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Board Of Supervisors

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Monday, Nov. 3, 1873. Board mot pursuant to adjournruent. Oalled to order by the Chairaian. Roll callod - quorum jjrosent. Journal of Thursday and Friday last read and approvod. Mr. Noyes, from Committee on Crirainal Claims, made tho following report : Your Committoeon Criminal Claims, to whom was referred the bill of M. Warner, Esq., a Justice of the Peace in and tor the County of Washtenaw, beg loave to report as follows, viz: Wre have had the above mentioned bill under considoration, and tind the amount claímed to be f181 29, properly subsoribed and sworn to as per order of this Buard. Upon examining the County Treasurer's books, we find Mr. Warner hos paid into the Treasury the sum of fortysix dollars as fino monoy, and upon the examination of Mr. Warner'a docket, we find that ho has received the sum of $96 00 for fines, and we have evidenco at our command which is convinciuj? to os that he haS now in his poaHQHsion a larc amount of tinc inoneys belouging to this county. We also find some twenty tive cases in Mr. Warner'a biU that do not appear on hiw dooket, and we have reason to believe that hiK oflicial buines9 bas been conducted in a very loose and careloss manuer. Your committoo, therefore, would reter the bill to your honorable body for suoh action as you may tliiuk proper hr the lest intereats of the county. M. ,T. NOYES. ) P VAN RIPER, Com. M. WEBB. On iiiotion, the report was acoepted. Mr. Forbes moved to la y the roport on the table. Agreed to. Mr. Wynkup moved that the report of the Special Committee to Equalize Fractioual School Districta and report the por cent. bo taken from tho tablo. Curried. Ou motion, the report was adopted. Mr. Forbes moved that a 8iun not to oxceed thirtecn dollars be allowed Supervisors for the burial of each paupor. Mr. Rhodes moved to amend by ininserting flf teen in the place of' thirteen. Agreed to. Mr. Noyes moved that the whole matter be indefinitoly postponed. Carried. On motion of Mr, Galpin, the Board adjourned until 11-2 o'clook, v. M. AFTEKNOON SESSION. Board met pursuant to adjournuient. Called to order by the Chnirman. Roll cajled - quorum prebent. Dr. Douglass being called apon, made gome remarks in relation to small-pox inatters, after which Mr. Noyes moved that tho bilí and roport of the Committeo on Criininul Claims be taken from the tablo. Carried. Mr. Webb moved that the Board instruct the Prosecutiug Attomey to prosecute Mr. Warner immediately, if, after investigating the matter, he shall find sufficient canse. Mr. Wynkup moved that the motion of Mr. Webb be laid upon the table, which motion did not prevail, by yeas, 9 ; aays, 9. Mr. Shurtleff offered the following as a substitute : Resolved, Tliat this Board refor the bill of Justice Wanior to the Prosecuting Attorney, to take such measures as he may deern best to recover the money now in the hands oí said Justice Warner belonging to the couuty. Whioh motion prevailed, by yeas, 13 ; nays, 5. On uiotion, the Board adjourned until half-past 9 o'olock to-morrow morning. Tuesday, Nov. 4, 1873. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Called to order by the Chairman. Roll called - quorum present. Journal of yesterday read and approved. Mr. Ehodes moved that the Board adjourn to Firemen'a Hall. Carried. Mr. Krapf moved to take the report of the Committee on County buildings f rom the table. Agreed to. Mr. Noyes moved that so much of the report as relates to repairs on jail be adopted, and that the Sheriff be ized to got the work done at a oost not to exoeed the estimates of the cominittee. Carried. Mr. Krapf moved that this Board appropriate seventy-íive dollars to paint the outside of the jail. Carried. Mr. Wilsey