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Afternoon Session

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Board niet pursivint to adjourninent. Iioll called- present a quorum. Mr. Nóyes, from Committee-on ('riminul Claims, reported thi! following and iecominendod their allowance at sum statod : i i, m u ki). , r.r.'n. 196 Ezra Jones, justiup, Í '. liu $ 8 60 197 James üauntfett, constable, tö 83 198 E. W. Wallaoe, " 19 65 199 Ezra Jones, justico, 9 öl 200 W. F. Hatcli, " ' W 201 Willian Judson, mor, 50 202 John Stypo, ■■ öl) 20!! Thomas Wilkinson " 50 204 John Gregg, " öO 20ö James Huddler, " ."ill 20f John Palmer, 50 207 Daniel R. Kelly, " é0 208 John Moore, " " 1 50 209 Cyrus A. Lewis, " 60 210 R. P. Leonard, " 1 00 211 Geo. E. Moore, ' 50 212 Jacob Volland, " 1 00 213 L. B. Gilmore, " ;0 214 Alvah Norton, " 50 21,3 A. R. Hall, " 50 216 John Dow, " 50 217 E. Terhnne, " 50 218 Daniel Winefrar, " .',0 219 Patrick Donnellv, " 1 00 220 E. D. Bliss, ' " ,-,0 221 A. S. Polhemua, " 1 00 222 Aaron Weil, ' 50 223 Rufus Cate, " 50 224 Theophilus Porter, " 50 225 Charles T. Wilmot, " 50 22ö T. R. Amsden, " 50 227 Arthur Polheinus, ' 60 228 Olivtir Bird, " 50 229 Martin Clark, " .')() 230 Charles Leitur, " 50 231 Chauncey Brauch, " 50 232 Thomas Preston, - 50 233 Peter Snuiters, " 50 234 Horace Rosier, " 50 235 Edmund Clancy, " 50 23tí Edward (Jlark, justice, 79 237 J. S. Case, dep'y sheriff, 45 40 238 Joseph S. Volland, constable, 43 00 239 t . N. Allyn, dep'y sheriff, 138 07 Mr. Forbes moved that Ibe teport be accepted and adopted and claims allowed at snms stated. Agreed to. Mr. Olcott, from Committeo to scttle with County officers, made a report, which was, on motion of Mr. Khurtleff, accepted aud adopted. Mr. Batchelder, from Coniniittee on salaries of County officer, rpported the following. To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Washtenaw County. Gentletnrn : Your Committee to whom was referred the salaries of Couuty officers, wou)l recommend that the salaries oí County officei's be paid as follows : County Treasurer, (1,300 00 County Clerk, 1,000 00 Prosecuting Attomey, 1,000 00 Also recommend to raise forthe following , cers salfiries to wit : Superintendent of schools, 800 clnys, 11,390 00 Judge oí Probate, 1,600 00 Probate Kegister, 600 00 All of which is respectfully aubmittod. H. BATCHELDER, ; JAS. M. KKESS, L Committee. FKEEMAN P. (ALP1X. ) Mr. Pierce moved that the report be accepted. Carried. Mr. Tuoruy moved to lay the report on the table, which motion prevailed by Yeas, 15 ; Nays, 8. The hour for the special order for canvassing the votes on the Court House loan having arrived, Mr. Wynkup moved that it be made a special order for tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. Agreed to. Mr. Pierce moved that the Committee on Equalization be requosted to report if possible to-morrow raorning at 10 o'clockCarried. On motion, the Board adjourned until half-iast 9 o'clock to-morrow morning. Wednesday Oct. 29, 187:3. Board met pursuant to adjournment, Called to order by the Chairman. Roll called - present a quorum. Journal of yesterday read and approved. Mr. Noyes, from Committee on Criminal Claims, reported the following and recommended their allowance, except the bilí of Mr. Warner, Justice of the Peace : 240 Jasper Imus, Juror .30 .30 , 241 Cliarles Fantle, " 50 .30 242 Chauncey Brauch, juror, 50 30 . 