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ÍIICHIWAN CEXTRAX RAILRO VI). SUJC1TER TIME TABLf. ertroinanow Juare the por.i] ■tntiopg.iu OOIKO WEffl . I ' M i M , .. s I i ! { ÜL'-ÍL Ji_sjl' w ! Detroit, leaT, 7011 940 10 los S WHfl K pilHDti, 8 28 10 45, 2 Sí! i 66 7 lll 11 2; Ann Arbor, 8 Í12jll 00 3 lli .', J 7 45 11 Dextor, g 2n __] s lú 6 ÍS 8 10 Chelsou, u 40 - 4 o' 8 un Griws Lake, id m __ 4 ,;., 9 00 A. M, Jackaon, ie ni i! 15 .. OJ g .-i.-, 1 m, „ . '■■ M. p, m. ,. . Iviliimnzoo. 2 di 2 55 g 2P ,. 2 icagoarrivo, s ÍS 8 fin g 30 o aoiva eat. -! iíí]i iiií 1 lili s 1 1 ,,, . , A' M.;A. .M. ip. M. 'P. M. i (.lnc.-igo, leiive, 6 00,9 00 5 15 o (Hl .- , ■ W. A. M.l A. M. Kaljunaioo, n 15 203 6 00' 2 r, Jackson ■: SO .1S í 0013 80 4 4.'. Chelson, 3 24 s 68 a m Dexter, 3 40 9 80 20 Aun Arbor, 4 05 5 19 9 SO 1 5!) 6 00 6 fin rpeilanti, 4 2r, 86 W 05 17 6 20 7 211 Detroit, trrive, 550 fi 40 11 20 330 ; r 8 The Atlantic and Pacific Expresa rnn betwee Jacksnnimd NHeHOn the Air Une. Dated, May 86, 1873 DETROIT; HTLLSDALE & INDI ANA ltAILfiOAD. GOINO WEST. . „OIKO KxltT. stations. Mixed. Mail.! stations. MuilTÜx. A. M. 1'. M. Detroit, dep.. i í-m j 3Yjisilanti 7:25 5:40 Bnnkers P:SO 3:40 iS"6 s:3" 6:1S Ilillsdule 6:44 8 08 gidgewater.. 0:06 6:33 Manchester ... S:4S 6:5.i Mnnehcster.... i):J8 0:55 Bridfrewati-r . . 'J' '. 7:gi _.„ M. Salino 9:25 8:10 jplhoaft 1:10 S:4H Ypsilanti.. .. 10:00 9:05 Bankera. l:gp 9:00 I Detroit U:S8 Traína run by Chicago time. Wr. F. PARKER. Bup't, Ypsilnnti. VpJffiÏTTröf No Pcrsoii cmi takr tlicsc nutrí s accordIng to directiona. and remain loun unwell, provided their bones are not destroyeil by mineral polson or otticr mean, auu vital organs wasted bevond the point of repair. Dyspepstn or Iir11-;est ion. Headachc, Pain in the Shouldcrs. Coughs. Ttghtuess of me Ciiest rizzines3. Ponr EructatlonR of the Stomacü, Bad Taste in the Muui li, Bllious A ttacks, PalpltatiOD of the Ueart, Inflaramatlon of the Lungs. Puin in the región of the Kldneys, and a hundred tlier painflil symptoma, are the off-springa of Dygpepaia. One bottle will prove a botter gaarantee of it merits than a lengthy adverlisenieut. For Femnle Ciomplalntl, In youns or oíd, married or single, at the daivn of wönianhood or the turn of lile, these Tonic Vutters display so decided an iiuiuence tliat improvement is soon perceptible. Por Iiiflniniiintoi y nnd Chrontc Rhen matistii and Gunt, Bllious, Remittent and Intermittent Kevers, Uiseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Ritters have no equal. 8uch Diseascs are canseil !v Vitiateil Blood. TUeyaic m. gentlc Purgativa ns well as a Tonic, possesiins the merit of actintr as a powerful agent in relievlng Congestión or Innammation of the Liver and Visceral Organs, and in Bilions Diseases. For Skin Disensc, Eruptions, Tetter, Sa'.tRheam, Blotclies, Spots, Pimples, Pustules Boils Carbuncles, Bing-worms, Scald-Head, Sore Even, Erysipelas, Itrh, Scnrís, Discolorations of the Skin, Huraors and Diseases of the Skin of whatever name or nature, are llterally duit up and carried out of the system in a shurt time by the use of these Bitters. Gruteful Thousn ikN pvoclaim Vinkoar Bitters the most wonderful Invigorant that ever soatained the sinking svstem. K. II. ÍIcDOAI,D fc CO„ DrugRists and Gen. Agts., Sun Francisco, Cal., i cor. of Washington and ('harlton Sts N Y 80LD BY ALL DBÜOGI3T8 .t DEaLeRS, L. C. RISDON PERUY & CO.'S No. Í) Níf American COPPER LINED IRÖN-CLAD RESERVOIR, FULT, TRI MM El), FOR $6O I Othcr Stoves in propórtion 31 SOUTH M VIN ST., ANX AltBOft. 