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Cl)f iticKing post ESTABLISHED 1801. Une of the Oldest and Strongest oi' the New York Journals. Adapted to tlie Statesman, the Scholar, tha Merehant and tlie Eamily. The New -York Eventng Post, edited by Wüliam Cnllen Bryant and Parke Uodwin, assiated by the strongest "talent that can be engaged, has for more than nalf a century maan tai ried the same principies oí Freedom and Progi ess , through all changes of - parties and polieies. It has always been the Btrenuous opponent of all kinds of Monopoly; and it still reaiaiiiw a vigorous rhampion of EciuhI liihts, of the DiatribuHon of Power, of Honewty anri Economy, of the security of the glorious resulta of Emancipution and chisement won by the war, and of all practical Reforma. it is opponed to Injustioe and Spoliation, and though Republicaii Inite attiaitios, it eoudemns all corrupt party eombiuations which sacritíce principie to i mere suocess. The Evenino Post is equal to any other journal as fnöwspaper, and is complete in its Politioal, its Lit erary, ita Scientiftc, its Agricultuial and its Commercial Dopartmenta. Ii spare no expense in prociuïng the latest news by telegraph, correspondente, tlie mails and efficiënt reporten. We will supply tlio Evkning Post as, follows: WBBRLY Single copy one year, . . f 1.50 Five copies " " . . 7.00 Ten " . 12.50 Twenty '. - . . 20.00 SJ-JMi-W'CKKLY. Single copy one yoar, . . $.3.00 Five copies '"'' . . 12.50 Ten M , " " . 20.00 Ot we will send the following periodic.als to sub■cribcñrs, in oonnection witli tos Kveninu Post at pricea niinied : With With Weekly Remi-W'y Eve'g Post. Eve. Post ■ Hurper's Magazine, $4.50 $6.00 Scribner's Monthly, 4.50 6.00 Atlantic Monthly, 4.00 5.50 The Galaxy, 4.00 5.50 . The Agriculturist, 2.50 4.00 üur Young Folks, 3.00 4.50 Wood's Househ'd Magazine, 2.00 3.50 Moore's Rural New Yorker, 3.25 4.25 Harper's Weekly, 4.50 6.00 Appleton's Journal, 4.50 6.00 Every Saturday, 5.00 6.50 Hearth and Home, 3.75 5.25 Harper's Bazar, 4.50 6.00 Littell's Living Age, 8.00 9.50 St. Nichclas, 3.75 5.25 TEY IT ! TRY IT ! For 25 cents we will send the Weekly Evenino Post for two months, or for 50 centa we will send the Sj:mi-Vi-:i-:hly E venino Post for the same time. Specimen numbers sent free. A.ddreu WM. C. BRYANT & CO., 1449w4 New York. TAWELLING HOUSES ïuft SALE Alargeaud very well built briek house, witli two or more Lotu. Two large frained heuses. Also a good sizeil briok house tmd fraraed house ; and a snitill frame house on & iood lot, intended for a f rout for sale on fair terras and a reasonable credit. AUoother buildings, lots, and property. MOIXKV WA5TTED-S0 raany wishing to nrrow money applj to me that I can readily obtain for Unders good sutisfactory investmentB at ten per cent. interest. E. W. MORGAN. Ann Arbor, Adiü 23, 1873. 1423tf Mil k Sclll! Continue to offer this week NEW&FRESHAR1Í1VALS OF THE LATEST DESIGNS In Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS Suitable for Fall Wear. Buyers should not fail to examine onr Stock beiore niaking their parchases. MACK & SGHMID'S You can fiad CAMELS HAIR - AND WATERPROOF CLOTHS In all the New and FASHIONABLE SÏÏADES Now in such great (Iemand. TH ALL BULLETIN ! E. J. JI11SII. í; TIIEJ " HATTEE-! Hiis tttmed bts back upoa Winter and oponed hia stock ot' WINTER GOODS! Ineluding uil the Inteert styles of Hats and Caps ! GENTS' FURNföHING GOODS, &c. Whicli inust be soïd. GOOD GOODS AND LOW PRICES Is the word to pass along the line. 7 South Vliiin Rt., A mi Albor. 1424 TOBACCONIST ! Deals in both FINE CUT AND SMOKING TOBACCO, Siruif, Pipes, &c, AT NO. 7 EAST HURON STREET, Next to the Express Office, ANN 1UIIIIII. l II II . 1343tf TREMAIN & COLET GROCERS AND PROVISIÓN DEALERS No. 30 East Huron Street. A full line of Groceries eonBtantly on hand and for saleoheap, including íáugars, Teas, Spieën, &c. Country Produce Bought and sold. Bring in your Butter, EtgB, Poultry, Fiuits, &c. ' IV. B. DOLE has eatablished his ( 'al office at tha store of TREMAIN GOLE, whevc all orders will be promptly attended to' ]438 On. Raturdfty eventng, Oct. 18, by the young man who was thrown f rum hiB luiggy, on Huron street, near Cook'a Hotel, a small hunting-case, silver watch. The watch is worth but little to any one else than the owner, to whom it ia of priceless value, and she bega the one who found it to return it to the ottlce of the Pïobate Judge where lie will be liberally rewarded, 2w.


Old News
Michigan Argus