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Ann Aubür, Thuiisimy, Oet. 13, 183. Applf.s- Ureen, 35@HUc. Buttkk- 22@25c. lir.EF - Krom wagon, Í4 BO'a'ñ.SO. Cohn - Old 50 - New 2i;e. piibii, ('hickknb - Di-essed 8((ö9c Deeskkd ilocs, -4.50a.'.00. Ehgs- Coinmuiul 2u@23c. Hay - $15@20 per ton, aocovding to qnality. Honky - In cup, 22@2óc. Laiu -The market stands at, 8@tc. Onio.ns- il.oo. Oats- 30O35c. Potítoep- NT(!W SOffl! 0 ]. Tuhnips- S0@4dc. Whkat- Wliite 11.80(91.8; Amber.fl.2r@i.;5 Detroit I'roduceMarket. Latest qnotationa for leatfing articles of country mïduee- -Nov. 13, are as follows : Whkat- white, Í1SO@1. 42: amber, Í1.1P@1.2S. Baklf.y- il.30.'al60per ceiitnl. Rye- 65@7(lc per bu. Cokn- 45@S2c. Ovrs- 38ííí39c. Potatoks- 75@9óe. Dukssei) $i;2ögi!.m. H,vYil8(al$25. BüTTEB- 18ÍCJ26C. Hghs- 2O@2Se. Lakd- 7@8c. Husky - 18@22l. 8üa40c. per lb. Detroit Uve Stock Mm-kot. F rom the Petroit Free l'ress. Michigan Central Catti.e Yards ) Monday, Nov. 10. The close of last week's markt bronght a reaction to the usual influx of live stock, and as snou as rejiorts got fully circulated, shippors becaine more cautious in forwarding to tliis uiarket, cimsequently arrivals were fewer and more iu accordance with previous weeks. Whativer o&ased farmers and regular drovers to rush ui on one week, it was certainly a stock panic imoiifi tliose operating, and the character of iliipinenta seems to prove it most conclusively ( Report from Eastern aud Western markets ' íhowed a similar mflux to the ono cloiing with ast week The receipta ïur two woska rere aa folio w; Cattle. Hoirs. "Sheep. Week ending November 3, iüI 6,813 17, !C! Week ending November 10, 609 1,688 1,003 Totajj l.lóii 11,50] 21,445 kko.m OTH] B CATES. Cattle. iI.i,h. Week ecditrg November 3, 641 ■.■■ui Week nding November 10, 1,038 2,647 Total, ],i;7i .-)?74S CATTLE Were very poorly represented this reek, though Hie qnantity upproximated that of laai week. The lois were indifferent tbr almost imy tniirket class, lieinji almost too li:lit for stockers or Tt is presumed that the fall in prices freightened operators into holding on to tcood grades UU the rulings became flrmer. This, by many, in hoped to be renlized in a few weeks. ITowever, farmers cniinot, be induced to part v.-ith choice beel ciittle under any consideration, excepting instancea where money munt be rcalized. The home den) ind was not active, aud if so would have been diffic-nlt to satisi'y under the condition of the market. The heaviest lots, averaging from 900 to 1.000 pounds, brought $2 2.' and $2 00 per hundred. Singlo exoeptiona were when a cali would be made from a lot, selliug by the head at about Í4 per hunrtred for au extra class. No ilift'erenco in the rulings h-om kist wec'k were observable, H0O3 Farod vvorse tlian at any week dnring the season, some very fine quahties ol block, being the flne8t for the year, bringilig but $3 "() per hundrod. Coarse qualit.ies were freely offered at 13 and medium at $2 3.3. No lots remained on Bellers' hands even at these figures, packers having their own priees. Nothing, however, could be said of them in the way of unfairness, for in the business which they represent the ups and downs seem to be quite numerous this year. The present outlook discouragea many to venture. SHEEP. This department remains unchanged. The lots in market this week were of a poor quality, but few rankiug as clioice. Priees ruled about as last week, viz., $'.i for poor qualities, $:i M for medium and $i for choice. There seems to be no disposition to opérate heavily, many lots beiug returned to pasture; those secured are intended tor present use in the city. Kixo's Cattle Yaeds, ) Dktiioit, Monda; eveníng, Nov, lü. CATTLE. The receipts wore considerably hghter to-day, and the quality averaged very slow. Drovers claim that the market was oft' a little, l)ut striotchoice steers brought a fair price. Sales were made under the following quotations : Choíce beeves, young, iarge, well fattened, weighmg from 1,200 to 1,400 lbs. $3 ;',() a 4 2S Good beeves, well fritteued, teers and hoifere, averaging 1,050 to 1,100 lbs, :i oo a 3 .00 Medium grades, fair steers, averaging 950 to 1,050 lbs., 2 90 a 3 00 Workmg cattle, well fatteneil, averaging 1,000 to 1,500 lbs., :! 20 3 .50 Cows, common to éhotöe, 3 (10 o 3 '2ó Common stonk, medium steei-s, and fair to extra cows, in decent flesh, 80(1 to 1,000 lbs., 2 HO a 3 25 Thin cattle, 2 25 2 óo SHEEP. Few were ofïered to-day, hut buyera wcie slow. Prices were tbout the name as last week thoughdown at tlie East. Eighty-four merinoes' fair quality, averagmg 8." lis, tor $2 7 j per liead ; 120 culis, averaging 7) lbs, lor 2 per liead ; '2'"' good slieep, areraging 03 lbs. fpr le a pound. HOOS. The market was generally considerad to be l-2c oft i'rom last week, though there were few offered at these yards. Twenty-nine of fair quality, averaging 194 lbs, sold for 13 26; 40 heavy hogs, aveiagmg 260 lbs each, at $3 (Í0. Choice liglit hogs would probably bringatrifle more.


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Michigan Argus