1-HPIf Dr. Crook's Wine of Tar JSPflT Contnlns Tegrtelblo In. predlentsof Undoubted ftfll Tonio value eomoined IfH Tiltil the rich medicinal qualities of Tar, which (MHSSj. causo it to builil U, ét . JÊÊr BI ■8&Uatca '"" raPIy BnPíT; jiiiIstrciielli. ltclèaiises HÜLJf ' feBBjbnKM Btomach, Kilaxes (Sgooijfll P&Wiflj ' h e Liver, and raus- HinSmH lol to Ik-i, r._.l!S'TnllH!!s_!j "'"' i ■Silöl t'iM tBtfílSu ls a lll"'ior l'onfr KBTHCoiFiËaMLi '"'''"''"' '"■ "i-- ni r IS'lV'li UlrffllSiRHIta an "■"Itilwon the t i)il i'i II i li HÍmí'IwÍ 'or l':iiui in trnfnWililfinwT ravcl or KldESwi?nilaEiln!3í,ll'''a''0' Siseases tLjJftflSHWIl IBIS !Jvci' Complatut it BSwBStti!iEff!ffQfl s nf p(íua' It effecHsSZS ITllBra tuaHycureallConirli PmSgWMagB tolds, and all diseases -SCn A LECTUEE ïü üvceunt. Just publishcd, in a Sealed Envelope. Trice 6 ets. A Lecture on tite Nature, Xrcatiuent ñutí Kuihcal rare ot SpermatorrbCBa or femir.Hl Wenkness, Involuntary Jimissious, sexual Debilito nud Impedimenta lo Marrntge generally; Nervous' uess, Cousumption, Epilepsy and Fita ; Mentu) and Physioal Incupacity, resultiug fiom Abuse etó -By KOBEá?J. CtTLVEE KLL, M. 1)., A.'.thór oí the " Green Iiuok," &c. Tlie worlrl-renown autiior, in this admirable Lecture, cleurly provea irom )ii iwn experience that the awlul cemsequences of Pelf-Almsc in:iy be etfectu iilly removed without medeoine, and without daneerom snrncal operations, bougies, inatrumend niiEa ur cordial, pointin out n mode of cure at once certaill and eff.ctual l.y which every sufferor, no roattpr wliat his eondition muy be, may euie himaelf ohenply, privattly and radiciilly. ÏHI8 1 KCTriil.' SoUHA1;.") X BOOM T OÜ8AÍfDsLN Sent uuder seal, to any adarces, in n plain sealed stam sPe' n 'e ieCf'pt Ofsi'! cellts' or lwo Postage Also Dr. Ccltehwkll's "Muiiiago Cuide," piice Address the Publishers, CHAS. J. C. KLINE & CO,, J8TBowrj-,Nw York, PotoíH Box, 4886. STATEMENT OF THE Mil Lili INSURANCE COM'Y OF TUK United States of America. BRANCH OFFICE: PEIL A DELPHI A, PÊNN"., VIm-io the Business of the Coinpeuft is transacted. GHAKTERKI) BY 'CONtiKKSS. Cash Capital - $1,000,006. 0 JULY 1, 1873. RECEIPTS z Front Jan. 1 to July 1, 18;i. (8ie months.) Premiums- iiicluüing recetpta on reiiisured poIicieSi - - - $700,12'! 47 Interest, - - - - - 1 24 (i(7 80 l'reiuium on gold, - ',01tt 78 Total roeaipta tor six mootht, $20,81 1 H From Jan. 1, to Jvly 1, 187.Í. (Six monAkx.) DoathClaims imrt Annaitj, - $!2S,8C5 2G (Jash and allowiincea for surrendtirod policies, .... 71,0.'4 66 Premiums on policies reinsuri'd, - - 8,30; 24 Corainuted CommissioiiH, - . ",121 11 Revenue Stampa and tuxes, 1 - 8,33110 Dividends, - ... 30,000 00 Allotherexpenditures, ... 126,706 82 Total dÏ8buröemenls iur six monthi, $375,436 lLj ASSETS. Cash in Bank and Trust Compaiiies, $101,572 (9 United States Bonds, imarket value, -132, 3Ú5 00 fetate Bonds, (market vulue,) 39,6S0 00 Loans secured by hrst mortgages, 1,278,587 18 Loans on collaterals, (collaterals worth $1, 500,00(1, ) 976,0i)5 ,'il Acciued interest, 3O,i'37 OU Lohus on polieies of the Excelsior Life Insurance Company, which were reinsured by the JSational, Ü7,KT6 78 Deferred semi-annual and quarterly premiums, on policies in force, (including reinsured policies,) 97,8 6 27 Premiums in course of collection. incluilin premiums on reinsured poiicies,J and all other assets, 02,185 17 Total assets, July let, 1R73, $3,116,276 41 LIABILITIES. Total present value of all policies in iorce, including all policks reiusurecï - btinp the amount requisite to reinsur all outstanding risks, f l,i.0l) 611 00 Deduct present vahie of policieB reinsured m other solvtnt companies, 38,0.c2 00 Net present value of all (ratstandlng risk. fl,862,5P0 00 Losses reported but not due, 67,5.!iï 79 Total linbilities July lst, 187Í!, (1,830,086 79 Srra'I.TTs. (be!ng adiitinonl to reinurance f und,] f 1,18(5,173 (2 Ratio of Asseta fco Liabilities 102 per et Total AtiKf-tH, July Let, 187Ü, $3,Ufl275 41 Tot;d Asaets, Januitiv ltt , 1873, 2,668,011 6.'i Iboxvbw in AsFtt.s during six raonths, $663,868 78 New Policiea isued dnnng tlie Xo. Jmount, six monthB, j N'w