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Dissolution cf C Opartnership THE uudersigned have mis dny by inuiua coneent dissolved the Copartnerships here toore existing betweeu us under ihc ñames and s yle of Marris, Parirides & Compnny, Patnoge. Kent & Compnny, and II. & R. Patndgc tV Company, ai Ann Arbor, by virtucof an Indenlure made the twenty-first day of Ociobcr, A. D. eightcen hundredand for'y-two, and all doinands of whatevcr name or nature d:ie all or any ol said firms are to be paid to H. B. Harrw, 0110 of the late partners of ihe said firms. who is duly authorized to receive the name and nll dubts duc by said firma are to Ie Pid l.y id H ü. Harns. H. B. HARRIS, HRPER PARTRIDGE, REU BEN PARTRIDGE, G. F. KENT. Ann A rbor, Dec ■ 23, 1 845. 2U__ "Sleam Foundry." THE nndervigncd having bougot the cntire interest of H. & R. Rirtridfia and Geo. t. Kent in the :Steam Fonndry." Ann Arbor, Will manufacture all kinds of Castings to order, ond will bc happy to fumish nfty kind of Casimgs to the old customers ol Morris. Pnrmde & Co., H. & R. Partridge. & Co., and Partr.dge. Keni k Co., and toall othera who niay favor them withaCaU' H.B. HARRIS, K. T. WILLIAMS. Ann Arbor, Pee. 26, 1846. 244-if Jjoss by Firc. MHOWARD, as Agent fcr tho Pc. tion livAck Compaq, of HnrorH continuos to ineure DweUings, larn, MUU, Mcrchandizo. nd all other ns .rabie proporty. onwEwtormswany o.her oud Compnny u. Se United States. Office opposite old Hank ol VVashtenaw. ,. .... 914 "Uw Ann Arbor, Dec. 12, 184o. 44-.iw "' IN CHANCERY-2d CIRCUIT. " Bet ween Riicl Smith. et. al. Complainants and E. W. Morgan, et. ui, Defcnuants. TN purmnnco and hy virtus of a decreo in this 1 cause. I hall wil at public CÜÖIV the Courc House, in tbc villugc of Ann Arbor, on the eighth day of Fedruary next, ot noon. , Lo u Eleven Twolve, Thirtcen, Fouriecn, and ihfi Suth bal! of men. in Bloek four, n & Fuller' addi.ion to ihe v.llage ol Anr i Arh... JOHN N. GOTT, Maaier m Cjianery. Datcd 24, A. D. 1845. FLAX SEE5K Important to Farmers. rT"IJE ubscriber has now erteted a Mili for jl. manufacturing Oil. The location of the Mili is 5 miles nonh of Fentonviüc, Glhesee Co., AKch. This location will accumnio date the farmers in Gcneseo, Lapeer, ShiowaMei nnd il part ot' Liv-ngsion imd ünklaml Couiitir. , The Mili ia cnpnble of griiiding IO.üOO bushels of Sced. And 1 hupe to le a!!e tu gei ihat , furmiity nnothcr year. The Flnx Crop ia . lievcJ to bc the best that tho farmer can raise. - In the State of New York, in !"rr.e iecuotvs '. which nte ncknowledged to bc equ:l 10 iny otber . !r rnising whèat, tbc farmers hnvc proven by an üXpcricnco of 3 or 4 yenrs. that thcy enn tnukf more money at rnising flax seed al onc dollar per j Dusliul tliey eau al raising wheat ai ihc g ces ii Ofdrnónly brintr. i íball have n quaniitity oJ seed reRdy clcancd ( lor Mwiog to lurnieli thoso who cannot prucute i elpeuliere. ' l will contract secd at ont dolar per buslicl, ( to be delhered nt tbc Mili iiext tail or winter. ( A good as8ortnfiit ol' Dry (ïoodp, Groceiies, Crockcry, and Hardware, anrl ail the material forpaintiaií kept onstantly on hand. Cash paid al all times for Flax Öccd. D. L. LaTOURKTTE. Loricr r.ake, Dec. 22, 1845. 