moved that so much oí' the report of the Committee on County buildings as relates to the sheds, buildings and iinprovements on the County farm be referred back to the Committee. Agreed to. Mr. Wynkup moved that ao much of the report as relates to the Clerk's and Register's offices be adopted. Carried. Mr. Haire moved that the cousideration of the balance of the report of the Committee be iudeflnitely postponed. Agreed to. Mr. Eenwick offered the following resolution, which was adopted, by yeas, 14. nays, 5 : Resolved, By tlie Board of Supervisors of Washtenaw County, That the Superintendents of the County Poor be instructed to audit and allow such sums as they may deern just and proper tor any person buried at the expeuse of the County. The clerk read a coinmunication from the County Treasurer, which was, on motion, accepted. Mr. Haire moved to refer it to the Committee on tlnfinished Business, Agreed to. On motion of Mr. Eenwick, the Board adjourned until huif past one o'clook P. M. AFTERNOON SESSION. Board met pursuaut to adjournment. Called to order by the Chairman. Eoll oalled - quorum present. Mr. Rowe, from Comniittee on Civil Claims, reported the following and recommended their allowance at suins statort : CLAIMED, AIX'D. 288 Wicks & Mclntyre, supplies for jail, ' 8 19 6 1!) 65 289 Courad Krapf, work on C. House, 2 25 290 P. Davis, services as Superintendent of the Poor, 33 48 291 J. O. Watson & Co., stationery, 11 51 292 Wm. Noble, work for Probate office, 1 00 293 II. A. Beal, blank book for the Register' office, 24 00 291 ,T. C. Watts & Bro., repairing iook for Sher's office, 1 50 295 Win. PattiBOn, post mortem exaniination, 5 00 296 E. Duffy, services as Sup't ot County Poor, 151 66 297 Wm. B. Martin, juror, 2 00 298 A. W. Hainm. 2 00 199 O. N. Baker, " 2 00 300 J. H. Davia, " 2 00 301 B. f. Shelmire, " 2 00 302 Henry Paul, " 2 00 Mr. Olcott moved that tba report be aooaptsd and adoptad. Carrisd. Mf. Webb, from Committe ou Criminal Claims, reportad the following and recommenpd their allowsuoo at sutob statod : OLAIMED. ALL'D. 303 E. Stiliux dep'y marshal, 8 " 69 S 7 58 304 O. N. Allyn, dèpy hsriff, 10 "ö 305 G. H. Wtord, ass't 9 80 306 S. C. Fenner, witn 2 78 307 Chas. Boylan, consbihle, ól 65 308 John. Sclmeider, witness, 1 2'i 309 Gottlieb Maun, " 1 46 310 Johu Lutz, " 1 46 311 Jacob Breining, ' 4 38 312 Jacob Brown, 9 48 313 Russell Whipijlo, ' 6 84 314 Elias Hnüe, ■ 8 76 Mr. Galpin moved that the report bo accepted and adopted, and claims allowed at suma stated, which motion prevailed. Mr. Krapf, from Committee on County buildings, 8ubmitted the following in dition to their forraer report : We therefore recommend that a building be erected with a shed rooi on either eud of tho large bam, the width of the barn, and lü ft. e. w. posta aa high a.s necmaory, aljout 10 ft , so ns to makè room for fodder above. We have 63timated the cost at $200. All of which is reapectfully submitted. C. KRAPF, ) E. ANNABIL. Committee. A. E1SELE. S Mr. Haire moved that the report, or 80 much thereof as was referrod back to the committee, be aoceptod Carried. Mr. Batchelder, from Committee on Saleries of County Ofïicors, submitted the following : To the Hem. Voard of Supervisor oj iVashte naw County. Gentlemen : Your Committoo to whom was referred the salarios of County officers, have had the same under consideration and would report that, in their opinión, the salary of County Treasurer, taking the responsibility of the office and the amount of bonds he has to give, ia much too low, and we would reoommend that the salarieB of county ofticers bfl pakl as follows: County Trea-iurer, S1.500 00 County Clerk, 1,000 00 Prosecuting Attorney, 1,000 00 AUo recommend to ruine tor tlic following officers salaries, to wit . Sup't of Schools, 300 da v-, $1,350 00 Judge of Probate, 