Polieies, isHucd from Jan. 6 010 981 IhI to Aug. let, 187o, (seven months), 3073 7,117,107 few Policies isKued fiom organUsation, fADffuat lsi, l&oyj to August Ut, 1873, 22Oö] 50,91 l,67fl The Natioiittl ift maldng excellent progresa in finan" nal Mn.'iigth - in inercatie of assets iu D6W buHintjsa ■-and in net mnount ut risk. All Aonnected with the Company, policy-holders a well aa mtuugera, oan feel grutified at iIm sulicl OFFICIERS : E. A. ROLLINB. Piesident. H. D. COOKE, (Washington) Vice President. JOHN M. BUTLER, Scrretiiy. JAY COOKE. Chm. Fin. and Ex. Com. EMERSON W. PEET, (Philadelphia) Vice Pro and Actuary. F. Ci. KMITH. M. D., Medical Director. W'M. E. CHANDLEK, [Washington] Attorney. Directors.- E. A. Hollina, Jny Cookc, Clorenco II. ('luik, Oeorge F. Tylur, Wm. O. Moorhead, John w. Ellis, Hemy D. Cooke, J. Hinokley Clark Win E. Clmndler, Joint I). Defrces, Edwnvd Dmlge, H. c' l''ahnehtock. G. W. SXOVER, Gen. Ag't Moffatt Blook, Detroit, Mich. W. W. Whedon, Ag't, Ann Arbor. i I l4tf g CQfcVEYANCLS h '■- ■■ . . J L:.-ij ri:i"'.'"ii;i;!":J :;ï " _rTTr::rr: 'TrQIjTlli_ j ! 1 LLU JilmiillliiiiJi ' OUR ABSTRACT J3OOKS! As pnrihilly indSsatea aWc. are riow postuá to ate Tfaey at once, iu a oondensed or potd ronn sl,o: AUDITOR GENEBAL'S DEEDS, Known aa Tax-THlos. which „re iêry n unieron iu tiiis Oounty, Decrees, Contract?, Deeds ! WILLS, SsC. AU.., mm as weU aa .-vil of the „ld u,„lis,,]1„r'cll Mortsngea aa far back aa 1824 -whloh are legiona leipoMata.iT.titlnormoil!i.-iïcs and liras will remomlHT tlwt fules and other ooUataral matters srojiot fonnd in the rnnsl mode (.f feareh by Indexea ntthe ftogijter'B office. The bonk or lioers in th; ueguters office lmvebecoméaoiiuinenraa and rolumïnous thnt lonir time is necBSBanly reqnired even to m:ike a hasty and utweüablo senrch. Vv'iili ourfaciliti. .s we sartp the public thnt we ean ahow them tille and TitlB ffistoi leed, ln,t,r,;ea, AsswnMONEY TO LOAN ! On Bond ftnd-Mort$ttge en long time. REAL ESTÁTE SoHorexohanged. HOUSES TO EBNT. 13 aem "jPPJ'e the Observutory for ole in Iota toanit purROOT & LEITER, "'"' nts, No. 1. uvcirory Block, Tkacy V. Boot, .in 1 oppoute the Pootofflce. -HABLES A. LílTEB. 141(tf DR. A. THASIS'S ■ ■ a -.[i Magnetic Omtment . FOR THE CURE OF INFLAMMATORY DISEASES. ... Dr. Trask was engaged for twonty years in a courac or experimenta upoii the medical prouerties and power of vegetables, sepárate and combined. At the age of seventy yeari he succeeded In presenting to the world, as the result of his experimenta, a compmation of Vegetable extracts. the power of which ui removing diauaaca is oneqoalad m the aúnala of Medicine. Hls dlscovory conUts in a combination of theac powerful Vegetable Extracta wlth Electricity or Magnetism 111 the fonnof au Ointmcut. Certaln, lt Is, that the remarkable andnnproeedentcd success which haa atteuded ltaapplication in toecureofdisease; stumps it at once as thegreatest discovery of the age, and ralla for a trial aud close invesugatiou of lts proporties. ,.. nevcr rails, while there remains eufflcient Ufe to restore a natural and healthy action to the ca. pillary vesscls of the body, and equaüze the circnlation of the blood. By this means a controlliñg power wgainod over t!ie mos! malignaflt forma of disease which cannot he obtalned from any other remedy.' íw";11 is tlle 1O wer W" combinatloii ' that lt penetrales to every portion of the human frame; every bone an.l masóle, valn, nei-ve and ligament is searchud ontand made sensible of its uurfír. ing and neallng Hflnence. Horice it copes as readily with interual as cxternal diseaee. "rwuiy Numerous Instance are on record whera Ola remedy haa reatorei liealth to patiënte so near the grave that tbe most. powerful iuternal remedie iaiieu toprocmce any titwt. Snch has Ireuueutly been the casu m [nflamiua tiou of the Bovvels. „i!0 íaV',ent ?ver llce1 lic with 'M diaeasc where the Magnetic Oinrmuiit eau ba ontaincd. Por Inliamniatoiy Klieumatlsm this Ointmcmt ís Iho iimst comptete remedy ever pivnared For Diphthuria or i'utrid Sore Throatit is unrivaled. ' I'!,nl"et!F'"Ino 's outofa ltimdred. it wijl aflord cntirc relief to the worst cases of JiervouJ Headachc ni thlrty minutes. ' For Nerveus IHseases this medicino ia of immense value. Aflectionsof the Splne, KhonmaHsm, Lameness, Llcerated Boro Throat, Bronchitfs, i'leurisy, Croup Cohc, Cho era Morbus, Aeue i the Face & Breast, Bnrns, Scald Head, Sciofala, Salt Khemn Erv pelas, Inllamed Eyes, Pever Sores, Sores, et! wül neíhOiuímeift.1' CTCd "y "" US f Dr' Trask'a Mag" D. Kansom, Son & Co., Propr's, Buffalo. N. Y. coco-oleineJ .perfect hair dressing - r.otadye norjintoratirc, bat a dïessins?, elecant t""-_l and e - nomical. I I STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE iseooHngta fchesoalp, imparta a deliehtful sensn ot vitality i and jftuesa WH- -= the hair. f I STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE, sweetly parönaedi and ligipid, randera the hairnnprluund " dressuH it in any I- - - i 4 demroj farm. ' STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE, entirely vcgntablo üil, prerenta thatdrj'ness of snilp I w "' (' h f"" causea dandruü r_"l to mvitmulute. s ' I T I STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE contains in onc largo bottle more oil and more j fume _ _ tlian any otbcr - i hair I dressing v- ' in marliet, and I- ■- besides is sold tn enty-flve por cent, lesa than most othera. STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE brightiins blonde hair, darkens aub ■■fc urn huir, renderslustrous brown and black W hair, Lessons tho harshnesa of coarse hair. STEARNS' COCO-OLÍINE 18 MADE ONLY BY FEEDEEIOK STEAENS, - OHEMIST, DETROIT, MICH. fSold eveiyirhere. Be surc and get the Genuine Coco-Oleine. Let no one palm off on you a bottle of some clieaji and worllikss imitation of CocoOleine. There are more than twenty counterteit I of i t now sold, put up as near like the ïf enuine as tha inakors daré añil evade the law. THE BABCOCK h 'Hl Wy ÏÏOOK & LADDER TRUCKS Equipped with Babeock Fire Exliniruishcrs, Extensión and Scahnsr Lodder., Grapniing Hooks and Chaina, Buckets, Lauteins, Pilce Polen, Pifce Axes icc, &c, weighing loss ihun 1,'U lbs.; eusily handled' handsomely flnished, and iflord the greateát protection ,ut less expense tlmn nny truck in the muiket Just wliat every lire Department wimts The Bnbsock Fire Engines anrl Fire Jïxtinguishcrs are savinir valuable property all over the couutry. Send for their record. E. T. BAHNl'M, Gen. Aiicnt, 113 Woodward Ave., Detroit. Mnnnfnctnrer of Iron, Copper and Brass Wire Wlre Clolh, Bolting Cloth, B-.irr Mlll Stone, Broom ffire aml Tvvlne, Topper Weather Vanei. Whe 3ooatf:r RaiUug, VVita ïoocing and Ornamenta] iVlr VTork. MlOyn ARGUS BULLETIN ! WANTEl) 2000 NKVV SUBSCRÍBEOS llore Merchante aud Business men, who knowing their own interests will advertiré in the Akoi.-s. GET YÖUR BILL-HEADS, CIRCULARS, LETTElt-HEADS, STATEMENTS, At theArgns Office. GET YOUR BALL CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, VISITING GARDS, WEDDING CARDS, At the Agrus Office. GET YOUK LAW BLANKS, LAW BRIEF8, LAW RECORDS, PROGRAMMES, AT THE ARGUS OFFICE. New Type, Best Presses, Good Workmtn, AND REASONABLE ; PRIGES ! 2;" A WORD TO THE AVISE. Mortgage Sale. City, ;vliol)iti,i,. tu fersi T ;.. % Í Ami Allj"r OU1,L"' ;,",, , I recordad ■ : , y-nlue, pwiyingUi, -.11. itl rrautyd ■btenlle Kort or „tloruey' mS3 '" ■■■■■■ L "'"■'■■■■t'"u-P ■ luit) !,.