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KRAMER Sc GRABHSfcR, Attcrneys t j L:iw, Ann Albor, Jlioh. ÜBAZER, H ARRIMAN IIAMII.TO1 t Attorneyï at Uw. OiBoe Nos. 7 uud 9 Bquti linin strc-ct, Ann Arbor Mlch. NB.COLG, Draier lu C!onl. Offlco w'thFF.l.rii . & Obaht, over -l.-iws u & Sons' Store, Or , Fourth nd Huron St. nTlïsTtJS TIIATCIIEK, Attomey nnii Fj Counselor ut tjftw, No. i Ba Huron Rtreet, Ann Albor, Mich. l8 H! ARBOR MINERAL SPRIMGS. Üorrta II il" W D-i 8upjrlntondent. Office in builillnL', corner Mnnn and Weet Huron Streets. WIN ES WORDEN, M-outh Miiin strcot, Ann Ar'or, Mlch-, Wholesale anfl roiail denl„, inDrvOloixls. üarptg nnd QrocerlcB. l8Mtf MCK & 8CHMID, Dealer in Dry Goods, 'GnKcrietsCrockery.&c. No. 54 iouth Main Str.r-t. W H. J4CKSON, Llontlst succes? or to O. B. . Potter Ofllce corner Malnandduronstreet. arer the store of E. W. Bllid & Co , Ami Avbor, Mich. meHwtlcadmlntotercd if required. Fi .1. .I!I1N, Dealer in Ht and f'nps, ia Car, Straw fíoodi. Gente' Fnrwlshing Ooods, 4c. No TSontli Mnln -trent. Ann Arbor.Mlch. ÖCTHEBLANB ik 1TBEDON, Life and o FlrelnsuranC"' '_-onts.and denlorf.n Kon! Katate OIBceon Hnron Street BACH ABEL,, Déniers in "ry Goods Groccries, Ac Af... So ; Sonth Main street. Ann trlwr. QLAWSON vV SO, Öröcoro, Provisión anfl S Ooramirainn MerehanU. :nrt dl-aler In Wütcr Lime. Land Ploeter, and Plaaler Pari. No. 16 Kast fïitror. street n. WAKNER, DaUir In R adv Marli-Hoth [ag.Clotba Cisiimen Vostlnss, Tlnti'.Ciips. Tranks, karpet Uagn, &c 21 outh Mninstreet. TOAH W OHÊEVBK, 'attornet at law ! OHoo withE. W. Morgan, Castside nf Con rt House Square. W vir c. tJAUR, lïcntist, ,rw Suooppsnr to C. C. % - iNs_ j. nkins. }::y. Nitr o u a t ) x i d Gn-i hdminiafeïed wlit'ii ntcessiiry. 7" f ffi c e v c r Bacli & AboTs e . " f n'ore. i rJ VS-' - --: 'y" ' N 0. 2fl Soul li - ■ . 'l _,'-_' - } Míiin tít. MltS. H. J. HILTON, 31. ö., PHYSICIAN AND SlttGEON, Office and Residence No. 88 Ann Streef,, corner of Ingaüa, Ann, Arbor, Mich. KS" Office honra- 8 to 10 a m., and 2 to 4 l. M."3ÖJ Ri'fnejices -Pkof. Sageu, Phof. Palmeiï. 143. y 1 Attorcey at Law and S0LI0ITOR IN CHANCERY. ! Office, Árcale Block, Ypailanti, Mich. - Collections made nnd promptly remitted. All legal ' business faithíully attended to. 142ÍÍ MR O C KEK Y GLASSWARE & GROGERIES, J. & P Donnelly avelnuorcaUrsestock'.f 'rocker}, Glassware, PlatfdWare.rmlery Orocene, &c, c. all tobe ■ífiíd at nmiH'i:i!ly hnv prireB No. 12 Kart Hurón Street, Ann Albor. UíMtf J. & ' DOSMELLÏ. TORN O. GALL, FRESH AND SALT MEATS, t,RÍ, SAUSAGBS, Ele, OrflcrfMolicited.'indprorfiptly illed wlth thebeBt meats In the market. SI East hliiRton street Ann Arbor, Sept. lth, 1SB9. 198Hf tya. o. a. leitek C0NTINÜE9 TO PÜT UP AND FILL Physicians Prescriptions. At all honrs, at No. 1 (iregory Block. C. A. LKITER & CO. Ann Arbor, Pee. Mi 1871. WM VT AKKHEf, OeFWk Manufftcturer of Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, AND SLEIGHd, of fivery styV, made of tho best material, and warranted. Kepniring done promptly and pricea reasouable. Detroit Ëtreet, near U. B. Uepot, Ann Arbor, Mich. 1446y. TOHN FRED. BROSS, MAMTACTURER OF UÉBU6E8, l!l.(.ir.S, MÍIRER WA6OS8, SPKIXi WA60H8, l'lTTtKS, SLEIfiiiB, &c. Ailvork warranted of tlie best maierial. P.epairLngdone promptly ami re;tson;tbly All work warrantfó to give perlect siitufuction. Bi South Main itrect. l4-:! pLOUE, AND FEED 8T0RE. HENRY TRTASCH, (Saocessor to üeo. LnubtMigayer,) At 14 West Ciborty Street, will keep cons ton ly on hand .1 ruit .itofik of Ficmr, Mea 1, Oais,, Mili Peed . &c. Aíl or lera proraptiy Ulied ut the lowestcufih pricea. Cash puid for Corn und Oatn. i415yl rYR.O.B. PütíTER, DENTIST. Office in the Savings Bank Black, Ann Albor. &.11 Operations on the Natural Teeth Perfurmed with Care. ÜNSURPAS3ED FACILhÍeS AND BXPBRIENCISiTTlSb AHTÍFÍCÍAL ÏEETB, TO liíVK EACH IXDIVIUUaL, D'.iturfiB of the proper aixe, skapef,olar,Jirmne8tnin natural expretsion 1244 HURRY UP ! OABTIliS wl-hliig Wnll Pnper, Shsde - Bnlland, Window Kiiture. Co-ds, TusaeU. &j , il] N'ew Stvle nt Sitisfnctorj P lees. v J. II. Wobctor d: Co., Book Stirc.aeur the Sipiess Office. c ■■ ■■■ - - x,


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