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Cabos. _ Circulo rs. _ Bill-Heads. _ Letter-Heacls. _ Shipping Tags. __ printed at tlie Aeol'8 office. _ In the best style and cheap. - Don't order elsewhere before calling. _ Satisfaction guaranteed in every respect. _ The philosopher's stoue : Advertise- in the AKdUS. _ The Argtts and Scn'bner's Motitlily for ?ó. Subscribe at this office and save $1. _Thanksgiving next Thursday- nnd no Turkey engaged. _- On Friday evcning last President Angelí deIJTered his lecture, " Alone or with the Majority,' jtLapeer. _-The weather has been so changsable siuce our last report that our items man gives up ke;ping ny track oí t-Bliss & Sons have a" Holiday Bulletin " in this Akoüs. They have attractive goods to show their customers and the public generally. _ President Angelí, Dr. Cocker, and Prof. n'Ooge are in the list of lecturers announced for ,1,8 eurrent course at Howell. Three good selections. - Apigeon shoot eame off in the Fifth w&rd on Friday afternoon last, and the Fifth ward „hootists crow lustily. Score: ü.'i tor Fiftli wilden : up town boys, 26. _E. C. Seaman, Esq., has been appointed assipiee of Miller & Webster, in place of E. B. Pond, resigned : because of inability to give suflioient time to the duties imponed upou him by the trast. - If we are requirod to spend all our time in niaking up and presenting bilis or in writing dunning letters," we can't give the attentiou TC wish to editorial or local columns. Wlu.'U tite the hint ': - Last week Millen & Son adrertised goods at reduced prices, and m this Aeous Mack & Sdunid give notice of a great letting doivn, following tlie example of leading Xew York houses. Buyers take notice. - By order of tlie Common Council an engiue house ia beiug built in the Fifth ward, at an estinjated cost of &wö. There will be a room above the engine room for company meetings, ward eleetioiis, caucuses, etc. A long ueeded building. - The Adrián papers speak in complimentary terms of Miss Anua V. Kaper- a gradúate of the Law Department and now resident of this city -alio has been lecturing at different places in Lenawee county, on " The Eelation of the Press to Human Progresa." - We notice a displayed advertisement in the Detroit dailies beginning in this wise : " Prof. Jloses Coit Tyler, of Xew York City, buys his English breakfast tea oi the ." This being iree notice we omit the name of the oompany. "To what base uses" can f ame be put ! - For about the f ortieth time we read in a State exchange : " Ex-Govemor Alpheus Felch, of Ann Arbor, has retired from the practice of the law and is engaged in writing a History of Michigan." Whichis trae except this ttx: F.x(Jov. Felch is still practicing law and is not (we are sorry to say) " writing a history of Michigan." - The next lecture before the S. L. A. will be jven in University Hall on Monday evoning next, Xot. '21, by Prof. E. S. Morse, of Bowdoin College. Subject: "From Monad to lían." Prof. Morse has won an enviable reputation as a acientist and a lecturer, and we are coulident will both interest and instinct. His lecture will be illustrated by crayon or black-board sketches. A large audience should greet him. - "S. F. C," in the Lanaing Journal, charges President Angelí with "snobbery" and with knowing no section but Xew England : just because a " Yale man living out of the State " and a " Harvard man " living in the State, were inTitedto speak at the recent University Hall opening instead of distinguished alumni. The President can make it all right by getting up a pnstscript of a warming and inviting Samuel Fletcher Cook to officiate. At a meeting of the Council held on the eveiiing oí the 4th the following appropriations wen ordered to be raised by tax the current year, and od the rolls which will go iuto the treasurers' hands for collection on the first day of Deeemter: To pay on principal of Medical College and Observatory Bonds, f (i,óOO To pay int. on Med. Col. bonds, 700 ii it u "■ Observatory bonds, '210 For general fund, (i,000 " general Street fund, 2,000 To pay firemen, 430 Total, . 115,840 And for Ward street i'uuds, as iollows : First ward, $1,000 Second " 1,000 Third " 1,090 Foarth " 1,000 Fiflh " 205 Sixth " 365 Total, Í4,5(JO Making the tot al city and ward taxes for the year, $20,400. The aniount raised by tax last yaar for city and ward puiposes, was, Y14,750. Exoese this jw, 15,660. The State and county taxes apportioned to the city last year aggregated $ 14,109.76, and this yr the apportionment is a sinall fraetion less, 114,158.57- ay 911.19. The Christian Union of the 12th inst., liad a oomplimentary but deserved criticism of Dr. Cocker's " Lecture on the Truth of the Christian Keligion," the eourse delivered twoyears ago on Suuday afternoons. It says: "These lectures are written in a clear, direct, unrhetorical style, &s ïf the authur feit that they were to be delivered to a class of young men who might be honstly skeptical, and wautedto gointothe subject raukly and thoroughly. The style suggests also Uiat the lecturer knew he had a great deal to 8ay, and comparatively but httle time to say it "'■ It is terse in the main, though 'never obscure. Indeed, it is just riglit. We have seldom read a book of this kind with greater plea'we. A very deep earnestuess pervades the lectures, but it is a fervor of love for truth, and though it gives impression of what may be called 'ntense conviction, it is restrained and quiet, "nd is never permitted to precede an argument, f to put itself in the place of one." And much more of the same sort. Geokoe H. Pond, formerly an employé in the Aeous office, haa purchased and taken control of the Lapeer Democral, planting himself pon a plank of a single platform- the Constitution- a document not very much respected by the powera that be in these later days. He has the ability to inake a good paper if he is proper'j' supported and sticks to it. But his first move hould be to abolish the quarto form, issue a comely folio ; and eschew " Chicago bowels " as soon as his financial conditiou will permit. Mr. c. E. Foote, the efficiënt special agent of ÖW Michigan Mutual Life Insurance Company, Wltad on ua yesterday, and informed us that he 'ntendi remaining in our city for a few days, for the purpose of soliciting insurances for his ComPany. We know somewhat of the Michigan Mutual, having procureil two policies in it, and can recommend it as a sound and reliable ComPany. As the Company is now doing more new business than any other operating in the State, 't would indícate that the people at large have wnfidence ia it.


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Michigan Argus