„■„, ';,.,, hd t SM Htiecntlidiiy ..f Novembei n-xt, at 2 o'clock F BI of ""i80"""" ! I and lot Ño ,iv s v"„ nel ninetceu in block Hvesouth in rnnire üv,. ," ,t i Commissioners' ííotico. OTATE Oï MICHIGAN, oonnty of WMhtenw Probate Conrt&rsaid oounty, CommSne toreCf.v,, ,.x:,„„„,a,1(1 luJ,,,t llll0„ims H,1U, peraonsagaiMtthe estáte of Qottftey Miller lite, r aiM '!n"'y. ' ireby uivu noticp ti. ■' li month, trom date i alloweS, .SfS JSfpS bate Court tor oreditore to present theirolaimaïaint the estáte vt tseii deceased, and thatttaey will meet af bertraaof Eberbach & Cn., „ ih.oUyot Á n 'rbo, ...i .id oounty, on Mouday. the tl,, fth „; Apnl „t.xt, at t o'elooi a. m. „f hofdag CHKI8TIAN EBKEBACH, ,,.„ , CONRAD KBAPF, M4HWJ Commissioners. Real Estáte for Bale. flTATE OF MICHIGAN, Conty of Warirtanaw, . In the matter ot tile estáte oí Gcorife Yohhb Senior. Notice U heby griven, that in pumunnct ?í n otdergTMted w the ondswitied a.lnm,itrKtor f the estatoof said deceosed by iheijom.mble .lurtue iil Probate foithoCounlyoí Whteinnv, on the twenat puMic enlu, to. the highest bidder attberedelenco ot the nndenigned in the townahip of Lvnflon in thc connty of a1itenaw in sid BtaW, onStn? aay the thirteenth elay oi December, A. D. 1x7:5 at 10 (i elock ín tbe forenonn ot r)uit diiy [nibject to uli t nounibrauofts by nwrtings or otnerwiw extating at ,ho time of ti. deatl, of roid decea ,] and Biso suWfct to the rigbt of dowei .11 tbe widow oi Miadac-asr-dtlmirin!, the following desoribed real tale, to wit ■ The west hall of thenorih eat qnarterofseotiontwenty in Unm one outh, range fhree less 'n "'"" ■ c""t!'iIliuS eighty teres, more or Datcd, Oot., 21-.1, A. D. 187S. Estáte of Veit Zeb. . Q I ATE Or.MICHIGAN, oounty of Wahtm.w, r. ,- vp "S"WII)" in Probate Courtfor thsoonnty of WMhtenaw holden at the Probate ( Jffioe. in tlié K" Arbor „1, Mondar, the twenty-oiñth day riesc.,,1, N,,,,,, W.CheeTer,Jnageof Probate, reaáed. ' ths B!""" ' Voit Z(;eb' de" b. ll ,P ' A.?n?ÍnÍ8lrator,prayingthat he may , VVHDUU U1CU M ■( ■ ' . .Türaeupon tt is orclered, that Tueaday, the fourth 4aj oi (Jovembei u.xi.m ten o'doek in the torenoon, r"- f hearing of suid petition, aud that the heiro at. la of said deoeased" and all nther petraona intereatod in said estáte are requirefl 'oappearat sesión of said eo„r!, then to be the Probate Office, in tho oity of nn Arlr , an.l .!,■ oauae, if ny tl.ere be. wtiv the praye ofthe Petoner sbouM not be granted: And it is tuithprordcved that aaid petttioner give notíce tq the IprM,„ muwstwl in saJd estáte, of the of sttidpetitíon,andthe hearing Hiereof, by eansü a Mpyof th.s order to be publfahed in the SaJ Argm, a newspiiper printed and dranlating insaid onty.fonr8uooeiiaiweeka preTionsto said dayoi (Atrneoopy.i NM'ii v. qheBVBB 11 "' .Jiiilfü of Probate QHAMBE R S' ENCYCLOPiEDIA. ! Í f'!l TI'.NAUY Oï Universal Knowledge for the People. BKVISKD B5DITION. WTTH Maps, Platos, and Engrarings. Complete in 10 Tol of 888 pos each. IttuttratedwM ábout Fowr Thmmnd Bngmving, and foriji Hapt, togethtr wit, a Smiu of fñm KigMy in One Ilnudrtd Bleoanfh F„grand Plata - illustrativí „f lf,e Subjtcts of Natural Hittnry - Hom fnr the FIB8T tïme apptaring in the v:'nl, PüIUE TER VOLUME. Extra C'lotu, bereled bonrdg, - - v, 50 Libi'Rry Shcep. marbled edues, - . 'a'nn Halt Turkey Moi-oooo, - - . (i f, THIS EdITION' I.-i SOLD Ü.VLY BV AOBNTS. Tuhlished by J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., i'l.iladelphin, Pu. SYLVANUS -WARREN, 188 Woodwarf Avenue Detroit, General Afrent lor tbe Stut of Michigan. By oompnring ChamSers1 Enoyclopepdia with the New American Cyclopredia,- the wrak ivith which i 1 most fr quently brought into comparison, it wi bcfound th:it while tl; ten volumes nf (Jhambers contain 83 0 pages, the original sixtem volumes of th ew American contain lesa than 12 000 pages. I will also be found tliat ■ pago of Chnmbera' contain fiill one-jifth more matter thmi a pace of the New Ameritan, mnking the ten volumesof the iorme equivalent in amount of printed matter to at lea thirteen volumes of the latter, not to mention th numenma Platea (about. ROi, Wondcurs (some 4 000) and Maps (about 40, tliat are included in this edition of Chambcrs', and to which tlie New American pos scaes no features. It is eonndentlv believed that as a popular " DiniONAny of Universai, Ksowi,kdoe," the work is without au enualin the Enghsh tangnage. 