1,500 00 Probate Kegister, 600 00 AU of which is respectfully subraitted. H. BATCHELDEK, 1 3. M. KRESS, V Committee. F. P. GALPIN. S On motion, the report was accepted. Mr. Shurtleff moved tbat the report be adopted. Mr. Noyes asked for a división of the question. Mr. Shurtleff movad thut the repóit, so far as it relates to the salary of the County Treasurer, be adopted. Mr. Renwick moved to aruend the report by atriking out $1,500 and inserting $1,200. Mr. Pierce moved to amend the ameudment by striking out $1,200 and inserting $1,400. Whioh motion was lost as follows, tho yeas and nays having beeu oalled for : Yeas - Mossrs. Bisele, Pierco and Chairnian - 3. Nays - Messrs. Annabil, Batchelder, Burch, Forbes, Galpin, Haire, Krapf, Kress, Noyes, Olcott, Renwick, Rowe, Rhodes, Shurtleff, Tuomy, Van Riper, Wynkup, Webb, Wilsey, and Warner- 20. The question recurring, on the atuendmeut of Mr. Renwick, was lost, by yeas and nays, as follows : Yeas- Messrs. Burch, Haire, Krapf, Kress, Noyes, Renwick, Row, Tuooiy, Webb, Wilsey and Warner - 11. Nays - Messrs, Annabil, Batchelder, Eisele, Forbes, Galpin, Olcott, Pierce, Rhodes, Shurtleff, Vaii Riper, Wynkup, and Chairman - 12. The report of the coinmittee so far aa it relates to the saiary of County Tieasurer was then adopted, by yeas and nay3, as follows : Yeas - Messrs. Annabil, Batohcldor, Eisele, Forbes, Galpin, Kress, üloott, Pierce, Bhodes, Shurtloff, Van Riper, Wynkup, aud Chairman - 13. Nays - Messrs. Burch, Haire, Krapf, Noyes, Eenwick, Bowe, Tuomy, Webl Wilsey, and Warner - 10. Mr. Bhodes moved thtit so rauch of the report as relates to the saiary oL the Couaty Clerk be adopted. W hich motion prevaüed. On motion of Mr. Van Eiper, the report of the committee in Telation to the saiary of the Proseculing Attorney was adopted On motion, the report of the committee, so far as it relates to the saiary of the Superintendent of Schools, was adopted, by the following vote, the yeas and nays having been oalled for: Yeas - Messrs. Batchelder.Eisele.Forbee. Galpin, Krapf, Kress, Olcott, Ken wiek, Rcwe, Rhodes, Shurtleff, Van Eiper, Wynkup, Webb, Wilsey, and Chairman- 16. Nays - Messrs. Annabil, Burch, Haire, Noyes, Pierce, Tuoniy, and Warner - 7. Mr. Olcott moved to amend so much of the report as relates to the salary of Judge of Probate, by striking out $1,500 and inserting $1,200, which motion did not prevail, by yeas and nays, as follows : Yeas - Messrs. Annabil, Burch, Haire, Olcott, Pierce, Rowe, Tuomy, and Warner -8. Nays - Messrs. Batchelder, Eisele, Forbes, Galpin, Krapf, Noyes, Renwick, Rliodes, Shurtleff, Van Ripei, Wynkup, Webb, Wilsey, and Chairman - 14. On inotionthe report of the committee relating to the salary of the Judge of Probate ws adopted, by yeas, 14 ; nays, 8. Mr. Renwick moved that the report of the committee, so far as it relates to the salary of Probate Register, be adopted. Mr. Wynkup moved to refer that portion of the report back to the committee. Carried. Mr.Wynkup offered the following resolution, which was, on motion, adopted : Resolved, That the County Clerk be and ha ia hereby instructed to procure the printing of one thousand copies in pamphlet iorm of the proceeding8 of this Board for the present year. one hundred of said copies to be distributed by the County Clerk as he shall deeni proper, nnci tlie balance of said copies to be equally ilivided among the several meuibers of this Board, to be bv theui distributed iu their respective towuíiips, wards and districts. Mr. Ehodes moved to take from the table the resolution in relation to a pest house. Lost. On motion, the Board adjourned' until half-past 9 o'olock to-morrow niorning. Wedxesday, Nov. 5, 1873. .Board met pursuant to adjournuicnt. Called to order by the Chairman. Eoll oalled - present a quorum. Journal of yesterday read and