24H- 3m At Pcrry's Book Stere. JVexl door Easl of the JV. York Chcap Store. TH K subscribir has just opened and ia now rcady to scll tbc most extensive aseortment of BOOKS, BLANK JiüOKS und STATIONEllY, ever offered in Ann Arbor. Ilis stock con8ist of SCHOOL BOOKS of nearly every vnriety in upe in tbis Slnte- Histórico, Biographies, Tnivels, Memoire, Misccllaiieoue, ilchgious aod CIaicnl Books. BIBLES and TESTA MENTS, evrtry varicty of sizc, style and binding. Some s.hmlidly finisbed. PRAYER BOOKS, POEMS &. ANNUALS beautifully bound for Holyday gifts Parents -ind others wisliing to mako splendid holyday presenta at sniall cost, wül d wcll to cali at l'erry's and inake thcir selectionsjfrom a full I steek.. Doa't delay. Also, on band the largest n?sortmcnt pf PAI PF.R ever offered west of Detroit; such as Cap. I Flat Cap, Lener. French Letter, Bunkera Post, Copying, Tissue, Card Bnck, Énvelopc, an'l lü kinds ol note paper, with a full assortment of Steel Pens, Quilla, Wafere: Black, Biue, Hed, land Copying Ink; Sand, Ink6lands, Folders, i Pen Holdere. Stumps, Motto SeaK Gold and ', 1 Sijver Wafers, India Rubber, Pcncils and Poinls. 1 Envelop s. and mony varieties of Viaitíng Carda. f Also, GOLD PEX8, au urticlc combining tl clcgance with economy. He has on hand a üood selection of Books suitable for Pamily II School District and LIBRARLES. tl It will not be possible to name all the artiole t 1 in bis line: Suffice il to snyt tbat his assortmen I is general and cheaper iban was ever bcfore of S j ?ered in this vill.ige. R Ho has nade a rangementa in New Yor! ffi which will enable htm at all limes to obtain anj B :hing in his line direct frotn New York at shor J höficé, by Express. It will be seen that his f; S cilities for accomodating his customers with arti 5e cles not on hnnd is beyond precedent, and he jl ready and willing to do every thing reasonable n I make his establishment such an one as on en 3 !ihtened aad discerning eommunity require. an Y he he pe to merit a share of patronnge. Perso fe wishine any articl'e in his line will do well #" cali belore puieharing elsewhere. If you forg( J5 iho place, enquiro for Ferry's Bookstort, An Á Arbor, Upper Villago - 2d door Eust of Mai ift 3treet, on Huron streel. WM. R. PERRY. December, 1845. 24S- tfKlanlialtan Store. Corner of Jeff'er son ■ Avenue aud Bates str eet, Detroit. BE sure nnd vieit the Manhatmn Store when are making purchasos. The gco !s which you will find ihere are excellent n quality and reasonuble n price. We have Good Heavy Sheetings, Alapncaa, Drülinga, Merino, Tickings, Muslin Delainea, Linseys, Cashmerea, Red and while Flannels, Calicos, Saiinetts, I-nce Veilt, Full Cloïh, Green Barrege, Cassimercs, Glovee, Vestinys, Hoaiery, Broa.lcloths, Gingham, Shawls. Ribbons, Linen Cambric Hdkís. Laces, &c. .te. &c Bat'ing, Cotton Yarn, Wicking, WJiIt Carpet Warp. Colored do. do., Straw Ticking. Bleached Cottors of olí quilinas. Fine unblcached Cottons, Barred Muslins, &c. &c. AIso, FEATHERkS