1 42fiyj "pUT YOTJE MONEY WH E RE IT WILL DO THE avióse A. A. TERRY HAS A FÜLL STOCK OF HATS AND CAPS! IN THE LATEST STYLES. QTJALITY AND pi; ic es T DK r Y Vi) M I BTlTIOfl, AI.PO, A PULL LINK 'F BENTS' FÜRNISHINO GODS tri?" Cali before purchasivg. 15 South Main Street, gj BUSINESS COLLEGE ! Hank Bloeit, nn Arbor, - Michigan. Studente can enter any time after Aug. 31st Ml and examine faciiitiea for study at our very iloasant and newly furnuhid room luia of the towndup of Manché T Atm Selfe Sarasa and tortyight dollar Yor S '""? M"3 ■Uo :m attorney's fee Of tJrV. p„ "nd inteie, the buildiiifr in which the (irn, t ', , ! (lll"t ! ty b. held), „nd by virïue o, è p w, o?'"? "' tamed 111 said mortpagc, I Hhnli L. i T , s"' n. to the liighest bidder thir m% ' I""1"' "u=tion nK'sriisotoBtwfytheiiiom f nrt Z, f "' fai4 terestalwveclaimcdasdue, wi , I, '"' "nd '- oud attomy's fee of torty doünrs: AU " '" Slll pies , or parad, of l„„d ritnate? „ y' ";"""' W Michigan knowu, bounded and dwmibcd n 1le ot to wir : Being the noi tbeaat Vnu Ta 1 1] f follos. (luarterof scetiun nuraber fuur"í ílsó ,"'"'"""6 west qu.rter of the wntheart qu. .-er o, ','5 11"11numbev tour rexwpt the iiKl,t8 -.nd „, 1 Slctioo Ltottel MicbigSf sSS nfïföfei KailroadComp„ny), also the n "r P "d4"ll northest quarter of said eotion numii ,foftl alHothe fohowlng denoribed and toi 1 Ultl eanterly ten chnma and tourtee Int t? ' .'í""! n-eot corner of the e!,t C „f" '1, "m,í , ? ÜU"1northwert Quarter of nection , unií. , , S? " northerly twenty-five chains, "S c" chains, thenw sontherly twen(y!nve "f"ly io'" llience weaterly iour chaln, nd (our "}".'" na place of beginninK, tb kut de"nipt"on ", 'i'!1" ten acres, the whole of the above d"S.Tü 1"'!"' nmounting to one hundred and flfty ui , lmd southeatquar-terof the southeast quark V , lke sojtionniimberfoiir f4j, except fourU ■tLV"ili tofore deeded to Luman Pteven8, all in towíl bfteasr1 number thre"'":"' srïSft! Unted, August 15. 1T3 Morta-asre Sale. WHEREAH John CU.1Ï uud Elúa flair f ... city of Aun Arbor, Uounty oL ffi uf "' State 0( Michigan, on the IZï ?„ ol " fc f year oi our Lurd oue thounand eteht hl? eventy-one, executed a moitgüg" ,o ï ,? " H.mell of the city ot New York, to , ''", '" J' ment of certain pnucipul and inteiest vwLl ,f'"r' in uentioned. whicJi mortnaue wa i,.p il i "eoffice .f ft. BegLe, of'Si SffftUL VmUmmsm the tweniy-seventh daj „, ffi ï' D. 1M1, at 5:2o o'clock in the aiternTOn of J í ,' in lber 44 ot mottron on page 7 J2 ; and h„ "Jl defauU ha„ been mado lor lioi-e than thjrty d '' thopayment of an installment oí uid interit miï '" whieh U duo on the ti.rt day o! Ja Tli' 183; byroason wherpoi and iiuivuaut to il?, '., ' ot aaid inortgage,said morteagee hereby elcc th ?" muoh uf 6a.l principal a remains unruV ,,,," ítso rea.ages of .Dterest tfcereon, ahol] S?A pnyabk. iramediatply ; and, whereas, ther,. „c " to be di.e ■ id unpiurl on said mortKiiire at tlip i Í thií notioe two thousand two Imi.dred and tï0' three dollar and thir.y tour cents, for pmoil 'i Interest money, also an attoruey', fee ol Hfty dollm should any proceeding be taken to foirèl, "i mortgajic and no uit or pioceedings imvinR hm,",? stituted either in law or equity to recover tL , any part thereof; Notice i therVioUluírU1" that ou.the Hiteenth day of NovembS SK o c ook in the afternoon of that day, at the I,,', L ot the ;ourt Hüue, in the city of Ánn Arto 3 ccranty, tthat beingthe buildins in whi.h the aLi Courtfor aid (Jounty of ashtenaw i" leldi ïï by vntuo of the power of sale