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Centaur I iiiiin. n i . There is no pain which tlie Centaur Liniment will not relieve, no swelling it will not subdue, and no lameness which it wiU not cure. This is strong language, but it ia true. Where the parta are not gone, its effects arê marvelous. It has produced more cures of rheumatism, neuralgia, lock-jnw, palsy, sprains, swelüngs, cakedbreasts, scalds, burns, salt-rheum, ear-ache, &c. upon the human frame, and of strains, spavins, galls, &c, upon animáis in one year than have all other pretended remedies since the warld began. Cripples throw away their crutches, the lame walk, poisonous bites are rendered harmless and the wounded are healed without a sear. It is no humbug. The recipe is published around each bottle. It is selling as no article ever before sold, and it sells because it does just what it pretenda to do. Those who now suffer from rheumatism, pain or swelling deserve to suffer if they will not use Centaur Liniment. More tliun 1,000 oertificates of remarkable cures, including frozen limbs, chronic-rheumatism, gout, running tumors, fee, have been received. We will send a circular containing certificates, the recipe, &c, gratis, to any one requesting it. One bottle of the yellow paper Centaur Liniment is worth one hundred dollars for spaviu or sweeuied horses and mules, or for screw-worm in sheep. Stock-owners - this liniment is worth your attention. No family should be without. Centaur Liniment. Price 50 ets., large bottles f 1. J. B Rose & Co., Ó3 Broadway, New York. Castoeia is more than a substitute for Castor Oil. It is the only safe article in existence which is certain to assimilate the food, regúlate the bowels, cure wind-colic and produce natural sleep. It contains neither minerals, morphine nor alcohol, and is pleasant to take. Children need not cry and mothers may rest. - 1431m6 pOK SALE! The undersigned offers for sale eheup liis Store, orner of H ui on and Fourth stieetu : u gooit and con■enient building und Olie of the best business loeaions- especially lor tlie grocery trade- in the city. Ann Arbor, Nv. 6, 1873. H51tf h. H. 8LA.WS0N. mToceries at LESS THAN COST ! L. R. SLAWSOÍM Is now selling Grooeries at LE98 THIST OOST For cash to close out his stock. IGT" Buyers should cali und examine his goods bet 1 11 pmchasing. NO HCMBUG ABOUT THIS. Ann Albor, Nov. 6, 1873. lltf VOR s il Ki REDUCE STOCK ! A FEW HEAD OF THOROUGHBRED SIIOIiTHOBN COWS ANO 1IEIFERS, ind two fine Buil calves ; also a few pure Berkshire lgs, by i-l.'iiiw.'i H. B. JOXES, Dexter, Mich. VOTICE! The Annual meeting of the GEHMAN FARMERS FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY of Washteaw County, will be held at the öchool House oppote the Uerman Church in Scio, on the firbt Monday :' December next, at lö o'clock a. m., for the purpose ' electing officera, and for the transaction of such ther business as may legally come before said meetï- A general atteudance is requested. Dated, Oct. 24, 1873. 1-14'Jtd Wï. F. BUSS, Secretaiy. CIVEfS AWAY IF IT WILL. PÉC-T INSTAN rLY RELIEVE . .', ;'■- ■lC' ■ B BowolCom. WiLL K1LL. Tho vv:ji: cough In i-juicker time than any other preparation In the worici. We wlll wili refund the money If we do not glï'j !m--.ertlate relief. SOLD EVERYWHCRE. OMLY Í'ASLESS DYE. Acis likc the mst a charm ! fl Hk natural Nevcrfails jHJjj shades to J w of Brown y produce H Or Black áY ONE APPLICATION. Aasesament Notice. CTATBOF MICHIGAN, City of Ann Albor, 88. o To Fredriok llettioh, L. C. Rindan, O. M. Martin Mulilig Bros., Martin (Jlmk, Chulea Fantle, Charles Hpoor, John.