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Chlldren Often Look 1'a.le and si. u 'rom no other cause than having worma in the stomch. BROWN'S VERMIFUGE COMFITS Will destroy Worms without injury to the child, beinff erí'ectlv WHITE, and free í'rom all coloring or other njuriouH ingredients usually used ín worm preparaCURTIS & BROWN, Proprietora, No. 215 Fulton Street, New York. S'ild by DrugghU and Ckemtits, and dealers in Mediines al Twenty-Five Cents a Box. 14ü6yl f 'ft CüfDJng pst ESTABLISHED 1801. One of the Oldest and Strongest of the New York Jonrnals. Adapted to tlie Statesman, the Scholar, the Merchant and the Family. The New York Evening Post, edited by William Callen Biyunt and Parke Godwin, assiated by the trongest tulent that cnn be engaged, hae for more han half a century maintained the same principies f Freedom and Progiess, through all changes of artios and policies. lt has always been the Rtrenuoue opponent of all cindsof Monopoly; and it still remains a vigorous hampiori of Èqual Rights, of the Distribution of 'ower, oí Honesty and Keonoiny, of the security of he glorious resulta ot' Emancipution and Enfranhiseraent won by the war, and of all practical .leiorms. It is oppoaed to Injustice and Spoliation, and hough Ilepubliean in its atti uitios, it condemna all corupt party combinations whieh sacriüce principie to uere success. rJ'he Evenino Post is equal to any other journal aa a newspaper, and ie complete in itü I'o'itical, ita Int erary, itB Seientiflc. its Agiïculturul and its Commercial Departments. Ii apares no expense ín procuring the latest news )y telegrapli, corresijondenue, the mailu and efficiënt reporters. We will supply the Evening Post aa follows: WE E KI, Y. Single copy one year, . . $1.50 Five copies " " . 7.00 Ten l( hm . 12.50 Twenty " . 20.00 SEMI-WEEKLY. Single copy one year, . . $3.0( Five copies " " . 12. 5( Ten " M " . 20.00 Or we "WÍ11 send the following periodicala to sub scribers. in connection with the Evenino Post, a pnces named : y With With Weekly Remi-W'y Eve'g Post. Eve. Pos Harper's Magazine, $4.50 $6.0( Scribner's Monthly, 4.50 m 6.00 Atlantic Monthly, 4.00 5.50 The Galaxy, 4.00 5.50 The Agriculturist, 2.50 4.00 üur Young Folks, 3.00 4.50 Wood's Househ'd Magazine, 2.00 3.50 Moore's Rural New Yorker, 3.25 4.25 Harper's Weekly, 4.50 (5.00 Appleton'8 Journal, 4.50 6.00 Every Saturday, 5.00 6.50 Hearth and Home, 3.75 5.25 Harper's Bazar, 4.50 6.00 Littell's Living Age, 8.00 9.50 St. Nichclas, 3.75 5.25 TEY IT ! TRY IT ! For 2& cents we will send the Weekly Eveninq Pokt for two monlhs. or for 50 cents we will send the Hemi-Wekkly Evening Post for the same time. Specimen numbers sent freo. Address WM. C. BRYANT & CO., 1449w4 New York. TYISSOLUTION. Xotice is hereby given thiit the partn nhip of Feldi & (irant, Attoruey'e at Law, ia lit-u-uy dissolved. All claim for and ugainat Baid partuersbip must be settlea at once. Aun Albor, (Jet. 9, 1873. AT.PHEU8 FELCH. 0. B, UliAN'l'. H k Stlllll Continue to offer this week NBW&FRB8H-ARRIVAL8 OF THE LATEST DESIGNS In Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS Suitable for Fall Wear. Buyers should not fail to examine our Stock before making their u reliases. MACK & SCHMID'S You can find CAMELS HATR AND WATERPROOF CLOTHS In all the New and FASHIONABLE SHADES Now in such great demand. OPE1NG BULLETIN ! E. J. JOHNSON, ;''PTTin w HATTER! ïïna turaed liis back upon Winter uad opcnod Uia tock oí SPRING GOODS! Includiog til the latest stylcs of Hats and Caps! QENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, &c. Which mUBt be 8o!d. GOOD GOODS AND LOWPRICES 1b the word to pasB along the line. 7 suiith .Vlnin Sf., Ann Arbor. 1424 WTa. lovejoy, TOBACCONIST ! Deals in both FINE EUT AND SMOKING TOBACCO, SirufF, Pipes, &c, AT NO. 7 EAST HÜRON STREET, Next to the Express Office, ANN ARBOR, tl Kil. lMütf TREMAIN & COLËT GROCERS AND PROVISIÓN DEiLERS No. 30 East Hurón Street. A full line of Groceries constantly on hand and for tmliM'.heup, including Sugan, Teas, Spieën, &c. Country Produce Bought and aold. Bring in you Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Fruits, &c. N. B. IJOI.E has established hia CorI office at tha atoreof TREMAIN & OOLK, where all ordera will bu proinptly attended to' 1438 L0.T. On Saturday evening, Oct. 18, by the young man who waa thrown from hia buggy, on Hu ron struet, near Cook'a Hotel, a small hunting-case, Bilver watch. The watch is worth but little to any one eUu than the uwner, to wlioiu it is of priceless value, and she earneatly bega the one who found it to return it to the office of the Probate Judge where he will be liberally rewarded. 2w.


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