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BUSINESS DIRECTORY. "" PBAMF.K & OBANGEK, Attorneys at J Law, Aun Albor, Mich. nBAZEB, HARBIfflAS HAMIIlW I: Attorneys at I-aw. Office Nos. 7 and 9 South lisia street, Ann Albor, Mich. NB. COI..E, Dealer in Coal. Office wUIiFelch Graxt, over Slawson & Sons' Store, Cr., Fourth and Huron St. F TbAST US THATTHEB, Attorney and 1 Counselor at Law, No. 5 Enst Huron Street, Aun Arbor, Mich. 1986 "Tvtf ARBOB MINERAL, SPKJfiS. , Morris Hale, H. U., Superiutondent. Office n building, corner Mann and West Huron Streets. iÑES & WOUDEN, 20 South Main street, Ann Arbor, Mich., Wholesale and rctail dealers in Dry Gooda. Carpeta and Qroceries. 135Uf ij ACK fc SCHIUI, DeaJers in Dry Goods, H i.ioceries, Crockery, &o. No. 04 líouth Main Struet. t Wil. JACKSOBÍ, DentlstlsuccessortoC. B. Porter Office corner Main and Huron streets, over the store of R. W. Ellis & Co , Anu Arbor, Mich. ue8theticsadmiuistered if required. ri J. JOHPT8ON, Dealer In HU and Caps, lli Furs, Straw Goods. Gents' Kuruishing Goods, 4rc No 7 South Main Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. citTHERLAND & WHEDOÏ, Life and 7 Firelusuranc Agenta, and dealeram Keal Estáte. Offlee on Huron Street. ACH Si ABEL, Dealers in llry Goorte. Grocerics, Ac &c.,No 20 South Main Street. Aun rhor. SliWSON & SO1V, Groccrs, Provisión and Oommission Mercliants. and dealers in Water Lime, Land Plaster.aud Plasler Pari. No. 16 East Uuror. street. W'l. WAlíNEB, D.-aler In Rcady MadeL'lothing.i'loths. CaBsimeres, Vestinps, Hat, Cape, Trunke, Carpet Bags, &c 21 íouth Main street. VTÜAH W.CHEEVEK, ATTORNEY AT LAW ! Olice with E. W. Morgau, East side of Court House Siüire. l3! lr C. CaBK, Dentisl, jj. Succesvol' to C. C. irSÊÊÊÊ' Nitro uu Oxid mÊÈBt -J Gas administered mjmlmíür' -- '-■i'-' ' wlu'n ntjceSHHiy. m 9 Office over frëb yBach & A bel 's ï Vy-v L M"re 'íntrWi No. 28 South MRS. H. J. HILTÖN, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office and Réndeme No. 88 Ann Street, corner of Ingalls, Ann Arbur, Mich. KT Office hours-8 to 10 a m., and 2 to 4 r. M.-Ea Re'erences- Prok. Sager, Pbof. Palmer. 1481yl CHARLES M. WOUDKUFF, Attorney at Law and SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY. Office, Arcade Blod; YpManti, Mich. Collections made and promptly remitted. All legal business faithíully attended to. 142(i pROCKEBY GLASSWARE & (ÏROCERIES, J. & Donnelly Have instorealarge stock ofCrockerj, Glassware, Plated Ware,Catlery Grocenes, &c, 4c. all tobe soldat umiBually low prices. No. 12 Bast Hurón Street, Ann Arbor. HMtf J. : V. POIVIVKI.L.Y. TOHN q7gaÍ,l7 DEALER I3ST FRESH AND SALT MEATS, 1.IKI), SAUSAÍiBS, Etc.. Ordorssolicited and promptly llled with thebest meats In the market. 31 East W ashlngton street# Ann Arbor, Sept. 16th, 1869. 1285tf F)R. a A. LEITEK CONTINÚES TO PUT UP AND FILL Physicians Presoriptioiis, At all hours, at No. 1 Uregory Block. 0. A. LETTER & CO. Aun Arbor, Dec. 2d 1871. !354 A 14 Iv S jtv Y , De:iw' Mannfacturer of Oarriages, Buggies, Wagons, AND 8LEIGHS, of every stylo, made of the best iniiterial, and warranted. itepairing done promptand prices reasonable. Detroit Street, near R. . Depot, Ann Arbor, Mieh. 1446yl TOHN FEED. BKOSS, MAN1IFACTUREB OF CAKRI.UiES, BtGGIES, I.l1II!i:!t WKKÍS. MMtm; wAtioifs, citters, SI.KMiUS, üf . All work warranted of the beBt material. Repairing done promptly and reasonably. All work warranted to give perfect satisïaction. 68 South Main Street. 1422 pLOUR AND FEED STORE. HENRY WASCH, (Suoceasor to Geo. Laubengayer,) At 14 West Liberty Street, will keepconntan ly on hand u i'ull stock of Flour, Mea 1, Oats, Corn, MUI Feed, &c. All orders promptly fllled at the lowest cash prices. Cash puid lor Corn and Oats. i415y 1 L)R. O. B. PORTER, DENTIST. Office in the Savings Bank Block, Ann Aibor. 411 Operatitns on the Natural Teeth Performed with Care. ÜNSURPASSED FACILITIES AND BXPBRIENCE SETTI ÍRTÍFÍCÍAL TEETO, TO GIVK KACH INDIVIDUAL, DtnturtB of the proper gixe, skape, color, firtmitëtam natural ezpreiaitm. 1844 HURRY UP ! PAHXIKS wishins! Wall Paper, Phadee A llolliincl, Wlndow Plxtnres, Co'd, TaseeU, &c , all New Styles, at Satlsfactorj Prices, b J. K. Webster &. Co., Book Store,ner the Hxpiess Office. x- x


Old News
Michigan Argus