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kw jj tontamente. IV O X I C K ! J, HANtiSTERFEK & SON lmvu commeneed to BOTTLE LAGE11 UEER, In Pint and Quart Bottles, and are now ready to receive orders to deliver to families by the dozen, also Uottlei Scotch Alk and London Poetür, at reasouable prices. Kg Leave orders at Hangflterfer's Confectionery Store, which wiU receive prompt attention. U-'ïiwi Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT haïing been mude in the cundition of a eertaiu moitgiige, made and extcuteil ty solon Cook and Ann L. Oook. his wile, of the city oí Aun Arbor, Washtenuw County, and State of Miohigan, to Siiaa H. Douglaas, of the saine place, beariig: date the tirst day of Auiiust, in the year oi IjOrd one tliouüand eiglit hundred and sixty-seven, and recorded in the office of the Register of Ueeds of the county of Washtenaw, in said State ot Michigan, On the tlrst day of August, a. i. 18IÍ7, m 86 of niortgages, on page 536, on which mortgage there is claimed to be due nt the date of this notice, for principal and interest, the buiii of two tLomand Hve hundred and mnety-eig'ht dollars and twenty-nine cents, together with an attorney fee of tifty dollars, as provided and agreed should any proceedings be tuken lor the t'oreclosure of said inorlgage; and whereas no proeeedings at law or in equity have been taken to recover theaume or any part thereoi' : Now, therefore, notiee is hereby given that by virtue of the power of sale contained in mortgage, 1 ahall sed at public auction to the highest bidder, on Monday, the mnth day of i'ebruary, a. i. 1874, at ten of the cloek in the lorenoon oí that day, at the south door of the Court House in the city of A un Arbor and State of Michigan, that being the building in which the Circuit Court for the county ot Washteuaw is held, tlie premises described in sid mortgHge, or so much thereof as shall be neceasary to eatiafy the ainount due on sitid niortgage, the eosts and expenses of said sale and the attorney fee au aforesaid ; siid premises are described as ollows, to wit : All that certain tract or parcel of land known aud described as lolIowb, to wit: lying in the townahip of Ann Arbor, and being part of the northwest quarter of section number thirty-three in township number two soutli of range number six eatst in said IState, beginning in the east line of said quarter section at a point sixteen chaina and fifty-three links south of the northeast corner of aaid quarter st-ction, and running' thencesouth on siudline tive ohaine and thirty tive links, thence south flfty-one and a-half de-rces "west twenty-two chuins and tleven links to the center of the Ypsilanti road, thence northweeterly along the center of said rond ninrtcen ohains and' ninety-iive links to a point eighteen chaina and seventy flve links south of the north of said section,' thcucr eaet parallel to the north line of said section t went y chaina and thirty-two links, theuce north parallel to the west line of said scotion six chaina and twentyiive links, thence east parallel to said north line niñe rhainsand forty four links to the east line of said quarter section, thence south four ohains and three links to the place of beginning, and beïng the same land deeded by Jacob Kempfto stud ('ook, party oí the flrt part (to said mortgage) and tlie same land describea in two deedn to said Kompf recorded in the Register' office, in said county, in líber Y oí' Deeds, on pages 676 and (i77t aud in liber No. 32 of deeda at pages 658 and 689. Ann Arbor, November 12, 187.1. S1LAH H. DOUGLASS, Mortgagee. Felch &Grant, Attorneys for Moiipagee. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULï having been made 111 the eondition of a eert ai n mortgiige made and exeeuted by Solon Cook.ofthe city of Ann Arbor, in the connty of Waahtenaw, aad State of Michigan, to Adelaide Lewitt, of the sume place, hearing date the flrstday of May, in the yearof our Lord one thotisand eight hundred and sixty-seven, and recorded in the Offioe of the lïegiwter of Deedsof s-id county of "Waahtenaw, on the seventh day of May, a. d. i867, in ïiber 3( of mortyapes , on page 491, and wbioh wan trans-' ferred and assifined by said Adelaida l.cwitt to Silus II. DoughiSH, of aaid eity of Ann Arbor, by an instrument of assignment duly executed, aoknovledged. and delivered by hor, beailng daie the twentyñfth day of April, a. iï. 187", and reoanSed in the oitice oí' said Register of Deeds, on the day lait aforeaaid, in liber 2 of assigDmenta of mortgagea, oa page 601; on whkih mortgage there is claimed to De dtte at the date oí tliis notice, for principal and interest, tho sum of fiftoen hundred and thirly-Hve dollars and iorty-one cents, togethcr witli an attoraey fee of twen ty-iive dollars, hm pro vid t'd for in said morlgape should any prooeedingB be takenjto foreclose the same; and wheieas no prooeedings :tt law or in equity have been taken to recover Ihe same oí any part thereot : rvow, thereiore, noticeia nereoy given tnat, by vírtue oí the power of Kale oootained in said mort page. I shall sell at public auction, to'the higheat bidder, on Monday the ninth duy of Febrnary A. D., 1874, at ten of the doek in the forenoon of that day, ut tho aouth door of the Court House in the City of Arm Arbor, in naid county of Washtenaw and ttatc of Michigan, that being the building in wfaieh the Ciicuit Court for thecounty of Washtoruiw is held, the premisea deeotibed in Baid mortgage, or so muoii thereof as shall be rKHOooory fco satifcfy tlie nmountduo od said mortgage, tlie oosts and expensesoí' said .sale and theattorneys feeas af oresaid. said premisesare desorfb ed as follows, to wit : All those certnin trncts or parccIh of liiud situóte in tlie City of Ann Arbor, in the county of Waghteu.iw, hki state of Michigan known nd deBflribed as nieeast tlnec-fomths of lot Dumber six (6) und the west half ot lot nnraber Beren (7), in blonk onefl) uorth of rimye six (6) east acoording to the reoordf d phit of Die vil! age oí Ann Arbor in wtid connty of WnshiJénaT. Ann Arbor, November 12. 1873. sil. As ir D0UÖLA8, iugelgnee of s:tid Mortgage. Felch & Gkant, Att'ys. tor said Assignee. POK S A 1, !i ! The uudersigned ofl'ers for stile cheap his Store, corner of Hu ron and Kourth streetfl : h (rood and convenient building and oiie of the bost business locations- especiully for tlie frrocery trude- in the city. Aun Arbor, Nuv. 6, 1873. HMtf L. E. SLAWSON. Prospectus tor L874- 7th Year.j THE ALDINE, Ai, Wuttrated Moutlih Journal, univertaUy admitted to bttht Handtomat Pcriodtcal in the IVorld, 1 fUpntsnta&mt "- Utum&ion qf Imi rican Tatíe, Not for Sale in Book or News Stores. THE ,1 T.D1NE, whlle issued with all the regnlarl ty, Imn none f tbe temporary or timrlt interest characteristic of ordiiuiry periodkals. It is un ele gjtnt mlscellanr of pnre, llght and Kraceful literauire ; and n colleci on of picture, tho rsreat specImem ol irtiaUc ikill, in blaik nnd whiie. Althoü'li eacn racceeding numher iffordi i frech ploasurc to it fiiends,tna real valué and beauty of 'III E A 1,1)1 XE will Ir moot appruciated al'tur it has been bound ap t the close of tbs nar. Wliile other publlcatlona muy claim flui)erior cheapness. as comp.ired with rivals of a similar dass, THE ALDAi' Is a nnlqna and orij,Mnal concepüon - alone añil uuapproached- absolutely without competition in price or cliaracter The posxesaor of a complete volunii! can not djplicate the qnantity of flne paper ard cngraviDijs in any other hape or uumber of volumes for U.n iimr.A iU cost; and then, thurt are Lht chr'iuu., beridMtl AKT DEPAKTMENT, 1874. The ir.ustrations of Til E ALDINE have won a world wide reputation, and in the art centers of Europa it is au admitted fací that i ta wood cuts are exiimples of the highest perfection ever attained The comioon prejudlce in favor of " steel plates," is rapidly yielding to a more edncated and discriminatlus taste which recoi?nizos the advantaes of superior artiatic ([Uality with jTreater facility of prodnction. The wood cir.sof THE ALDINE possess all the Jelicacy and elabórate fluiíh of the most cosily steel pinte, while they afford a better rendering ol tue artiet's original. In addition t o designs by the members of the National Academy, and other noted American artists. THE Al. li AA' will reproduce examples "f the best foreign mastern, seleci.etl with a view to the highest artistic success and Kreatest general Interest, 