nnd PAPER HAiNG1NGS, Bordering. Window paper, Fire board papers, Traveling Baskets. First rate TEA and COFFEE, &c &c. And oíher anieles too numerous to mention. F;irmcrs cannot feül of finding the JManaattan Siore a dcsirablc place to do their trading. No pnins will be spared in wai'.ing on custoniers and nll are invited to cali nnd examine our goc'beforc making their purchases. While we are confidont that all wlio examine our stock, will buy, vet we will take no offence, if aitcr show inr o'ur eoods. people choope to irade elsewhere. K W. A. RAYMOND. Detroit, Dcc. 25, 1845. 244-fim IN ATTACflMENT. Stati or MicniGAN, County of Washtenaw. $ Guy Beckley ) In Justice'a Court, beforc vs. } Edwin Thompson, Esq. J"sMyndari Lang. ) tico of the Peace rn and for 8aid coniv. Notice is heieby givcn, ihat a writ of attnenment has been issued by the above r.arr.ed Justice of the Peace, against the soo'' chatte,?, tights credi-snnd effcete of the nbrve naino " dufenJant, in fnvor of tho above named returnnbleonthc I3ih day of December, 1845. nt 1 P. M. and thnt ihe trial of the aai il causo is „liourned to the 16th day ..f March. 1846, at 1 ; PM attheoiTice of the said Juetice in the - Vi,lageof Ann JggL fc j Dated. Pee. Hth, 1845. 244-5w DIS8ECTP:D MAI'S.- An insiructivc and amusiiiK article for the ycung, for snle nt amu'IIIfc peRRY'S BOOKSTORE. Dcc 24-f SABBATH SCHOOL BOOKS for sale ai AiiiSA pEllRy.s BOUKSTORE. Doe. 23. 244-tfA N WALS - A largo nnl vnluuble nssort mentof AnnuMs for 181H, togeilwr wuh innny othcr splendully bound books, euiiabte or presents, or salopM BOOKgTORE Dcc. 2 ?41-f FETHERS nnd PAPER HAfiGINGS n.ay bo found ot all limes at thc Mamiattan Stokt., W. A. ItAYMOM). Dec. 23, 1844. 244-C.n SHAWTíST. Dress stufT of II kinds, Lace Vcilo, Crnv.t8. R)bboni, &c. &c. At the Man.utta Stokb, Denroit RAyM0ND D0C. 85, IS45. _j4-6rn tVrOM) CLOTHS, Casimires, Vesiingí. B Snuncn, ,. Geni.. Crnva.s. &c. &C. chjp a, thc Makhattav Stoh. DActryMoND. r, .- ifl 244- 6m W ÏÏÖÏÏVER wifh8 to b(.y their goods to sus P.i vífesscmir 5" "f Wittig NOVES, Jr. 76, Woodward Avliuc, Detroit. Dec. 12, 1344. , 42In Chamecry- Ist Circuir. reorgeF. Porter, Bdinimstrntor of Oüver Kane, ecuascd, coiuplainant. rs. Lo;eu Mills.Eüjah W. Morgan nnd William tí. M.-iynnrd, defendant?. BY virtue of n dtc dal order isued out of the court of chnncery of lbo S'ate of Mich r.n, I ehnll exposé to -.! 10 tlie hisliest bidder, i the Court lluiiso in e Viflatre of Arm tor, Washtonnw county, on the Y3d day ofScp;mber ncxt, nt I o'dock, P M..OÍ that day, th illowing di-scribcd picnusus situate. to wit: ituate, lyirtg nnd bétnc n ihe town of Aun irlnr. m ihccounty of Wosiilenaw . nrf info of liclugnn: Bepiniiintr ut tbc cmre of Wbitro Luaü, 00 Cillcd, on the west line of eection Ï'J, 1 lown iwo Bowh of range ex east; thenro 3iuh on ihe line of the eaid eection nnd oti the ne ufaection ilurty-iwo. foriy roda eoutli of iho uath west corner ot tlie eaid fcec:ion u n elnKé; lencc cast ai right nngles with enid eeciion Un iiiny tt -Ie: tfcènce norili and paralltl with enid eruon line to the centro of suid