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BUSINESS DIRECTORY. HAJIER k GKAC;liB, Attorueys at Vj I.nï, Ann Albor, ïlich. tBAKKK, HjIRKIJIAN HAOT1I.TON V Attorneys at Law. Office Non. 7 aud il Soiith Haiustn-.t, Aim Albor, Mich. B. COL, E, Dealer in Con). Office wíUiPklcii . & Quant, over SlaW n Sons' Store, Or, Fonrtb and liuron St. rHlASTUS THtTCHER, Attoruey and Yt Counselor :t Law, No. 5 East Huron Street, Ann Arbor, Midi. !"__ TVARBna MINERAL, SPBINfiS. A. Morrta Hle, M. !., Snparintonteiit. Ofhce 11 building, coruer Miinn and Weet Hurou Street. ÏNÏ3S Sc WORDEN, 20 onth Main stret, Ann Arbor, Mich-, wholestlle and retiill dcal.„ n ury Ooods, Carpets and Grocerles. ta.Mtf SCII7II, Dualcrs iu Dry Gopda, Ml Grocerles,Crockrjr,c 64 íonth Mam Straat. r JACKSON, Dentlst.saccessorto C. B. W Porter. Offlce corner Maiuand riuronstreets, 0,-er the store of R. V. Ellis & Co . Ann Arbor, Mich. (nesthettcsadministered if reqaired. F .1. JOHNMO1V, Dealer in Ht8 and Papa, i íiirs. St.riw Gooda. Gents' KurnlshinR Good8, ie. No ISontli Main treet, Ann Arbor, Mich. TTHEKI-AND Sc WHrON, I-ifr and O pirelnaranc Airents.anddealersm RealKstate. Offlce on Hnron Street. B"ÏCH AIIE-, Dealers In I)ry Good Gro'ceries, c n.,Nu -'6 Soutli Main Street, Ann .rlior. CSLAWSON & SOW, Grocer, Provipior i and Ooramission Merchanta. and dealers in Water Urne. Land Phistcr.and P! Pari. No. lfi Eat Huror. 8treet ' ïl. WAfflfEB, Dealer in R-ady MadeCloth Isc Casgiraere Vestlnga, Hats, Cups, Tranks" 'nrpet Uag. c 21 Soth Main strekt. TOAH W OHBBVEK, ACTORNEY AT LAW ! Oloewlth E. W. Morjiiu. Kast slde of Conrt House Saaire. 1331 W V. CAI1K Denlisl, - Suecepsor lo C. C. sf Jenkins. Nitrous Oxid f - ■"' Cinsiiduiinistered . V__ hfii iie-esjiry. ƒ ij Office over !BP_V Bacb ft A l e 1 ' . y store. V 9rfr No. 2fi Sou tb - - V X'y Main t. JlttS. H. J. HUTON, M. 1)., PHY3IC1AN AND SURGEON, Office and Uesutenee No. 88 Ann Street, corner Ingaüt, Aim Arbor, Mith. Office hou- 8 to 10 a ., and 2 to 4 p. M.TEB Refertncei- foor. Saoeb, I'iikk. Falmlk. yl p li O C K E li Y GLASSWAEE & UÍ10CERIES, J. & P Donnelly avlntorlrgetockofCrockrï,OlBBware, PlatedWare,Cui!ery Grocenes, &c, 4c, all tobe joldatunusuallylowprices. No. 12 Kast Hu run Street, Ann Arbor. nastf J. & ' bokmulli. _ TOHN G.GALL, DEALER IN FRESH AND SALT MEATS, LARD, 8AUSAGRS, Et-.. ürdoi-Biolicitedandproroptly Hled with thebest meate in the markctJ 81 Rast Washington street Ann Arbor, Sept. lth, 186. ïsatf }R. C.T7LEITEK CONTINÚES TO PÜT UP AND PILL Physicians Prescriptions, At all honrs, at No. 1 Uregory Block. O. A. LEITEK & CO. nn Arbor, Dec. 22dl3U. 354 T ARKS E Y , QéF3jÊk Manufacturer of Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, AND SLEIGHri, of every style, made oí the best material, and warranted. Kepailing done promptly iind prices resunable. Detroit Street, uenr R. K. Depot, Aun Arbor, llich. 144Cyi TOHN FEED. BROSS, MANUFACTÜKEB OF BRUCES, Ul'CMËS, l.niüKIt WAGOSS, SPUIXU WAfiOHBi CITTtllS. SLE1GHS, i.c. All vork warranted of the beet material. Eepairing done promptly Jind reasonably. All work wurrantec to give perfect satHfaction. 6b South Main itrwt. 1422 PLOUR AND FEED STO11E. HENRY WASCH, (SucceBsorto lieo. Laubengnyer,) At 14 West I,iborty Street, will kcepconptnn lronlmndu full stoelt of l'iour, Men 1, Onts, Cini, MUI Peed . ftfl. AU orders promptly tllled at the low est cush pricts. Cauli pid ïor Corn and OU. i415y QR.Ü.B. PORTER, DE3STTIST. Oüice in the Suviny;6 Bank Block, Ann Albor. Ml Operations on the Natural Teeth Performed with Care. ÜK3URPASSED FACILITIES AND BXPERIENCE SílTISb ARTÍFÍCÍAL TEETH, TO GIVE EACH INDIVIDUAL, Dtntnrctofthc proper tixe , tkape,color. nrmneiêitnd natural expre$$ion 1244 jUOIICE! J. HANGSTERFER & SON have commenccd to OTTLE LAGER BEER, In Pint and Quart Bottles, and are now ready to receive orders to deliver to iamilies by the dozen, also bottled Scotch Aie and London Poetek, at reasonable prices. f&& Leave orders at Hangsterfer's Confectionery Store, which. will receive prompt attention. I462w4


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