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The Michigan Argus

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Publishcd every Friday morning, in the tlurd story f the bliek bloei, corner of Main and Huron streets, aVs Ardor, Mich. Entrance on .Huron stieet, oppMito the Gregory House. E1IHÜ B. POSO, Editor and Publisher. lerms, Z.OO a Year in Advancc. IiATE3 OF ADAKRTISING: [IJ Unes or less considered a square.] -7S0B. ]1 w.l 2 w.j w.i 6 w.j 8 m. m. l yenr. , Yn77e nVtHii tïTö n 4 00 e on $ 9 00 1 n res 'l 50 2 00 2 .'.0 8 S0 5 00 8 00 12 "0 2 ÏÏJ2I 2 00 2 50 50 5 00 7 50 10 00 15 00 Í-1 l'nin 3 5040045060010001500 2500 '1 cm 4 00 5 00 6 00 8 00 12 00 20 00 30 00 1 oS 5 00 7 00 t 00 10 00 15 00 24 00 38 00 l co ' . 7 00 10 00 ia 00 13 00 20 00 30 00 55 00 'I,fn im 10 00 15 00 18 00 22 00 35 00 (0 00 10000 QudB in Directory, not to exceed four lineB, $4.00 a Ad'vcrl isers to the extent of a qunrter column o a „■„■, ,(■„■(, wiUheentitled to have theircarfs in Directory without extra charge. local editorial notices 20 cents a line. Business x'ii,.,- 12 cents a line for the flrst insertion, and B -ents fur ach subsequent insertion. MarriftSeand death notices iïee; obituary notices fiv(; renta a line. V,. adrertiaen bn the privilege of chanping ;l„.ir „rtvortispmcnts thiee times. Additionnl ch.ingii.íí wil! be eh&rffttd for. dveitisements unaccompanied by written or rerbfj direction wül be pnblish.-d tlirc months aud gharged aooordinftly. Leiral advertisemenls. flrst insertion "0 cents per folio S5 cents per folio for each subsequent msertion. 'lic'n i postponement is added to an advertisement the whole will bc clmrgwl the same as the flrst insertion. To be paid for when affldavit is made. JOH PKIMTIlVfl. PuapUeta, l'oster, Hnnd-Bills, (.'irciil.irn, Ca.-ds, 1!ú Tickets. Labels, Blanks, Uill-Heads, and othey nSoüeB of Plain and Fanoy Job Pont ing exeouted „i.tli promptneM, and in the best possible style.


Old News
Michigan Argus