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The November Magazines

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Scribner's Monthly- the first number of a ] uew volume- has: Edward King's carefully and proiusely illustrated paper on Old and New , Louisiana, in the Great South Series, j ble ior its calm and dispassionate statement of the actual state of affairs in New Orleans and Louisiana generally. Katherine Earle, by Adeline Trafton (author of The American Oirl Abroad,) to run through the year; Earthen Pitchers, by Eebecca Harding Davis, which will be concluded within three or four numbers ; Mr. Froude's historical sketch of an English Abbey, first paper ; and in Stedman's series on the Victoria Poets, there is an admirable paper on the "most inspired of women," Elizabeth Barrett Browning ; also a biographical sketch of Stedman, by A. E. MacDonough, with portrait, in the series of Younger American Authors. Professor Newcomb gives an interesting account of the making of the new great telescope at Washington; there is an illustrated story by Edward King, Only Half a Woinan ; a story by Louise Chandler Moulton, For Pastime, and verse by George MacDonald, Celia ïhaxter, H. H., Hargaret J. Preston, and Bichard Wat. son Gilder. Dr. Holland's Topics of the Time aro: "A Greeting to our English Readers,' "St. Nicholas," "The New York Observer and " Old Types." The Old Cabinet is written ' In the Woods." The Departments of Home and Society, Culture and Progress, Nature and Science, and Etchmgs have their usual variety of coutents. - The Edectic is especially strong in literary biography. Whittier's sad and noble countenanco looks out upon the reader from the frontispiece, and in the letter-press is an appreciative sketch of his life ; while a brilliant paper on Jnhanu Frederick Schuier fornis the leading article of the number. Besides these there is a fine Essay, biographical and critical, on Milton, by Peter Bayne ; and, in another field, the impressive sketch of Madame de Maintenon, and the Last Years of Louis XIV., will attract attention. In science there are papers on Finding the Way at Sea ; Physical Educatiou ; and The ltingod Planet. And in miscellaneous articles, besides the new story by Turgenieff, commenced in last number, there are extracts from Víctor Hugo's " L'Annee Terrible ; " Parallel Stories ; Greek Beauty and Modem Art ; How the " Stabat Mater " was Written ; Charms ; and Premieres Amours. The Editorial Dopartments are very f uil and interesting. E. K. 1'elton-, 108 Fulton Street, New York. - The Atlantic Monthly has: Guunar; A Norse Romance, by H. H. Boyesen; The Home - Life of Salmón Portland Chase (late Chief-Justice), by Demarest L. Loyd ; The Song-Sparrow, a poem, by Celia Thaxter ; Little Fountain of Sakanoshita, by E. H. House ; The God of Peace, a poem, hy Ellen Francés Terry; Iuteresting People whoin I met in London,- auother of the very readable autobiographical series of Robert Dale Owen : The Returner, a poeni, by H. E. Warner ; Honest John Vane, by J. W. DeFprest, coucluding a semi-political novel, or a novel exposing the corruptiona which thrive at the Congressioml end of Pennsylvania avenue, by J. W. DeForest ; Tha Railroads and the Farms (from which an extract will be found in auother column), by V. M. Grosvenor; " Marjorie Daw," a poem, by Eunice E. Comstock ; Mr. DeForest's Novela (commendatory iL not eulogistiü), by Clarence Gordon ; Literature, Art, Music, and Politics. A readable and instructive number. Jas. R JOsoood & Co., Boston, - Godey's Lady's Book haa two doublé page fashion plates - one colored and the other plain, and besides numerous workiug cuts, just in season to aid the ladies in the iall campaign. The coutents are varied, aeveral of the stories beiug of a high order, under which head may be incladed, Kathleen, Abby'a Hospitality, and, My Thanksgiving. Marión Harland's aerial, Carryiug Weight, is also being well-worked out, while the domestic departments are well-filled. L. A. Godey, Philadelphia. - Our Young Folks is packed full of good things, story and travel, sketch and verse, charade and puzzle. Jack Hazard, the hero of "Domg his Best," progresses another stage; there are two more chaptera oL Hannah Colby's Chance, by EHzabeth Stuart Phelps: A Kat Hunt Poem, by Trowbridge ; Catching Baffalo Calves, by ÜHver Howard ; The Sad Fate ol " Polly Cologne," by Mrs. Diaz ; Two Boys' Ascent of Mount Vesuvius, etc. Jas. R. Osgood & Co., Boston. - The Catholic World has : Spiritualism, Dante's Purgatorio, The Farm of Muiceron, Philosophical Terminology, Madame Agnes, Daniel O'Connell, Grapes and Thorns, The Cathedral oL Chartres, The See oí St. Francis of Sales, Catholic Literature in England since the J Reformation, Catholic YoungMen's Association, English Sketches, lesser papers and poems. The Catholic Public ation House, New York. - The Nursery has a capital number, print aud picture, story and verse. Every page will hold the attention oí the little 'uns ot the family ard instruct and amuse at the same timo. J. L. Sboeey, 36 Bromfield Street, Boston. While the Street Railway project "sleeps'i we are glad to learn that Polhemus & Son have occupied a portion of the proposed route with an omnibus line. The omnibuses were put on yesterday, and run from near the residence of C. H. Millen, through Washtenaw avenue, Orleans street, South University avenue, State and Huron streets to the Mineral Spring House, leaving the Mineral Spring House at 7 A. M., and every hour to 10 r. m., and Mülen's point at 7 1-2 a. M. and every hour thereafter - the tnp east being made through North University avenue. For a few weeks the Detroit Free Press lias been plethoric in doublé sheets and supplements, evidencing a commendable determination to accommodate its advertisers without enoroaching upon its uews columns. Such hberality and nterpiiie i apprecuted by its rsadn. The new Universrty Hall is to be dedicated- provided there is no change in the arrangement -on Tuesday evening, Nov. 5. President White, of Cornell, is to give the address of the eroning. President Gilman, of the California TJniversity, is expected to be present, also many distinguished gentlemen from this and other States. It is also understood that Judge Campbell will provide the dedicatory ode. We hope to give the programme in full next week. - The number of students registered in the Law and Medical Dopnrtments of the University up to Wednesday noon was : in the Law, 27 ; in the Medical, 285. These numbers are a few less than at a corresponding date last year ; owing, probably, to the fhmncial crisis. The lady whose suilden death is recorded in the following paragraph olipped froni tlie Jackson Citizen of Tuesday, was well known to our citizens as Miss Mattie James, eldor daughter of the late Euoch James, aud had raany friends in our city : " Sunday moi-ning tliis 2oinmünlty was shocked to hoar'of the sudden demise of Mrs. "VViley E. Reynolds, at the residence on north Main street. At supper time on Saturday she was woll and appeared in fine spirits, but in the evening she iudulgcd in eating quite a quantity of nuts, which produced excessive Tomiting, and inflanimation set in so rapidly that the utmost exertions of her physicians could not allay it long enough to restore the system to its natural functions; and at 4 o'clock yesterday moruing she died. Her sudden death has cast a sad gloom over a large circle of frieuds and a house usually o replete with happiness and gayety is in a few short houi-s turned into ono of mourning." Silas Farmer fc Co., of Detroit, have placed us under obligatibn for a copy of their new edition of the State Map, thoroughly revisod and brouht down to latest dates. Compared with the very correct edition of 1S71, it ahows 02 additional townships, 132 additional villages, one new counly, the changed bouudaries of seven other counties; also several huiidred miles oL newly completod railroad with the new railroad stations. And all for SI. If the prematuro cold wcather has generated a desire in any of the Washtenaw county farmers to accept Greeley's adrice and " Go West I they are advised to cali at the Arous office and get a deBcriptive circular of the lands oi the Atchi. son, Topeka, & Santa Fe Eailroad Company. ïhis Co. holds some of the best lands in the most desirable sections of Kansas - those in the Arkansas valley being unexcelled- which it sells at low prices and on long time. We invite attontion to the prospectus oL the New York Evening Post. The daily edition of ;he Post is just the paper for the family cirele, is nothing appears in its columns which may lot be read by any member, the details of shocking and disgusting crimes being excluded. The 3ther editions are also favoritos with literary ind scholarly men. We say nothing ol its politics- which are a little mixed.


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