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All Sorts Of Pex-scrtches

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That must have been aredolent atmosphere which pervadod and gurrounded the lively borough of Allegan on the 6th inst., aiul tho swoet scunts it carriod and diffusod must have peculiarily titilatcd the nasal organs of the dwellers thereabouts. On that day thirty-eilit jolly, gallant, brave, and redoubtahlo Nimrods scoured tho woods in search of prey and for a dinner - to be paid for by tho losing side. And ainong tho jjaiue they bagged were partridges, pigeonR, woodcock. turkeys - wild and tame ('200), dueles, quails, blue-jays, rabbits, squirrels - black, gray, red, fox and ohiptaunks, coons, mink (00), and 400 skunks. Cologne, " Kiss-moquick," " New-Mown Hay," and othor choico perfumes have bean at a discount ever since. - If the members of tho Coastitutional Commission have either desire or expectatiou to see its work ratiüod by the electora of the State it should wako hasta, at its adjourned sesaion to be held prior to the 30th day of this moath, to review a portion of its actiou and revise the Judioiary article. The recent election in New York must have oouvinced thein that the [ peoplo will not - in Michigan any more than in New York - give up the privilege of electing the judges. What caa't be cured must be endured ; and, besidus, the cure preposod is not so oertain. - One of the latest Detroit institutions, and a good one, is a " Day Nursery," of which Rev. W. Brown, of Christ Churcli, is patrón, Miss Jane Wheeler directrees, and Dr. Gibbs physician. It isopenfrom 6 A. M. to 7 P. M., and children are cared for and fed at 10 cents a day, or 15 cents a day for any number belonging to one fauiily. The design is two-i'old: to give working-women their time to liibor, and to benefit children who would be locked up alone during working hotirs or left to the care of impropor persons. - Moses W. Field- the Hon. Moses W. Field we should say - has been oucupyiug the time of the Wayne Circuit Court this week : the case being the thild trial of the Roberts-Field bounty sint. Mr. Field should have taken a hint from the decisión of the Suprtmie Court, paid the claim with oosts, and courted forgetfulness rather than increased notorioty. A " bounty-bagger " will be no more honorable title for a Congressman than " 8ülary grabber." - ïhe widow of the late John Burt, of Homer, is a thriving woman ïhe executors purcha&ed a release of her dower with $10,000, and now she filos a claim for $15,000 and interest for severa] years - aggregating about $21,000- based ou a written ante-nuptial contract ; the priie for whiuh she beeume histhird wii'e The heirs who will bestripped ot their sup. posed iuheritance, if she maintaine her claim, are children by the first wife of deceased. - The October numbor of the Printers' Cahinst-the quarterly publication of that sterling printer and good fellow, Sterling P. Rounds - sounds a stirring " appeal to Brother Printers." an appeal to thein to break the shackles with which King Alcohol has bound so mauy of thein, daeh the maddening bowl from their lips, and be men once inore. Strike again, Brother Rounds, and may your vigoro'is blows teil every time. - The widow of the late Gen. Robert E. Lee died at Lexington, Va., on the 5th inst. Mrs. Lee was the only daughter of George Washington Parke Ciutis, grand-son of Mrs. Washington by her . first husband, John Parke Gurtis. Her father was adoptod by Geo. Washfngton and brought up at Mt. Vernon. Mrs. Lee was a lady universally esteemed. - Susan B. Anthony tried to vote again at the last election, but her offured ballot was refused. In Detroit, Mrs. Stebbins having been refused registration offered to vote, but was finally gratified bythe inspectors eonsentingto accept her affidavit in lieu of a ballot. The"poor dear woraen " find the political " Jordán a hard road to traval." - The Branch County Circuit Court is in session with a criminal calendar unrivalled by a "rural" county. The indictraents or inforniations include : on e for murder, two for assault with intent to murder, two for rape, ono for manslaughter, one for robbery, five forlarceny. and a long list of other offences of all names and grades. - Judge Jam es De Mott, of Séneca county, N. Y., has taken for hia thiid wife Mrs. Rachel Covtirt, becoming her fifth husband. He ia 87 years old, she 76, and, the local paper says, " the inother of two children, seven grand-children, and four great grand-childron." A motherly old lady that. Her day of rest should soon come. - Ex-President Johnson lias written a letter to the Washington Chronide, positively denying that a petition praying for ihe coinmutation of the srmtence of Mrs. Surratt, and signed by the meiobera of the court, Judge Bingham and Judge Holt, were presented to him bc-fore approving the senteuce or before lmr execiltion. - A new cornet has been discovered at Marseilles, by Cozzia. It was frolicking about "in light ascensión 16 hours 2,'i minutos, declination plus 27 degrees 26 minutes, with slight motion toward the southwest." If that description shall enable the Akuus reader to level a glass on the raider all right, - It being reported that one of the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court is to be appointed Chief-Justice, candidates for the " vacancy " are becoming as numerous as applicants for the nomination for constable at a town caucus Among the number is Judgo Ëmmons of Detroit. I - The New York Time warns the Republicnn leaders that " another session of Congress like that which closed ín the spring, willutterly extinguish the party." Lut all good citizons join in praying tor juit iuch another session. - Five years is now the period fixep for the prolongatioa of President McMhon's term : or fivo years beyond the duratioir of the present Assenibly. - The Cuban news is exoiting and smello of blood and massacres. The nnmber of the crew and passungers oí' the Virginius shot is 52. - The reported liabilitios of T. P. Sheldon, tho failed East Saginaw banker, are f110,000. The assets are of homeopathy proportionfl. - Abdel Kader, the famous Arab o hieftain, has " passed in his checks." - Atnount of outstanding legal tenders on Wednesday, $362,343,311. - Gold closed firm in New York i nesday at 107 1-2. - The latest Spanisli news is fivorable t to the Caulista. ]


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