Whites' rond. - rhence Bouth scveniy five dpgiecs west in the cenrc of thé fttid roi.d 10 the placo of beginning, ontaintng thirty-three acres and t-ixiy-fivc buIjcdilis of on ocre of Innd more or lef. Gi:O. DANFOHTH, MoBler in Chancery. Jot & ToHTFr.. Si.l's. Dnted. August 1 1 tb, IS-iS, 2C4 Tbc nbove sale is post poned until t!e 20th dcy )f October A. D. lti-15 al ilie fame hour and )laco. . GEO. DANFORTH. Master in Chuncery. Daicd, Sept. 23J, 1845. The abovo sale is postpmcd until the 17th dny f November, A. D.' 1845, at ume hour nnd pinre. GEO DANFORTH, Mnster in Choncery. Datcd. October 20ih. 1845. The nbove sule is po6tponod until the Cóth day of November, A. D. 1845, at thn saino hour and place. GEO. DANFORTH, Mastea in Cchoncery. Nov lóih 1845. ' The above ealq is postponed until the 23d dny of December next. attbp pntne place nnd time of day. GEGRGE DANFORTH, Masier in Chancery. Dnted. Nov 25, 1845. The nbove salo is postponed until the 7th day of January, A. D. 184G, al the same hour and □lace GEO. DANFORTH, Mnster in Chancojy. Dated. Dc, 3d, 1846.Mort gage Sale. DEFAULT hoving been made in th paynieni of a ceriuiu sum of money eccurcd to o paid by n certnin indeniure of movtgoge toornt date the ihinceiith day of June, A. D. one ïousnnd eight htindrnd nd thirty scven, exeutod by Christopher Muilen and Thomas Muien of the lown of Northfield, in the coumy of Vashtenow nnd State" of Michigan, to Thumaa Gilluly oi aid low... county and State, wiuch norigage was tlnly rcoordcd in tho Register a ffice of the county of Washtcnaw, aforesaid, on he thutcenth dny of June, in tho year of cur Lord oightcen hundred and thirty seven, at 4 o'clock in the afternoonol eaid day, in Libernumber five ol morténgea U pa-je one hundred Jind seventy eight wioieh mórtgage has been duly ossigned to one John Riley of iho city, couuty and State of New York. And default having olso been made in tho conditions of snid mórtgage, i o suit or procecding .it law having been insti'uted to ri-cover the whole or any part of the rnoney nowdue or cluimcd to bc duo on tho mórtgage, and by virtue of the eevercl defimlts. there is now claimed to be duo on eaid mortL;atre. iho etim of iwo hundred and eeventy four cJ;l!ars nnd seventynine cents: Notice is therefore hereby given, that in pursuanco ofn power of sale in snid mortí."íge contained, 'will be sold at the outcr door of the Conrt House, in the viliage of Ann Arbor, in the Couniy of Washtenavir aforesuid, at public ouction on tha aecond day of Jainiary rifxtf A. D. 1846) at ten o'clock in the forenoon of paid day, in pursuance of sa-d power of snlo nll and singular tho premises dcscrilied 'va sa'ul morigncc ts follows:"Beingall thnt certain iract ot lnnd situated m the town of Northneld n the Coumy and Stato aforesnid beins the nonh enst quar'cr of the south west fractional quartcr of section numbered thirty one in township nmabered one south of range six (jast. containing fiity-one acres of lnnd le the same more or lees," or fo much thercof as shall be necessary to eatiffy the smount acuinlly-due on said niortcase logethcr wkli eosts of sale. JOHN RILEY. ossignec of mrtgage. By Hawkis's &1'latt, bia attornics. Ann Arbor. Sept. 20, 1845. 