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Haw to Iteinove Ntttius iiud MpoU I rom ti !■■! I Furntture, Etc; The only atain which Sapolio will not remove i g "stain apon tlie oharaoter." But from marble mantels, tables, china, labio ware, carnets, furniture of fvoiy desoription, 01 any aiticle of hotuehoid ornament or use, the deepest stain can he inatantly washed out forovor by the use of Snpolio. It ia a cheap as ordinary har soap, and vvill always do exactly what is claimed for it, if the simple directions are followed. The of Time. Brtngs some strange chances in human fortune. But things really good iu themselvefl abide the test of time. For instam-e, Deshler's Fever and Agüe Pilis have heen known and used for a quarter of a century, and are constantly increasing in public favor. They are indisputably the the best Ague Jlemedy in the world. No ai lom el, artmtc, or quinine. Sold by druggist and by Frasee & Lek, New York City. Ilouseliold Fanaccn and Family ' l.iuillK'III Is the best remedy in the world for the following eoraplaints, viz. : Cramps in the I.imbsand Stomach, Pain in the Stomach, Hüwela, or Ride, Rheumatiam In all its forms. Bilious Colic, Neuralgia, Cholera, Dysentery, ( 'olds, Fresh Wounds,Burns, oreThroftt, Spinal Complaints, Sprains and Bruises, Uhills and Fever. For Internal and External use. lts operation is not only to relieve the patiënt, but entirelv removes the cause of the eomplaint, trates and pervades the whole system. ri-storing healthy uotion to all ta parta, and quickeníng the blood. 'I'lie IfoiiscHold l'auacoa is purely Vegetable and AU-Healiiur. Preparad by CURTÍS & BHOWN. No. 21.") Fulton Street, New York. Fur sale by all drarauts. I48ftyl [1. oinl the Mississippi.- Thousands hnve already gone.aud thousands more aí'e turniugtheir eyea towards new homes in the fertile West. To those going to Missouri, Kansas, Xebraska, Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Nevada, Oregoii or California, ve recommend a ebeap, safe, quiek and diret route, via St. Louis, over the Missouri Pacific Railroad, which runs its fine Iay Coaches and Pullman Sleepers from St. Louis to principal points in the West vñthout change. We believe that the Missouri Paeiñc Bailload bus the best track and the finest and safest equipment of auy line westof tlie Mississippi, and its connections with roads furtlier West are prompt and reliable. The Texas counection of this road is now oompleted, and passengers are offered a first-class, allrail route from St. Louis to Texas, either over the Missouri, Kansas Sc Texas l. U., n Stdalia, or over the Atlantic é Paoilic H. Br, ria Vtuila. For maps, time tables, information n to rates, routes, &c, we refer our readers to I. ti. Wheeler, Northern Passenger Agent, 73 Lloyd street, Buii'alo, N. Y., or E. A. ï'ord, General Passenger Agant, St. Ijouia, Mo. (utstions wiJl 6e chéerfutly and prompthj answtredl EmlKration Turning ! Clieap Farms in South-wst itlissiouri !- The Atlantic & Pacific Kailroad Company otfers 1,200,000 acres oi land in Central and Soutbweit Missouri, at from }3 to $19 pev acre, on seven ye:irs' tlnlü, Wil h tree transportation trom St. Louis to all puronaser. Climate, aoil, timber, mineral we;ilth, schools, chuicbes and law-abidinii society invite emigrant from all points to this land of truils and flowers. Por particulars, address A. Tuok, Land Commissioner, st. Louis, Missouri. H17 'I'liirty Veuvs' Expericnce ol an Old HTM'. ilrs. U m' Sjrup is the presci ijition of one of the best Female Physician and Noraea in tliti l'nited States, and has been used for thirty years with never failing safety and suceess by millions et mothers and children, from the feeble infant of one week old to the adult. It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves wind colic, regúlate the bowel, and gives rest, heulth umi comfort to muthei and child. We believe it to be the Best and Rurest Remcdy in the World in all cases of DYSENTERY and DIABRHCKA IN CHILDliKN, whetlierit alises from Teethingr or from any other cause. Full directions for using will aecompany each bottle. None Genuine uuless the fac-simile of CL'RTIS & PEltKINSisonthe outside WTiipper. Sold by all Medicine Dealen. 