ratained in „l d mof nge I hall elUt public atrction u, the hubS tel , the premwea dencribed in uid morte,, t„ ia,f fy die amount of principal and intertui above dïtaS Msdue, withthccnarpis of uch sale ,u,d i,n . ney'. fee of flftydoll„„: Alltl.ose certifn L" o, paioela ot lnnd ituate nnd being in the Conntv rt Hshtenaw and tof of MhAlgaS, ana dcX foUojra to wit boiuga part of lot numli two ñ Wock number two (i) north of Huron Street ril number lom f4; east, in the city i,f Ann Aib'o, S siute, dewribed m, foil„ws ,„ „.t01'd mencinp on the south üne of suid lot ttei nd .even inchea east of the mth-Htst cormr „ .-.n.l lot, running thence eagt on the south )iM „ sa!d lot. feet and flve inche. (henee Zñí parallel wth the enxt line of snid lot urn TI thence west pumllel with the bouiI, lme of niÓi twelye teet and Hve inche, thence runnit," 1 parallel with the west line of Mid lot ven roïï the place of beginning ; Alo Ion No. one (1) tm ), three C, four f4j and flve in block ' C," Ó, by and Pagv s addition to the city of Anu Albor at cordinir to the recorded platthereof A'ugust lst, 1873. CHARLES J. HOWFI.I,, John X. Gott, Attorney for Mortgagee0"8"8' Alortgage ISaie. Mills, of tlietownship of Manche ter, coonti of Washtenaw, and State ot Miohigan. oí i fii teenth day of December, A. D. 1871, uted i mortoage to Charlea ,1. Howell. of the dtyofNn York, to secuie the payment ol cel tan principal aod interest money therein mentioned, whiïh n.wtgnge the oounty ot Wnghteniiw and State ot Mfchiinui on the eighth dny ot January, A. D, 1?2, al . ,d k a been made lor more than twenty üuys in the i" ment of an instalment of said interest moneyirö beoame due ou the ñrat diiy of Jamiaiy A Í) 183 ty reason whereof and pursuant to the lerms ot wid mortguge, said mortgugee electa that se mucli of nid principal as remams unpaid with all airearnewof interest thereon shall become due and payable imnitdiately: And whereas there is claimeü to U due and unpuid at the date of tbm i.otice the su oí fi thousand six hundred and forty-niue dollars ar.d mnety-two cents tor principal and faterrat, also ftity ollars as a reasonable solicitor orattomey fee thereior in addition to all other leïül coat, a ottcn a proceedmgs is taken to foreclose anid moitsage either by virtue ot the above power ot sale in chaiicery or in any other manner piorided by law, and no suit or proeeedings havins been instituli d tilhtr m law or equuy to recovtr the ttnae or any Mrt thereof; Notice therelore ia hereby Riven, tliat o haturday, the eixth day oí December next, at two o clock in the alterno n of sid day at the eoml door of the Court House in the city ot Aun Albor final the building in which the Ciicuit i inri tor the county of Washtennw, and Stnte aloiesid ii held,) and by virtue of the power ot sale contaiiwdh saic Imortguge, I shaU sell at publicnuction t iba highest bidder the premisos di-scriHd in said mortgage, to sntisfy the amount of principul and interest claimed to bo due, with the attorney's tee of flfly dollars and charges of sale to-wit: All ihose certuin pieces or pnrcels of land situated in the townshiD of .nuiieneaier, county or Washtenaw, and State of Michigan afoiesaid, known, bounded and deecrilwl as follows, to wit : lieinfj the mat half oi the nonb east quarttr, and the northeast quaitc-r ui' the nontheast quarter, of section number thirty-. ne (exceïitnig one and a half acies of the last a'bove defcribfi piece ot land'; also the norlheiist quni-lt-r of tlif aouthwest quiirter of section nutnber thirly-two,"the ensthalf of the aoutheast qiiarter of section numtat .P' i3t) (eicepting sixty acres from the nortb end oi the last abovo described pieee of nlfoull that part of the west half of the northwest analta of section number thirty-two which lies southofthe center of the hiprhway nbove mentioned, nnd al fiom the west side of