'l'hns the subscribers to THE ALDINE will, at a trifling cost enjoy in nis owu home the pltasares and reiiniug iufluence8 of true art. The quurterly tinted plates for 1ST4 will ba by Thos. Moran andJ. D. Woodward. The Chnstmas issue for 18T4 will contain special designs appropriate to the season, by our best artists, and will aurpass In attractlous any of its pre decessors. PREMIUMS FOR 1874. Every aubscriber to THE ALD1NE for the year 18T4 will receive apair of Chromos. The original pictures were painted in uil for the publishers of THE ALUIN E, by Thomas Moran, whose groat Colorado picture waa pnrchftaed by ('ongrcsB tOB ten thousand dollars. The subjects were choeen to rep r-'Pcnl "'The Eat" and "The West." One is a view in The White Mountain, New Hamprliire ; the othcr kívcs The Cliffa ot Green Itiver. Wyomlng Terri tory. Tiie difference in the nature of the scènes theniselves ia a pleasing contrast, and affords a good display oi the artiit's c)pn and colorinjr.i The chromis ure each worked from thirty dkUnct platee, and are in size Cl'2xKj and ap carjinct! exact :'acsimilies of the origináis. presentalion of a wurthy itzample of America' Krastest landscape painter to the aabKrlbem of TH E Ar,l)l.K was a boldbu' peculiarly happy idea, and its successful realization is uttested liy the folio Win l( testimonial, ovei the sujnatnrc of Mr. Moran himself: Newark, N J., Sept. 20, 1873. Messrs. James Sutton & Co. Gentlemen- I am delighled with the proofa in color ol your chroinos. They are wunderl'ully ucce-8ful representatiousby mechanical procces of the original paintiugs. Very respectfnlly, fSicnedj TIIOS. MORAN. T hese chromos are in every cnse American. - They ure by an original Amoricu proeuga, witli ma terial oT American manu tact me, trom designs of Americanscenery by an American pninter, and presented to ttu flrat successful American Art Journal. If any subscriber should indícate ft preference lor a figure subject, the pnblishers will send "Thoughts of Home,1' a nuw and beautiful chromo. 14x'2O inches, repreaenting a little Italian exlle whO96 npeak ingeyeehetray thelonglngs of hl heart. TERMS. $5 per year, in advance, with oü Chromo frte. For FIFTï CEIV'l'S KXTUA, the chromos will be sent, monuted, varniMhed, and preiaid by mail. THE ALnrXB wiïï, heren fter, be obtainable only by subscription. There will be no reduced or club rato; cash for subscriptiou smust be s;nl to tho publishers direct, er hauded to tbe local canvassers wtthout i-'xpnn m'hVtVv to Uu pultlishers , except in case, where the curtifleate is jjiven, beuring the Mc-slmlle ■Ignatnn of James MUton & Co. . CANVASSERS WANTED. Any person wishing to aet permanently as a local canvasner will receivc l'ull and prompt inlormation by applyiiiKto JAMES SUTTON & CO., Piiblishci, WSÏW 58 Maíden Lanri, New York. Estáte oí Susan H. Welles, minor. tJTATE Oí' MICHIGAN, county of Waahtenaw, ss. O At a aossion of the Probate Oonrtfor theeounty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the tenth dy of November, in the year one thousand eigbt hunclred and seventy three. Present, Noah W. CheeTer, Judgeof Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Susan H. Welles, minor. Onreadinfiandfllingthepetition, duly veiitied, of Silas H. Douglass, Guardian, praying that he may be licensed to ell certain real estáte belonging to said minor Thereupon it is ordered, that TueBday, the ninth day of December next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said petition, and that the next of kin of said minor, and all other persons interestod in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court, then to ba holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayei of the petitioner should not be granted': And it is further ordered that said petitioner give notiee to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency ot said petition, and the hearing thereof, by causing a oopy of this order to be published in the Michigan Aryu.if a newspaper printed and cireulating in said county, three successie weeks previous to said day of hearing. (Atrueeopy.) NOAH W. CHEEVEU. 