143Gvl i. ii ■ i.ii Centaur I .iniilieli i . There is no pain which the Centaur Linimeut will not relieve, 110 swelling it will not subilue, and uo lanieness wliich it will not cure. Tliis is strong language, but it ia true. Where the parts are not gone, its eiïects are marvelous. It has produced more cures of rheumatism, neuralgia, lock-jaw, palsy, sprains, sweliings, cakedbreasts, scalds, burns, salt-rheum, ear-ache, &c. upon the human frame, and of strains, spavins, galls, &o. upon animáis in One year than have all other pretended remedies since the wsrld began. Cripples throw away their crutches, the lame walk, poisonous bites are rendered harmless and the wounded are healed without a scar. It is no humbug. The recipe is published around each bottle. It is selling m no article ever before sold, and it sells 'lecause it does just what it pratend to do. Those who now suffer from rheumatism, pain or swelling deserre to suffer if they will not use Centaur Lininient. More than 1,000 certificates of remarkable cures, inoluding frozen limbs, chronic-rheumatisin, gout, running tumors, &c, have been received. We will send a circular containing certificates, the recipe, &c, gratis, to any one requestiug it. One bottle of the yellow paj)er Centaur Liniment is worth one hondred dollars for spavin or sweeuied horses and mules.or for scre w-worm in sheep. Stock-owners - thia liniment is worth your attention. No family should be without Centaur Liniment. Price 50 ets., large bottles il. J. B Rose A Co., 53 Broadway, New York. CA9T0RIA is more than a substitute íor Castor üil. It is the only safe article in existeuee which is eertain to assimilate the t'ood, regúlate the bawels, cure wind-colic and produce natural sleep. It contains neither minerals, morphine aor alcohol, and is pleasant to take. Children need not cry luid mothers may rest. - Hlilniij Children Often l.uuk Palé and Sick From nu other cause than having wonns in the .-UjiuBROWN'3 VERMIFUGE COMFITS Will destroy Worma without in.iury to the child, beiuf? perfectlv WHITK, and tree írom all colorinff or other urjurioaa inredients usually used iu worm preparaCUKTIS & BROWN,Proprietors, No. 21 Fultou Street, New York. Si:lt1 by Druggistt and Chemistx, and deaUrt tu Mf dicines at Twen'ty-Kive Cents a Box. Hüfiyl (tlje Coentng pst E3TABLISHED 1801. One of tlie Oldest and Strongest of tlie New York Jouraals. Adapted to the Statesman, the Scholar, tlie Merchant and tlie Family. The New York Evening Post, edited by WUliam CiUlea Bryant nd Parke Godwiu, asisted by the strongest tuleiit tliat can be cngaged, has for more than half a century maintained tli same pilneiples of Freedom and Progresa, through all changea of parlies and ixlieies. It has ahvays been tlie strenuons opponent of all kinds of Monopoly ; anditstill remaiiui a vifforoiu eliampion of Èquul ltights, of tlie Distribuí ion of Power, of Honesty and Economy, of tlie security of the glorious resulte of Emanolpatíoxi and Enfranchisement wou by the war, and of all practical Refoims. ít is oppost'd to Injustice and Bpoliation. and thoughRepublicaninils atü oondemiu all corrupt party comuinaüontí whicli saciiticü principie to mere success. The Evening Post is equal to any other journal as a newspaper, and is complete in its Politica!, its Lit erary, ita Scientitic, ita Agricultural and ils Commercial Departraents. It spares no exppnse in prociu-ing the latest news by telegraph, coneispondfcnce, the hkiüb and efficiënt reporters. We will lupply tho Evening Pokt as follows: WEE KL 7. Single copy one year, . . f 1.50 Five copies " " . 7.00 Ten " " " . . 12.50 Twenty " " " . . '20.00 8EMI-WEEKLY. Single copy one year, . . f,3.00 Five copies " " . . 12.50 Ten " " . 20.00 Or we will send the followin penodicaja to subscribers, in connectiou with the Kveninu Post, ut pnces named : With With Weekly Semi-W'y Eve'g Post. Eve. Post Harper's Magazine, $4.50 $6.00 Scribner's Monthly, 4.50 6.00 Atlantic Monthly, 4.00 5.50 The Galaxy, 4.00 5.50 The Agriculturist, 2.60 4.00 üur Young Folks, 3.00 4.50 Wood's Househ'd Magazine, 2.00 :j 60 Moore's Rural New Yorker, 'o.'2'i 4.20 Harper's Weekly, ■ .4.50 G.00 Appleton's Journal, 4.50 ü.OO Every Saturday, 5.00 6.50 Heavth and Home, ' 3.75 5.25 Harper's Bazar, 4.50 0.00 Littell's Living Age, 8.00 9.50 St. Nichclas, :;.755.25 TEY IT ! TEY Iï ! For 25 cent we will seud the Wf.eki.y Eveniso Port l'jr two monthö. or for 60 ceutB we will -,-n.l the Slmi-Weeki.y Eveninq Post for the same time. Specimen numbers sent tree. Address WM. C. BRYANT & CO., Ui9w4 New York. Mil & lili Continue lo off'er this week 1W4FRBSBARR1WL8 . OF THE LATEST DESIGNS In Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS Suitable for Fall Wear. Buyers shoxild not fail lo examine our Stock before mak ing their purcliases. MACK & SCHMID'S Yju can flud CAMELS HATR AND WATERPROOF CLOTHS ín ül the New nul FASHIONABLE SÏÏADES Now in such great Iemand. "ÜALL BULLETIN ! E. I. JOHNSON. ' THE " = HATTER! i Has turned bis lwek upon Winter and opened his t atouk oi WINTER GOODS! Inaluélng all the latest stjles of Hats and Caps ! a e n t s ' FURNISHING GOODS, &c, Which must be sold. GOOD GOODS AND LOW PRICES Is the word to p:iss along the line. 7 South Main Bt, Ann Arbor. 