City of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the tweuty flrst day of Ootober, in the year one thouaand eight hundred and seventy-three. Present, Noah W. Cheevor, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the tétate of Itoaintt Millir, incompetent. On reading and ttling the petition, duly verined, of Loon hard (iruner. (iuardian, praying that he raay be licentted to ell 11 the right, title and intereHt of Mai( UosiiiH Miller in certain real estáte described iu s&U petition. Thereupon il; in ordered, that Tuesday, the twenty flfthdtiyof November next, at ten o'elock in the fore iHntii, bc aHsined for tho hearintof snid petition, au thut the next of kin of -mid Kudina Miller, and all oth ur persons interested in smid estat, arerequired to ap peai at a sesion oí suid Coart, then to be holden a thö Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor and show cause, if any there be, why th piayer oí the petitionershould not be granted : And : iBiurther ordered, that said petitioner give notice t the persOBS interested in said estáte, of the pendeney o aid petition, and the hearing thereof, by causing copy of this order to be published in the Michiga Argns, a newspuper printed and circulating in sai Cotinty, three iuooeutYl weeks previoucj to said d of hearing. (A tru copy.) XOAH W. CHEEVER, 1449 Judge of Probate. Real Estáte for Sale. LÍTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtennw 8rf. In the matter of the estáte of Georpre Young Senior. Notice is hereby fuiven, that in pursuancE o an order granted to the undersigned administrator o the estáte ofsaid deceaaed by the Honorable Judge n Probate tor the Oonnty of Washteuaw, on the twei tj -rirst day oí Ootober A. D. 1873, there will be sol at public venduo, to th hiyheat bidder at the reu denee of the uudersigmed in the towuship of Lyndon iu the county of Washteiuiw iu aaid State, on Satur day the thirteenth day of December, A. D. 187U, at 1 o'clock in the forenoon of that day (subject to all en eumbrunces by mortpage or otherwise ex intinf? at the time of the death of said deeeased iv nd also subject to the right of dower oi the widow o mud deceaaed therein) , the fotlowing described rea estáte, to wit : Tb west hall of thenorth east quar ter of seotioB twenty, in town one south, range thre öiist, in saicl State, contaiuing eighty acres, more o Ie ss. THOMAS YOr'N'Gr, Artimnistrator. Dated, Oct„ 21 t, A. D. 1878, tbc Eafning f ost ESTABLISHED 1801. One of the Oldest and Stronges of the New York Journals. Adapted to the Statesman, the Scholai the MercHant and the Family. The New York Evfnino Post, edited by Willinm Gullen Bryant and l'tirke Cioijwin, aspisted by th strongest talent tliat can he engaged, has for mor than half a century maintuined the same principie! of Freedom and Prog-ie.Hh, through nll changes o partios and polieies. It has always been the utren umi s opponent of a kindaof Monopoly; aml it still romaïns a vigorou champion of Equal Riglits, of the Distribution o Power, of Honesty and Eronomy, of the security o tlie gioriouH results of Emancipation and Enfran chisement won by ihe war, and of all practica Reforms. it in opposed to Injustice and Spoliation, ant though Republicnn in iia aranitios, it condemns all cor rupt party combinatious which acririoe principie t more .uccess. The Evknino Post is equal to any other journal f a newspaper, and is complete in its PoÜtical, its Li' erary, lts Scientific, its Agricultural and its Commer cial Departments. Ii apares no expense in procurinp the latest new by telegraph, coirespondcnce, the raaiJs and effieien reporter. "We will supply the Evkn;no Post au followt: WEEKL V. Singlo copy one year, . . fl.5' Five copies " " . 