Óoetz, Johii ( íeiner, Michael Heanlj-, II. M. Boylan, George W. ( Iropsey, H. Schlotterbeck, llinsey & Seabult, or to any otlier person interested in the prennse within the limit hert-jnufter mentioned : You are hereby notilifd that ü-iscssmcnts are about to be made uixjii jou to defruy the ex]ense oigratlhty and paving adjacent to certain premine owned or oceupied by you respectively, on a certiiin alley extendinj; from Washington to Liberty street, through block two (2j soutli, rnnge iour (4) in the city of Ann Arbor, Stat of Michigan ; and siso that a report oi the aaeessment roll ha been made in the premiaes, which is on tile in the office of the Reeorder of said city, where it will remain open for your inspection ui. til the seventeenth (ijl day of Novemter, a. d. '873, whên the Common Cfounci] will meet and review siiid roll, at the ('ornmon Counciil Rmim, in .said oity, at 7)6 o'elook v. m., and you may nppear and ahow cause, belore gaid Connoil ftt its 'said place of meeting in aid city, on said diiy l:ist meiitioncd, why the saiil wwèmment sbould not be made and collected aocordiiig to htw. By order of the Common, ADAM J). SEVI.EK, Recorder. Dated it the city of Ann Arbor, this third day of November, . i. 1 r : . I4:iwj Real Estáte for Sale. ü'l'AÏE OF MICHIGAN, oounty of Waahtenaw,ss. J In tho matter ot the estáte of 'eit Zeeb, deoeued. iNotice is hereby given, thut in purauance of au order Rianted to the underaigned, Administratoi' of the estáte ot said deceased, by the Hou. Judt;e of Probate tor the county of fljaahteuaw, on the fourth day of November, a. i). 1873. tbere will be old at public vendue, to the higliest bidder, at the south door of the Court House in tlie city of Ann Arbor, ín the county of Washtenaw, in said State, on luesday, tlie twentythird day of December, a. d. 1873, at ten o'clock in the forenoon ot thut day (subject to all encumbranesa by mortgage or otherwise existinf; at the time of t e dcath of said deceused, and also subject to the rijjlit of dower of Elizabeth Zeeb, widow of said deceased tberein), tlie t'ollowinjr described real estáte, to wit : The west half of the southwest quarter of section twenty-two ; tlie west half of the northwest quarter of section twenty-seven ; the unundivided three-eighthe of the west half of the Dorthwest quarter of seotion twenty-two, in town two pouth Tange Hve enst (Scio.J Also the following aesoribed land in NorthrJeld, in said county, to wit : beginning at the northeast corner of section thirtyIve. thence south on the east line of aid aection to ;he center of the Pontiac runt, thence southwesterly ilong the oenter of said roed to the east and west uarter line of said section, thenoe west on said quarerline to the half quarter post, thence north on the s'est line of the east half of the northeast quarter of laid section to the north aeetion line of said seotion, ;henoe eiist on said section line to the place of beginling (excepting a piece of laiid twe ty feet in width )rt' of the west side of said huid', all in said State. Dated. November 4th, . i. x'T,. W1LLIAM APRIL. Adminis trator. L. C. RISDON SELLS PEBBY.&CO.'S No. 9 Nti American COPPER LINED IRON-CLAD RESERVOIR, , FCJ. TMMMED, IF1 O IR, $ 6 O I OtherStoves in proportion 31 gOUTH MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. 