approved. Mr. Pieroe, from Committee on Draina, made the following report : The Committee on Connty Drains, report the Yager Lake and Columbia Lake Draius, recommendin that the Board order them placed on the tax rolls s reported by the Drain CommUsioner. ELIAS HAIRE, ; OEORGE RENWICK, VCom. NATHAN PIERCE. ) Mr. Bhodes moved that the report ba accepted. Carried. On motion of Mr. Kress, the report was laid upon the table. Mr. Tuotny, from Committee on Civil Claims, reportad th following and ommended theír allowance at sums stated : SIS Bobison & Oregory, livery, $3 00 ?3 00 316 L. C. Risdon, sundries, 89 On motion, the report was acceptfed and adopted, and claims allowed at sums stated. Mr. Pierce offered the following pi-eamble and resolutions : "Whereas : Justice to the tax payers of Washtenaw County require a more equal distribution of the f unds raised for the support of the Poor ; therefore, Resolved, That we hereby restore the distinction between Township and County Poor. Resolved, That the Poor of this County shall hereafter be supported according to the provisions of law, " tor the support of the poor by townships. Resolved, That all resolutions and acts of the Board of Supervisors of Washtenaw County, conflictiug with these resolutions are hereby reBoindad. Mr. Wynkup moved to lay the prearuble and resolutions on the table. Lost by yeas, 11 ; nays, 11. Mr. Shurtleff moved to make them a special order for to-morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mr. Noyes moved to amond by uiaking them the special order for 2 o'clock this afternoon. Lost. The motion of Mr. Shurtleff makin„ them a special order for 2 o'clock r. M to-morrow, was then agreed to. On motion of Mr. Sburtleff, the Boan adjourned until 1 1-2 o'clock, r. IC AFTEHNOON SESSIOX. Board met pursuant to adjournmen' Called to order by the Chairman. Kol called - present a quorum. On motion of Mr. Noyes the usua order of business was dispensed with. A communieation from the Judge o Probate was recéis ed and read by th clork, and on motion of Mr. Wynkup was ordered placed on file in the Clerk' office. Mr. Galpin, from Committee on ies of County officers, made a repcrt wind was, on motion ot' Mr. Renwick, ao eepted. Mr. Shurtleff moved to refer it back to the Conimittee on Salaries of Count; officers. "Which motion prevailed. On motion of Mr. Olcott, the Boarc adjoumed until half past 10 o'clock to morrow morning. Thuksday, Nov. 6, 1873. Board niet pursuant to adjournment Called to order by the Chairman. Rol called - present a quorum. Journal of yesterday read and approved Mr. Wyukup moved that Mr. Shurtleflf be excused from further service on the Coinmittee on Civil Claims. Which motion prevailed. Mr. Noyes moved that Mr. Forbes be excused from further attendance on this Board. Carried. Mr. Olcott moved that the report of the Conimittee on County Drains be taken from the table. Carried. On motion of Mr. Haire, the report was adopted. On motion of Mr. Rhodes, the Board adjoumed until 1 1-2 o'clock p. m. AFTERNOON SESSION. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Called to order by the Chairinan. Rol] called - present a quorum. Mr. Rowe, from Committee on Civil Claims, reported the following and recommended their allowance at sums stated : [CLAIMED. ALL'D. 317 M. Fleming, Sheriff, $152 00 ?152 00 318 S. C. Drake, dep'y " 46 50 43 50 319 J. Forbes, under" " 57 97 57 97 320 J. Forbes, " " 210 29 195 24 On motion of Mr. Wynkup, the report was accepted and adopted, and claims allowed as recommended. Mr. Renwick submitted the following resolution : Resolved, By the Board of Supervisors of Washtenaw County, that we instruct the Chairman of said Board of Supervisors and County Clerk not to countersign any Ditch or Drain orders until the Drain Commissioner has filed with said County Clerk in