7.0' Ten " ' . . 12.50 Twenty" " " . , 20.00 8BMI-WEEKLY. Single copy one year, . . $3.01 Five copies " " . 12.50 Ten " " " . 20.00 Or we will send the following pertodicttls to sub scribers. in connection with the Evenijib Post, prloeH uiimtid : With With Wsekly Semi-W'v Kveg Fost. Kvo. Pos Harpor's Magazine, $4,00 $(.01 Sciibner's Monthly, 4 50 H.0( Athintic Monthly, 4.00 ö.öO The Grtlaxy, 4.00 ó.5( The Agticulturisl, 2.50 4.00 üur Young Folks, 00 4.50 Wood's Househ'd Magazine, 2.00 ;5.5( Moore's Rural New Yorker, 3.23 4.25 Harper'a Weekly, 4.50 tj.00 Appleton's Journal, 4.50 6.W Every Saturday, 5.10 (.ó( Hearth and Hom.!, 3.75 5.2 Harper's Buziir, 4.50 tí.0( Littell's Living AKe, 800 9.50 St. Niche las, '■"'' 6-2Ö TRY IT : ÏEY IT ! For 26 cents we will send the Wfkkly Eveniso Pos! tor two month. 01 for 60 cent wc will send the Skmi-Wkekly Evkkinq Post for the same timn. Specimen numbers sent free. Address AVM. C. BRYANT & CO., 1449w4 N Volk. rISSOLUTION. Notice is hereby (riven that the pnrtnersliip of Feleh & Orant, Attorney' at Luw, is hereby dissolved. A 11 claims for and aitaint suid partnership must be settled at once. A„n A.bor, Oct 9, ,873. FRLCH 0. li. URANT. Wantcd, Agcnts, 75 to $250 per month, ererywhere, male and female, to Introduce the Genuine Imoroved ComnioH Sense Family Sewing Machine. This machine will etitch.heiu, feil, tuck. Quilt. cord, bind, braid and embrolder in a most superior manner. Prlce only $15. Fully licensed.andwarranted forflye years. Wewillpay$l,00üfor any machine that will iw a ítronger, more beautiful, or more elast c seam than our.. It makei the " Eladio Lock Stitch." Bvery econd stitch can be cut. and stïll the cloth can not b pulled apart without tearing it. We pay agenta frpm T to $2.V) per month and expenses, or a commuion from whlch twice that amount can be made. Addreu 8EC0HB 4 (JU., 157 State ítreet, Chicago. Illinoi. lOll SALE ON LONG CREDIT ! Ann Arbor City Lots, with good titlü, mul well located tor resideuces or business. Alao everal Morlgagei lor sale. ,.„„.., Inauite of E. W. MORGAX. ItSmi Mil k Stlii Continue lo offer this week NBW&FRBSHARK1VALS OF TIIE LATEST DESIGNS In Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS Suitable for Fall Wear. Boyen sliould not fail to examine oiir Stock betbre making their purchases. MACK & SCHMIO'S Vou can fiiid CAMELS HAIR AND WATERPROOF CLOTHS In all the New and FASHIONABLE SHADE3 Now in such screat (Iemand. CPE1NG BULLETIN ! E. J. 1ÏUU1 HATTEE! Tlrtn tiirned hls back upan Winter and oponed bil stock oi SPRING GOODS! Including all the lntest stylea ui' Hats and Caps! GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, && Which must be sold. GOOD GOODS AND LOW PRICES Is the word to papa along the line. 7 Soul h Main si., A mi Albor. 1424 H I t ' 'Ë á'E É & " É ti Briggs House, Randolph St. and Fifth Ave. CHICAGO.. Thís well-known Hotel, rebuilt upon thc oíd site, has all the modern conveniences - Passenger Elevator, Bath Rooms, Hot and Cold Water n each Room, Elegantly Furnishedt and located in the business centre of the city. TERMS: $3.00 Per Day. RICKCORDS & HUNTOON, ; Proprletors. TREMAIN & CÓLE, GROCERS AND PROVISIÓN DEALERS I No. 30 East Huron Street. A fu 11 line of Oroceriee conatantly on Imnd and i"r alecheap, including Bugon, ïeas, Spices, &c. Country Produce ought and sold. Bring in jttju Butter, Kgg, Po"1' ■y, finita, &c. N.B. VOLG has estsblished bis Coal offloe t th ore of TRKMAIN & COLE, where all orderi wil' )e promptly attended to '


Old News
Michigan Argus