the northeast quartrr of tbf outhwest quarter of said section, the two last parels of l:ind on section thirty-two contiiinintr fortjlx and a half acres of land, and beinfr th sume land ecded by Oliver Nickols and hiswtfe to üeorge U. Matthews in the spring of 1869, all in lownship Humer four south of range nnraber threo enst, and coninning in all two hundred and twenty-flve acresol ;ind. September lOth, 187S. John N. Gott, CHARLES ,7. H0WE1.L, Attorney for Mortgagec. Mortgnge. Mortgage Sale. "JEFAULT having beco mude in the conditionsri J- a certuiu niortgugo executed on the Btcond d yol v'ovember, A. I)., Iso9, by Elijnh W. Morgan and Lucy W. S. Morgan, his wife, of Ann Arbor. MicM' (fan, to ËdwiirdL. Boyden, as administrator of 'mmanC. (ioodale. late of Waahtenuw county, deceasid, ' and John Henley, of said county, and recorded the same day in the office of the Kegister of 1-eeds, lor the county of Wnshtenaw, Michigan, in I.iber 41 of niürtgageB, on puge 378, and the undivided half ol said mortgage was duly assigned by suid Kdwaid L Uoyden, adniinistrator of the eBtatc of Noiman C. I Goodale, deceased, to Amanda M. P. Goodale, wliirn ! said assignment bearsdate the fifth dny of November, IS70, and is recorded in said Hegister's omce, in Líber I number iwo of Asaifrnnients of Mortgapet., on paje ' H46 ; upon which moitgage theie is claimed to be doe : at the date of this uotice, two thousnnd two hundred and sixty-four dollars and seventy cents, for principa! í and interest, and also u reasonuble attorne; 'b fee provideü in said mortgnge should proceedirpe be taken to forcejóse the same, and uoprocei!inf.s hnving been taken at law or in equilv to recover the araounl aue or any part thrreuf ; Theretore notice is herebr given that by virtiie of the power of sale contnined in aid mortgage. and pursuaut to thestalute in such oue mada and provided, on Saturday the fliteenth day of November, A. D., 1873, at ten o'clo k in tlif forenoon of that day, at the sou th, or front door of the (,'onrt House, in tne city of Ann Arbor, that bcng the place where the iicuit C'ourt for the county II Washtenaw is held, there will besolri to the liighesl )idder the premises described in Bjiid mortgage, orsc muchasmay be necessary to satisfy the amonntsc due aB aforesaid, and interest and cost and expensu llowed by law, for the advertisement and sale of mii remises, excepting the south hall' of Int numlei fivt mi block number thrce south in range three east, in he city of Ann Arbor, Michigan, which h.-is been ie eased trom said morlgage by a release exeented 1)J ohn Henley and Amanda M. F. Goodale to Elijai V. Morgan and dated the Ilth day of August, 187S. hut part of the premises desciibrd in said morlgnp' which will be sold at the time and place aforesaid are escribed as follows, to vit : All those pareéis of land known and desfiibcd ns lots number olie and two, and the south nine feet in width of lol number three in block nnmber two north, in niim1" three east, and also lots numbex four nnd the nnrth half of lol number flve, in block number three srmth, in range three east, in the city of Ann Arbor, Michigan. Dated August 20, 1873. JOHN HENLEY, Molteue. AMANDA M. F. GOODALK, Assignee of nn undivided half ol snid Mortgnp. R. E. Frazeb, Att'y for Mortgagee and Assiiinee. 1440td. TAMKS McMAHON, Justice of the Vence, Office in ne w block, North of Court House Money collected and promptly puid over. INSURANCE AGENT. 'rlumph, ansets, $727.903 11 ortn Missouri, '■ (45.417. !'l ibermji, ' 350,000. OU EEAL ESTÁTE. I have 80 acres of land i of a mile from tliecltj mits, floely lociited for or garden pnrpoees. Also 40 acres. Mao 10 acres, with hfnse and barn.and a Mvcl ream of watermnninij throngh the barn yard. 00 acre, a mile out wtll sell any or all th abore cbeap, or exchacge r city property.


Old News
Michigan Argus