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All Sorts Of Pen-scratches

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- Elihu Burritt writes tü the New York World : " The Virginius doubly denationalized itself by the men as well as anus that it attemptüd, so many times to land in Cuba. Our government had treated such vessels before as outlaws - as little entitled to bear its flag on such a hostile expedition as any private craft that should hoist it. It had chased suoh vessels and oaptured them as enemies of the nation." And much more of the sanie sort : all of which goes to show that the head of Elihu Burritt is level. - The Lansing Republican says : - " Henry Ward Beocher 20 years ago or ruore said that } a-ui-e meant fifty and my expenses, and that " he now demands $1,000 and upwards tbr a lecture, and is not as good as when he was satisfied with f-a-n-c." Chapin was the man who, in response to a friend who askod him why ha lectures, said " fame," and then gave the definition tho Bepulilicitn attributes to Beecher. And Chapin has not yet increased his tariff to $1,000. - The John T. Drew who volunteered to open his mouth and teil thathe " looked in the hand " of Oakes Ames and saw him pay the " 8. C. check " or the raoney drawn on it by himself to an unknown man, now oomes to the front again and avers that the rnan was Amos B. Merrill, now (uufortunately) deceased, whose books will show the honorable ature of the transaction Perhaps. - Bishop Smith, of Ky„ has called a Council to dopose his seceding assistant. Bishop Cummings, holding deposition necessary to prevent him from cousecrating other Bishops. The cali also assumes to stay his actiou ineanwhile. It is avowed that this irregular communing in New York is not the ground for the cali, but that it is based simply on his secession and schismatic action. - We don't believe that the Demócrata of the country at largo will foei highly complimented by the action of the Democratie members of Congress (House) in nominating and voting for Fernando Wood for Speaker. It is not enougli that he is a man of ability. His reputation politically and otherwise is not such as the Democracy ought to tie or swear by. - The Detroit Tribune thinks that the President, in his recommendations of constitutional amendments, has a distinct recollecticn of the indignatiou at the back-pay legislation. Does tho Tribune think that the President would have vetoed the claim of the salary bill increasing the pay of Congressmen If he had the power 't - According to the Grand liapids Satunlay Ecening Post, the "Valley City" is not to be commeuded for itfl taste and discrimination : that is the Rev. E. H. Chapin failed to draw a paying house while Mrs. "Woodhull nettod the speculatorin het talentsand genius somo $150. - lhe Free Preis humorously but severely criticisos a book entitled " Proceedings at the Laying of the CornerStone of the New Capítol Building, Oct. 2d., and intimates that the principal object of its publication was to exhaust that unexpended appropriation - The NewYork World gaya of the appointment of Attorney-General Williams to be Chief-Justice: "Itis a reward of the Attorney-Generals's service and servility last year in furnishing official opinions to sugtain the outrageous action ot Judgo Durell in Louisiana." - The Supreme Court of Missouri has declared the St. Louis " social evil " ordinance constitutional. Now let it be so amended as to ruquire a registry of all ■ i ■■■■ni'.u i- nou as 01 iiïg lemalê ïnmates of houses of ill-faine. - The steamer Ville du Havre, thëToss f whiuh in mid-ocean is recorded in anther column, was 430 feet long, 48 feet beam, and 40 feet hold ; the largest steamr afloat save the Great Eastern. - A Republican Congressional Caucus as resolved on a repeal of the salary rab bill, and Butler is on the coinmitee to perfect the necessary bill. We üall sce what we shall see. - Ingersoll, one of Tweed's ccnspira;orsin robbingthe treasury of Xew York ïas goiio to Sing Smg for live years, and is book-keeper or oonfidential cleik lor eightetn inouths. - Au exchange saya tuut the seoret why Anna Diokinsoa cuts Lay City this year- refusing tó leoture there- is that he wasn't bus-ed to suit at the timo of her iast visit. - Stephen K. Stautoa has been appoiuted Superintendent of Pólice of Detroit, vice Borgman resigned to accept the Superiutendoncy of the House of Oorruction. - Aaother editor made happy 1 And that's John N. Ingersoll, who has beon appointüd Postmuster at Corunna. We congratúlate him on his " ten strike." - The protocol agreed upon betweeu Secrctary Fish and the Spanish Ministyr - settling the Virginius atfair, was not woll received at Havana. - Senator Cassidy, of California, lias resigued, assigmng as his reasons ill health and too long neglepted professional and private business. - Azariah C. Flagg, once prominent in New York State politics died on the 25th uit., at his residence in New York city, aged 83 years. - Colorado is fco be admüted as a State : that is if Congress shall regard the oftropeated rocouiinendation of President Grant. - Judge Peckhain, of the New York Court of Appeals, and wifo, wero lost with the Ville du Havre. - The Union Trust Company of New York has resumed payment in full. - The prioe of BuftUlomeat at Grceley Colorado, is 2 to 3 cents per pound.


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