144("tf QHAMBEK8' ENCYGLOPEDIA. A IMCTiaNAltï OF Universal Koowledge for the People. WITH Mitps, Platos" and Engravings. Doiiiplcte in 10 Vols. of 882 pages enob. i lUustraüd with aixnd Four Thoutand Bktpravinfft a Forty Maps, togethcr wüh a Seria qf from Bkffhfy to One Hnudréd Etegauth A.V graved Pintes - iíiu strat i r ,f ' !!, Subjects o Natural I fisto ■ -nOW ( tf)f, FIKST TXMK Oppen rititt ti he wn-h. PRICK PER VOH'MR. Extiii (lotn, bevfled boimls, - - ,-, , Librar? Sheep, ra&rbled fdges, - ( i Htilf 'uikey ttorooetk, - - - u ■ This Editiox ís Sold only by Agento Piiblisliecl by J. IÏ. LIPPIMCOTT & CÜ., l'liila dclphiu, Pa. SYLVANUS WAKKEX, 189 Woodwarf Avenue Detroit, General Ageut tor the Stat of Michigan. By comparing Clmmbevs' Encyclopíftiia with tlie New Amerii-an (7yclopadia,- the work with vhlch it is most frequently brougbt into compiiriaon, it will befound thnt while the ten volume of Chambers' contain S8'Q pag-es, the original sixtten volumes of the New American contain lesa than 12.000 pag-es. It will alsü be found thiit h paye of Cbambwr contains full one-fitlt more matter thau a paye of the New American, niaking tiie ten volumen of the tornier equivalent in amount of prlnted matter to at least thirteen volumes of t lic latter, not to mention the numerous Plates fiibout 80), Woodeuts sume 4 000), and Maps (nbfmt 40). that are included in this edition of Chambt'rs', tmd to which the New American poslessea no corresponciing features. It is confidently believed that as a populnr " Dictionaby of Univerhal Knowlkdok," the work is without anequalin the Eujliali language, I426y1 SECOND STOCK - O F - FALL&WIÏTU G-OOIDS I 'ow being receired by BACH k II HAVIXG TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF THE ORE AT DEPRESSION EXISTING IN THE E A STEEN MAKlvETS BT MAlvING I.ARGE CASH rüECIIARES. WE ARE NOW ENABLED TO OFFEE OüE LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK OF DRY GOODS AT GREAÏIA' ' EEDUCED TRICES. !W BÜYERS WILL CONSULT THEIR IXTERESTS AND EXAM INE OÜE STOCK BEFORE MA KING PUECHASES. i BACH k ABEL Briggs House, Randolph St. and Fifth Ave. CHICAGO. This well-known Hotel, rebuilt upon the oíd site, has all the modern conveniences - Passenger Elevator, Balh Rooms, Hot and Cold Water in each Room, Elegantl; Furnished, and located in the business centre of the city. TERMS: $3.00 Per Day. f RICKCORDS i. HUNTOON, ; Proprietoft If you ar$ Sufferlng from any . CHRONIC DISEASE, Hroktn Down 'ons( if ulioii, Or require a Remedy to Pnrlfy aud Kuricli the Blood, ion wlll flnd Dr.Oook 's rom ponnd Syrnp of Poke Boot to posare ffrenter nieritr cure you more speedify, and do yon more good than any and all other remedies comblned. l'bat I'nl. . ■.!!.. .. s 'kl.v-lookiiiKSfciu la hanged to one of freshness 1 nealth. Those Disenars ofilio Skin. l'implON.I'uü' ■ ule, Blotches aiul Ki upimiis are removed. Scrol'ula. NcrornloiiM Discase' of tbe Kyes, Wliiic Siiilliiiï, Vlcer, Olfl Sores or any ktnd of Humor rapidJy dwlndle and disappear nnder its influence. Whal Is Itr lt is nature's own restorerl A soluble oxyd of lron combinecl -witla the medicinal properties of Poke Root dlvested ot all disagieeable quallties. It wülcureany Bisease wbnge real or direct cause i Bnd Blood. Rheumnl im. l'ain iii liiinbs oí Bonea, 'onslitutions broken dowu by Mercurial or other poisons, are all cured by lt-ilH)r NyithlliH. i.i philili, tainl, thereis notliinj? oíjual to il. A trial wil ■trove it. 8old by X HURRY UP ! piRTIES wlshing Wall Papor, Cloth A and Paper Shadea. Hollands, Wlndow Piltnres, Coide, Tabeéis. Ac, all New Styles, at Satisfactorj Prices. by J. It. Webster de Co., Bjok More, Bear (he Express Office. X i M ISSOLUTION. Notice is hereby given tliat the partnrhip of ''elch & tírant, Attorney's at Law, ia heiuüy di" lved. All clainii for and against aaid partneialiip ust be settled at once. Ann Albor, Oct. 9, 1873. ALPHEFS FELCH. ' C. B. liltAM'


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Michigan Argus