243 Patrick Donnellv, " .30 .30 244 Charles Kintner, " .30 50 24. Jolm Byan, " 60 .30 246 Johii W. Loveliuid, , Dept. Marshal, 1.3 0G 1-3 66 Mr. Batcheldor moved that tlie report 1 be accepted and adopted, and the above claims allowed at surtís statod. Agreed to. Mr. Forbes moved that the bill of Mr. Warner be laid upon the table. Carried. Mr. Webb moved that Mr. Warner be cited to appear bei'ore this Board with his dooket, to-morrow afternoen at '2 o'clock. Agreed to. Mr. Wynkup.from Uoininittee on Equalization subniitted tho f'olling report. To the Honorable Board of Supervisors, of Wushtenaw Couiity, Gentlemen ; Your coimnittee on equalization, to whom was referred tlie assessmentrollsof the various Townships and Cities in this County, respeotfully Teport that they have had tlie subject of equaliscation, tor the year 1873, underconsideration, and report the same to this Board. The schedule shows the aniount of real and personal estáte, as assessed in eacli Township and Supervisors district, with the equalized valuatiou thereof, as follows, to wit: 3 riïIKK AND TOWN8. _J : - '5 1 ' . ■ 1 !__ j_ ._h_ _á_ i I Augusta -202,471' 34,110i236,.)8n (198,500 A. A. Town i4O3,U4O ñó.n: 4'.,H.á7( 4.10,0 0 A. A. City, 1üt &21 w (91 CIO 2,'!ti,92() ÍI21 S)3() 800,000 A. A.City,Mi-4th ;!!i;,74S 78,495478,240 4J9.000 A. A.City, Sthililli 24:),0U3 B4,83S 277,919 248,1IIK" Bridgewutei387,810 46 000 383,410 3;.'i,(Ki(' Dexter 248,730 2'J,445 27IÍ.175 203,000 Freedom 207,200 37.140 304,340 812,000 Lima 325,920 5H,3S0 ;85.3(i() 8a5,0 0 Lodi 876,430 7ó,(!4ñ 452,O7.i 421,000 Lyndon ls4,(lio 21,030 211,710 HW.000 , Manchester 4CH.7S0 119,820 689,550 508.0HO ' Northfield 277,OlJ( 24,820 301 íjlO 280,000 i Pittsfleld JH4.920 67,800 552,720 488,060 Salem . 340,300 63,000 S98,800 ;!80,o(K) Scio 534,060 14(i,2")0 74.:10 612,100 t-uperior 398,490 43,870 44'! 3(0 388,000 Snline 491,745 90,505ÍS8)3l0 i U00 Sylvun S90,3M 96,190 44(1,770 167,500 Sharon 296,240 ,7,!)7li 333,210 :i27,OOO Webster 346,420 49,360 Ü95.77O 894,000 - York 380,740 50.Ï00 437. 440 388,000 YpsiUnti Town 4(4,56O 66,050 5:10,470 44S,0OO - Ypsilanti Oity, lstd. Í457.425 231, 975 688,400 608,000 Ypailanti Ctty, 2d d. 1277,286 103.97o 381,286 KJO,OO0 Total, Real and Personal, 1 1,1 12,000 ; 1 ized, $10,000,000. ISAAC WYNKÜP, (i. H. RHüDES, HORATIO BUKCH, L.P.FÜRBES, ' NATHAN PIERGE, MYRON WEBB, POMEROY VAN RIPER, On raotion the report was acoepted. Mr. Noyes moved that the report be ■ r ... adopted, whioh motion prevailed. Mr. Noyes moved that tho Coinmitte on Equalization be discharged. Agreec to. Mr. Renwiek moved that tho report o the Committee ou Salaries of County üffi Cfirs be taken from the table. Carried. Mr. Tuoiiiy moved that the leport be referred back to the Committee on Salaries of County OSicers without instructions. Agreed to. Mr. Krapf, from Committee on County Buildings, submitted the following report. A mi Arbor, Oct 29, 1873. To the Honorable Board of Sujjervisors of Wathtenaw County. Gentlemen: Your Committee on County buildings would most respectfully report we have visited the County jail and iind that the chimney on the Southwest corner of the jail is in very poor condition, and neecis to be taken down to the (irst Hoor and rebuilt to make it fire-proof. As it now is the jail is in d&nger of burning down on account of said chimirey ; we have estimated the cost at $25. We have also t'ound that the water closet in the jail is in a bad condition, and is injurious to the health of the prisoners, and we 1 hink that it :an be made so as to be kept clean and well ven;ilated for the aum of $;30. We also examined the cistern on the premises, ind flud that it does not hold water oh account of leakago, and tliat in the winter it is of no use ' on account of freezing, and the slieriff states tliat hehas notiuffioient water tor the uso of tlie f house. Your Committee think that it is very lie' essary to Bupply th with min water, and have estimated tbe oost of making the cistern t.o hold tl.n necesgary quantity oi water, and koop it trom freezing in the wiuter, ;it 175, Wealsofind tliat tlie ia in a bad oondition, and the sheriff cannot keep nny Uring in the rammel for the renson that the spring in aid cellar oyerflowa aml leaves the cellar in a nioist. condltion, thereby creatinga foul atmosphere. Your Committee proposes tbal a putter be mude for the purpose oí leadiug off the overflow of water and leave the cellar in a