1+52 Judge of Probate. Estáte of Charles Marken. TATE OF MICHIGAN, County of O At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Friday, the seventh day of November, in the year one thuusand eight hundred and seventy-three. Present, Noah W. Oheever, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Charlea Marken, deceased. On reading and filing the petition, duly verifled, of Philip Blum, praying that a certmn instrument now on tile in thia court, purporting to be the last will snd testament of enid deceased, may be admitted to probate, and that lie may be appointed executor thereof. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the eightli day of December next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said petition , and that the devisees, legatees and heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and shuw cause, if tuiy there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted. And it is f urtlier ordered, that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper prlnted and circulating in said County, three successive weeks previous to said day of heining. (Atruecopy.) NOAH W. CHEEVEH, H2 Judge of Probate. Sheriff 's Sale. SjTATK OF MICHIGAN', county of Washtenaw, ss. 0 By virtue of an execution issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court for the county of Washtenaw, to me directed and delivered, in iavor 01 John Geer, pliiintitf, and against the goods and ohattels, landa and tenements of Mosea Marks, defemlant therein named, 1 did on the seventeenth (iay ut Uotober, l73, levy on the following described real estáte, to wit : Lots nuinbertwo (2), four (4;, six (6), and eight f8), m block uumber flve (5) in Ormsby & l'agc's addition to the village (now city} of Ann Arbor, Wjifshtcjiaw county, Micliigan, whieh property above desolibed I shall expose for sale to the higheat bidder, at public auction. at the south door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, in Washtenaw county, on iSaturday, the twenty-seventh day of December, 1873, at ten o'clock in the forenoon ol said day. Dated, Nov. 10, 1873. M. FLEMING, Sheriff, 1452td By G. W. Bnowx, Deputy Sheriff. Sheriff 's .Sale. wïATEOF MICHIGAN, eounty of Washtenaw, se By virtue of an execution issued out of and uu der tne seal of the Circuit Court lor the county o Wasliteniiw, to me directed and deliverod, in favo of Juliua Hobinnon and Louis Lumbert, pltiintlffo and against the goods and chattels, lands and tene inent of Hoses Marks, defendant therein niimed, did on the seventeenth oay of October, 1873. levy on the ïollowing described real estáte, to wií : Lot aumber two (2), four (4), six (6), and eicht fSl, in block nitiuber flve (5j in Ormsby & Tage' addition tr the villiufe (now city) of Ann Arbor, Washtnnaw county, Michigan, which property above deacribed I shall expone for sale to the hi_'hest bidder, at public tuiction, at the south door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, in Washtenaw county, on Hittur iliiy, tho twentj-uoventh day of December, 1873, at II olook M. of said day. o'Dated, November 1(, 1873. M. FLEMINO, Sheriff, 1452td By G. W. Brown, Deputy Sheriff. T WELLING HOUSES ïuE SALE A large;ind vory well built briok house wit h two or more lotn. Two lam fmined housen. Also n gooö sized brick houae Hnd t'rumed ; and a small frame house on u good lot, intended íor addiní? a front tor s;ile on t'stir terms and a reiisonable credit. Alsoother buildings, Iota, and property. MONKV WA1VTED - So many wühiug u, nrrnw money apply to me that I eau readily oblsin for lenderg good gatufRctory investments at ten per cent. interest. E. W. MORUAN. Ann Arbor, Auril 23, 1873. 142iiti IWOTICE! The Annual meeting of the UMIMAX FARMEKd flUB INSURANCE CÜMPANY üf Washtfnaw Oounty, will be held at the Sohool House opposite the Oerman Ohuroh in 8ei, on the fit Mondajof December pext, at 10 o'elock a. m., for the purpoae of eleetinfi officers, and for the transaetion of aoeh nther business as may legally come twfore said in.'cfing. A geueral attendauce is requested. Dated, Oct. 24, 1873. H4'Jtd WH. F. BUSS, Secretary. K X HURRY UP ! 1 Alt-n KS wishing Wall Paper, Cloth aud Paper Shades. Hollands, Window Piitores, Coids, Tanxuls, &c, all New Styles. at Satisfactorj Pricee. by J. K. Wrlnlrr (!„ Mok, Bear the Express Office. X X


Old News
Michigan Argus