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Collision At Sea--226 Lives Lost

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!TDOS, Dea 1. - The ship j tain, from New York, arrived at Cardiff early this morning, with intelligenco of a dreadful disaster to tiie steamship Ville du Havre, which left New York Nuvemljer lóth for Havre, in oommanil of Capt. Sarmont. At 2 o'olook on the morning oí the 23d, the Ville du Havre lame in colusión with the British ship Loch Kani fioui London, for New York, and sunk shortly after. Two hundred and twenty-six of the persons of the Ville du Havre were lost. The Trimountain saved 87 passengers and brougUt them to Cardiff. SECOND DISPATCH. London, Deo. 1. - Later dispatehns from Cardiff bring the following additional mrtieulars of the disaster. The Ville du Havre was struck amidship by the Loch Earn and sunk in 12 minutes after the colusión. The Loch Earn immediately lowered their boats which rendered all service possible. By them, 53 of the crew were saved, including the captain, and these go to make up the 87 saved. Among the passengers rescued are ten women. The saved are Capt. Surmont ind five other officers, 54 of the crew and 27 passengers. Among the passengers in the Yille du Havre ate the following members of the late Evaugelical Alliance, returning to their bouies ; Rev. Antonio Corrasco, of Spain ; Prof. E. Provier, of Geneva ; and the Rev. N. Wess, Ernile Cook and Mr. Lorriere of Paris. Alfrcd Burbanson, of the Belgian legation at Washington, was also a passenger. The survivors of the Villo du Havre reached Bristol to-day. They were all saved by the boats of the Loch Earn and transferred to the Triraountain, which carried them to Cardiff. There is great excitement in London over the loss of tho vessel. The Ville du Havre was forraerly the Napoleon Third. She was altered and enlarged last winter, and came here for the first time as tha Ville du Havre on April 9, making the passage from Brest ia niue days and 23 hours. With the exception of the Great Eastern, she was the largest stearner that ever entertd this port. Her dimensions were 430 feet by 48 feet ; her carrying capacity was 3,500 tons, weight and measurement. Her ïuain saloon was fitted up with marble wainscoting of three varieties, her upholstery was in velvet, and her woodwork was carved in the most unique desigh. Her engines were compound, drect-acting, 320 horso power, made in Engiund. CONDITION OF THE LOCII EAEX. London, Dec. 1. - The Loch Earn was so badiy dauiaged by the collision with the steamship Ville du Havre that the persons recued by her from the wreek requested to be put on board the Trimountain. All were safoly transferred with the exception of three persous, who were too badly injured to be removed. Aitcr the eollisiou the Loch Earn put about for Queenstown, at which port she was due about the 29th uit. Nothing has yet been heurd of hyr. Later. - The following additional particulars of the loss of tho Ville du Havre have been gathered from the ofh'cers and passengers at Cardiff: The Ville du Havre experienced a thick fog until the 20th. At the time of the coilision the weather was clear and little wind blowing, but there was a heavy sea. The captain had jnst retired, and the seeond officer ",vas in charge. The lights on the steamer wero all right. . The collision was whólly unexpected. The Loch Earn struck the steamer amidship, and made a chasm 12 feet decp and from. ló to 20 feet wide. The exact position of the Ville du Havre at the time was - latitude 47 21 min. ; longitude 35 31 min. A panic took possession of the pissengers. Pive minutes aftel the collision the main and mizzen inasts feil across two large boats which wero fillcd witlï pcople and ready tor lAunching. The boats were crushed to pieces ana many oí their oooupants killed and injured. In the brief interval between the collision and sinking of the steamer, the crew were ablo to kuneh only a whale-boat and the captaiu's gig. The Loch Earn went a niile before stopping. She then got out four boats to piek up people struggling in the water. Meanwhile the whale-boat, under comraand of the second lieutenant. of the those who were clinging to planks, spars, etc, and took them to the Loch Earn. She returned to the scen and rescued another load. Captain Sarmont, who remained on deck to the last, was rescued by this boat three-quarters of an hour alter the collision. One of his officers swam a mile to the Lock Earn, and was hauled on board with a rope. The boats continued to search th water in the vicinity of the disaster until there was no hope of saving more lives. The cold was intense. Many of the survivors were immersed two hours and were almost lifeless when rescued. The ship Trimountain sighted the Loeh Earn at 7 A. M., six hours after the sinking of the steatuer, and received the survivors as before reported. The saved speak in the highest térros of the kindness of Captain Urquehart, her commander. There were bíx stowaways on board the Ville du Havre. Later accounts make the date of the collision the 22d instead of the 23d uit. A vessel which arrived at Bristol reports speaking the Lock Earn with ten survivors of the Viile du Havre on board.


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Michigan Argus