dry and healthy ooudition. And we have estimatod the oost for such work at $8. We also tiud that tho Clerk and Register's offioe each nood a new front door witli two lighta of glasa in each, whioh cosl we haveestimatect at the snm of $:). Your Committee havo examined the oondition of the Court House, and the scveral offices therein, and have come to the conclusión that it needs a thorough overhauling trom the foundation and upwards, we have estiniated the I cost, without plan or specifications, for a new i Conrt House at about "w,000. Your Committeo having examined the severa] building on tlie Washteuaw Coiinty farm, iind all the building! in good repair. The County Superintendents are of the opinión that tlie water closet in tho insane building is not in the proper place, for they cannot keep it in a condition so very desirable for the health and comfort of our unfortunate fellow beings. Your Committee agrees wfth the Superintendent and would recom mend that a, water closet be erected outside of [ the said buildings, 10x12 feet, three stories higli, so as to accomodate all the inmates of the insano building. Also on the ground noor, two water closets, one for the female department of the Poor House and one in the yard where the insane persons take exercise, and constructed so as to remove as often as necessary all the inipunties which will gathor lrom time to time, and prevent any offensive sight or smell. We have estiniated the cost for such water closet at ${i00. The Superintendent and keeper prove the need of more shed room for the protection ot the cattle in their care. We therefore recommend that a ahed be built on the east sido of the large barn, 10x30 feet. 12 feet posta, a gable roof, and ftoor to contain fodder, the ground floor to be paved with cobble stoues. We have estimated the cost of such shed at f 200. All of which is most respectfully submitted. CONRAD KEAPF, EMERSON ANNABIL, ANTÓN EISELE. On motion of Mr. Wynkup, the roport was accepted. A " traxs-Missouri Irrigating Convention " was recently held at Denver, dtilegates being present from Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Wyoming, Ohio, and Utah. Gov. Fuiïxas, of Nebraska, presided, and numerous addresses were delivered, the principal one being by Gov. Elbert, of Colorado. An essay on ■' The Nationality of Irrigation " was read by Freo. J. Stanton, and a letter received from Senator Co.vklixg, of Neiy York, who is supposed to know a heap about irrigation. A memorial to Congress was adopted, declaring that " the arid región embraces more than one-third of the geographical area of the United States, or one million square miles, and comprises the territories of New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Idaho and Montanu, and the State of Nevada and large portions of the States of Oregon, California, Nebraska, Kansas and Texas, and of the territories óf Washington and Dakota;" that the soils of this vast región are remarkably productiva Vhen subjected to irrigation ; and that the necessary systein of irrigation will be too expensive for private enterprise. The memorial therefore asks Congress to grant to the several States and territories named one-half of the arid lands not mineral; 3aid lands or the proceeds of their sale to ; be devoted to the construction of reservoirs and irrigating cañáis, such resorvois i nd canals to be under the exclusive ' trol of the States and territories in which ! they are located. The argument of the memorial is tnat witnout ïrngation, systematic and general, the lande iu the región described will not be largely sold, and that the government will make money by appropriating halt' the lands for irrigating pnrposes. This may be all true, and yet we think Congress will hesitate long before granting the prayer of the memorialista. Too many land-grabs have made the people oall halt !


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