231 ON HAND AGA1N! êo3 rjlHE Subscriberhas jusl fi i- l _L received, (and is con-y "jj stnnily receiving) from tifas. SS Now York nn clcgnnt acd W7oi a "JSl wj11 sclcctcd osiortmooi Jcwelry, Cïocks, TVatches, cc. Sec. which hc intends to sell au '. to oa al any otbereatahüslnnent iliis side ot uíTalo tbr ready pay onlij among wliich may be found the follow ng: a cnod ossortment of Gold Fingcr Rirígs Gold Breast pins, Guard Chains and Keys. Silver Spoons, Gemían Silver Ten nnd Table Spoons (firs qnnlity.) Silver and Germán do Sugnr Tongs, Silver SaU,Mustard and Civ:m spoons, Butter Knivcs, Silver I'encil Casea, Silver and Coninion Thimbles. Silver Spectacles, Germán and Steel do. Gonglc, Clothc?. Hnir and Tooth Brushes, Laiher Brushes, Razors and Pocket Knives, Fine Shcnrs and Scissor, Kiiivm and ", Brittannia Tea IJots and Caslors. Fine plited do : Brittaniaund BrafS Cnndleflicks, Sliavint; boxrs nnd Sonps, Cliapnian's Beet Razor Strop, Calfand Morocco Wallets. Silk and Cotton purses, Violins and Bows, Violin und Bass Viol Siringe, Hutcp, Fifcs. Clarionets, Accordfons Motto Seals, Steel Pens and Twcczers, Pen cases, Snuffami Tobacco boxes. Ivory Dressing Combs, Side and Bnck and Pocket Ci-inbs, Needie cases, StelcMoea, Water Painte, Toy WttdiflB, a great vnricty or Dulls. in short :he greaiest varioty of toys ever broü-ht to moiket, Fancy work boxes, cluldren'8 ten setls. Cologne Hair Pmellmg Snlts. Court Plnser. Ten Pells, riiermontetcrs, GeranPipe Cb.ldren's Work Baskets, Slatea mi-I PenciU, AVood Pcncils, BRASS AND WOOD CLOCKS. &c. in fact alinost eveiy ihing to please the fnncy. Ladies and Gentlemen, cali ond for yoursclveB. Ciocks. Waichea and Jewelry rt-paired tlnd warranted on short nolice. Shop ot his old sland, opposite h. ' kerVbHkv0nLrss. N B -Cash pnid or old Gold fe Silver. Ann Arbor, Nov. 6th, 1845. 237-1 yDissoiutioii of Partnership. THE Opartnerslnp heretolore "J-gg" der the Urne of BOOTII & JUA TÖÜRETTE, s dril doy dhwwlved by mutual consent. David L La Touretie is fillfy auihnnted to colIcct and setilc all dure nd demanda in raror Í and ágain the -ijjjjy w. noOT„. DAVII L.La TOUHETKE. Long I akc, Genesee Co. Dcc. gJ' " "ïïax Sccd ! THE suli;c bcr wishes to buv a quantity oí Flt Sfcrn, for which he will pay tho highst markct priw, in Goous or Casu, deliToroi nt hts Millai Mount Pteasani. Geneesee County, Michigan, five miles norh ol &j2fa. D. L. La 1 OL ui, l ifc. Dcc 15, 1845. 243- 6m Albany Cultivator. TH IS valuable Agnculiural puper should t read by ever Farmer and Mechanic in tha Couniv, und in order ie its more estensivc oirculation. Wm. S. Maynard. njrer.t tor tin cowniy will furuish it io snbscribers et his ötor, freo of Pusiage, for ono dollar per ycar in dvanc 3W CHARLES H. ST1LWART, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW ANI SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, JEFFERSON AVKKÜS DETROIT. "IWoodTwoodü A FEW Crde oí Wboó wanted immédf A. 'm rj-mcnt foc tha Signal f Lrberty.


Signal of Liberty
Old News