1424 W. A. LÖVËJOY, TOBACCONIST ! Deals in both FINE CUT AND SMOKING TOBACCO, Snuif, 3?rpes, &c, AT NO. 7 EAST HURON STREET, Next to tlic Express Office, ANN ARBOR, Illlll. TREMAIN & COLËT GROCERS AND PROVISIÓN DEALERS No. 30 East Huron Street. A full line of Groceiies constantly on hand and for salecheap, iuchuling iSugara, Teiiö, Spices, &c. Country Produce Bought and sÜ Uring in your Butter, EgM, Poultty, Fruiti, &o. IV. B. l'OLE haa established his Coal office at tha store of TRKJIAIN & (JOLE, where all orders will be promptly attended to' 1438 POR sai.i: TO II I :ih ( I , STOCK ! A FEW HBAD OP THOROTJGHBBED SIIOIiTHORN COWS AND IIEIFERS, and two fine Buil calves -, alo a few pure Berkshiro Pi, by Í4ú(iw3 H. B. JONE8, Dexter, Mich. WAGNER The One-Priced Clothier ! Has recently enlarged his stnre iind haa just received and offers to the public tUe largest stoelt ot MENS', YOUTH8', AND BOYS' Bendy-líade Faïï mul Winter CLOTHING ! Ever brought within the County of Waahtenaw.- Theae goods ware bought for cash, and will be sold at ;he lowest ijossiblecaah priee. AT WAGNER'8. Also constanlly on hand a fine line of Fureign and Domestlc Cloths, Cassimeres and Yestings All in ïieat variety, whieh will be mude up to order andwanantedtonx. AT WAGWER-S. A complete and large stock of Gents' FurnlsMng (Joods of every description, lower than ever. ,Wppq TEUNK3 AND V ALISES of various styles and makes. AT WAONEK'S. GOOÜ PAPER COLLAUS only 8 cta. per box. WM. WAGNER. 21 South Main St., Ann Albor g B. GIDLEY, - nccessor to COLGKOV K SON. ÜRÜÜGIST Al CHIIIST IN COOK'S NEW HOTEL, No. 12 E. HÏÏRON STREET DEALER IN DKl'US, MEDICINES, si uciru. HSTRlMEJiTS, PIRE IMS 1 I Ml(l lts. tFOB MKDICAL PUEPOSES ONLY.) Fiincy (ioods, Pêrhiraery, PAIMTS, O1IA, VABNI8HU8, il.ASN AND PUTTÏ, ñXmikW FRESCRIPTIONS CarefnHy componudeil at all hours. PBOPOE NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD BY ANY FIRM IN THE CITY WHO FURNISH AS GOOÜ AN ARTICLE. B. K. filDI.KV. 13l)7tf L. C. RISDON 8ELLS PERST & CO.'S No. 9 New Aitritu COPPER LINED IRON-CLAD RESERVOIR, FULT, TRIMMED, FCDTt $6OI Other Stoves in proportion 31 SOUTH MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. 144Ctf PHAMBERS' ENCYCLOP2EDIA. A DICTIONARY OF Universal Knowledge for the People. REVISED KDITION. WITH Maps, Plates, and Engravings. Complete in 10 Vols. of 832 pages each. lllustrated urith about Four Thousand Engravings and Forty Maps, together with a Series of f rom Eiyhty t9 One Hnudred Ehgantïy ra ved Plates - illustrative of the, Subjects of Natural History -now for the fikst TIME appeam'ng in the work. PRICE PER VOLUME. Extra Cloth, beveled boards, - - $.r l Library Sheep, marbled edgea, - ( í Half Turkey Morocco, - - - U 5 This Editiox is Sold only by Aoents Publiahed by J. B. LirPINCOTT & CO., l'hila delphiu, Pa. SYLVANUS WAKREN, 189 Woodward Avenue Detroit, General Agent for the Stat of Miohigan. By comparing OharabeiV RncyclopjediH wiili tl New American ('yclopindia,- the work with wliich is most frequent ly brought into uomparisnn, it wi be found tliat while the tm volamcta f Cnaimber nontaiti 830 pftgefl, the original tiriten volunieH of tl New American eontain less than 12,000 pages. ] will hIbo be fotind tlmt a piie of Ohambers' contuii full one-fifth more matter taan a page of the No American, making the ten volumes of the f on ut equivalent in amount of prlnted matter to at lean thirteen volumes of the latter, not to mention tl numerouB Platee (about 80), Woodcuts (some 4.000 and Maps (about 40), that are included in this editu of Chambers, and to which the New American po sessea no corresponding features. It is confldent believedthat as a popular " Dictionary of UniveR sal Knowledge, the work ia without an equal the Enylish lanuags, 1426yl


Old News
Michigan Argus