detail his action in relation to each drain or water course for the examination of said Clerk and Board of Supervisors, according to compiled laws of 1871, chapter 47, page 571. Nor countersign said orders Bxcept upon his certified statement that said contract for which the order is drawn, has been jompleted and accepted. On motion of Mr. Wilsev, the resolution was adopted. Mr.Galpin, from Committee on Salares of County officers, made the following report: Resolved, That the salary of the Probate Regster for the County of Washtenaw be and is iereby ffxed at the sum of six hundred dollars jer annum, payable in monthly installments of ifty dollars each from the date of the appointnent of such Register. Provided however, and ;his resolution is adopted on this express condiion, that the said Probate Register shall as soon is he reasonably can af ter the expiration of each ,-ear, file with the County Clerk an itemized itatement under oath, showing the amount of ees received by him from each estáte under iet 79 of the session laws of 1869, and for other ervices rendered in connection with Probate jusiness and proceedings, and said County ;ierk shall present such statement to the Board f Supervisors at their annual meeting. And n case the amount of such fees and such salary hall togelher exceed one thousand dollars, then uch Probate Register ahall pay such excess into he County ïreasury. On motion of Mr. Renwick, the report was accepted and adopted. Mr. Galpin, froin Committee on Eejected Taxes. reported the following : To the Hon. Board of Supervisors of Waihtenaw County. Your Comraitteo to whom was referred the subject of rejected taxes, respectfully report tha they have examined the communication trom the Auditor General and find charged back to the several Townships and wards the following bume which they recommend to be re-assessec up n such Toivnshipa and wards in accordance with the descnptive lists furnished by the Auditor General: . Aun Arbor City, lst & 2d wards $ 95 78 " " " 3d &4th " 16 38 " " óth & öth " 92 43 ' " Township, 9 5( Augusta " 7 63 Bridgewater " 1 53 Dexter " 1 10 Freedom " 465 19 Lodi " 18 32 Manchester " 82 36 Scio " 37 95 Saline " 13 24 öylvan " 21 06 Sharou " 8 34 Webster " 36 40 York " 18 72 Ypsilauti " 54 37 " City, lst Judicial District, 106 86 " 2d " " 11 36 Total, $1,098 52 AU of which is respectfully submited. F. P. GALPIN, 1 H. B. JONES, VCom J. WARNER. J On motion of Mr. Kage, the report was accepted and adopted. The hour for the special order having ariived, Mr. Shurtleff moved that the preamble and resol utions relating to the ïowuship and County Poor be adopted, ■which uiotion did not prevail, by yeas and nays as follows : Yeas - Messrs. Annabil, Burch, Galpin, Ilaire, Jones, Kress, Noyes, Olcott, Pierce, Ecwe, Sage, Van Eiper, Warner, and Chairrnan. Naya- Messrs. Batchelder.Eisele, Krapf, Kenwick, Rhodes, Shurtleff, Tuomy, Wynkup, Webb, Wilsey. Yeas, 14 ; Nays, 10. Two-tliirds not having voted for the mo. tion it was declared lost. Mr. Haire moved to reconsider so mueh of the vote on the report of the Committee on rejected taxes as relates to the Townahip of Freedom. Carried. On motion, it was referred back to the Committee on rejected taxcs. Mr. Wilaey submitted the following resolution, which was, on motion, udopted: Resolved, That tlie County Clerk Vie and is hereby instrueted to provide for cu;h Supervisor's district a suftioient number of relief orders according to tho i'orni herewitU ]rüsented each Supervisor to take the nnmber required for hia district. Mr. Wynkup moved that the County Clerk be instructed to draw orders ón the contingent fund in payment for sorvices of county canvassers. Carriod. On motion, tho Board adjourned until to-morrow morning at half-past 9


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